2,166 research outputs found

    Senior Recital: Jesse Cook

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    A Senior Recital featuring Jesse Cook and Charles Page.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2431/thumbnail.jp

    Senior Recital: Rachel Fishback, viola

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Ms. Fishback studies viola with Paul Murphy.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2081/thumbnail.jp

    The kunitz domain protein BLI-5 plays a functionally conserved role in cuticle formation in a diverse range of nematodes

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    The cuticle of parasitic nematodes performs many critical functions and is essential for proper development and for protection from the host immune response. The biosynthesis, assembly, modification and turnover of this exoskeleton have been most extensively studied in the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, where it represents a complex multi-step process involving a whole suite of enzymes. The biosynthesis of the cuticle has an additional level of complexity, as many of the enzymes also require additional proteins to aid their activation and selective inhibition. Blister-5 (BLI-5) represents a protein with a kunitz-type serine protease interacting domain and is involved in cuticle collagen biosynthesis in C. elegans, through its interaction with subtilisin-like processing enzymes (such as BLI-4). Mutation of the bli-5 gene causes blistering of the collagenous adult cuticle. Homologues of BLI-5 have been identified in several parasitic species that span different nematode clades. In this study, we molecularly and biochemically characterize BLI-5 homologues from the clade V nematodes C. elegans and Haemonchus contortus and from the clade III filarial nematode Brugia malayi. The nematode BLI-5 orthologues possess a shared domain structure and perform similar in vitro and in vivo functions, performing important proteolytic enzyme functions. The results demonstrate that the bli-5 genes from these diverse parasitic nematodes are able to complement a C. elegansbli-5 mutant and thereby support the use of the C. elegans model system to examine gene function in the experimentally less-amenable parasitic species

    Relativistic Diskoseismology

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    We will summarize results of calculations of the modes of oscillation trapped within the inner region of accretion disks by the strong-field gravitational properties of a black hole (or a compact, weakly-magnetized neutron star). Their driving and damping will also be addressed. The focus will be on the most observable class: the analogue of internal gravity modes in stars. Their frequencies which corrrespond to the lowest mode numbers depend almost entirely upon only the mass and angular momentum of the black hole. Such a feature may have been detected in the X-ray power spectra of two galactic `microquasars', allowing the angular momentum of the black hole to be determined in one case.Comment: To be published in Physics Reports, proceedings of the conference Astrophysical Fluids: From Atomic Nuclei to Stars and Galaxies; 10 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Fast Distributed PageRank Computation

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    Over the last decade, PageRank has gained importance in a wide range of applications and domains, ever since it first proved to be effective in determining node importance in large graphs (and was a pioneering idea behind Google's search engine). In distributed computing alone, PageRank vector, or more generally random walk based quantities have been used for several different applications ranging from determining important nodes, load balancing, search, and identifying connectivity structures. Surprisingly, however, there has been little work towards designing provably efficient fully-distributed algorithms for computing PageRank. The difficulty is that traditional matrix-vector multiplication style iterative methods may not always adapt well to the distributed setting owing to communication bandwidth restrictions and convergence rates. In this paper, we present fast random walk-based distributed algorithms for computing PageRanks in general graphs and prove strong bounds on the round complexity. We first present a distributed algorithm that takes O\big(\log n/\eps \big) rounds with high probability on any graph (directed or undirected), where nn is the network size and \eps is the reset probability used in the PageRank computation (typically \eps is a fixed constant). We then present a faster algorithm that takes O\big(\sqrt{\log n}/\eps \big) rounds in undirected graphs. Both of the above algorithms are scalable, as each node sends only small (\polylog n) number of bits over each edge per round. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first fully distributed algorithms for computing PageRank vector with provably efficient running time.Comment: 14 page

    The effect of moving to East Village, the former London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Athletes' Village, on mode of travel (ENABLE London study, a natural experiment)

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    Background Interventions to encourage active modes of travel (walking, cycling) may improve physical activity levels, but longitudinal evidence is limited and major change in the built environment / travel infrastructure may be needed. East Village (the former London 2012 Olympic Games Athletes Village) has been repurposed on active design principles with improved walkability, open space and public transport and restrictions on residential car parking. We examined the effect of moving to East Village on adult travel patterns. Methods One thousand two hundred seventy-eight adults (16+ years) seeking to move into social, intermediate, and market-rent East Village accommodation were recruited in 2013–2015, and followed up after 2 years. Individual objective measures of physical activity using accelerometry (ActiGraph GT3X+) and geographic location using GPS travel recorders (QStarz) were time-matched and a validated algorithm assigned four travel modes (walking, cycling, motorised vehicle, train). We examined change in time spent in different travel modes, using multilevel linear regresssion models adjusting for sex, age group, ethnicity, housing group (fixed effects) and household (random effect), comparing those who had moved to East Village at follow-up with those who did not. Results Of 877 adults (69%) followed-up, 578 (66%) provided valid accelerometry and GPS data for at least 1 day (≥540 min) at both time points; half had moved to East Village. Despite no overall effects on physical activity levels, sizeable improvements in walkability and access to public transport in East Village resulted in decreased daily vehicle travel (8.3 mins, 95%CI 2.5,14.0), particularly in the intermediate housing group (9.6 mins, 95%CI 2.2,16.9), and increased underground travel (3.9 mins, 95%CI 1.2,6.5), more so in the market-rent group (11.5 mins, 95%CI 4.4,18.6). However, there were no effects on time spent walking or cycling

