209 research outputs found

    Colonización del Mediterráneo oriental por cumáceos del Mar Rojo, con la descripción de una nueva especie

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    In samples collected in the course of the national monitoring programme, two interesting cumacean species were collected on the shallow bottoms (6-14 m) of Haifa Bay, Israel. Scherocumella gurneyi, previously known from the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, is recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. Eocuma rosae is described as a species new to science. Diagnostic characters such as its flattened carapace bearing a sharp marginal carina, the pair of anteriorlycurved acute horns and the pair of dorsal carinae, place E. rosae with other species of the same genus known from the Indo- Pacific Ocean. It is suggested it entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal.  En muestras obtenidas en el curso del programa nacional de seguimiento, se recolectaron dos especies interesantes de cumáceos en los fondos superficiales de la bahía de Haifa, Israel. Scherocumella gurneyi, una especie previamente conocida del mar Rojo y del Canal de Suez, se cita por primera vez en el Mediterráneo. Eocuma rosae se describe como una nueva especie para la ciencia. Sus carácteres diagnósticos, tales como su caparazón aplanado con una marcada carena lateral, el par de dientes dirigidos hacia adelante y el par de carenas dorsales, situan a esta especie junto con otras del mismo género conocidas del Indo-Pacífico. Se sugiere que E. rosae entró en el Mediterréneo por el Canal de Suez.

    Double-Antiprism Central Configurations of the 3n-Body Problem

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    Abstract In this paper we study numerically a new type of central configurations of the 3n-body problem with equal masses which consist of three n-gons contained in three planes z = 0 and z = ±β = 0. The n-gon on z = 0 is scaled by a factor α and it is rotated by an angle of π/n with respect to the ones on z = ±β. In this kind of configurations, the masses on the planes z = 0 and z = β are at the vertices of an antiprism with bases of different size. The same occurs with the masses on z = 0 and z = −β. We call this kind of central configurations double-antiprism central configurations. We will show the existence of central configurations of this type

    Symmetry, bifurcation and stacking of the central configurations of the planar 1+4 body problem

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    In this work we are interested in the central configurations of the planar 1+4 body problem where the satellites have different infinitesimal masses and two of them are diametrically opposite in a circle. We can think this problem as a stacked central configuration too. We show that the configuration are necessarily symmetric and the other sattelites has the same mass. Moreover we proved that the number of central configuration in this case is in general one, two or three and in the special case where the satellites diametrically opposite have the same mass we proved that the number of central configuration is one or two saying the exact value of the ratio of the masses that provides this bifurcation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1103.627

    Composition and distribution of the peracarid crustacean fauna along a latitudinal transect off Victoria Land (Ross Sea, Antarctica) with special emphasis on the Cumacea

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    The following study was the first to describe composition and structure of the peracarid fauna systematically along a latitudinal transect off Victoria Land (Ross Sea, Antarctica). During the 19th Antarctic expedition of the Italian research vessel “Italica” in February 2004, macrobenthic samples were collected by means of a Rauschert dredge with a mesh size of 500 m at depths between 85 and 515 m. The composition of peracarid crustaceans, especially Cumacea was investigated. Peracarida contributed 63% to the total abundance of the fauna. The peracarid samples were dominated by amphipods (66%), whereas cumaceans were represented with 7%. Previously, only 13 cumacean species were known, now the number of species recorded from the Ross Sea increased to 34. Thus, the cumacean fauna of the Ross Sea, which was regarded as the poorest in terms of species richness, has to be considered as equivalent to that of other high Antarctic areas. Most important cumacean families concerning abundance and species richness were Leuconidae, Nannastacidae, and Diastylidae. Cumacean diversity was lowest at the northernmost area (Cape Adare). At the area off Coulman Island, which is characterized by muddy sediment, diversity was highest. Diversity and species number were higher at the deeper stations and abundance increased with latitude. A review of the bathymetric distribution of the Cumacea from the Ross Sea reveals that most species distribute across the Antarctic continental shelf and slope. So far, only few deep-sea records justify the assumption of a shallow-water–deep-sea relationship in some species of Ross Sea Cumacea, which is discussed from an evolutionary point of view

    Frecuencia alélica de apolipoproteina E en una población aborigen

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    El polimorfismo de apolipoproteína E (apoE) es originado por los alelos e2, e3 y e4. El origen étnico demostró ser un factor determinante del genotipo de apoE; existen pocos estudios acerca de su distribución. Realizamos un estudio explorativo para determinar la frecuencia alélica (FA) de apoE en una muestra de una población de origen aborigen (PA) nacidos en la provincia de Chaco (Rep. Argentina) y emigrados a Rosario y/o descendientes de los mismos nacidos en la ciudad, y compararla con la de una población caucásica argentina (PC), dato no reportado hasta el momento. Para comparar la FA en ambas poblaciones (PA n: 71,1 a 45 años y PC n: 56, 5 a 17 años), el tamaño muestral fue calculado para lograr una estimación representativa de la población total con una confianza del 95%. Las muestras fueron reclutadas en forma aleatoria de individuos que aceptaron participar previo consentimiento firmado. La caracterización molecular se realizó por ASA-PCR. Para comparar la FA de PA con PC, se realizó el ensayo de hipótesis de una proporción bajo teoría normal. Los resultados de FA fueron: PC: e3 0,786 (IC 95% 0,679-0,893), e4 0,178 (IC 95% 0,078-0,278), e2 0,036 (IC 95% 0,000-0,084), PA: e3 0,880 (IC 95% 0,804-0,956), e4 0,084(IC 95% 0,021-0,147), e2 0,035 (IC 95% 0,000-0,075). Se encontró diferencia significativa en la FA de e3 y e4 entre las poblaciones estudiadas. El tamaño y esquema de muestreo, etnia, factoresambientales y protocolos utilizados, podrían contribuir a la diversidad de los resultados

