25 research outputs found

    Flame: A Flexible Data Reduction Pipeline for Near-Infrared and Optical Spectroscopy

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    We present flame, a pipeline for reducing spectroscopic observations obtained with multi-slit near-infrared and optical instruments. Because of its flexible design, flame can be easily applied to data obtained with a wide variety of spectrographs. The flexibility is due to a modular architecture, which allows changes and customizations to the pipeline, and relegates the instrument-specific parts to a single module. At the core of the data reduction is the transformation from observed pixel coordinates (x, y) to rectified coordinates (lambda, gamma). This transformation consists in the polynomial functions lambda(x,y) and gamma(x,y) that are derived from arc or sky emission lines and slit edge tracing, respectively. The use of 2D transformations allows one to wavelength calibrate and rectify the data using just one interpolation step. Furthermore, the gamma(x,y) transformation includes also the spatial misalignment between frames, which can be measured from a reference star observed simultaneously with the science targets. The misalignment can then be fully corrected during the rectification, without having to further resample the data. Sky subtraction can be performed via nodding and/or modeling of the sky spectrum; the combination of the two methods typically yields the best results. We illustrate the pipeline by showing examples of data reduction for a near-infrared instrument (LUCI at the Large Binocular Telescope) and an optical one (LRIS at the Keck telescope).Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, published in MNRAS. The pipeline is available at https://github.com/siriobelli/flam

    Uncovering the Active Galactic Nuclei in Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Regions with Spitzer

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    The impact of active galactic nuclei on low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs) remains a vigorous field of study. We present preliminary results from a study of the mid-infrared atomic emission lines of LINERs with the Spitzer Space Telescope. We assess the ubiquity and properties of AGN in LINERs using this data. We discuss what powers the mid-infrared emission lines and conclude that the answer depends unsurprisingly on the emission line ionization state and, more interestingly, on the infrared luminosity.Comment: To appear in ASP Vol. 373, The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, ed. Luis C. Ho and Jian-Min Wang; 4 pages, 2 figure

    Multiwalength studies of star forming regions in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present a multiwavelength study of several star forming regions in the LMC and SMC. Broad and narrowband IR imaging in conjunction with cold molecular emission of CO lines and mid IR imaging by ISO are providing us the data to define the massive star content and formation processes in low metallicity environments (1/3 to 1/10 solar) for comparison with Galactic star forming regions. Our multiwavelength studies show a clear correlation between the 2.12 μm H2, the 6.7 μm AIBs, and 230 GHz CO(2-1) emission as predicted by PDR models towards N66 in the SMC and 30 Doradus in the LMC. We have found IR embedded sources toward the peaks of the CO emission detected toward both HII regions. We find that the molecular gas that has not yet been photo dissociated by the UV radiation field of the O stars is in hot, dense clumps with very small filling factors. The distribution and morphology of the excited molecular gas in 30 Doradus as seen in the H2 line is clumpy with numerous knots while that of the ionized gas in the 2.16 μm Brγ emission shows a filamentary structure. The 6.7 μm images show a good correlation to the Br γ emission as expected for warm gas. Towards N11 and N159 in the LMC we have also found several IR embedded sources associated to the presence of cold molecular gas. These are seen in the interfaces between the molecular material and the HII regions. Thus, either induced or trigered star formation occurs in these interfaces producing a PDR region.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The star formation properties of disk galaxies: Halpha imaging of galaxies in the Coma supercluster

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    We present integrated H alpha measurements obtained from imaging observations of 98 late-type galaxies, primarily selected in the Coma supercluster. These data, combined with H alpha photometry from the literature, include a magnitude selected sample of spiral (Sa to Irr) galaxies belonging to the "Great Wall" complete up to mp=15.4, thus composed of galaxies brighter than Mp=-18.8 (H0=100 km Mpc^-1 s^-1). The frequency distribution of the H alpha E.W., determined for the first time from an optically complete sample, is approximately gaussian peaking at E.W. ~25 A. We find that, at the present limiting luminosity, the star formation properties of spiral+Irr galaxies members of the Coma and A1367 clusters do not differ significantly from those of the isolated ones belonging to the Great Wall. The present analysis confirms the well known increase of the current massive star formation rate (SFR) with Hubble type. Moreover perhaps a more fundamental anticorrelation exists between the SFR and the mass of disk galaxies: low-mass spirals and dwarf systems have present SFRs ~50 times higher than giant spirals. This result is consistent with the idea that disk galaxies are coeval, evolve as "closed systems" with exponentially declining SFR and that the mass of their progenitor protogalaxies is the principal parameter governing their evolution. Massive systems having high initial efficiency of collapse, or a short collapse time-scale, have retained little gas to feed the present epoch of star formation. These findings support the conclusions of Gavazzi & Scodeggio (1996) who studyed the color-mass relation of a local galaxy sample and agree with the analysis by Cowie et al. (1996) who traced the star formation history of galaxies up to z>1.Comment: 13 pages (LateX) + 24 figures + 4 tables. To appear in Astronomical Journal, April 1998 issu

    Towards an Understanding of the Mid-Infrared Surface Brightness of Normal Galaxies

