9,390 research outputs found

    Photodisintegration of light elements in nuclear emulsions

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    The cross-sections for the reactions C-12 (gamma, 3 alpha) and O-16 (gamma, 4 alpha) have been measured as a function of photon energy from threshold to 50 Mev, and agreement with known levels is good in the former case. New levels are observed in the region 23 to 30 Mev for the latter reaction. The cross section for the reaction N-14 (gamma, 2 alpha) is observed to peak at 25 Mev, with a long tail to 45 Mev. The reaction N-14 (gamma, np)3 alpha occurs at least four times as often as the reaction N-14 (gamma, d)3 alpha

    A Modular Toolkit for Distributed Interactions

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    We discuss the design, architecture, and implementation of a toolkit which supports some theories for distributed interactions. The main design principles of our architecture are flexibility and modularity. Our main goal is to provide an easily extensible workbench to encompass current algorithms and incorporate future developments of the theories. With the help of some examples, we illustrate the main features of our toolkit.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2010, arXiv:1110.385

    The evolving paleobathymetry of the circum-Antarctic Southern Ocean since 34 Ma – A key to understanding past cryosphere-ocean developments

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    The Southern Ocean is a key player in the climate, ocean and atmospheric system. As the only direct connection between all three major oceans since the opening of the Southern Ocean gateways, the development of the Southern Ocean and its relationship with the Antarctic cryosphere has influenced the climate of the entire planet. Although the depths of the ocean floor have been recognized as an important factor in climate and paleoclimate models, appropriate paleobathymetric models including a detailed analysis of the sediment cover are not available. Here, we utilize more than 40 years of seismic reflection data acquisition along the margins of Antarctica and its conjugate margins, along with multiple drilling campaigns by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessor programs. We combine and update the seismic stratigraphy across the regions of the Southern Ocean and calculate ocean-wide paleobathymetry grids via a backstripping method. We present a suite of high-resolution paleobathymetric grids from the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary to modern times. The grids reveal the development of the Southern Ocean from isolated basins to an interconnected ocean affected by the onset and vigor of an Antarctic Circumpolar Current, as well as the glacial sedimentation and erosion of the Antarctic continent. The ocean-wide comparison through time exposes patterns of ice sheet development such as switching of glacial outlets and the change from wet-based to dry-based ice sheets. Ocean currents and bottom-water production interact with the sedimentation along the continental shelf and slope and profit from the opening of the ocean gateways

    Coherent quantum state storage and transfer between two phase qubits via a resonant cavity

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    A network of quantum-mechanical systems showing long lived phase coherence of its quantum states could be used for processing quantum information. As with classical information processing, a quantum processor requires information bits (qubits) that can be independently addressed and read out, long-term memory elements to store arbitrary quantum states, and the ability to transfer quantum information through a coherent communication bus accessible to a large number of qubits. Superconducting qubits made with scalable microfabrication techniques are a promising candidate for the realization of a large scale quantum information processor. Although these systems have successfully passed tests of coherent coupling for up to four qubits, communication of individual quantum states between qubits via a quantum bus has not yet been demonstrated. Here, we perform an experiment demonstrating the ability to coherently transfer quantum states between two superconducting Josephson phase qubits through a rudimentary quantum bus formed by a single, on chip, superconducting transmission line resonant cavity of length 7 mm. After preparing an initial quantum state with the first qubit, this quantum information is transferred and stored as a nonclassical photon state of the resonant cavity, then retrieved at a later time by the second qubit connected to the opposite end of the cavity. Beyond simple communication, these results suggest that a high quality factor superconducting cavity could also function as a long term memory element. The basic architecture presented here is scalable, offering the possibility for the coherent communication between a large number of superconducting qubits.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures (to appear in Nature

    Magnetic Field and Pressure Phase Diagrams of Uranium Heavy-Fermion Compound U2_2Zn17_{17}

