30 research outputs found

    L’arte come strumento ponte per apprendere nelle piccole scuole

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    «Multi-classes shall consist of not less than 8 and not more than 18 pupils».This appears in the article 10, paragraph n.1, Dpr n. 81 - 2009: Rules for thereorganization of the school network and the rational and effective use ofhuman resources of the school. A recent research, promoted by INDIRE, revealedthe existence of a varied universe of small schools in our country.Through a quali-quantitative approach for the representation of the phenomenon,a population of reference was identified, together with the detectionof the features of the local territories in which said schools are located.Relevant results demonstrate how the needs of the territory, related to bothcontexts and groups, can give rise to significant experiences in terms of pedagogicallyinnovative learning through art-related activities. This contributionreports the main line of a teaching of a bilingualism Project in South Tyrol,through different arts expression applicable to the context of small SouthTyrolean mountain schools.«Le pluriclassi sono costituite da non meno di 8 e non piĂč di 18 alunni». CosĂŹrecita l’art. 10 comma 1 del Dpr n. 81 del 2009 dal titolo emblematico: Normeper la riorganizzazione della rete scolastica e il razionale ed efficace utilizzodelle risorse umane della scuola». Una recente ricerca promossa da INDIRE,ha fatto emergere l’esistenza di un universo variegato nel nostro Paese dipiccole scuole: l’indagine volta a identificare attraverso un approccio qualiquantitativola popolazione di riferimento e a rilevare le caratteristiche deiterritori in cui queste scuole sono ubicate, ha prodotto una fotografia del fenomeno,rilevando come le necessitĂ  del territorio, del contesto e delgruppo, possano dare avvio ad esperienze di innovazione e sperimentazionepedagogica e artistica di valore. Il presente contributo riporta le linee progettualiprincipali a fondamento di un progetto di insegnamento del bilinguismoin Alto Adige attraverso le espressioni artistiche, applicabile alcontesto delle piccole scuole di montagna altoatesine

    Qui sarai sempre il benvenuto

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    In this chapter, Birch and Higgins explore the first moments of the encounter between community musician and participant. What does it mean to be welcoming? One might say that a well-placed and genuine welcome might make those whom receive it feel like the new place is ‘home from home’, setting up a positive situation – one where the wish is to repeat the experience. But is this achievable or even appropriate in every contextual location, and how can we navigate the murky waters of ‘messy’ hospitality? Examples of practice illuminates the complexes of human relationships within set boundaries and across profound social barriers

    The Future of Music Schools:European Perspectives

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    Music education in Europe reflects the colorful diversity and rich tradition of the cultural identities of our continent. Within the music education landscape music schools are institutions specially focused on the practices of music-making. The First European Music School Symposium, which took place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in October 2017, brought together more than 150 researchers and practitioners from twenty-five European countries. The two cooperating partners, European Music School Union and Austrian Conference of Music School Associations, ensured a lively exchange between research and practitioners. This post-symposium publication presents contributions from twenty-nine researchers from thirteen European countries and paints a multicolored picture of music schools in Europe

    Multi-disciplinary insights from the First European Forum on Visceral Myopathy 2022 Meeting

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    Visceral myopathy is a rare, life-threatening disease linked to identified genetic mutations in 60% of cases. Mostly due to the dearth of knowledge regarding its pathogenesis, effective treatments are lacking. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in children with recurrent or persistent disabling episodes of functional intestinal obstruction, which can be life threatening, often requiring long-term parenteral or specialized enteral nutritional support. Although these interventions are undisputedly life-saving as they allow affected individuals to avoid malnutrition and related complications, they also seriously compromise their quality of life and can carry the risk of sepsis and thrombosis. Animal models for visceral myopathy, which could be crucial for advancing the scientific knowledge of this condition, are scarce. Clearly, a collaborative network is needed to develop research plans to clarify genotype–phenotype correlations and unravel molecular mechanisms to provide targeted therapeutic strategies. This paper represents a summary report of the first ‘European Forum on Visceral Myopathy’. This forum was attended by an international interdisciplinary working group that met to better understand visceral myopathy and foster interaction among scientists actively involved in the field and clinicians who specialize in care of people with visceral myopathy

