9 research outputs found

    Water adsorption, dissociation and oxidation on SrTiO3 and ferroelectric surfaces revealed by ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Water dissociation on oxides is of great interest because its fundamental aspects are still not well understood and it has implications in many processes, from ferroelectric polarization screening phenomena to surface catalysis and surface chemistry on oxides. In situ water dissociation and redox processes on metal oxide perovskites which easily expose TiO-terminated surfaces, such as SrTiO, BaTiO or Pb(Zr,Ti)O, are studied by ambient pressure XPS, as a function of water vapour pressure. From the analysis of the O1s spectrum, we determine the presence of different types of oxygen based species, from hydroxyl groups, either bound to Ti and metal sites or lattice oxygen, to different peroxide compounds, and propose a model for the adsorbate layer composition, valid for environmental conditions. From the XPS analysis, we describe the existing surface redox reactions for metal oxide perovskites, occurring at different water vapour pressures. Among them, peroxide species resulting from surface oxidative reactions are correlated with the presence of Ti ions, which are observed to specifically promote surface oxidation and water dissociation as compared to other metals. Finally, surface peroxidation is enhanced by X-ray beam irradiation, leading to a higher coverage of peroxide species after beam overexposure and by ferroelectric polarization, demonstrating the enhancement of the reactivity of the surfaces of ferroelectric materials due to the effect of internal electric fields

    Ferroelectrics as smart mechanical materials

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    The mechanical properties of materials are insensitive to space inversion, even when they are crystallographically asymmetric. In practice, this means that turning a piezoelectric crystal upside down or switching the polarization of a ferroelectric should not change its mechanical response. Strain gradients, however, introduce an additional source of asymmetry that has mechanical consequences. Using nanoindentation and contact-resonance force microscopy, this study demonstrates that the mechanical response to indentation of a uniaxial ferroelectric (LiNbO₃) does change when its polarity is switched, and use this mechanical asymmetry both to quantify its flexoelectricity and to mechanically read the sign of its ferroelectric domains

    Water affinity and surface charging at the z-Cut and y-Cut LiNbO3 surfaces : an ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study

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    Polarization dependence of water adsorption and desorption on LiNbO₃ surfaces was demonstrated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) carried out in situ under near-ambient conditions. Positive and negative (0001) faces (z-cut) of the same crystal were compared for the same temperature and pressure conditions. Our results indicate a preferential adsorption on the positive face of the crystal with increasing water pressure and also higher desorption temperature of the adsorbed molecular water at the positive face. Adsorption measurements on the (1100) face (y-cut) showed also strong affinity to water, as observed for the z-cut positive surface. We found a direct relation between the capacity of the surface to discharge and/or to screen surface charges and the affinity for water of each face. XPS spectra indicate the presence of OH groups at the surface for all the conditions and surfaces measured

    Hidden magnetic states emergent under electric field, in a room temperature composite magnetoelectric multiferroic

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    The ability to control a magnetic phase with an electric field is of great current interest for a variety of low power electronics in which the magnetic state is used either for information storage or logic operations. Over the past several years, there has been a considerable amount of research on pathways to control the direction of magnetization with an electric field. More recently, an alternative pathway involving the change of the magnetic state (ferromagnet to antiferromagnet) has been proposed. In this paper, we demonstrate electric field control of the Anomalous Hall Transport in a metamagnetic FeRh thin film, accompanying an antiferromagnet (AFM) to ferromagnet (FM) phase transition. This approach provides us with a pathway to "hide" or "reveal" a given ferromagnetic region at zero magnetic field. By converting the AFM phase into the FM phase, the stray field, and hence sensitivity to external fields, is decreased or eliminated. Using detailed structural analyses of FeRh films of varying crystalline quality and chemical order, we relate the direct nanoscale origins of this memory effect to site disorder as well as variations of the net magnetic anisotropy of FM nuclei. Our work opens pathways toward a new generation of antiferromagnetic - ferromagnetic interactions for spintronics

