147 research outputs found

    The Absence of Nationalism during the Arab Spring

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    Mark Katz has been focusing on the topic of revolutionary waves for several years According to him a wave commences when a major revolution transpires in a particular nation within the international system Soon after this central revolution takes place subsequent revolutions can be expected in other countries At times these affiliate revolutions only occurin the same region as the central revolution This can be noticed if the first major revolutionary wave of the twenty-first century is taken into consideration Towards the beginning of 2011 the authoritarian government in Tunisia was removed from power after a series of demonstrations Following this central revolution affiliate revolutions happened in other Arab states like Egypt and Yeme

    Identification and deconvolution of overlapped peaks derived from raw 2D PAGE images [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableA standard approach for the analytical separation of proteins in the field of proteomics is the use of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE), which separates a complex crude protein samples from a given cellular or organellar sample based upon charge and size in separate perpendicular dimensions. However, often separation is incomplete, leaving gel spots (or peaks) that are overlapped spatially in not one but often both dimensions. We are attempting to ameliorate these instances by mathematically deconvoluting these peaks de novo from raw 2D-PAGE images. It is our overarching goal to engineer algorithms that will be applicable to global sets of proteomics data where pre-sample conditions have been varied and individual protein levels can be reasonably quantified for even the most overlapped of peptide species. This will greatly increase the quality and speed of information gleaned from a given proteome gained visualized via standard 2D-PAGE analysis. As a first step and proof of principle, we have begun to formulate an image process and analysis method, which utilizes a novel nonlinear least squares algorithm (NLLS) to fit and quantify the spots on a single gel image. The first step of this process is to digitize the 2D image data, creating a three-dimensional densiometric image, roughly creating a data matrix of the JPEG or TIFF file of the original gel. This 3D data matrix is then fit through the application of a nonlinear least squares algorithm modified with a chemically relevant constraint. Specifically, we have imposed a voight line profile, composed of a combination of gaussian and lorentzian functions, on the 3D data matrix. Limiting these functions with convergence criteria based upon the error of the areas of cross-sections of the nonlinear least squares fit compared to that of the original data have yielded the promising preliminary results that will be discussed

    Project ECHO: Electronic Communications from Halo Orbit

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    The design of a communications relay to provide constant access between the Earth and the far side of the Moon is presented. Placement of the relay in a halo orbit about the L2 Earth-Moon Lagrange point allows the satellite to maintain constant simultaneous communication between Earth and scientific payloads on the far side of the Moon. The requirements of NASA's Discovery-class missions adopted and modified for this design are: total project cost should not exceed 150millionexcludinglaunchcosts,launchmustbeprovidedbyDelta−classvehicle,andthesatelliteshouldmaintainanoperationallifetimeof10to15years.ThespacecraftwillfollowatransfertrajectorytotheL2point,afterlaunchbyaDeltaII7925vehiclein1999.Low−levelthrustisusedforinjectionintoastationkeeping−freehaloorbitoncethespacecraftreachestheL2point.TheshapeofthishaloorbitishighlyellipticalwiththemaximumexcursionfromtheL2pointbeing35000km.Aspunsectionanddespunsectionconnectedthroughabearingandpowertransferassembly(BAPTA)composethestructureofthespacecraft.Communicationsequipmentisplacedonthedespunsectiontoprovideforastationarydualparabolicoffset−feedarrayantennasystem.Thedualsystemisnecessarytoprovidecommunicationscoverageduringportionsofmaximumexcursiononthehaloorbit.TransmissionstotheNASADeepSpaceNetwork34mantennaincludesixchannels(colorvideo,twovoice,scientificdatafromlunarpayloads,satellitehousekeepingandtelemetryanduplinkedcommands)usingtheS−andX−bands.Fourradioisotopethermoelectricgenerators(RTG′s)provideatotalof1360WtopoweronboardsystemsandanytwoofthefourHughes13cmionthrustersatonce.Outputoftheionthrustersisapproximately17.8mNeachwithxenonasthepropellant.Presenceoftorquesgeneratedbysolarpressureontheantennadishrequiretheadditionofa′skirt′extendingfromthespunsectionofthesatelliteforbalance.Totalmassofthesatelliteisapproximately900kgatacostof150 million excluding launch costs, launch must be provided by Delta-class vehicle, and the satellite should maintain an operational lifetime of 10 to 15 years. The spacecraft will follow a transfer trajectory to the L2 point, after launch by a Delta II 7925 vehicle in 1999. Low-level thrust is used for injection into a stationkeeping-free halo orbit once the spacecraft reaches the L2 point. The shape of this halo orbit is highly elliptical with the maximum excursion from the L2 point being 35000 km. A spun section and despun section connected through a bearing and power transfer assembly (BAPTA) compose the structure of the spacecraft. Communications equipment is placed on the despun section to provide for a stationary dual parabolic offset-feed array antenna system. The dual system is necessary to provide communications coverage during portions of maximum excursion on the halo orbit. Transmissions to the NASA Deep Space Network 34 m antenna include six channels (color video, two voice, scientific data from lunar payloads, satellite housekeeping and telemetry and uplinked commands) using the S- and X-bands. Four radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG's) provide a total of 1360 W to power onboard systems and any two of the four Hughes 13 cm ion thrusters at once. Output of the ion thrusters is approximately 17.8 mN each with xenon as the propellant. Presence of torques generated by solar pressure on the antenna dish require the addition of a 'skirt' extending from the spun section of the satellite for balance. Total mass of the satellite is approximately 900 kg at a cost of 130 million FY99

