196 research outputs found

    Signal transmission through the dark-adapted retina of the toad (Bufo marinus). Gain, convergence, and signal/noise.

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    Responses to light were recorded from rods, horizontal cells, and ganglion cells in dark-adapted toad eyecups. Sensitivity was defined as response amplitude per isomerization per rod for dim flashes covering the excitatory receptive field centers. Both sensitivity and spatial summation were found to increase by one order of magnitude between rods and horizontal cells, and by two orders of magnitude between rods and ganglion cells. Recordings from two hyperpolarizing bipolar cells showed a 20 times response increase between rods and bipolars. At absolute threshold for ganglion cells (Copenhagen, D.R., K. Donner, and T. Reuter. 1987. J. Physiol. 393:667-680) the dim flashes produce 10-50-microV responses in the rods. The cumulative gain exhibited at each subsequent synaptic transfer from the rods to the ganglion cells serves to boost these small amplitude signals to the level required for initiation of action potentials in the ganglion cells. The convergence of rod signals through increasing spatial summation serves to decrease the variation of responses to dim flashes, thereby increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, at absolute threshold for ganglion cells, the convergence typically increases the maximal signal-to-noise ratio from 0.6 in rods to 4.6 in ganglion cells

    Retinal development: On the crest of an exciting wave

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    AbstractPropagated waves of excitation in developing neural tissues may be a critical feature of maturation. Recent findings shed new light on the mechanisms underlying these waves

    Visual Stimulation Is Required for Refinement of ON and OFF Pathways in Postnatal Retina

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    AbstractON and OFF pathways separately relay increment and decrement luminance signals from retinal bipolar cells to cortex. ON-OFF retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are activated via synaptic inputs onto bistratified dendrites localized in the ON and OFF regions of the inner plexiform layer. Postnatal maturational processes convert bistratifying ON-OFF RGCs to monostratifying ON and OFF RGCs. Although visual deprivation influences refinement of higher visual centers, no previous studies suggest that light regulates either the development of the visual-evoked signaling in retinal ON and OFF pathways, nor pruning of bistratified RGC dendrites. We find that dark rearing blocks both the maturational loss of ON-OFF responsive RGCs and the pruning of dendrites. Thus, in retina, there is a previously unrecognized, pathway-specific maturation that is profoundly affected by visual deprivation

    Escaping from Swarms

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    Compartmentalization of Calcium Extrusion Mechanisms in the Outer and Inner Segments of Photoreceptors

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    AbstractDifferential localization of calcium channel subtypes in divergent regions of individual neurons strongly suggests that calcium signaling and regulation could be compartmentalized. Region-specific expression of calcium extrusion transporters would serve also to partition calcium regulation within single cells. Little is known about selective localization of the calcium extrusion transporters, nor has compartmentalized calcium regulation within single neurons been studied in detail. Sensory neurons provide an experimentally tractable preparation to investigate this functional compartmentalization. We studied calcium regulation in the outer segment (OS) and inner segment/synaptic terminal (IS/ST) regions of rods and cones. We report these areas can function as separate compartments. Moreover, ionic, pharmacological, and immunolocalization results show that a Ca-ATPase, but not the Na+/K+, Ca2+ exchanger found in the OSs, extrudes calcium from the IS/ST region. The compartmentalization of calcium regulation in the photoreceptor outer and inner segments implies that transduction and synaptic signaling can be independently controlled. Similar separation of calcium-dependent functions is likely to apply in many types of neuron

    TrkB (tropomyosin-related kinase B) controls the assembly and maintenance of GABAergic synapses in the cerebellar cortex

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    Inhibitory interneurons play a critical role in coordinating the activity of neural circuits. To explore the mechanisms that direct the organization of inhibitory circuits, we analyzed the involvement of tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) in the assembly and maintenance of GABAergic inhibitory synapses between Golgi and granule cells in the mouse cerebellar cortex. We show that TrkB acts directly within each cell-type to regulate synaptic differentiation. TrkB is required not only for assembly, but also maintenance of these synapses and acts, primarily, by regulating the localization of synaptic constituents. Postsynaptically, TrkB controls the localization of a scaffolding protein, gephyrin, but acts at a step subsequent to the localization of a cell adhesion molecule, Neuroligin-2. Importantly, TrkB is required for the localization of an Ig superfamily cell adhesion molecule, Contactin-1, in Golgi and granule cells and the absence of Contactin-1 also results in deficits in inhibitory synaptic development. Thus, our findings demonstrate that TrkB controls the assembly and maintenance of GABAergic synapses and suggest that TrkB functions, in part, through promoting synaptic adhesion

    Metaphors we die by? Geoengineering, metaphors and the argument from catastrophe

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    Geoeengineering the climate by reflecting sunlight or extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has attracted increasing attention from natural scientists, social scientists, policy makers and the media. This article examines promotional discourse related to geoengineering from the 1980s to 2010. It asks in particular how this option for dealing with the problems posed by climate change were framed through the use of conceptual and discourse metaphors and whether one can argue that these are metaphors we ‘live by’ or metaphors we might ‘die by’. Findings show that an overarching argument from catastrophe was bolstered by three conceptual master-metaphors, namely The Planet is a body, The Planet is a machine and The planet is a patient/addict, linked to a variety of discourse metaphors, older conceptual metaphors and clichés. This metaphorical landscape began to shift while the article was being written and will have to be closely monitored in the future