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    We have performed magnetization measurements at high magnetic fields of up to 53 T on single crystals of a uranium heavy-fermion compound U2_2Zn17_{17} grown by the Bridgman method. In the antiferromagnetic state below the N\'{e}el temperature TNT_{\rm N} = 9.7 K, a metamagnetic transition is found at HcH_c \simeq 32 T for the field along the [112ˉ\bar{2}0] direction (aa-axis). The magnetic phase diagram for the field along the [112ˉ\bar{2}0] direction is given. The magnetization curve shows a nonlinear increase at HmH_m \simeq 35 T in the paramagnetic state above TNT_{\rm N} up to a characteristic temperature TχmaxT_{{\chi}{\rm max}} where the magnetic susceptibility or electrical resistivity shows a maximum value. This metamagnetic behavior of the magnetization at HmH_m is discussed in comparison with the metamagnetic magnetism of the heavy-fermion superconductors UPt3_3, URu2_2Si2_2, and UPd2_2Al3_3. We have also carried out high-pressure resistivity measurement on U2_2Zn17_{17} using a diamond anvil cell up to 8.7 GPa. Noble gas argon was used as a pressure-transmitting medium to ensure a good hydrostatic environment. The N\'{e}el temperature TNT_{\rm N} is almost pressure-independent up to 4.7 GPa and starts to increase in the higher-pressure region. The pressure dependences of the coefficient of the T2T^2 term in the electrical resistivity AA, the antiferromagnetic gap Δ\Delta, and the characteristic temperature TρmaxT_{{\rho}{\rm max}} are discussed. It is found that the effect of pressure on the electronic states in U2_2Zn17_{17} is weak compared with those in the other heavy fermion compounds

    A model of the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011): C12020, doi:10.1029/2011JC006998.A three dimensional model of Arctic Ocean circulation and mixing, with a horizontal resolution of 18 km, is overlain by a biogeochemical model resolving the physical, chemical and biological transport and transformations of phosphorus, alkalinity, oxygen and carbon, including the air-sea exchange of dissolved gases and the riverine delivery of dissolved organic carbon. The model qualitatively captures the observed regional and seasonal trends in surface ocean PO4, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, and pCO2. Integrated annually, over the basin, the model suggests a net annual uptake of 59 Tg C a−1, within the range of published estimates based on the extrapolation of local observations (20–199 Tg C a−1). This flux is attributable to the cooling (increasing solubility) of waters moving into the basin, mainly from the subpolar North Atlantic. The air-sea flux is regulated seasonally and regionally by sea-ice cover, which modulates both air-sea gas transfer and the photosynthetic production of organic matter, and by the delivery of riverine dissolved organic carbon (RDOC), which drive the regional contrasts in pCO2 between Eurasian and North American coastal waters. Integrated over the basin, the delivery and remineralization of RDOC reduces the net oceanic CO2 uptake by ~10%.This study has been carried out as part of ECCO2 and SASS (Synthesis of the Arctic System Science) projects funded by NASA and NSF, respectively. MM and MJF are grateful for support from the National Science Foundation (ARC-0531119 and ARC-0806229) for financial support. MM also acknowledges NASA for providing computer time, the use of the computing facilities at NAS center and also the Scripps post-doctoral program for further financial support that helped to complete the manuscript. RMK also acknowledges NOAA for support (NA08OAR4310820 and NA08OAR4320752).2012-06-1

    An ab initio full potential fully relativistic study of atomic carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen chemisorption on the (111) surface of delta-plutonium

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    Adsorption of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen on the (111) surface of delta-Plutonium has been studied within the framework of density functional theory using the full-potential linear augmented plane wave plus local basis (FP-LAPW+lo) method. All adatoms prefer to bind at the higher coordinated hollow sites, with the chemisorption energies for C, N, and O being 6.539 eV, 6.714 eV, and 8.2 eV respectively. The work function and the surface Pu magnetic moments respectively increased and decreased in all cases upon chemisorption. The partial charges inside the muffin tins spheres, difference charge density distributions, and the local density of states have been used to analyze the Pu-adatom bond interactions.Comment: 40 double spaced pages, 6 tables, 6 figure