    Targeted disruption of cubilin reveals essential developmental roles in the structure and function of endoderm and in somite formation

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    BACKGROUND: Cubilin is a peripheral membrane protein that interacts with the integral membrane proteins megalin and amnionless to mediate ligand endocytosis by absorptive epithelia such as the extraembryonic visceral endoderm (VE). RESULTS: Here we report the effects of the genetic deletion of cubilin on mouse embryonic development. Cubilin gene deletion is homozygous embryonic lethal with death occurring between 7.5–13.5 days post coitum (dpc). Cubilin-deficient embryos display developmental retardation and do not advance morphologically beyond the gross appearance of wild-type 8–8.5 dpc embryos. While mesodermal structures such as the allantois and the heart are formed in cubilin mutants, other mesoderm-derived tissues are anomalous or absent. Yolk sac blood islands are formed in cubilin mutants but are unusually large, and the yolk sac blood vessels fail to undergo remodeling. Furthermore, somite formation does not occur in cubilin mutants. Morphological abnormalities of endoderm occur in cubilin mutants and include a stratified epithelium in place of the normally simple columnar VE epithelium and a stratified cuboidal epithelium in place of the normally simple squamous epithelium of the definitive endoderm. Cubilin-deficient VE is also functionally defective, unable to mediate uptake of maternally derived high-density lipoprotein (HDL). CONCLUSION: In summary, cubilin is required for embryonic development and is essential for the formation of somites, definitive endoderm and VE and for the absorptive function of VE including the process of maternal-embryo transport of HDL

    Liquid Sucrose Consumption Promotes Obesity and Impairs Glucose Tolerance Without Altering Circulating Insulin Levels

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    © 2018 The Obesity Society Objective: Multiple factors contribute to the rising rates of obesity and to difficulties in weight reduction that exist in the worldwide population. Caloric intake via sugar-sweetened beverages may be influential. This study tested the hypothesis that liquid sucrose intake promotes obesity by increasing serum insulin levels and tissue lipid accumulation. Methods: C57BL/6J mice were given 30% sucrose in liquid form. Changes in weight gain, body composition, energy expenditure (EE), and tissue lipid content were measured. Results: Mice drinking sucrose gained more total body mass (TBM), had greater fat mass, and displayed impaired glucose tolerance relative to control mice. These metabolic changes occurred without alterations in circulating insulin levels and despite increases in whole body EE. Lipid accrued in liver, but not skeletal muscle, of sucrose-consuming mice. Oxygen consumption (VO2) correlated with fat-free mass and moderately with TBM, but not with fat mass. ANCOVA for treatment effects on EE, with TBM, VO2, lean body mass, and fat-free mass taken as potential covariates for EE, revealed VO2 as the most significant correlation. Conclusions: Weight gain induced by intake of liquid sucrose in mice is associated with lipid accrual in liver, but not skeletal muscle, and occurs without an increase in circulating insulin
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