41 research outputs found

    Relaciones entre familia y escuela. Estudio de caso de un centro público de nueva creación en Barcelona

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de Sociologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017 , Tutor: Alberto Martín Pérez(spa) Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entre familia y escuela en un centro público de nueva creación en la ciudad de Barcelona. Se han realizado para ello entrevistas semi-estructuradas a distintos integrantes del centro y el posterior análisis cualitativo de su contenido. Partiendo del supuesto que las nuevas maternidades y paternidades tienen como característica una mayor involucración en la educación de sus hijos/as, se analiza y describe, primero, el contexto actual en torno a la escolarización en Barcelona y, luego, la relación que se establece entre los familiares y el equipo docente del centro con el objetivo de aportar un caso concreto al debate actual sobre sobre las relaciones entre familia y escuela.(eng) This work analyzes the relations between family and school in a new creation public center in the city of Barcelona. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were carried out with different members of the center and the subsequent qualitative analysis of their content. Starting from the assumption that the new maternity and paternities have a greater involvement in the education of their children, we analyze and describe, first, the current context around schooling in Barcelona and then the relationship established between families and the teaching team of the center with the objective of contributing a concrete case to the current debate on the relations between family and school

    Butterfly hilltopping at Onofre Arnau Hill (Mataró, Maresme)

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    Between March and August 2009 the Onofre Arnau Hill, which is located northeast of Mataró (Catalonia), was visited at least once at month in order to study butterfly hilltopping behaviour. Sampling took place from 7 a.m. to sunset. Environmental parameters, as well as the density and diversity of the respective butterfly populations were measured every half-hour. In order to identify different individuals of the same species, a marking system was used. In all, more than 70 hours of field work were carried out. During the six months of this study, 18 species of butterflies were identified. Both spatial and temporal segregation were established among the species: Papilio machaon, Iphiclides podalirius, Lasiommata megera and Charaxes jasius defended territories mainly in the morning, while Vanessa atalanta and Vanessa cardui defended them in the afternoon. Some species perched on the ground, others preferred herbaceous plants, and still others used bushes. The daily permanence period slowed as the season was advancing for some species. In this context, the number of defended territories also decreased

    Innovación social y vivienda alternativa : la masoveria urbana

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    Treballs Finals del Màster del Màster de Sociologia: Transformacions Socials i Innovació, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Ramón FlechaLa Masoveria Urbana (MU) es un modo alternativo de acceder a la vivienda que se desarrolla en el contexto catalán desde años recientes. Desde una perspectiva del curso vital, en este trabajo se parte del concepto de emancipación residencial como elemento clave en el desarrollo de las personas jóvenes y se pone el foco en la innovación social dentro del ámbito de la vivienda. Tomando como objeto de estudio el material empírico recogido acerca de proyectos de MU y personas que trabajan en ellos, se busca ampliar el conocimiento disponible y encontrar los elementos de éxito que hayan permitido un desarrollo adecuado de los proyectos para así potenciar su aumento. Para tal objetivo se emplea la Metodología Comunicativa y se elabora conocimiento científico de modo conjunto con personas vinculadas a la MU, consiguiendo un análisis validado por ellas en primer lugar. Se ha identificado que en la MU se dan procesos de negociación con alto nivel dialógico y que esta requiere de una movilización de recursos simbólicos y relacionales notable. Asimismo, el poder de emancipación y el aprendizaje que resultan de los proyectos se suman al impacto positivo que representa para las personas entrevistadas haber podido emanciparse de un modo coherente con los significados que atribuyen a conceptos como hogar o vivienda

    Efecte de les variables ambientals i hidrològiques sobre la riquesa i distribució dels briòfits fontinals a la Catalunya oriental

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    Els briòfits tenen uns trets funcionals que fan d'ells uns dels indicadors més sensibles als canvis ambientals. En aquest treball vam estudiar si la riquesa d'espècies de briòfits i llurs distribucions es podien predir fent servir variables macroecològiques (p. ex., el clima, l'altitud i la conductivitat i el pH de l'aigua) a partir del mostreig de les comunitats de briòfits de 198 fonts distribuïdes entre la Serralada Litoral Central, el massissos del Montseny-Guilleries, el Lluçanès i la Garrotxa. Fent servir regressions lineals, vam relacionar les variables ambientals amb la riquesa d'espècies per font. Seguidament, mitjançant un anàlisi de components principals (ACP), vam agrupar les variables ambientals en tres eixos descriptius de la variabilitat ambiental de les fonts. Fent servir les variables ambientals i els tres eixos extrets de la ACP, vam comprovar la influència d'aquestes sobre la distribució d'espècies fent servir anàlisis de la variància (ANOVA). Els nostres resultats suggereixen que la riquesa d'espècies està positivament relacionada amb la precipitació anual, el pH de l'aigua de la font i l'altitud a la que es troba la surgència. Tanmateix, la variància explicada pel model va ser força baixa (Bryophytes have biological traits that make them some of the most sensitive indicators of environmental change. Springs have a significant presence of bryophytes and hence they are ideal habitats for studying their relationship with the environment. We tested whether bryophyte species richness and distribution can be predicted with macroecological variables (i.e., climate, altitude, water pH and conductivity) sampling bryophytes from 198 springs distributed along montane regions in NE Iberian Peninsula. Regressions were used to relate species richness with selected environmental variables. A PCA analysis was performed to reduce the environmental variables to three principal coordinates. We tested the influence of environmental variables and PCA axis on species distribution using ANOVAs. Our results suggest that species richness is related to mean annual precipitation, water pH and altitude. However, total variance explained by the model is low

    Glacial-aged development of the Tunisian Coral Mound Province controlled by glacio-eustatic oscillations and changes in surface productivity

