1,423 research outputs found

    Psychophysiologic Aspects of Multiple Personality Disorder, A Review

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    p. 047-053Multiple personality disorder has been associated with marked psychophysiologic alterations ever since careful clinical observations have been made on this perplexing disorder. Physical symptoms known to be associated with multiple personality include headaches, conversion symptoms, changes in voice, seizure-like activity, unexplained pain or insensitivity to pain, alterations in handedness or handwriting style, palpitations, alterations in respiration, gastrointestinal disturbances including bulimia and anorexia, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, and dermatological conditions including unusual allergic response s and differential responses to medication. Early scientific studies on the galvanic skin response in multiple personality disorder were conducted by Prince in the early twentieth century. Since 1970 there has been a resurgence of interest in multiple personality disorder including sophisticated studies of physical symptoms, brain-wave activity, visual evoked potential, regional cerebral blood flow, visual refraction, muscle activity, cardiac and respiratory activity, galvanic skin response, and the switch process. In addition to describing these studies, the etiology of multiple personality disorder and future directions in research will be discussed

    The Use of Alcohol Impregnated Port Catheters for Decreasing Central Line Infections in Acute Care

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    Practice Problem: Lack of proper sterile protocol for central lines was noted as a problem in the acute care units, causing CLASBI rates to be higher than the national average at the hospital in question. PICOT: In hospitalized acute care adult patients 18 years of age and older with central lines, how does the use of alcohol impregnated port protectors (AIPPs) compared to current central line sanitation practices affect central-line associated infections (CLASBI) within 10 weeks? Evidence: The literature evidence suggests that Alcohol Impregnated Port Protectors (AIPPs) decrease CLASBI rates and provide better outcomes for acute care patients with central lines. Alcohol Impregnated Port Protector (AIPPs) caps disinfect in one minute and provide a physical barrier to contamination and last up to seven days on central lines. Intervention: The Evidence-Based Practice Project established use of Alcohol Impregnated Port Protectors (AIPPs) vs standard of care for central lines (70% isopropyl alcohol prep pads on the central lines for an undefined period) on all patients in the acute care units with central lines (Emergency Room and Intensive Care) for 10 weeks. The use of direct observation and return demonstration was used to measure compliance. Weekly CLASBI rates from Infection Control were used to track the on-going rates during implementation. Outcome: Overall, this Evidence-Based Practice Project was clinically significant as it was able incorporate the use AIPPs vs lack of proper sterile protocol for central lines. The statistical data showed a decrease in CLASBI rates (8.02%) in as little as ten weeks. Conclusion: Central Line Infections are a great challenge in the healthcare system and AIPPs are a good way of curtailing those challenges. AIPPs promote evidence-based practice and uphold the safety standards by reducing CLASBI rates which ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality in acute care patients

    Effects of a Smart-phone Application on Psychological, Physiological, and Performance Variables in College-Aged Individuals While Running

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(2) : 104-111, 2015. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of auditory exergaming through the use of a smart-phone app called Zombies, Run! on psychological, physiological, and performance variables in college-aged individuals while running. Participants included both males (n = 10) and females (n = 10). Participants ran three 15 minute trials, after which they completed motivational questionnaires regarding inspiration, enjoyment, confidence, and anxiety levels. The first run got the participants accustomed to the application. The second and third were randomly counterbalanced either using the application again or running with no auditory stimulus. The analysis of the motivational questionnaire and physiological variables found that both sexes felt more inspired to run using the Zombies, Run! application than running with no auditory stimulus (P = .003), males felt more confident they could complete the trials (P = .02), females felt they exerted themselves more during the zombie run (P = .03), males were more motivated than females to run faster to avoid losing items (P = .005) and males felt more motivated than females to collect items and improve their in-game township (P = .002). These results indicated that females perceived more exertion and felt less confident, but were more inspired while running using the Zombies, Run! application. Males felt more confident, more inspired, and more intrigued by the video game itself than females. Therefore, both were more motivated to run with than without the application

