4,616 research outputs found

    Environmental test planning, selection and standardization aids available

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    Requirements for instrumentation, equipment, and methods to be used in conducting environmental tests on components intended for use by a wide variety of technical personnel of different educational backgrounds, experience, and interests is announced

    Stabilizing the Dilaton in Superstring Cosmology

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    We address the important issue of stabilizing the dilaton in the context of superstring cosmology. Scalar potentials which arise out of gaugino condensates in string models are generally exponential in nature. In a cosmological setting this allows for the existence of quasi scaling solutions, in which the energy density of the scalar field can, for a period, become a fixed fraction of the background density, due to the friction of the background expansion. Eventually the field can be trapped in the minimum of its potential as it leaves the scaling regime. We investigate this possibility in various gaugino condensation models and show that stable solutions for the dilaton are far more common than one would have naively thought.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex, uses psfig.sty with 3 figure

    Constraints on string networks with junctions

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    We consider the constraints on string networks with junctions in which the strings may all be different, as may be found for example in a network of (p,q)(p,q) cosmic superstrings. We concentrate on three aspects of junction dynamics. First we consider the propagation of small amplitude waves across a static three-string junction. Then, generalizing our earlier work, we determine the kinematic constraints on two colliding strings with different tensions. As before, the important conclusion is that strings do not always reconnect with a third string; they can pass straight through one another (or in the case of non-abelian strings become stuck in an X configuration), the constraint depending on the angle at which the strings meet, on their relative velocity, and on the ratios of the string tensions. For example, if the two colliding strings have equal tensions, then for ultra-relativistic initial velocities they pass through one another. However, if their tensions are sufficiently different they can reconnect. Finally, we consider the global properties of junctions and strings in a network. Assuming that, in a network, the incoming waves at a junction are independently randomly distributed, we determine the r.m.s. velocities of strings and calculate the average speed at which a junction moves along each of the three strings from which it is formed. Our findings suggest that junction dynamics may be such as to preferentially remove the heavy strings from the network leaving a network of predominantly light strings. Furthermore the r.m.s. velocity of strings in a network with junctions is smaller than 1/\sqrt{2}, the result for conventional Nambu-Goto strings without junctions in Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Version to appear in PRD. (2 new references and slightly extended discussion in section VII

    Use of LARS system for the quantitative determination of smoke plume lateral diffusion coefficients from ERTS images of Virginia

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    A technique for measuring smoke plume of large industrial sources observed by satellite using LARSYS is proposed. A Gaussian plume model is described, integrated in the vertical, and inverted to yield a form for the lateral diffusion coefficient, Ky. Given u, wind speed; y sub l, the horizontal distance of a line of constant brightness from the plume symmetry axis a distance x sub l, downstream from reference point at x=x sub 2, y=0, then K sub y = u ((y sub 1) to the 2nd power)/2 x sub 1 1n (x sub 2/x sub 1). The technique is applied to a plume from a power plant at Chester, Virginia, imaged August 31, 1973 by LANDSAT I. The plume bends slightly to the left 4.3 km from the source and estimates yield Ky of 28 sq m/sec near the source, and 19 sq m/sec beyond the bend. Maximum ground concentrations are estimated between 32 and 64 ug/cu m. Existing meteorological data would not explain such concentrations

    Reconstructing the Inflaton Potential

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    A review is presented of recent work by the authors concerning the use of large scale structure and microwave background anisotropy data to determine the potential of the inflaton field. The importance of a detection of the stochastic gravitational wave background is emphasised, and some preliminary new results of tests of the method on simulated data sets with uncertainties are described. (Proceedings of ``Unified Symmetry in the Small and in the Large'', Coral Gables, 1994)Comment: 13 pages, uuencoded postscript file with figures included (LaTeX file available from ARL), FERMILAB-Conf 94/189