    Status Update and Interim Results from the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial-2 (ACST-2)

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    Objectives: ACST-2 is currently the largest trial ever conducted to compare carotid artery stenting (CAS) with carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in patients with severe asymptomatic carotid stenosis requiring revascularization. Methods: Patients are entered into ACST-2 when revascularization is felt to be clearly indicated, when CEA and CAS are both possible, but where there is substantial uncertainty as to which is most appropriate. Trial surgeons and interventionalists are expected to use their usual techniques and CE-approved devices. We report baseline characteristics and blinded combined interim results for 30-day mortality and major morbidity for 986 patients in the ongoing trial up to September 2012. Results: A total of 986 patients (687 men, 299 women), mean age 68.7 years (SD ± 8.1) were randomized equally to CEA or CAS. Most (96%) had ipsilateral stenosis of 70-99% (median 80%) with contralateral stenoses of 50-99% in 30% and contralateral occlusion in 8%. Patients were on appropriate medical treatment. For 691 patients undergoing intervention with at least 1-month follow-up and Rankin scoring at 6 months for any stroke, the overall serious cardiovascular event rate of periprocedural (within 30 days) disabling stroke, fatal myocardial infarction, and death at 30 days was 1.0%. Conclusions: Early ACST-2 results suggest contemporary carotid intervention for asymptomatic stenosis has a low risk of serious morbidity and mortality, on par with other recent trials. The trial continues to recruit, to monitor periprocedural events and all types of stroke, aiming to randomize up to 5,000 patients to determine any differential outcomes between interventions. Clinical trial: ISRCTN21144362. © 2013 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    SEEING MUSIC, MUSIC TO SEE—Interdisciplinary Relations between Musical and Visual Art Education in Italian Pre-School and Primary School

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    The practice of music represents an irreplaceable experience of the human being. Gratifying in many aspects, it carries out a diversified web of experiences: sensorial, perceptive, cognitive, dynamic, social, cultural. In this, each individual comes to the progressive realization of music as an integrated and integrating experience, which is the deep meaning of culture and the ability to establish relationships. The education to artistic languages encountered in pre-school and primary school, even when it is of less relevance in the curriculum, should represent a crucial base to the learning pathway, while promoting interdisciplinarity and warranting a new plurifocal access to knowledge and to individual growth, which is capable of reinforcing also other knowledge necessary in questioning and comprehending the essential, structural, communicative, creative, imaginative and psychological aspects linked to the use of every genre of art

    “El Sistema” e il “Coro de manos blancas”. Modelli educativo-musicali tra realtà consolidate e scenari futuri

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    This article provides an introduction to, and a critical discussion of, the educational model referred to as El Sistema, founded by JosĂ© Antonio Abreu. In the course of over 40 years, starting from Venezuela, Abreu’s system has inspired educational programs for social change all over the world. The program, which thanks to the work of its founder has become an element of national interest, is currently managed by the Ministry for Family, Sport and Health, and has spread globally. After a short historical overview, the article discusses the primary aspects of the educational approach that forms the basis of the Venezuelan model, which today is also part of the Italian educational experience. The discussion is complemented by a preliminary examination, the first in our country, of the peculiar features of inclusive didactics in the main special education program connected to El Sistema, called Coro de Manos Blancas.L’articolo offre una presentazione e una riflessione critica sul modello educativo denominato El Sistema, fondato da JosĂ© Antonio Abreu, che dal Venezuela, in oltre 40 anni, ha ispirato programmi educativi per il cambiamento sociale in tutto il mondo. Grazie all’opera del fondatore, tale programma Ăš divenuto di interesse nazionale, Ăš attualmente sotto la gestione del Ministero della Famiglia, Sport e Salute ed Ăš presente a livello globale. Il presente contributo accosta ad una breve panoramica storica, una riflessione sugli aspetti predominanti dell’orientamento pedagogico che sottende al modello venezuelano e che caratterizza oggi anche l’esperienza educativa italiana. Esso Ăš integrato da un primo sguardo, inedito per il nostro Paese, sulle peculiaritĂ  della didattica inclusiva del principale programma di educazione speciale legato ad El Sistema e denominato Coro de Manos Blancas

