146 research outputs found

    Consiglio e consiglieri nella trattatistica politica spagnola alla metĂ  del Cinquecento: un'ipotesi di lettura

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    L'articolo prende in esame alcuni testi dedicati alla figura del consigliere dei Principi, e ne analizza le coordinate di fondo, con l'obiettivo di evidenziare le coninteressenze di questo dibattito con un altro tema importante, quello della legittimitĂ  del potere

    Nurses in Public Health: A profession in continuous evolution

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    Today, nurses play a fundamental role in Public Health. In the last few decades the health profession has seen strong professional growth, in the areas of Clinical practice, Management and Education. In particular, this growth has been also informed by the progress being made in nursing research. In fact, nursing research has contributed to the establishment of support tools to facilitate and evaluate the daily work done by nurses, contributing significantly to the improvement of their professional performance

    Obstetric violence in a group of Italian women: socio-demographic predictors and effects on mental health

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    This study had two aims: (1) to explore the types and incidence of obstetric violence (OV) in a group of Italian women, as well as associated socio-demographic factors; and (2) to assess whether OV affects women’s mental health (e.g. psychological distress and post-traumatic stress). A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted with 282 Italian women. Women answered questions on socio-demographic factors, childbirth characteristics, OV and mental health. Multiple linear regression analyses assessing the predictive role of socio-demographic and childbirth characteristics on OV were conducted. Additionally, hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses assessing whether OV affected women’s mental health were also carried out. More than three quarters of the sample (78.4%) had experienced at least one type of OV (55.5% of non-consented care and 66.4% of abuse and violence). The factors most associated with OV were younger age, low educational level, not having attended a prenatal childbirth preparedness course, and having given birth naturally. The form of OV that most affected women’s mental health was that linked to abuse and violence rather than non-consented care. Study findings shed light into addressing OV from a multidimensional perspective

    Antimicrobial efficacy of Punica granatum Lythraceae peel extract against pathogens belonging to the ESKAPE group

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    The improper use and abuse of antibiotics have led to an increase in multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria resulting in a failure of standard antibiotic therapies. To date, this phenomenon represents a leading public health threat of the 21st century which requires alternative strategies to fight infections such as the identification of new molecules active against MDR strains. In the last 20 years, natural extracts with biological activities attracted scientific interest. Following the One Health Approach, natural by-products represent a sustainable and promising alternative solution. Consistently, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of hydro-alcoholic pomegranate peel extract (PPE) against MDR microorganisms belonging to Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp. “ESKAPE” group pathogens. Through semiquantitative and quantitative methods, the PPE showed effective antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative MDR bacteria. The kinetics of bactericidal action of PPE highlighted that microbial death was achieved in a time- and dose-dependent manner. High concentrations of PPE exhibited antioxidant activity, providing a protective effect on cellular systems and red blood cell membranes. Finally, we report, for the first time, a significant intracellular antibacterial property of PPE as highlighted by its bactericidal action against the staphylococcal reference strain and its bacteriostatic effect against clinical resistant strain in the HeLa cell line. In conclusion, due to its characterized content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity strength, the PPE could be considered as a therapeutic agent alone or in conjunction with standard antibiotics against challenging infections caused by ESKAPE pathogens

    Narrative Based Medicine as a tool for needs assessment of patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Background and aim: In the last years we have seen an ever increasing number of patients with haematologic disorders who need hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The whole sector of HSCT results, infact to be in a continous scientific and technological clinical progress, offering a very advanced care. Despite this, some aspects are underconsidered, some of which could be fundamental to determine the success of the care pathway, such as the experience of the illness by the patient. Using a Narrative Based Medicine approach we wanted to investigate clinical, psychosocial and organizational aspects of the patient\u2019s journey whilst undergoing HSCT. Method: Various narrative interviews were conducted using non-structured approach. Results were analysed by thematic contents. Results: Psycological dimension is the most compromised: above all emerged sentiments of oppression linked to the isolation period in the Low Bacterial Load (LBL) room. To note are also the different dynamics with which the patients perceive the organisation and hospital structures, and how much these factors can influence their care experience. Conclusions: Results suggest the need in clinical practice of an integration between qualitative and clinical approach, so as to permit the psychosocial and relational necessities to emerge, often unexpressed by patients undergoing HSCT

