553 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Perceptions of Administrators on the Educations Regulations

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    The main purpose of the Ministry of National Education Guidance and Inspection Directorate and Education Inspectors Directorates Regulation consists of defining the organizations and duties of these directorates. In this respect, the regulation deals with the power and responsibilities of education inspectors to be appointed in the directorates separately and regulates issues such as their appointment, employment, training and replacement; in short all working style and principles. In this study, it is aimed at analyzing and evaluating the Ministry of National Education Guidance and Supervision Directorate and Education Inspectors Directorates Regulation taking the views of inspectors in the dimensions of structure, process and understanding. In line with this purpose, the views of education inspectors (N=86) have been obtained by Baskan and KapusuzoÄƾlu (2013) through a survey of 25 items developed in line with the regulations. The obtained data has been analyzed through averages, the T- test, Anova and Tukey-B tests. As a result of the study, it has been concluded that the inspectors do not find the application terms related to the competition examination and the changes made in terms of the examination board, regulations made in terms of the reclamation period and the oral examination process ñ€Ɠappropriateñ€ and that they find the regulations related to the written examination subjects and score weight, their training and appointment ñ€Ɠpartially appropriate.ñ€ In addition, the views of the inspectors do not display differences based on personal characteristics with the exception of terms of service

    The histone H3-K27 demethylase Utx regulates HOX gene expression in Drosophila in a temporally restricted manner

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    Trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3-K27me3) by Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is a key step for transcriptional repression by the Polycomb system. Demethylation of H3-K27me3 by Utx and/or its paralogs has consequently been proposed to be important for counteracting Polycomb repression. To study the phenotype of Drosophila mutants that lack H3-K27me3 demethylase activity, we created Utx., a deletion allele of the single Drosophila Utx gene. Utx. homozygotes that contain maternally deposited wild-type Utx protein develop into adults with normal epidermal morphology but die shortly after hatching. By contrast, Utx. homozygotes that are derived from Utx mutant germ cells and therefore lack both maternal and zygotic Utx protein, die as larvae and show partial loss of expression of HOX genes in tissues in which these genes are normally active. This phenotype classifies Utx as a trithorax group regulator. We propose that Utx is needed in the early embryo to prevent inappropriate instalment of long-term Polycomb repression at HOX genes in cells in which these genes must be kept active. In contrast to PRC2, which is essential for, and continuously required during, germ cell, embryonic and larval development, Utx therefore appears to have a more limited and specific function during development. This argues against a continuous interplay between H3-K27me3 methylation and demethylation in the control of gene transcription in Drosophila. Furthermore, our analyses do not support the recent proposal that Utx would regulate cell proliferation in Drosophila as Utx mutant cells generated in wild-type animals proliferate like wild-type cells

    Muhasebe standartlari acisindan esit geri odemeli banka kredilerinin muhasebelestirilmesi

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    As a result of intensive competition, banks offer many differentiated loans. Unfortunately, while these loans are being offered, there may be differences among their forms and substances; and reporting them depending on their form distorts financial statements and misleads users. Banks can even offer loans with zero percent interest, while overcharging fees, commissions, and insurance premiums in advance to compensate the cost and make a reasonable profit. They may divert interest and commission sources of income by interchangeably reporting them. This study aims to show the effects of misrepresenting fixed repayment bank loans (installment loans) on the financial reports of relating parties and propose solutions in the light of International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards.peer-reviewe

    Finite volume modeling of the solidification of an axial steel cast impeller

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    In the foundry industry, obtaining the solidification contours in cast geometries are extremely important to know the last location(s) to solidify in order to define the correct feeding path and the number of risers. This paper presents three-dimensional simulation of transient conduction heat transfer within an axial impeller, made of AISI 1016 steel, poured and solidified in chemically bonded mold and core medium, by using FVM technique and ANSYS CFX. Specific heat, density and thermal conductivity of AISI 1016 steel, mold and Core materials are considered as functions of temperatures. In this transient thermal analysis, the convection heat transfer phenomenon is also considered at the outer surfaces of the mold. In order to shorten the run-time, the nonlinear transient analysis has been made for 600/3600 segment of the impeller, core and mold. The solidification contours of the impeller as well as isothermal lines in core and mold have been obtained in 3-D. The cooling curves of diff erent points are also shown in the result section

    Medical Management Options for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Effects of chills on the solidification pattern of an axial steel cast impeller

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    This paper presents three-dimensional simulation of transient conduction heat transfer within an axial impeller (AISI 1016), two different sizes of chills (AISI 1016), core (green sand) and mold (green sand) by using Ansys CFX. Specific heat, density and thermal conductivity of AISI 1016 steel, mold and Core materials are considered as functions of temperature

    The multimodal work of creating a humorous frame in English as a foreign language classes