    Kinks and small-scale structure on cosmic strings

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    We discuss some hitherto puzzling features of the small-scale structure of cosmic strings. We argue that kinks play a key role, and that an important quantity to study is their sharpness distribution. In particular we suggest that for very small scales the two-point correlation function of the string tangent vector varies linearly with the separation and not as a fractional power, as proposed by Polchinski and Rocha [Phys. Rev. D 74, 083504 (2006)]. However, our results are consistent with theirs, because the range of scales to which this linearity applies shrinks as evolution proceeds.Comment: 10pages, revtex file, minor errors correcte

    Stretching Wiggly Strings

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    How does the amplitude of a wiggle on a string change when the string is stretched? We answer this question for both longitudinal and transverse wiggles and for arbitrary equation of state, {\it i.e.}, for arbitrary relation between the tension τ\tau and the energy per unit length ϵ\epsilon of the string. This completes our derivation of the renormalization of string parameters which results from averaging out small scale wiggles on a string. The program is presented here in its entirety.Comment: Written with ReVTeX 3.0 package. Two figures are not included. Complete paper with postscript figures can be retrieved through anonymous ftp @quark.phys.ufl.edu. Get /preprints/ifthep94_4.tar.gz, gunzip and tar it. UFIFT-HEP-94-

    Universality and Critical Phenomena in String Defect Statistics

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    The idea of biased symmetries to avoid or alleviate cosmological problems caused by the appearance of some topological defects is familiar in the context of domain walls, where the defect statistics lend themselves naturally to a percolation theory description, and for cosmic strings, where the proportion of infinite strings can be varied or disappear entirely depending on the bias in the symmetry. In this paper we measure the initial configurational statistics of a network of string defects after a symmetry-breaking phase transition with initial bias in the symmetry of the ground state. Using an improved algorithm, which is useful for a more general class of self-interacting walks on an infinite lattice, we extend the work in \cite{MHKS} to better statistics and a different ground state manifold, namely RP2\R P^2, and explore various different discretisations. Within the statistical errors, the critical exponents of the Hagedorn transition are found to be quite possibly universal and identical to the critical exponents of three-dimensional bond or site percolation. This improves our understanding of the percolation theory description of defect statistics after a biased phase transition, as proposed in \cite{MHKS}. We also find strong evidence that the existence of infinite strings in the Vachaspati Vilenkin algorithm is generic to all (string-bearing) vacuum manifolds, all discretisations thereof, and all regular three-dimensional lattices.Comment: 62 pages, plain LaTeX, macro mathsymb.sty included, figures included. also available on http://starsky.pcss.maps.susx.ac.uk/groups/pt/preprints/96/96011.ps.g

    Conjecture on the Avoidance of the Big Crunch

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    KKLT give a mechanism to generate de Sitter vacua in string theory. And recently, the scenario, {\em landscape}, is suggested to explain the problem of the cosmological constant. In this scenario, the cosmological constant is a de Sitter vacuum. The vacuum is metastable and would decay into an anti-de Sitter vacuum finally. Then the catastrophe of the big crunch appears. In this paper by conjecturing the physics at the Planck scale, we modify the definition of the Hawking temperature. Hinted by this modification, we modify the Friedmann equation. we find that this avoid the singularity and gives a bouncing cosmological model.Comment: 6 page

    Curvaton reheating: an application to braneworld inflation

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    The curvaton was introduced recently as a distinct inflationary mechanism for generating adiabatic density perturbations. Implicit in that scenario is that the curvaton offers a new mechanism for reheating after inflation, as it is a form of energy density not diluted by the inflationary expansion. We consider curvaton reheating in the context of a braneworld inflation model, {\em steep inflation}, which features a novel use of the braneworld to give a new mechanism for ending inflation. The original steep inflation model featured reheating by gravitational particle production, but the inefficiency of that process brings observational difficulties. We demonstrate here that the phenomenology of steep inflation is much improved by curvaton reheating.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX4 file with two figures incorporated. Improved referencing, matches PRD accepted versio