    2016 Annual Report of the University of Kansas Health System Poison Control Center

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    Introduction. This is the 2016 Annual Report of the University ofKansas Health System Poison Control Center (PCC). The PCC is oneof 55 certified poison control centers in the United States and servesthe state of Kansas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with certified specialistsin poison information and medical toxicologists. The PCCreceives calls from the public, law enforcement, health care professionals,and public health agencies. All calls to the PCC are recordedelectronically in the Toxicall® data management system and uploadedin near real-time to the National Poison Data System (NPDS), whichis the data repository for all poison control centers in the U.S. Methods. All encounters reported to the PCC from January 1, 2016to December 31, 2016 were analyzed. Data recorded for each exposureincludes caller location, age, weight, gender, substance exposedto, nature of exposure, route of exposure, interventions, medicaloutcome, disposition and location of care. Encounters were classifiedfurther as human exposure, animal exposure, confirmed non-exposure,or information call (no exposure reported). Results. The PCC logged 21,965 total encounters in 2016, including20,713 human exposure cases. The PCC received calls from everycounty in Kansas. The majority of human exposure cases (50.4%, n =10,174) were female. Approximately 67% (n = 13,903) of human exposuresinvolved a child (defined as 19 years or less). Most encountersoccurred at a residence (94.0%, n = 19,476) and most calls (72.3%, n= 14,964) originated from a residence. The majority of human exposures(n = 18,233) were acute cases (exposures occurring over eighthours or less). Ingestion was the most common route of exposuredocumented (86.3%, n = 17,882). The most common reported substancein pediatric encounters was cosmetics/personal care products(n = 1,362), followed by household cleaning products (n = 1,301). Foradult encounters, sedatives/hypnotics/antipsychotics (n = 1,130) andanalgesics (n = 1,103) were the most frequently involved substances.Unintentional exposures were the most common reason for exposures(81.3%, n = 16,836). Most encounters (71.1%, n = 14,732) weremanaged in a non-healthcare facility (i.e., a residence). Among humanexposures, 14,679 involved exposures to pharmaceutical agents while10,176 involved exposure to non-pharmaceuticals. Medical outcomeswere 32% (n = 6,582) no effect, 19% (n = 3,911) minor effect, 8% (n =1,623) moderate effect, and 2% (n = 348) major effects. There were 15deaths in 2016 reported to the PCC. Number of exposures, calls fromhealthcare facilities, cases with moderate or major medical outcomes,and deaths all increased in 2016 compared to 2015. Conclusions. The results of the 2016 University of Kansas HealthSystem Poison Control annual report demonstrates that the centerreceives calls from the entire state of Kansas totaling over 20,000human exposures per year. While pediatric exposures remain themost common, there is an increasing number of calls from healthcarefacilities and for cases with serious outcomes. The experience of thePCC is similar to national data. This report supports the continuedvalue of the PCC to both public and acute health care in the state ofKansas. Kans J Med 2018;11(2):24-33

    Botany at Eastern Illinois University

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    Eastern Illinois University was established in 1899, and from its beginning recognized the importance of the botanical sciences. Two terms of botany were required for the four year program. Otis W. Caldwell, a botanist, was one of the original faculty members. He taught all of the biology courses and initiated the acquisition of a greenhouse. Caldwell was the first of a series of talented and dedicated botany professors including Edgar N. Transeau, Ernest L. Stover, Hiram F. Thut and John E. Ebinger. These and many other professors incorporated a field component into almost all classes. This dedication to the study of plants in their natural habitat led to one of the finest programs in the nation for training field botanists. By 1923, a formal Botany Department was established and in the late 1960’s EIU began awarding a M.S. in Botany. At this time, over 40 different undergraduate and graduate courses were offered with 95% having a lab component. The excellence of the program was recognized in Illinois where organizations such as the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Natural History Survey relied on graduates from the EIU Botany Department for their field botanists. In 1992, the American Phytopathological Society recognized the department for its contribution to plant pathology. Between 1913 and 1993, six hundred and nine students graduated with degrees in Botany, and 121 continued to receive their doctorates in botanical fields. Although numbers of botany majors rose during early to mid 1990’s, an administrative decision was made in 1998 to combine the Botany Department with the Zoology Department into a Biological Sciences Department. Since the merger, the B.S. in Botany was eliminated. Unfortunately, the elimination of this Botany Department is an example of past national trends to eliminate Botany Departments even with exceptional reputations