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    Ph. D. ThesisClassroom talk is full of humour, language play, and other acts of creative language use (Bell and Pomerantz, 2016). Much work on humour in language classrooms has widely focused on the roles, social functions, and markers of humour in interaction (e.g. Shively, 2013; Wagner and Urios-Aparisi, 2011; Bell, 2009b; Chabeli, 2008; Schmitz, 2002; Senior, 2001). However, there has been less research on how participants mobilise multimodal resources to engender a humorous frame in L2 classroom interaction (Reddington and Waring, 2015; Lehtimaja, 2011). This study aims to shed light on (a) how students produce utterances as humorous in Initiation- Response-Feedback (IRF) (Sinclair and Coulthard, 1975) sequences, (b) how jocular frames are sequentially produced in the stretches of turns-at-talk, and (c) how teachers respond to student utterances produced and/or treated as humorous in task-based settings in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in Turkey. The current study adopts the ethnomethodological approach of Conversation analysis (CA) in order to address these different aspects of turns-at-talk produced and/or treated as humorous in L2 classrooms drawing on 29 hours of video and audio recordings, which were collected from four different classrooms at a university in Turkey. The analysis provides a systematic examination of how students’ utterances are designed as humorous through deploying multimodal resources at different sequential positions in IRF sequences. As such, it demonstrates significant observations that provide valuable implications for L2 classroom interaction research, and also humour scholarship. Additionally, through exploring sequential environments where and how participants delineate between jocular and non-jocular frames, it shows the delicate work put in by both teachers and students in mitigating students’ responses that do not align with participants’ normative expectations about participation framework and cultural shared expectations. Furthermore, it shows how teachers employ multimodal resources in responding to students’ utterances produced and/or treated as humorous in a way to encourage participation, typically through self-selection, and accomplish pedagogical goals by creating a context conducive to teaching/learning opportunities. Thus, this study extends our understanding of L2 classroom interaction and builds on the existing literature, which has widely concentrated on teachers’ use of ‘humour’ in the classroom in teaching materials or as a teaching strategy (e.g. Bell and Pomerantz, 2016; Wagner and Urios-Aparisi, 2011; Bell, 2009b; Chabeli, 2008; Schmitz, 2002; Senior, 2001). It provides implications for teacher training and foreign language teaching in a way to encourage participation and create language teaching/learning opportunities through attending to these episodes in classroom interaction.Turkish Ministry of Educatio

    Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training in E-Learning Environments

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    Recognition of user interaction, in particular engagement detection, became highly crucial for online working and learning environments, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. Such recognition and detection systems significantly improve the user experience and efficiency by providing valuable feedback. In this paper, we propose a novel Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training (ED-MTT) system which minimizes mean squared error and triplet loss together to determine the engagement level of students in an e-learning environment. The performance of this system is evaluated and compared against the state-of-the-art on a publicly available dataset as well as videos collected from real-life scenarios. The results show that ED-MTT achieves 6% lower MSE than the best state-of-the-art performance with highly acceptable training time and lightweight feature extraction

    Thorakale epidurale oder paravertebrale Analgesie- ein Vergleich der postoperativen Lungenfunktion und HĂ€modynamik nach thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen

