523 research outputs found

    Análisis multiescala de un reactor de lecho percolado para un proceso de hds mediante cfd

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis multiescala de un reactor de lecho percolado en el que tiene lugar una reacción de Hidrodesulfurización de gasóleo ligero y en donde la velocidad de reacción sigue una cinética heterogénea del tipo Langmuir/Hinshelwood Hougen/Watson (LHHW). Las escalas estudiadas fueron: (1) escala a nivel de poros en el catalizador, (2) escala a nivel de una partícula catalítica y (3) escala de un clúster de partículas catalíticas, representando al reactor. El estudio se llevó a cabo mediante la técnica de Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD por sus siglas en inglés). En las diferentes escalas se tienen diversos objetivos de estudios: A escala poros se analizó el efecto de la microestructura de la red de poros en el comportamiento cinético, térmico y el factor de efectividad de un catalizador. A escala catalizador se analizó el efecto de la representación de geométrica de la microestructura de la red de poros en el pelle catalítico sobre los coeficientes efectivos de transporte y sobre el comportamiento cinético, térmico y el factor de efectividad de un catalizador. A escala de un conjunto de partículas catalíticas (Modelo representativo del Reactor) se estudió: (a) el efecto de la geometría del catalizador en el comportamiento hidrodinámico del Reactor de lecho escurrido (TBR por sus siglas en inglés) en donde dos fases fluidas interactúan con una fase sólida; (b) el efecto de los diferentes modelos de intercambio de momento entre fases sobre el comportamiento hidrodinámico del TBR; (c) el efecto de la geometría del catalizador y del modelo de intercambio de momento entre fases sobre el comportamiento hidrodinámico, cinético y térmico del TBR; y (d) el efecto de la representación geométrica de la microestructura de los poros del catalizador sobre el comportamiento cinético y térmico del TBR a través de los valores calculados de los coeficientes efectivos de transporte de energía y masa

    NLRP3 inflammasome: A new target in major depressive disorder

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    Letter to the Editor.Peer Reviewe

    Oxidative Therapy Against Cancer

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    Zooarqueología del sitio La Marcelina 1 (Provinica de Río Negro, Argentina)

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    En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de la determinación anatómica y taxonómica de los restos óseos recuperados en el sitio arqueológico La Marcelina 1 (MAR 1). Se analiza en detalle todo el material óseo rescatado durante las excavaciones. A través de un análisis tafonómico se determina qué especies fueron explotadas. Se tiene en cuenta la expectativa total de hallazgo (ETH), que relaciona el total de huesos recuperados de un taxón (NISP) con respecto de los que componen el esqueleto (HT) y el número de ejemplares hallados de ese taxón (MNI). Se evalúan los rindes proteicos de cada animal con el fin de estimar su participación en la dieta. Sobre la base a estos indicadores y de la información taxonómica se reconstruyen las prácticas de consumo de los cazadores-recolectores que frecuentaron el sitio. Se concluye que la subsistencia estuvo basada en el guanaco (Lama guanicoe) y complementada con mamíferos medianos y pequeños, además de huevos de choique. Destacamos, además, el hallazgo de un zorro extinto (Dusicyon avus), datado en 3.603 ± 40 años AP, con un delta13C de -18,9. Pensamos que su ingreso al registro arqueológico se debió a causas naturales.Results of anatomical and taxonomic identification of skeletal remains recovered at the archaeological site La Marcelina 1 (MAR 1) are presented in this paper. All bones recovered are discussed in detail. A taphonomic analysis was made to determine which species were the results of human exploitation. We consider the full expectation of the findings (ETH), which relates the total number of bones found (NISP), the bones that compose the skeleton (HT) and the minimal number of individuals calculated (MNI). We evaluated the protein outcomes of each animal to measure its involvement in the diet. Based on these indicators and the taphonomic information, we rebuilt the consumption practices of hunter-gatherers who habited the site. We concluded that the subsistence was based on the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and supplemented with medium and small mammals, and Rhea eggs. We must highlight the presence of an extinct fox (Dusicyon avus) dated on 3.603 ± 40 years BP, and a δ13C of -18,9. It was incorporated in the sequence by natural causes.Fil: Silveira, Mario Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas "Mario J. Buschiazzo". Centro de Arqueología Urbana; ArgentinaFil: Cordero, José Agustín. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Is Inflammation a Mitochondrial Dysfunction-Dependent Event in Fibromyalgia?