    Linear stability of the Lagrangian triangle solutions for quasihomogeneous potentials

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    In this paper we study the linear stability of the relative equilibria for homogeneous and quasihomogeneous potentials. Firstly, in the case the potential is a homogeneous function of degree a-a, we find that any relative equilibrium of the nn-body problem with a>2a>2 is spectrally unstable. We also find a similar condition in the quasihomogeneous case. Then we consider the case of three bodies and we study the stability of the equilateral triangle relative equilibria. In the case of homogeneous potentials we recover the classical result obtained by Routh in a simpler way. In the case of quasihomogeneous potentials we find a generalization of Routh inequality and we show that, for certain values of the masses, the stability of the relative equilibria depends on the size of the configuration.Comment: 21 pages 4 figure

    Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policymaking remains limited

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    The possibility of using bioenergy as a climate change mitigation measure has sparked a discussion of whether and how bioenergy production contributes to sustainable development. We undertook a systematic review of the scientific literature to illuminate this relationship and found a limited scientific basis for policymaking. Our results indicate that knowledge on the sustainable development impacts of bioenergy production is concentrated in a few well-studied countries, focuses on environmental and economic impacts, and mostly relates to dedicated agricultural biomass plantations. The scope and methodological approaches in studies differ widely and only a small share of the studies sufficiently reports on context and/or baseline conditions, which makes it difficult to get a general understanding of the attribution of impacts. Nevertheless, we identified regional patterns of positive or negative impacts for all categories – environmental, economic, institutional, social and technological. In general, economic and technological impacts were more frequently reported as positive, while social and environmental impacts were more frequently reported as negative (with the exception of impacts on direct substitution of GHG emission from fossil fuel). More focused and transparent research is needed to validate these patterns and develop a strong science underpinning for establishing policies and governance agreements that prevent/mitigate negative and promote positive impacts from bioenergy production

    Integrating place-specific livelihood and equity outcomes into global assessments of bioenergy deployment

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    __Abstract__ Integrated assessment models suggest that the large-scale deployment of bioenergy could contribute to ambitious climate change mitigation efforts. However, such a shift would intensify the global competition for land, with possible consequences for 1.5 billion smallholder livelihoods that these models do not consider. Maintaining and enhancing robust livelihoods upon bioenergy deployment is an equally important sustainability goal that warrants greater attention. The social implications of biofuel production are complex, varied and place-specific, difficult to model, operationalize and quantify. However, a rapidly developing body of social science literature is advancing the understanding of these interactions. In this letter we link human geography research on the interaction between biofuel crops and livelihoods in developing countries to integrated assessments on biofuels. We review case-study research focused on first-generation biofuel crops to demonstrate that food, income, land and other assets such as health are key livelihood dimensions that can be impacted by such crops and we highlight how place-specific and global dynamics influence both aggregate and distributional outcomes across these livelihood dimensions. We argue that place-specific production models and land tenure regimes mediate livelihood outcomes, which are also in turn affected by global and regional markets and their resulting equilibrium dynamics. The place-specific perspective suggests that distributional consequences are a crucial complement to aggregate outcomes; this has not been given enough weight in comprehensive assessments to date. By narrowing the gap between place-specific case studies and global models, our discussion offers a route towards integrating livelihood and equity considerations into scenarios of future bioenergy deployment, thus contributing to a key challenge in sustainability sciences

    Diversity, structure and spatial distribution of megabenthic communities in Cap de Creus continental shelf and submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)

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    The continental shelf and submarine canyon off Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) were declared a Site of Community Importance (SCI) within the Natura 2000 Network in 2014. Implementing an effective management plan to preserve its biological diversity and monitor its evolution through time requires a detailed character ization of its benthic ecosystem. Based on 60 underwater video transects performed between 2007 and 2013 (before the declaration of the SCI), we thoroughly describe the composition and structure of the main mega benthic communities dwelling from the shelf down to 400 m depth inside the submarine canyon. We then mapped the spatial distribution of the benthic communities using the Random Forest algorithm, which incor porated geomorphological and oceanographic layers as predictors, as well as the intensity of the bottom-trawling fishing fleet. Although the study area has historically been exposed to commercial fishing practices, it still holds a rich benthic ecosystem with over 165 different invertebrate (morpho)species of the megafauna identified in the video footage, which form up to 9 distinct megabenthic communities. The continental shelf is home to coral gardens of the sea fan Eunicella cavolini, sea pen and soft coral assemblages, dense beds of the crinoid Leptometra phalangium, diverse sponge grounds and massive aggregations of the brittle star Ophiothrix fragilis. The submarine canyon off Cap de Creus is characterized by a cold-water coral community dominated by the scleractinian coral Madrepora oculata, found in association with several invertebrate species including oysters, brachiopods and a variety of sponge species, as well as by a community dominated by cerianthids and sea urchins, mostly in sedimentary areas. The benthic communities identified in the area were then compared with habitats/biocenoses described in reference habitat classification systems that consider circalittoral and bathyal environments of the Mediterranean. The complex environmental setting characteristic of the marine area off Cap de Creus likely produces the optimal conditions for communities dominated by suspension- and filter-feeding species to develop. The uniqueness of this ecosystem and the anthropogenic pressures that it faces should prompt the development of effective management actions to ensure the long-term conservation of the benthic fauna representative of this marine area3,26