151 research outputs found

    Composição esterólica e em ácidos gordos de azeites monovarietais provenientes das regiões de Elvas, Castelo Branco e Santarém

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    Comunicação apresentada no III Simpósio Nacional de Olivicultura que decorreu em Castelo Branco, na Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, de 29 a 31 de Outubro de 2003.Neste trabalho apresenta-se um estudo efectuado em cinco azeites monovarietais (Olea europaea ‘Cordovil De Castelo Branco’, ‘Cobrançosa’, ‘Conserva De Elvas’, ‘Galega Vulgar’ e ‘Picual’). O estudo reporta-se a três campanhas consecutivas (2000/03) e o material experimental provém de olivais situados em três regiões portuguesas, nomeadamente Elvas, Castelo Branco e Santarém. Os azeites foram extraídos em equipamento Oliomio e as análises foram: ácidos gordos, esteróis e álcoois triterpénicos (eritrodiol + uvaol). Dos resultados obtidos, o azeite ‘Cordovil De Castelo Branco’ destaca-se pelos seus teores elevados em eritrodiol + uvaol nas três regiões em estudo. Por seu turno, o teor de ácido oleico do azeite ‘Galega Vulgar’ permite distinguir cada uma das regiões, enquanto no azeite ‘Cobrançosa’ o teor em esteróis totais distingue as três regiões

    Fibroblast migration and collagen deposition during dermal wound healing: mathematical modelling and clinical implications,

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    The extent to which collagen alignment occurs during dermal wound healing determines the severity of scar tissue formation. We have modelled this using a multiscale approach, in which extracellular materials, for example collagen and fibrin, are modelled as continua, while fibroblasts are considered as discrete units. Within this model framework, we have explored the effects that different parameters have on the alignment process, and we have used the model to investigate how manipulation of transforming growth factor-β levels can reduce scar tissue formation. We briefly review this body of work, then extend the modelling framework to investigate the role played by leucocyte signalling in wound repair. To this end, fibroblast migration and collagen deposition within both the wound region and healthy peripheral tissue are considered. Trajectories of individual fibroblasts are determined as they migrate towards the wound region under the combined influence of collagen/fibrin alignment and gradients in a paracrine chemoattractant produced by leucocytes. The effects of a number of different physiological and cellular parameters upon the collagen alignment and repair integrity are assessed. These parameters include fibroblast concentration, cellular speed, fibroblast sensitivity to chemoattractant concentration and chemoattractant diffusion coefficient. Our results show that chemoattractant gradients lead to increased collagen alignment at the interface between the wound and the healthy tissue. Results show that there is a trade-off between wound integrity and the degree of scarring. The former is found to be optimized under conditions of a large chemoattractant diffusion coefficient, while the latter can be minimized when repair takes place in the presence of a competitive inhibitor to chemoattractants

    Intranasal Resveratrol Nanoparticles Enhance Neuroprotection in a Model of Multiple Sclerosis.

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    Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol which has a very low bioavailability but whose antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Previously, we reported the oral administration of resveratrol nanoparticles (RNs) elicited a neuroprotective effect in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model of MS, at significantly lower doses than unconjugated resveratrol (RSV) due to enhanced bioavailability. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the intranasal administration of a cell-derived secretome-based therapy at low concentrations leads to the selective neuroprotection of the optic nerve in EAE mice. The current study sought to assess the potential selective efficacy of lower concentrations of intranasal RNs for attenuating optic nerve damage in EAE mice. EAE mice received either a daily intranasal vehicle, RNs or unconjugated resveratrol (RSV) for a period of thirty days beginning on the day of EAE induction. Mice were assessed daily for limb paralysis and weekly for visual function using the optokinetic response (OKR) by observers masked to treatment regimes. After sacrifice at day 30, spinal cords and optic nerves were stained to assess inflammation and demyelination, and retinas were immunostained to quantify retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival. Intranasal RNs significantly increased RGC survival at half the dose previously shown to be required when given orally, reducing the risk of systemic side effects associated with prolonged use. Both intranasal RSV and RN therapies enhanced RGC survival trends, however, only the effects of intranasal RNs were significant. RGC loss was prevented even in the presence of inflammatory and demyelinating changes induced by EAE in optic nerves. The intranasal administration of RNs is able to reduce RGC loss independent of the inflammatory and demyelinating effects on the optic nerve and the spinal cord. The concentration of RNs needed to achieve neuroprotection is lower than previously demonstrated with oral administration, suggesting intranasal drug delivery combined with nanoparticle conjugation warrants further exploration as a potential neuroprotective strategy for the treatment of optic neuritis, alone as well as in combination with glucocorticoids