    Fluvial organic carbon fluxes from oil palm plantations on tropical peatland

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    Intact tropical peatlands are dense long-term stores of carbon. However, the future security of these ecosystems is at risk from land conversion and extensive peatland drainage. This can enhance peat oxidation and convert long-term carbon sinks into significant carbon sources. In Southeast Asia, the largest land use on peatland is for oil palm plantation agriculture. Here, we present the first annual estimate of exported fluvial organic carbon in the drainage waters of four peatland oil palm plantation areas in Sarawak, Malaysia. Total organic carbon (TOC) fluxes from the plantation second- and third-order drains were dominated (91 %) by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ranged from 34.4 ± 9.7 C m−2 yr−1 to 57.7 %, 16.3 g C m−2 yr−1 (± 95 % confidence interval). These fluxes represent a single-year survey which was strongly influenced by an El Ninõ event and therefore lower discharge than usual was observed. The magnitude of the flux was found to be influenced by water table depth, with higher TOC fluxes observed from more deeply drained sites. Radiocarbon dating on the DOC component indicated the presence of old (pre-1950s) carbon in all samples collected, with DOC at the most deeply drained site having a mean age of 735 years. Overall, our estimates suggest fluvial TOC contributes ∼ 5 % of total carbon losses from oil palm plantations on peat. Maintenance of high and stable water tables in oil palm plantations appears to be key to minimising TOC losses. This reinforces the importance of considering all carbon loss pathways, rather than just CO2 emissions from the peat surface, in studies of tropical peatland land conversion

    Quantifying tropical peatland dissolved organic carbon (DOC) using UV-visible spectroscopy

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    UV–visible spectroscopy has been shown to be a useful technique for determining dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. However, at present we are unaware of any studies in the literature that have investigated the suitability of this approach for tropical DOC water samples from any tropical peatlands, although some work has been performed in other tropical environments. We used water samples from two oil palm estates in Sarawak, Malaysia to: i) investigate the suitability of both single and two-wavelength proxies for tropical DOC determination; ii) develop a calibration dataset and set of parameters to calculate DOC concentrations indirectly; iii) provide tropical researchers with guidance on the best spectrophotometric approaches to use in future analyses of DOC. Both single and two-wavelength model approaches performed well with no one model significantly outperforming the other. The predictive ability of the models suggests that UV–visible spectroscopy is both a viable and low cost method for rapidly analyzing DOC in water samples immediately post-collection, which can be important when working at remote field sites with access to only basic laboratory facilities

    Virtual patients design and its effect on clinical reasoning and student experience : a protocol for a randomised factorial multi-centre study

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    Background Virtual Patients (VPs) are web-based representations of realistic clinical cases. They are proposed as being an optimal method for teaching clinical reasoning skills. International standards exist which define precisely what constitutes a VP. There are multiple design possibilities for VPs, however there is little formal evidence to support individual design features. The purpose of this trial is to explore the effect of two different potentially important design features on clinical reasoning skills and the student experience. These are the branching case pathways (present or absent) and structured clinical reasoning feedback (present or absent). Methods/Design This is a multi-centre randomised 2x2 factorial design study evaluating two independent variables of VP design, branching (present or absent), and structured clinical reasoning feedback (present or absent).The study will be carried out in medical student volunteers in one year group from three university medical schools in the United Kingdom, Warwick, Keele and Birmingham. There are four core musculoskeletal topics. Each case can be designed in four different ways, equating to 16 VPs required for the research. Students will be randomised to four groups, completing the four VP topics in the same order, but with each group exposed to a different VP design sequentially. All students will be exposed to the four designs. Primary outcomes are performance for each case design in a standardized fifteen item clinical reasoning assessment, integrated into each VP, which is identical for each topic. Additionally a 15-item self-reported evaluation is completed for each VP, based on a widely used EViP tool. Student patterns of use of the VPs will be recorded. In one centre, formative clinical and examination performance will be recorded, along with a self reported pre and post-intervention reasoning score, the DTI. Our power calculations indicate a sample size of 112 is required for both primary outcomes

    Development and assessment of a bone scanning device to enhance restraint performance

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    The objective of the BOSCOS (BOne Scanning for Occupant Safety) project was the development of a system that can make an assessment of the bone characteristics of each vehicle occupant in order to estimate their skeletal strengths. The seatbelt and airbag characteristics can then be adjusted to deliver optimum levels of protection specifically for each occupant. A system introduced into every vehicle has the capacity to save lives and reduce injury levels across the whole spectrum of vehicle occupants. This paper describes the contributions from academic and industrial partners to this UK Department for Transport funded project.Commercial pressure focuses restraint design on meeting legal requirements for vehicle approval, but legal requirements use dummies which do not represent the range of car occupant shapes, sizes, and driving positions. A person with lower skeletal characteristics may not be able to withstand the current fixed levels of restraint without sustaining injuries. Conversely, a person with greater skeletal characteristics may be capable of withstanding greater levels of restraint.Possible technologies that are available have been assessed for their suitability for an in-vehicle monitoring system. Accident studies have been conducted to create a baseline of statistics in terms of casualties and their injuries. Initial bone scanning studies have utilised different types of equipment and a new prototype scanner has been developed for use in a vehicle environment using ultrasound technology.Computer based occupant mathematical modelling has been used to establish the potential gains from a working system and also the requirements needed of the restraint systems toachieve these gains. In addition, bone scanning has been conducted, to determine a method to read across from scan values to skeletal condition to provide data for the optimisation of the restraint system