2,773 research outputs found

    Introducción a los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles globales por satélite

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    Progressive introduction of network softwarization in operational telecom networks: advances at architectural, service and transport levels

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    Technological paradigms such as Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization and Network Slicing are altogether offering new ways of providing services. This process is widely known as Network Softwarization, where traditional operational networks adopt capabilities and mechanisms inherit form the computing world, such as programmability, virtualization and multi-tenancy. This adoption brings a number of challenges, both from the technological and operational perspectives. On the other hand, they provide an unprecedented flexibility opening opportunities to developing new services and new ways of exploiting and consuming telecom networks. This Thesis first overviews the implications of the progressive introduction of network softwarization in operational networks for later on detail some advances at different levels, namely architectural, service and transport levels. It is done through specific exemplary use cases and evolution scenarios, with the goal of illustrating both new possibilities and existing gaps for the ongoing transition towards an advanced future mode of operation. This is performed from the perspective of a telecom operator, paying special attention on how to integrate all these paradigms into operational networks for assisting on their evolution targeting new, more sophisticated service demands.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Eduardo Juan Jacob Taquet.- Secretario: Francisco Valera Pintor.- Vocal: Jorge López Vizcaín

    A Network Service Provider Perspective on Network Slicing

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    This work has been performed in the framework of the H2020 project 5GTRANSFORMER (Grant Agreement no. 761536) and EUB project NECOS (Grant Agreement no. 777067), which are partly funded by the European Commission. This information reflects the consortia views, but neither the consortia nor the European Commission are liable for any use that may be done of the information contained therei

    On slice isolation options in the transport network and associated feasibility indicators

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    Proceedings of: IEEE 7th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2021)Isolation is one of the more relevant attributes associated to the idea of network slicing, introduced by 5G services. Through isolation it is expected that slices from different customers could gracefully coexist without interfering each other, in the sense that whatever misbehavior or unforeseen demand from one slice customer could not affect the communication service received by any other slice customer supported atop the same physical transport infrastructure. This paper surveys and compare different technical approaches that can be taken for providing distinct isolation levels in the transport network, as a major component of end-to-end network slices. Furthermore, a number of isolation feasibility indicators are defined and proposed. These indicators are based on the approaches referred before, as a mean of guiding orchestration decisions at the time of provisioning or reconfiguring the transport slices in the network.This work has been partly funded by the 5G-PPP projects 5G-DIVE (Grant Agreement no. 859881), 5GROWTH (G. A. no. 856709) and 5G-VINNI (G. A. no. 815279)

    Constructing tasks for primary teacher education from the perspective of Mathematics Teachers’ Specialised Knowledge

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    International audienceDeveloping tasks to help prospective teachers construct professional knowledge is an under-researched area of teacher education. In this paper we focus on describing the process of generating tasks in a research project at the University of Huelva. Using the model Mathematics Teachers’ Specialized Knowledge we designed tasks to prompt the construction of specific elements of knowledge necessary for teaching mathematics, with the involvement of educators and prospective teachers selected ad hoc. As an example, we describe elements from a task focused on the notion of a polygon

    The MTE: managing the professional empowerment of prospective primary teachers

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    The knowledge and practices of primary mathematics teacher educators in the period of initial training have the same impact on prospective primary teachers as teachers’ knowledge does on their students’ learning. The aim of this study is to contribute to characterising educators’ knowledge, particularly with respect to developing their students’ abilities and professional identity. Based on the observation of a training session and an interview, we recorded instances of a primary teacher educator’s knowledge, which we then analysed. The results indicate that not only the construction of professional knowledge, but also the development of teaching abilities and the sense of belonging to a community of teaching practices, become key to the process of professional empowerment of the prospective primary teachers.This study was carried out within the framework of the Research Centre COIDESO at the University of Huelva, and project RTI2018-096547-B-I00, of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain, as well as the Research Group DESYM (HUM-168), and the MTSK Network, sponsored by the AUIP

    Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un sistema de manejo y aprovechamiento del agua lluvia en el campus universitario sede claustro

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl proyecto desarrollado toma la viabilidad el beneficio de la recolección de aguas lluvias tomándolo como principio ecológico y asumiendo correcciones a la escases evidente de los recursos brindados por la naturaleza, se toma una importancia vital los recursos de hídricos que ofrece la naturaleza del país y haciendo frente la reducción los consumos de agua potable en la zona estudiada, esto para permitir a la universidad suministrar los dispositivos hidrosanitarios de esto el fluido así importante y ser capaz de darle un mejor empleo al agua, y el hecho de garantizar como método ecológico de recolección de aguas lluvia en la cubierta de la universidad católica el claustro. Este proyecto planifica ideas sostenibles de la eficiencia que tiene la recolección de las aguas lluvias para distribuirlos en los dispositivos sanitarios, y riego de jardines.1.ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACIÓN 2.PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 3.OBJETIVOS 4.JUSTIFICACIÓN 5.DELIMITACIÓN 6.MARCO DE REFERENCIA 7.MARCO CONCEPTUAL 8.ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 9. METODOLOGÍA 10.ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 11.CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Civi

    ¿Reconocen los estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria las secuencias de resultados aleatorios?

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar las características que los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria asignan a las secuencias de resultados aleatorios. Se comparan las respuestas y argumentos de 159 estudiantes de tres niveles educativos a cuatro tareas que en la investigación previa se conocen como tareas de reconocimiento de la aleatoriedad. Manteniendo el experimento aleatorio consistente en lanzar una moneda y la longitud total de la secuencias, se varían la frecuencia de resultados y la longitud de las rachas. Los resultados sugieren que los alumnos reconocen las características de las secuencias y tienen buena percepción de la estabilidad de la frecuencia relativa, pero esperan rachas más cortas de las habituales en un proceso aleatorio. Se observan mejores resultados que en investigaciones previas y mejor razonamiento en los alumnos mayores

    Conocimiento sobre la recta de una maestra de tercer ciclo de educación primaria

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    En el contexto de una investigación doctoral, presentamos el análisis de tres episodios en la observación de una maestra de tercer ciclo de educación primaria cuando enseña geometría. Basándonos en el modelo analítico de conocimiento especializado del profesor de matemáticas (MTSK), analizamos el conocimiento de los contenidos no explícitos en los conceptos recta, semirrecta y segmento que muestra la maestra y las consecuencias que estos tienen en el aula. Mostramos cómo el sustento epistemológico del conocimiento sobre estas nociones, pese a ser implícito, genera en el conocimiento explícito de la maestra dificultades y faltas de precisión que transmite a sus alumnos