    Evaluation of mitochondrial activity in spermatozoids after collecting and posthawing in Boer and Alpine goats in autumn and spring

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    Caprine spermatozoa undergo glycolisis and mitocondrial respiration to keep the necessary energy balance to their transportation and other cellular functions. An objective test to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively mitochondrial activity in caprine spermatozoa was applied in the analysis of semen samples of 9 bucks from Boer (n=5) and Alpine (n=4) breeds. Samples were collected and frozen in TRIS medium in two different year seasons. Semen collection was performed using artificial vagina to obtain 135 ejaculates, which were used to post-collection and post-frozen extended in sildes. To determine mitochondrial activity, a citochemical procedure developed and validated for HRUDKA (1987) was used. The technique is based on the enzymatic 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) oxidation, where the reagent is polymerized and attached to the mitochondrial membrane throughout the spermatic intermediary piece. A medium level of citochemical activity (IAC) was determined as being 74,37%, 74,37% during Autumn and 77% e 77,75% during Spring for Boer and Alpine breeds, respectively. For post-collection IAC levels were 85,62% and 85,93 and for post-frozen 66% and 67,25% for Boer and Alpine breeds, respectively. ANOVA test was used to evaluate breed, post-collection, post-frozen, IAC rates and year season parameters. Differences were not noticed for breed, IAC rates and year season. Nonetheless, there was a significant effect among samples for post-collection and post-frozen analysis (POs espermatozóides caprinos realizam a respiração mitocondrial, mantendo um balanço energético necessário para o transporte e as demais funções celulares. Um teste objetivo de avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa da atividade mitocondrial em espermatozóides caprinos foi aplicado no sêmen de nove reprodutores das raças Boer (n=5) e Alpina (n=4) colhidos e congelados em diluidor TRIS em duas estações. A colheita do sêmen foi realizada com auxílio da vagina artificial, totalizando 135 ejaculados e foram confeccionados esfregaços com sêmen pós-colheita e pós-descongelação. Para a determinação da atividade mitocondrial foi utilizado o procedimento citoquímico desenvolvido e validado por HRUDKA (1987). Esta técnica é baseada na oxidação da 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) pela enzima em reação em cadeia, onde o reagente é polimerizado e depositado na bainha mitocondrial ao longo da peça intermediária dos espermatozóides. Foi determinado um índice médio de atividade citoquímica (IAC) de 74,37%, 74,37% no outono, 77% e 77,75% na primavera. E 85,62% e 85,93 no pós-colheita, 66% e 67,25% pós-descongelação para as raças Boer e Alpina, respectivamente. As variáveis raças, pós-colheita e pós-descongelação, classes (IAC), e estação foram estudadas por meio de ANOVA. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas para raças, classes, bem como para as estações. Entretanto, efeito significativo entre as amostras pós-colheita e pós-descongelação (

    Eficiência do protocolo Ovsynch em ovelhas da raça Santa Inês

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    Twenty six Santa Inês ewes were asigned to three treatments to evaluate the efficiency of the Ovsynch protocol. In the treatment 1 - control (n= 8), the estrus was synchronized with sponges containing 60 mg MAP for 14 days. On D14, 300 IU eCG were administered. In treatment 2 (n= 9) the Ovsynch protocol was used: 25 µg of GnRH (D0), 37.5 µg of PGF2a (D7) and 25 µg of GnRH (D9). In treatment 3 (n= 9) the modified Ovsynch protocol was used: the administration of PGF2a and second GnRH as two days early. Estrus detection was accomplished using teaser. All ewes were mated twice with 12 hours of interval. Pregnancy rate (PR) was evaluated by ultrasonography 30 days after the end of mating. Estrus response was of 88.46% on average, and without differences among treatments (p>0.05). The interval for onset of estrus was greater (p0.05). Pregnancy rate was significantly greater (p0,05). O intervalo entre o final do tratamento e o início do estro foi maior (p0,05) entre tratamentos. A TP diferiu entre os grupos (37,5%, 62,5% e 25%, respectivamente. p<0,05). Os resultados mostram eficiência superior do protocolo Ovsynch, sob as restantes condições expe-rimentais

