30 research outputs found

    One thousand days of SN 2015bn: HST imaging shows a light curve flattening consistent with magnetar predictions

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    We present the first observations of a Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN) at 1000\gtrsim 1000 days after maximum light. We observed SN 2015bn using the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys in the F475W, F625W and F775W filters at 721 days and 1068 days. SN 2015bn is clearly detected and resolved from its compact host, allowing reliable photometry. A galaxy template constructed from these data further enables us to isolate the SLSN flux in deep ground-based imaging. We measure a light curve decline rate at >700>700 days of 0.19±0.030.19 \pm 0.03 mag (100 d)1^{-1}, much shallower than the earlier evolution, and slower than previous SLSNe (at any phase) or the decay rate of 56^{56}Co. Neither additional radioactive isotopes nor a light echo can consistently account for the slow decline. A spectrum at 1083 days shows the same [O I] and [Ca II] lines as seen at 300400\sim300-400 days, with no new features to indicate strong circumstellar interaction. Radio limits with the Very Large Array rule out an extended wind for mass-loss rates 102.7M˙/v10101.110^{-2.7} \lesssim \dot{M}/v_{10} \lesssim 10^{-1.1} M_\odot yr1^{-1} (where v10v_{10} is the wind velocity in units of 10 km s1^{-1}). The optical light curve is consistent with Lt4L \propto t^{-4}, which we show is expected for magnetar spin-down with inefficient trapping; furthermore, the evolution matches predictions from earlier magnetar model fits. The opacity to magnetar radiation is constrained at 0.01\sim 0.01 cm2^2 g1^{-1}, consistent with photon-matter pair-production over a broad \simGeV-TeV range. This suggests the magnetar spectral energy distribution, and hence the 'missing energy' leaking from the ejecta, may peak in this range.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL, updated to match accepted versio

    Radio spectra of bright compact sources at z>4.5

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.High-redshift quasars are important to study galaxy and active galactic nuclei (AGN) evolution, test cosmological models, and study supermassive black hole growth. Optical searches for high-redshift sources have been very successful, but radio searches are not hampered by dust obscuration and should be more effective at finding sources at even higher redshifts. Identifying high-redshift sources based on radio data is, however, not trivial. Here we report on new multi-frequency Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of eight z>4.5 sources previously studied at high angular resolution with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI). Combining these observations with those from the literature, we construct broad-band radio spectra of all 30 z>4.5 sources that have been observed with VLBI. In the sample we found flat, steep and peaked spectra in approximately equal proportions. Despite several selection effects, we conclude that the z>4.5 VLBI (and likely also non-VLBI) sources have diverse spectra and that only about a quarter of the sources in the sample have flat spectra. Previously, the majority of high-redshift radio sources were identified based on their ultra-steep spectra (USS). Recently a new method has been proposed to identify these objects based on their megahertz-peaked spectra (MPS). Neither method would have identified more than 18% of the high-redshift sources in this sample. More effective methods are necessary to reliably identify complete samples of high-redshift sources based on radio data.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Statistical properties of dwarf novae-type cataclysmic variables: the outburst catalogue

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    The outburst catalogue contains a wide variety of observational properties for 722 dwarf nova (DN)-type cataclysmic variables (CVs) and 309 CVs of other types from the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey. In particular, it includes the apparent outburst and quiescent V-band magnitudes, duty cycles, limits on the recurrence time, upper and lower limits on the distance and absolute quiescent magnitudes, colour information, orbital parameters and X-ray counterparts. These properties were determined by means of a classification script presented in this paper. The DN in the catalogue show a correlation between the outburst duty cycle and the orbital period (and outburst recurrence time), as well as between the quiescent absolute magnitude and the orbital period (and duty cycle). This is the largest sample of DN properties collected to date. Besides serving as a useful reference for individual systems and a means of selecting objects for targetted studies, it will prove valuable for statistical studies that aim to shed light on the formation and evolution of cataclysmic variables

    Evolution of spin in the intermediate polar CC sculptoris

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    We report on spin variations in the intermediate polar and cataclysmic variable CC Scl, as seen by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). By studying both the spin period and its harmonic, we find that the spin has varied since it was first observed in 2011. We find the latest spin value for the source to be 389.473(6) s, equivalent to 0.00450779(7) d, 0.02 s shorter than the first value measured. A linear fit to these and intermediate data give a rate of change of spin (Ṗ) ∼ −4.26(2.66)× 10−11 and a characteristic time-scale τ ∼ 2.90 × 105 yr, in line with other known intermediate polars with varying spin. The spin profile of this source also matches theoretical spin profiles of high-inclination intermediate polars, and furthermore, appears to have changed in shape over a period of three years. Such ‘spin-up’ in an intermediate polar is considered to be from mass accretion on to the white dwarf (the primary), and we note the presence of dwarf nova eruptions in this source as being a possible catalyst of the variations