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    Pulmonalen Komplikationen vorzubeugen nach thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen, nimmt nach wie vor einen hohen klinischen Stellenwert ein. Durch Schmerzen können reduzierte Atemexkursionen, ungenĂŒgende HustenstĂ¶ĂŸe und eine schmerzbedingte Immobilisation, zu Sekretretention, Atelektasen und Pneumonien fĂŒhren. Um die Schmerztherapie und damit die Atmung zu verbessern, wird hĂ€ufig ein Regionalverfahren verwendet. Es wird angenommen, dass eine adĂ€quate Schmerztherapie der wichtigste Faktor zur PrĂ€vention von ineffektiver BelĂŒftung und unzureichender Sekretmobilisation ist. Damit ist sie ein wichtiger Bestandteil eines multimodalen Konzeptes, fĂŒr eine gute postoperative Lungenfunktion. Als allgemeiner ‚Goldstandard‘ zur Schmerztherapie bei thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen, gilt der thorakale Periduralkatheter (PDK). Es konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass der Paravertebralkatheter (PVB) ebenfalls eine wirksame Alternative sein kann. Obwohl die Paravertebralanalgesie hĂ€ufig als Single Shot Technik verwendet wird, wurden auch viele kontinuierliche Verfahren untersucht. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist es den thorakalen Periduralkatheter mit einem Paravertebralkatheter hinsichtlich Lungenfunktion bei thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen zu vergleichen. Die HĂ€modynamik wurde als sekundĂ€re Variable mitbetrachtet. Von April 2010 bis Juli 2013, im Zeitraum von 40 Monaten, wurden am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum des Saarlandes insgesamt 68 Patienten in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Die Daten von 5 Patienten wurden nachtrĂ€glich wieder ausgeschlossen, so dass insgesamt 30 Patienten mit einem Periduralkatheter und 33 Patienten mit einem Paravertebralkatheter in die Auswertung einbezogen wurden. Beide Verfahren (PDK und PVB) wurden prĂ€operativ vom AnĂ€sthesisten gelegt und die Randomisierung erfolgte per Losverfahren. Der thorakale PDK wurde mittels ‚loss of resistance‘ Technik gelegt und der Paravertebralkatheter sonographisch. Beide Kathe- ter wurden mit einer Kombination aus Ropivacain 0,2% und Sufentanil 0,5 ÎŒg/ml bestĂŒckt. Die Laufrate betrug 8 ml/h ĂŒber einen Perfusor. Anschließend erfolgte ĂŒber einen Zeitraum von 60 Stunden postoperativ zwei Mal tĂ€glich (morgens und abends) eine Spirometrie, Monitoring der Atemfrequenz und die Erhebung der peripheren SauerstoffsĂ€ttigung. Weiterhin erfolgten zwei arterielle Blutgasanalysen postoperativ. Das Herz-Kreislauf Monitoring erfolgte ebenfalls fĂŒr einen Zeitraum von 60 Stunden postoperativ. Die Studie ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich der postoperativen Lungenfunktion zwischen den beiden Gruppen. In Bezug zum Sollwert ergaben sich weder fĂŒr die FEV1 (forciertes exspiratorisches Volumen in einer Sekunde), der FVC (forcierte VitalkapazitĂ€t) noch fĂŒr den expiratorischen Spitzenfluss (PEF, peak expiratory flow) statistisch signifikante Unterschiede. Das gleiche Ergebnis zeigte auch die Blutgasanalyse, die SauerstoffsĂ€ttigung, die Atemfrequenz und die HĂ€modynamik. Abschließend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass der Peridural- und der Paravertebralkatheter hinsichtlich der postoperativen Lungenfunktion und der Herz-Kreislaufreaktion gleichwertig sind.Preventing pulmonary complications after thoracic surgery still has as a high clinical priority. Due to pain, reduced respiratory excursions, inadequate cough thrusts, and pain-related immobilization, secretion retention, atelectasis, and pneumonia can occur. A regional anĂ€sthesiological procedure is often used to improve pain management and thus respiration. It is believed that adequate pain management is the most important factor to prevent ineffective ventilation and inadequate secretion mobilization. Thus, it is an important component of a multimodal concept, for a good postoperative lung function. The general 'gold standard' for pain management in thoracic surgery is the thoracic epidural catheter. However, it has been shown that the paravertebral catheter can also be an effective alternative. Although paravertebral analgesia is commonly used as a single shot technique, many continuous procedures have also been studied. The purpose of this study is to compare the thoracic epidural catheter with a paravertebral catheter in terms of pulmonary function after thoracic surgery. Hemodynamics was included as a secondary variable. From April 2010 to July 2013, in a period of 40 months, a total of 68 patients were included in this study at Saarland University Hospital. The data of 5 patients were subsequently excluded again, so that a total of 30 patients with a peridural catheter and 33 patients with a paravertebral catheter were included in the evaluation. Both catheters were placed preoperatively by the anesthesiologist and randomization was by lottery procedure. The thoracic epiural catheter was placed using the loss of resistance technique and the paravertebral catheter was placed sonographically. Both catheters were loaded with a combination of ropivacaine 0.2% and sufentanil 0.5 ÎŒg/ml. The continous rate was 8 ml/h applicated by an infusion pump. Subsequently, spirometry, monitoring of respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen saturation were performed twice daily (morning and evening) over a period of 60 hours postoperatively. Furthermore, two arterial blood gas analyses were performed postoperatively. Cardiovascular monitoring was also monitored for a period of 60 hours postoperatively. The study showed no significant differences in postoperative lung function between the two groups. In relation to the inddividual setpoint of each patient, there were no statistically significant differences for FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in one second), FVC (forced vital capacity), or PEF (peak expiratory flow). The same results were shown for blood gas analysis, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and hemodynamics. In conclusion, the peridural and paravertebral catheters are equivalent in terms of postoperative pulmonary function and cardiovascular response

    Repetitive control of electrical stimulation for tremor suppression

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    Tremor is a rapid uncontrollable back-and-forth movement of a body part often seen in patients with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease. This debilitating oscillation can be suppressed by applying functional electrical stimulation (FES) within a closedloop control system. However current implementations use classical control methods and have proved capable of only limited performance. This paper develops a novel application of repetitive control (RC) that exploits the capability of learning from experience to enable complete suppression of the tremor. The proposed control structure is applied to suppress tremor at the wrist via FES regulated co-contraction of wrist extensors/flexors. Experimental evaluation is performed using a validated wristrig and results are compared against classical feedback control designs to establish the efficacy of the approach