    La letteratura dal punto di vista degli scrittori

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    La storia della critica letteraria è stata generalmente esaminata dal punto di vista degli studiosi di teoria. Manca, a tutt’oggi, una visione d’insieme che esamini in maniera sistematica la critica letteraria dal punto di vista interno, ovvero degli autori stessi. Muovendo da tali premesse, il volume propone un’articolata analisi dei «discorsi» sulla letteratura prodotti da scrittori di lingua inglese, dalla seconda metà del Cinquecento a oggi. Allo scopo di dare ordine a una materia ampia e frastagliata, sono state individuate tre principali tipologie discorsive, o forme testuali, attraverso cui gli autori hanno dato voce alle proprie idee sulla letteratura. A tali tipologie discorsive corrispondono le tre sezioni in cui è stata suddivisa la materia critica del volume. La prima sezione, «Saggi e paratesti», esamina le teorie letterarie esposte in forma di saggi, prefazioni, commenti da parte dell’autore. La seconda sezione, «Disseminazioni», analizza le idee sulla letteratura sparse all’interno di romanzi, drammi, poesie. La terza sezione, infine, «Maschere d’autore», si concentra sulle teorie letterarie la cui esposizione è affidata a un alter ego dello scrittore, ovvero a una maschera parzialmente autobiografica. Ne emerge un quadro ricco e composito all’interno del quale teoria e prassi letteraria si arricchiscono reciprocamente, fino a fondersi in una più complessa unità i cui confini appaiono labili, indefiniti, negoziabili

    Unitas Multiplex. Biological architectures of consciousness

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    The so-called Posthuman question - the birth of organisms generated by the encounter of biological and artificial entities (humanoid robots, cyborgs and so on) – is now on the agenda of science and, more generally, of contemporary society. This is an issue of enormous importance, which not only poses ethical questions but also, and above all, methodological questions about how it will be achieved on a scientific plane. How such entities will be born and what their functions will be? For example, what kind of consciousness will they be equipped with, in view of the function of consciousness for distinguishing the Self from others, which is the foundation of the interactive life of relationships? Many scholars believe that rapid technological progress will lead to the emergence of organisms that will simulate the functions of the mind, learn from their experiences, decode real-world information, and plan their actions and choices based on their own values elaborated from vast amounts of data and metadata. In the not-too-distant future, it is believed that these entities will acquire awareness and, consequently, decisional freedom, and perhaps even their own unique morals. In this paper, we try to show that the path towards this goal cannot avoid clarification of the problems that neuroscience has ahead of it. These problems concern: a) the way in which consciousness comes about on the basis of well-defined brain processes; b) how it represents its own organization and not a simple brain function; c) how simultaneously contains multiple distinct contents, each with its own intentionality; d) how it expresses dynamic evolutionary relations and not a set of phenomena that may be isolated; e) finally, how its order is not rigidly hierarchical, but is supported by a multiplicity of horizontal levels, each of which is in structural and functional continuum with different phenomenal events. The empirical and theoretical research effort on this topic provides an intensive contribution to the development of IC Technologies

    Il governo delle passioni: prudenza, giustizia e carita' nella filosofia politica pratica di Lodovico Antonio Muratori

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    Dottorato di ricerca in filosofia politica. 9. Ciclo. Relatore Giuliano MariniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children with Permanent Hearing Impairment

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    Permanent childhood hearing impairment (PCHI) represents the most frequent sensory pathology at birth. PCHI has a relevant psychological impact on the life of both the affected children and their families. Thus, the aim of this work is to explore the degree of parental distress felt by mothers of a deaf or hard-of-hearing child, to determine if this stress is associated with variables related to the children’s health (e.g., the severity of hearing loss, presence of other conditions, difficulty with treatment options, difficulty with rehabilitation) or family characteristics such as socio-economic and educational status. The study used the Parenting Stress Index–Short Form (PSI-SF) questionnaire administered to mothers. The results were analyzed in relation to variables such as parents’ education level, number of children, severity of hearing loss, presence of other chronic conditions, presence of cognitive delay, familiarity with hearing loss, time of diagnosis, use of prosthetics, and start in a rehabilitation program. The data indicate a correlation between maternal stress levels and low-educational levels, as well as the presence of congenital infections and cognitive delay. These results highlight the need for a comprehensive physical and psychological approach for hearing-impaired children, as stress factors can affect the adherence to effective rehabilitation
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