    Eudemonia ed apprendimento permanente per una educazione alla cittadinanza globale

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    Acting together on issues of common interest is, according to numerousstudies, the most "inclusive" ingredient to promote the well-being of individuals,acting as a stimulus to the development of social capital: throughcooperation and the achievement of common goals, that create links interms of culture and good living, (Bruner, 2000) the philosophical approachof Eudaimonic well-being takes definitive shape. In this perspective the activitiesare congruent with the values deeply rooted in society, lived in closeconnection and holistically (Bauer, J. J., McAdams, D. P., & Pals, J. L. (2008).A complex and interdependent society where we are immersed, places citizensin a position to face ever-changing challenges in relation to knowledge,skills, values and attitudes that foster a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.The promotion of inclusive and global education becomes functional to theachievement of the ECG's objectives, aimed at preparing and triggering inthe individual and society the cultural changes leading to the creation of afairer, more equitable and sustainable society. The perspective offered bythe encounter with artistic knowledge creates a social interstice, a place ofhuman relations that suggests possibilities of exchange different from thosepresent in the system in which we live, opening the person to new knowledge,skills and abilities that can generate human and social capital, in theawareness that contexts and ways of life and relationships are a means ofwell-being [...] throughout life.Agire insieme su problematiche di interesse comune costituisce, secondonumerosi studi, l’ingrediente piĂč “inclusivo” per promuovere il benesseredegli individui, agendo come stimolo allo sviluppo del capitale sociale: attraversola cooperazione e il raggiungimento di obiettivi comuni che creanolegami sul piano della cultura e del vivere bene, (Bruner, 2000) prende formal’orientamento filosofico della Eudemonia. In questa dimensione le attivitĂ sono congruenti con i valori profondamente radicati nella societĂ , vissuti instretta connessione e in modo olistico (Bauer, McAdams, & Pals, 2008).Una societĂ  complessa e interdipendente come quella nella quale siamo immersi,pone i cittadini nella condizione di affrontare sfide in continuo mutamentoin relazione alle conoscenze, capacitĂ , valori e atteggiamenti chefavoriscano un mondo sostenibile, equo e inclusivo. La promozione diun’educazione inclusiva e globale diviene funzionale al raggiungimentodegli obiettivi indicati dall’ECG, volta a preparare e innescare nell’individuoe nella societĂ  i cambiamenti culturali propedeutici alla creazione di una societĂ piĂč giusta, equa e sostenibile. La prospettiva offerta dall’incontro con isaperi artistici crea un interstizio sociale, un luogo di relazioni umane chesuggerisce possibilitĂ  di scambio differenti da quelle presenti nel sistema incui viviamo, aprendo la persona a nuove conoscenze, abilitĂ  e capacitĂ  chepossano generare capitale umano e sociale, nella consapevolezza che i contestie i modi di vita e di relazione sono tramite di ben-essere [
] durantetutto il corso della vita

    Il laboratorio come habitat per la formazione inclusiva dei bambini: la valutazione del progetto Mus-e

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    Il contributo riporta le esperienze dei progetti nazionali Mus-e che da alcuni anni cerca di valutare l’impatto pedagogico e didattico delle sue attività, sia attraverso la percezione degli insegnanti coinvolti, sia attraverso la percezione degli artisti e indaga le ricadute dei laboratori proposti in ottica inclusiva