    The luminosity phase space of galactic and extragalactic X-Ray transients out to intermediate redshifts

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    We present a detailed compilation and analysis of the X-ray phase space of low- to intermediate-redshift (0 ≤ z ≤ 1) transients that consolidates observed light curves (and theory where necessary) for a large variety of classes of transient/variable phenomena in the 0.3–10 keV energy band. We include gamma-ray burst afterglows, supernovae, supernova shock breakouts and shocks interacting with the environment, tidal disruption events and active galactic nuclei, fast blue optical transients, cataclysmic variables, magnetar flares/outbursts and fast radio bursts, cool stellar flares, X-ray binary outbursts, and ultraluminous X-ray sources. Our overarching goal is to offer a comprehensive resource for the examination of these ephemeral events, extending the X-ray duration–luminosity phase space (DLPS) to show luminosity evolution. We use existing observations (both targeted and serendipitous) to characterize the behavior of various transient/variable populations. Contextualizing transient signals in the larger DLPS serves two primary purposes: to identify areas of interest (i.e., regions in the parameter space where one would expect detections, but in which observations have historically been lacking), and to provide initial qualitative guidance in classifying newly discovered transient signals. We find that while the most luminous (largely extragalactic) and least luminous (largely Galactic) part of the phase space is well populated at t > 0.1 days, intermediate-luminosity phenomena (L X = 1034–1042 erg s−1) represent a gap in the phase space. We thus identify L X = 1034–1042 erg s−1 and t = 10−4 to 0.1 days as a key discovery phase space in transient X-ray astronomy

    Roaring to softly whispering : X-Ray emission after ∼3.7 yr at the location of the transient AT2018cow and implications for accretion-powered scenarios

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    We present the first deep X-ray observations of luminous fast blue optical transient (LFBOT) AT 2018cow at ∼3.7 yr since discovery, together with the reanalysis of the observation at δ t ∼ 220 days. X-ray emission is significantly detected at a location consistent with AT 2018cow. The very soft X-ray spectrum and sustained luminosity are distinct from the spectral and temporal behavior of the LFBOT in the first ∼100 days and would possibly signal the emergence of a new emission component, although a robust association with AT 2018cow can only be claimed at δ t ∼ 220 days, while at δ t ∼ 1350 days contamination of the host galaxy cannot be excluded. We interpret these findings in the context of the late-time panchromatic emission from AT 2018cow, which includes the detection of persistent, slowly fading UV emission with ν L ν ≈ 1039 erg s−1. Similar to previous works (and in analogy with arguments for ultraluminous X-ray sources), these late-time observations are consistent with thin disks around intermediate-mass black holes (with M • ≈ 103–104 M ☉) accreting at sub-Eddington rates. However, differently from previous studies, we find that smaller-mass black holes with M • ≈ 10–100 M ☉ accreting at ≳the Eddington rate cannot be ruled out and provide a natural explanation for the inferred compact size (R out ≈ 40 R ☉) of the accretion disk years after the optical flare. Most importantly, irrespective of the accretor mass, our study lends support to the hypothesis that LFBOTs are accretion-powered phenomena and that, specifically, LFBOTs constitute electromagnetic manifestations of super-Eddington accreting systems that evolve to ≲Eddington over a ≈100-day timescale

    Dwarf nova-type cataclysmic variable stars are significant radio emitters

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    We present 8–12 GHz radio light curves of five dwarf nova (DN) type cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) in outburst (RX And, U Gem, and Z Cam), or superoutburst (SU UMa and YZ Cnc), increasing the number of radio-detected DN by a factor of 2. The observed radio emission was variable on time-scales of minutes to days, and we argue that it is likely to be synchrotron emission. This sample shows no correlation between the radio luminosity and optical luminosity, orbital period, CV class, or outburst type; however, higher cadence observations are necessary to test this, as the measured luminosity is dependent on the timing of the observations in these variable objects. The observations show that the previously detected radio emission from SS Cyg is not unique in type, luminosity (in the plateau phase of the outburst), or variability time-scales. Our results prove that DN, as a class, are radio emitters in outburst