    Toxicological and pharmacological evaluation of Discaria americana Gillies & Hook (Rhamnaceae) in mice

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    Medicinal plants (e.g. Discaria americana) have been used by populations for centuries. However, popular use is not enough to validate these plants as safe and effective medicinal products. The present study sought to evaluate the acute and subacute toxicity as well as the anxiolytic and antinociceptive effects of D. americana root bark and aerial parts extracts in mice. In acute toxicity studies, mice were treated with single intraperitoneal doses of the aforementioned extracts. Subacute toxicity studies were performed by oral administration of the extracts over 14 days. Anxiolytic studies consisted of the elevated plus maze method, and antinociceptive studies were based on the hot plate test. The LD50 value for D. americana aerial parts extract was established at >500 mg/kg, and for the root bark extract, 400 mg/kg. D. americana aerial parts extract produced anxiolytic (250 mg/kg) and antinociceptive effects (125, 200 and 250 mg/kg). Conversely, D. americana root bark extract showed neither anxiolytic nor antinociceptive effects in mice.As plantas medicinais (i. e. Discaria americana) têm sido utilizadas pela população por séculos, entretanto, o conhecimento popular não é suficiente para validá-las como medicamentos seguros e/ou efetivos. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a toxicidade aguda e subaguda, bem como o efeito ansiolítico e antinociceptivo dos extratos da casca da raiz e das partes aéreas da D. americana em camundongos. A toxicidade aguda foi avaliada pela administração dos extratos, via intraperitoneal. Para o estudo da toxicidade subaguda os animais foram tratados oralmente com os extratos por 14 dias. O efeito ansiolítico dos extratos foi determinado através do modelo do labirinto em cruz elevado e o efeito antinociceptivo, mediante o teste da placa quente. O valor da DL50 para o extrato das partes aéreas da D. americana foi definido como > 500 mg/kg, enquanto que para o extrato da casca da raiz foi estabelecido em 400 mg/kg. O extrato das partes aéreas da D. americana apresentou atividade ansiolítica (250 mg/kg) e antinociceptiva (125, 200 e 250 mg/kg). O extrato da casca da raiz da D. americana não apresentou efeito ansiolítico nem antinociceptivo

    Consumo de matéria seca e desempenho de novilhas das raças Girolando e Guzerá sob suplementação na caatinga, na época chuvosa, em Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Com os objetivos de estimar o consumo de matéria seca e avaliar a variação do peso vivo de novilhas, conduziu-se um experimento no período entre março e julho de 2003, com quatro estratégias de suplementação: sem suplementação (controle); torta de algodão (1 kg); palma-forrageira (10 kg); e de palma (5,0 kg) + torta de algodão (0,5 kg). O fornecimento de suplemento não influenciou o consumo de matéria seca (MS) do pasto nativo, no entanto afetou o consumo de MS total. O consumo de matéria seca total diferiu entre as raças, com valores de 5,44 e 6,75 kg/dia, respectivamente, para as raças Guzerá e Girolando. Nos animais sob suplementação com torta de algodão, o consumo de MS total foi superior ao do grupo controle (sem suplementação), porém semelhante ao daqueles sob suplementação com palma-forrageira e com torta de algodão + palma-forrageira. O ganho de peso vivo médio diário (de 517 e 434 g/animal, respectivamente, para os grupos Girolando e Guzerá) não diferiu entre as raças nem foi influenciado pela interação raça &#245; suplementação. Entre as estratégias de suplementação, no entanto, os valores tiveram diferença significativa e foram de 412, 620, 371 e 498 g/animal/dia, respectivamente, para os grupos controle e sob suplementação com torta de algodão; palma-forrageira; torta de algodão + palma-forrageira. No semiárido de Pernambuco, a suplementação com 1 kg de torta de algodão na época chuvosa do ano melhora o ganho de peso médio diário, independentemente da raça do animal