    Flexoelectric fracture-ratchet effect in ferroelectrics

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    The propagation front of a crack generates large strain gradients and it is therefore a strong source of gradient-induced polarization (flexoelectricity). Herein, we demonstrate that, in piezoelectric materials, a consequence of flexoelectricity is that crack propagation is helped or hindered depending on whether it is parallel or antiparallel to the piezoelectric polar axis. The discovery of crack propagation asymmetry proves that fracture physics cannot be assumed to be symmetric in polar materials, and indicates that flexoelectricity should be incorporated in any realistic model

    Ferroelectrics as smart mechanical materials

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    The mechanical properties of materials are insensitive to space inversion, even when they are crystallographically asymmetric. In practice, this means that turning a piezoelectric crystal upside down or switching the polarization of a ferroelectric should not change its mechanical response. Strain gradients, however, introduce an additional source of asymmetry that has mechanical consequences. Using nanoindentation and contact-resonance force microscopy, this study demonstrates that the mechanical response to indentation of a uniaxial ferroelectric (LiNbO₃) does change when its polarity is switched, and use this mechanical asymmetry both to quantify its flexoelectricity and to mechanically read the sign of its ferroelectric domains

    Water adsorption, dissociation and oxidation on SrTiO3 and ferroelectric surfaces revealed by ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Water dissociation on oxides is of great interest because its fundamental aspects are still not well understood and it has implications in many processes, from ferroelectric polarization screening phenomena to surface catalysis and surface chemistry on oxides. In situ water dissociation and redox processes on metal oxide perovskites which easily expose TiO-terminated surfaces, such as SrTiO, BaTiO or Pb(Zr,Ti)O, are studied by ambient pressure XPS, as a function of water vapour pressure. From the analysis of the O1s spectrum, we determine the presence of different types of oxygen based species, from hydroxyl groups, either bound to Ti and metal sites or lattice oxygen, to different peroxide compounds, and propose a model for the adsorbate layer composition, valid for environmental conditions. From the XPS analysis, we describe the existing surface redox reactions for metal oxide perovskites, occurring at different water vapour pressures. Among them, peroxide species resulting from surface oxidative reactions are correlated with the presence of Ti ions, which are observed to specifically promote surface oxidation and water dissociation as compared to other metals. Finally, surface peroxidation is enhanced by X-ray beam irradiation, leading to a higher coverage of peroxide species after beam overexposure and by ferroelectric polarization, demonstrating the enhancement of the reactivity of the surfaces of ferroelectric materials due to the effect of internal electric fields

    Water affinity and surface charging at the z-Cut and y-Cut LiNbO3 surfaces : an ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study

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    Polarization dependence of water adsorption and desorption on LiNbO₃ surfaces was demonstrated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) carried out in situ under near-ambient conditions. Positive and negative (0001) faces (z-cut) of the same crystal were compared for the same temperature and pressure conditions. Our results indicate a preferential adsorption on the positive face of the crystal with increasing water pressure and also higher desorption temperature of the adsorbed molecular water at the positive face. Adsorption measurements on the (1100) face (y-cut) showed also strong affinity to water, as observed for the z-cut positive surface. We found a direct relation between the capacity of the surface to discharge and/or to screen surface charges and the affinity for water of each face. XPS spectra indicate the presence of OH groups at the surface for all the conditions and surfaces measured

    Hidden magnetic states emergent under electric field, in a room temperature composite magnetoelectric multiferroic

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    The ability to control a magnetic phase with an electric field is of great current interest for a variety of low power electronics in which the magnetic state is used either for information storage or logic operations. Over the past several years, there has been a considerable amount of research on pathways to control the direction of magnetization with an electric field. More recently, an alternative pathway involving the change of the magnetic state (ferromagnet to antiferromagnet) has been proposed. In this paper, we demonstrate electric field control of the Anomalous Hall Transport in a metamagnetic FeRh thin film, accompanying an antiferromagnet (AFM) to ferromagnet (FM) phase transition. This approach provides us with a pathway to "hide" or "reveal" a given ferromagnetic region at zero magnetic field. By converting the AFM phase into the FM phase, the stray field, and hence sensitivity to external fields, is decreased or eliminated. Using detailed structural analyses of FeRh films of varying crystalline quality and chemical order, we relate the direct nanoscale origins of this memory effect to site disorder as well as variations of the net magnetic anisotropy of FM nuclei. Our work opens pathways toward a new generation of antiferromagnetic - ferromagnetic interactions for spintronics