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    We report a mid-infrared color and surface brightness analysis of IC 10, NGC 1313, and NGC 6946, three of the nearby galaxies studied under the Infrared Space Observatory Key Project on Normal Galaxies. Images with < 9 arcsecond (170 pc) resolution of these nearly face-on, late-type galaxies were obtained using the LW2 (6.75 mu) and LW3 (15 mu) ISOCAM filters. Though their global I_nu(6.75 mu)/I_nu(15 mu) flux ratios are similar and typical of normal galaxies, they show distinct trends of this color ratio with mid-infrared surface brightness. We find that I_nu(6.75 mu)/I_nu(15 mu) ~< 1 only occurs for regions of intense heating activity where the continuum rises at 15 micron and where PAH destruction can play an important role. The shape of the color-surface brightness trend also appears to depend, to the second-order, on the hardness of the ionizing radiation. We discuss these findings in the context of a two-component model for the phases of the interstellar medium and suggest that star formation intensity is largely responsible for the mid-infrared surface brightness and colors within normal galaxies, whereas differences in dust column density are the primary drivers of variations in the mid-infrared surface brightness between the disks of normal galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, uses AAS LaTeX; to appear in the November Astronomical Journa

    Spitzer Quasar and ULIRG Evolution Study (QUEST). II. The Spectral Energy Distributions of Palomar-Green Quasars

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    This is the second paper studying the QSOs in the Spitzer QUEST sample. Previously we presented new PAH measurements and argued that most of the observed far-infrared (FIR) radiation is due to star-forming activity. Here we present spectral energy distributions (SEDs) by supplementing our data with optical, NIR, and FIR observations. We define two subgroups, of "weak FIR" and "strong FIR" QSOs, and a third group of FIR nondetections. Assuming a starburst origin for the FIR, we obtain "intrinsic" active galactic nucleus (AGN) SEDs by subtracting a starburst template from the mean SEDs. The resulting SEDs are remarkably similar for all groups. They show three distinct peaks corresponding to two silicate emission features and a 3 μm bump, which we interpret as the signature of the hottest AGN dust. They also display drops beyond ~20 μm that we interpret as the signature of the minimum temperature (~200 K) dust. This component must be optically thin to explain the silicate emission and the slope of the long-wavelength continuum. We discuss the merits of an alternative model in which most of the FIR emission is due to AGN heating. Such models are unlikely to explain the properties of our QSOs, but they cannot be ruled out for more luminous objects. We also find correlations between the luminosity at 5100 Å and two infrared starburst indicators: L(60 μm) and L(PAH 7.7 μm). The correlation of L(5100 Å) with L(60 μm) can be used to measure the relative growth rates and lifetimes of the black hole and the new stars

    ISO--LWS observations of the two nearby spiral galaxies: NGC6946 and NGC1313

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    (Abridged) We present the analysis of the main FIR fine structure lines emission in NGC1313 and NGC6946. We calculate that a component probably associated with the diffuse disks contributes <~40% in N6946 and ~30 % in N1313 to the total [CII] emission. The main PDR physical parameters responsible for the neutral atomic gas emission in N1313 and N6946 do not significantly differ from what Malhotra etal (2001) found by modelling the integrated emission of a sample of 60 normal galaxies,although there are evidences for a beam averaged contribution of a less active component inside NGC6946 higher than its contribution in the integrated emission of normal galaxies. CO and [CII] in N6946 are well correlated with a mean [CII]/CO ratio similar to that of the normal galaxies sample. In N1313 the [CII]/CO seems to systematically increase from the North to the south, along the S-shaped spiral arm, indicating much more inhomogeneous conditions than in N6946. HI and [CII] in N6946 are completely de-correlated, probably because they arise from different gas components. In N1313 we successfully detect two distinct gas components: a cirrus-like component where HI and [CII] are weakly correlated as observed in our Galaxy, and a component associated with dense PDRs completely de-correlated from HI as observed in N6946.Finally, we find that the HI residing in dense PDRs and presumably recently photo-dissociated, constitutes a few % of the total HI. In turn, this dense gas component produces most of the [CII] emission emitted by the atomic neutral medium.Comment: Latex, 100 pages, 11 Figures, 11 Tables. Accepted for publication in A

    The elusive ISM of dwarf galaxies: excess submillimetre emission & CO-dark molecular gas

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    The Herschel Dwarf Galaxy Survey investigates the interplay of star formation activity and the the metal-poor gas and dust of dwarf galaxies using FIR and submillimetre imaging spectroscopic and photometric observations in the 50 to 550mu window of the Herschel Space Observatory. The dust SEDs are well constrained with the new Herschel and MIR Spitzer data. A submillimetre excess is often found in low metallicity galaxies, which,if tracing very cold dust, would highlight large dust masses not easily reconciled in some cases, given the low metallicities and expected gas-to-dust mass ratios. The galaxies are also mapped in the FIR fine-structure lines (63 and 145mu OI, 158mu CII, 122 and 205mu NII, 88mu OIII) probing the low density ionised gas, the HII regions and photodissociation regions. While still early in the Herschel mission we can already see, along with earlier studies, that line ratios in the metal-poor ISM differ remarkably from those in the metal-rich starburst environments. In dwarf galaxies, L[CII]/L(CO) (>10^4) is at least an order of magnitude greater than in the most metal-rich starburst galaxies. The enhanced [CII] arises from the larger photodissociation region where H2, not traced by the CO, can exist. The 88mu [OIII] line usually dominates the FIR line emission over galaxy-wide scales in dwarf galaxies, not the 158mu [CII] line which is the dominant FIR cooling line in metal-rich galaxies. All of the FIR lines together can contribute 1% to 2% of the L(TIR). The Herschel Dwarf Galaxy survey will provide statistical information on the nature of the dust and gas in low metallicity galaxies, elucidating the origin of the submm excess in dwarf galaxies, and help determine a ([CII] +CO) to H2 conversion factor, thus providing observational constraints on chemical evolution models of galaxies