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    Cold-water corals are key species of benthic ecosystems, sensitive to changes in climate and capable of recording them in the chemical composition of their skeletons. The study of cold-water coral mound development in relation to palaeoceanographic variations during the Pleistocene and Holocene stages in the Mediterranean Sea has mainly been focussed in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean). The present study describes the coral deposits and corresponding ages of 3 gravity cores, acquired from the newly discovered Tunisian Coral Mound Province (Central Mediterranean), which comprises several ridge-like mounds. All the cores acquired displayed dense coral deposits, dominated by Desmophyllum pertusum fragments embedded within a muddy sediment matrix. Overall, 64 coral samples have been dated with the Usingle bondTh laser ablation MC-ICP-MS method, revealing corals of mostly Pleistocene age ranging from ~MIS 11 to 8.4 ka BP. Although coral mound formation was reduced for most of the last 400 kyr, a main stage of pronounced mound formation occurred during the last glacial period, which contrasts to the findings previously published for coral mounds in other regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Coral mound formation during the last glacial was most likely associated with a colder seawater temperature than the one observed in the present-day, an increased surface productivity and an appropriate depth of the interface between Atlantic Waters and Levantine Intermediate Waters. The combination of the data acquired here with that of previous mound formation studies from the Alboran Sea also suggests that cold-water coral mounds located at greater depths develop at slower rates than those found in shallower settings

    Recovery and restoration potential of cold‐water corals: experience from a deep‐sea marine protected area

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    Cold-water corals (CWCs) are important species that provide habitat for other taxa but are sensitive to mechanical damage from bottom trawling. CWC conservation has been implemented in the form of marine protected areas (MPAs), but recovery from impact may be particularly slow in the deep-sea environment; consequently, the use of restoration techniques has been considered. To gain some insight into CWC recruitment and growth, in 2011 we deployed small seabed moorings in the Darwin Mounds MPA (~1,000 m water depth). This site hosts hundreds of CWC mounds, that had previously (until 2003) been impacted by deep-water trawling. In 2019, we carried out in situ visual surveys of these moorings and the surrounding seabed environment, then recovered two of the moorings. The mooring buoys, glass floats with plastic covers, were extensively colonized by a diverse epifauna that included the CWCs Desmophyllum pertusum and D. dianthus. The presence of coral recruits indicated that environmental conditions, and larval supply, remained favorable for the settlement and growth of CWCs within the MPA. Based on our observations, we consider four possible restoration methods, together with a “do-nothing” option, for the Darwin Mounds CWCs that have shown little, if any, natural recovery despite 16 years of protection. We conclude that seabed emplacement of high-relief artificial substrata is likely to be the most efficient and cost-efficient means of promoting enhanced recovery of the CWCs

    Local-scale feedbacks influencing cold-water coral growth and subsequent reef formation

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    Despite cold-water coral (CWC) reefs being considered biodiversity hotspots, very little is known about the main processes driving their morphological development. Indeed, there is a considerable knowledge gap in quantitative experimental studies that help understand the interaction between reef morphology, near-bed hydrodynamics, coral growth, and (food) particle transport processes. In the present study, we performed a 2-month long flume experiment in which living coral nubbins were placed on a reef patch to determine the effect of a unidirectional flow on the growth and physiological condition of Lophelia pertusa. Measurements revealed how the presence of coral framework increased current speed and turbulence above the frontal part of the reef patch, while conditions immediately behind it were characterised by an almost stagnant flow and reduced turbulence. Owing to the higher current speeds that likely promoted a higher food encounter rate and intake of ions involved in the calcification process, the coral nubbins located on the upstream part of the reef presented a significantly enhanced average growth and a lower expression of stress-related enzymes than the downstream ones. Yet, further experiments would be needed to fully quantify how the variations in water hydrodynamics modify particle encounter and ion intake rates by coral nubbins located in different parts of a reef, and how such discrepancies may ultimately affect coral growth. Nonetheless, the results acquired here denote that a reef influenced by a unidirectional water flow would grow into the current: a pattern of reef development that coincides with that of actual coral reefs located in similar water flow settings. Ultimately, the results of this study suggest that at the local scale coral reef morphology has a direct effect on coral growth thus, indicating that the spatial patterns of living CWC colonies in reef patches are the result of spatial self-organisation

    Recovery and restoration potential of cold‐water corals: experience from a deep‐sea marine protected area

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    Cold-water corals (CWCs) are important species that provide habitat for other taxa but are sensitive to mechanical damage from bottom trawling. CWC conservation has been implemented in the form of marine protected areas (MPAs), but recovery from impact may be particularly slow in the deep-sea environment; consequently, the use of restoration techniques has been considered. To gain some insight into CWC recruitment and growth, in 2011 we deployed small seabed moorings in the Darwin Mounds MPA (~1,000 m water depth). This site hosts hundreds of CWC mounds, that had previously (until 2003) been impacted by deep-water trawling. In 2019, we carried out in situ visual surveys of these moorings and the surrounding seabed environment, then recovered two of the moorings. The mooring buoys, glass floats with plastic covers, were extensively colonized by a diverse epifauna that included the CWCs Desmophyllum pertusum and D. dianthus. The presence of coral recruits indicated that environmental conditions, and larval supply, remained favorable for the settlement and growth of CWCs within the MPA. Based on our observations, we consider four possible restoration methods, together with a “do-nothing” option, for the Darwin Mounds CWCs that have shown little, if any, natural recovery despite 16 years of protection. We conclude that seabed emplacement of high-relief artificial substrata is likely to be the most efficient and cost-efficient means of promoting enhanced recovery of the CWCs