    Botany at Eastern Illinois University

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    Eastern Illinois University was established in 1899, and from its beginning recognized the importance of the botanical sciences. Two terms of botany were required for the four year program. Otis W. Caldwell, a botanist, was one of the original faculty members. He taught all of the biology courses and initiated the acquisition of a greenhouse. Caldwell was the first of a series of talented and dedicated botany professors including Edgar N. Transeau, Ernest L. Stover, Hiram F. Thut and John E. Ebinger. These and many other professors incorporated a field component into almost all classes. This dedication to the study of plants in their natural habitat led to one of the finest programs in the nation for training field botanists. By 1923, a formal Botany Department was established and in the late 1960’s EIU began awarding a M.S. in Botany. At this time, over 40 different undergraduate and graduate courses were offered with 95% having a lab component. The excellence of the program was recognized in Illinois where organizations such as the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Natural History Survey relied on graduates from the EIU Botany Department for their field botanists. In 1992, the American Phytopathological Society recognized the department for its contribution to plant pathology. Between 1913 and 1993, six hundred and nine students graduated with degrees in Botany, and 121 continued to receive their doctorates in botanical fields. Although numbers of botany majors rose during early to mid 1990’s, an administrative decision was made in 1998 to combine the Botany Department with the Zoology Department into a Biological Sciences Department. Since the merger, the B.S. in Botany was eliminated. Unfortunately, the elimination of this Botany Department is an example of past national trends to eliminate Botany Departments even with exceptional reputations

    Botany at Eastern Illinois University

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    Eastern Illinois University was established in 1899, and from its beginning the importance of the botanical sciences was recognized. Two terms of botany were required for the four year program. Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, a botanist, was one of the original faculty members. He taught all of the biology courses and initiated the acquisition of a greenhouse. Caldwell was the first in a series of talented and dedicated botany professors including Edgar N. Transeau, Ernest L. Stover, Hiram F. Thut and John E. Ebinger. These and many other professors incorporated a field component into almost all classes. This dedication to the study of plants in their natural habitat led to one of the finest programs in the nation for training field botanists. By 1923, a formal Botany Department was established and in the late 1960’s EIU began awarding a M.S. in Botany. In the 60’s, the department greatly expanded with 15 faculty hires and over 40 different undergraduate and graduate courses were offered with 95% having a lab component. The excellence of the program was recognized in Illinois where organizations such as the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Natural History Survey relied on graduates from the EIU Botany Department for their field botanists. In 1992, the American Phytopathological Society recognized the department for its contribution to plant pathology. Between 1913 and 1993, six hundred and nine students graduated with degrees in Botany, and 121 continued to receive their doctorates in botanical fields. Although numbers of botany majors rose during early to mid 1990’s, an administrative decision was made in 1998 to combine the Botany Department with the Zoology Department into a Biological Sciences Department. Since the merger, the B.S. in Botany was eliminated. Unfortunately, the elimination of this Botany Department is another example of past national trends to eliminate Botany Departments even with exceptional reputations

    Scarification Technique Affects Germination of Stylisma pickeringii (Patterson bindweed ), an Illinois Endangered Plant

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    The seed coat of Stylistna pickeringii (Torr.) Gray var. pattersoni (Patterson bindweed), an endangered species of Illinois sand prairies, inhibits water uptake and seed germination. The purpose of this research was to find an effective and efficient way to scarify seeds of S. pickeringii to aid reintroduction into its natural habitat. Seeds were collected from sandy areas close to the Illinois River near Snicarte (Mason Co.), Illinois during the summers of 1998 and 1999. Experiments were conducted to determine the best scarification techniques (basal cut, sandpaper shakes, sulfuric acid, sand shakes and sonication). Initially, each technique was evaluated by scarifYing the seeds for different times (except for the basal cut). The optimal time for each scarification technique then was compared. Scarified seeds were germinated in petri dishes at 25 C, 16 h photoperiod, with a mean light intensity of 51 ,..... mol m- 2s- •. The basal cut, 48 h sandpaper shake, 120 min acid soak and 72 h sand shake techniques did not differ significantly in germination (96, 92, 84 and 84%, respectively). The sonicator technique and the unscarified control yielded only 4 and 0% germim1tion, respectively. For scarification of S. pickeringii seeds the 48 h sandpaper shake and 120 min acid soak were very effective and efficient relative to other techniques. Of these two techniques, the sandpaper shake is safer than the acid soak, although when scarifying large numbers of seed, the sandpaper shake would require a large shaker. The techniques have potential applicability to other threatened and endangered species whose seed coat also inhibits germination

    A lunar space station

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    A concept for a space station to be placed in low lunar orbit in support of the eventual establishment of a permanent moon base is proposed. This space station would have several functions: (1) a complete support facility for the maintenance of the permanent moon base and its population; (2) an orbital docking area to facilitate the ferrying of materials and personnel to and from Earth; (3) a zero gravity factory using lunar raw materials to grow superior GaAs crystals for use in semiconductors and mass produce inexpensive fiber glass; and (4) a space garden for the benefit of the air food cycles. The mission scenario, design requirements, and technology needs and developments are included as part of the proposal
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