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complex disorder that affects up to 5% of the general population worldwide. Both mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation have been implicated in the pathophysiology of FM. We have investigated the possible relationship between mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation in FM. We studied 30 women diagnosed with FM and 20 healthy women. Blood mononuclear cells (BMCs) from FM patients showed reduced level of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and mtDNA contents and high level of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and transcript levels. A significant negative correlation between CoQ10 and TNF-alpha levels (r= -0.588; p < 0.01), and a positive correlation between ROS and TNF-alpha levels (r = 0.791; p < 0.001) were observed accompanied by a significant correlation of visual analogical scale with serum TNF-alpha and transcript levels (r = 0.4507; p < 0.05 and r = 0.7089; p < 0.001, respectively). TNF-alpha release was observed in an in vitro (BMCs) and in vivo (mice) CoQ10 deficiency model. Oral CoQ10 supplementation restored biochemical parameters and induced a significant improvement in clinical symptoms ( p < 0.001). These results lead to the hypothesis that inflammation could be a mitochondrial dysfunction-dependent event implicated in the pathophysiology of FM in several patients indicating at mitochondria as a possible new therapeutic target.Unión Europea FIS PI10/00543Servicio Andaluz de Salud Junta de Andalucía SAS 111242Junta de Andalucía CTS-572

    Mitochondrial dysfunction promoted by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide as a possible link between cardiovascular disease and periodontitis

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    Oxidative stress is one of the factors that could explain the pathophysiological mechanism of inflammatory conditions that occur in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and periodontitis. Such inflammatory response is often evoked by specific bacteria, as the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Porphyromonas gingivalis is a key factor in this process. The aim of this research was to study the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from periodontitis patients and to evaluate the influence of LPS on fibroblasts to better understand the pathophysiology of periodontitis and its relationship with CVD. PBMCs from patients showed lower CoQ10 levels and citrate synthase activity, together with high levels of ROS production. LPS-treated fibroblasts provoked increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction by a decrease in mitochondrial protein expression, mitochondrial mass, and mitochondrial membrane potential. Our study supports the hypothesis that LPS-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction could be at the origin of oxidative stress in periodontal patients. Abnormal PBMC performance may promote oxidative stress and alter cytokine homeostasis. In conclusion, mitochondrial dysfunction could represent a possible link to understanding the interrelationships between two prominent inflammatory diseases: periodontitis and CV

    Applications of CFD for Process Safety

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    Nowadays, the statistical studies have revealed that major accidents (MA) are frequent in diverse industries, which has originated the development of strategies and normative focussed in foreseeing and preventing these. Thus, the process safety is in continuous improvement. The experimental studies in this field result in situations of high risks and are usually expensive. Therefore, the implementation of developments as the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques is now applied, and has proven to be advantageous. In this work, CFD models for pool and jet fires are presented, as these kinds of fires are usually involved in major accidents. The results of the CFD models show orders of magnitude and behaviors in good agreement with experimental observations found in literature. The outputs of the simulations showed values of around 500 and 1400 K for the pool fires; while the jet fires predictions were of temperatures around 500 and 1050 K. Furthermore, the information obtained by these models can be used in order to develop safety plans to diminish risks in the facilities designs, safe zones and emergency exit routes

    Wigner Analysis of Fourier Integral Operators with symbols in the Shubin classes

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    We study the decay properties of Wigner kernels for Fourier integral operators of types I and II. The symbol spaces that allow a nice decay of these kernels are the Shubin classes Γm(R2d)\Gamma^m(\mathbb{R^{2d}}), with negative order mm. The phases considered are the so-called tame ones, which appear in the Schr\"odinger propagators. The related canonical transformations are allowed to be nonlinear. It is the nonlinearity of these transformations that are the main obstacles for nice kernel localizations when symbols are taken in the H\"ormander's class S0,00(R2d)S^{0}_{0,0}(\mathbb{R^{2d}}). Here we prove that Shubin classes overcome this problem and allow a nice kernel localization, which improves with the decreasing of the order mm.Comment: 21 page

    Sistema de tracking mediante LoRaWAN para embarcaciones de vela ligera

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    [ES] Este TFG, describe la experiencia obtenida al realizar un sistema de tracking en tiempo real para embarcaciones de recreo. Este sistema hace uso de una nueva tecnología, de nombre LoRaWan, es una especificación para redes de baja potencia y área amplia, LPWAN (en inglés, Low Power Wide Area Network), diseñada específicamente para dispositivos de bajo consumo de alimentación, que operan en redes de tipo de alcance local, hasta global. Este estándar de red está llamando a ser la base para todo tipo de proyectos que vayan a hacer uso de Internet de las Cosas. Gracias a este nuevo tipo de protocolo y a los requerimientos del IC, se abre un nuevo mundo para el seguimiento de embarcaciones ligeras[EN] This TFG, describe the experience obtained after doing the live-tracking design for a leisure crafts. This system uses a new technology, with name LoRaWan, is a type of wireless telecommunication wide area network designed to allow long range communications at a low bit rate among things.This standard is called to be the base system to create a controlled environment for Internet of Things. Thanks to this new protocol and IoT requirements, can be found a new environment projects for tracking system-based.Cordero Sánchez, M. (2019). Sistema de tracking mediante LoRaWAN para embarcaciones de vela ligera. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/126093TFG