172 research outputs found

    Remolques unifeed: equipos multifunción para fincas ganaderas

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    De gran interés para las estabulaciones con gran número de cabezas, los remolques mezcladores y distribuidores de ración, normalmente combinan las funciones de mezcla y distribución, pero se les denomina simplemente remolques mezcladores o mediante el vocablo inglés "Unifeed"

    Remolques de transporte de ganado

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    En este artículo se repasan los remolques empleados para el transporte de animales vivos, incluyendo los grandes traileres y carrocerías empleados para este fin

    Últimos avances en sembradoras convencionales y sus características

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    Los fabricantes de maquinaria constituyen un sector muy dinámico al tener que satisfacer las necesidades de un agricultor cada vez más exigente. El ahorro de tiempo, el aumento de precisión y sobre todo, la reducción de los costes (gasóleo, mantenimiento, etc.) constituyen gran parte de las exigencias que condicionan la introducción de los nuevos avances tecnológicos

    Últimas tendencias en pulverizadores, atomizadores y nebulizadores

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    La maquinaria de pulverización es uno de los tipos de aperos agrícolas donde se ven más innovaciones técnicas. Fn este articulo se hace un repaso al mercado actual, destacando avances significativos introducidos recientemente, como son: terminales electrónicos, automatización de las tareas de preparación y otros dispositivos de control y sensores

    Investment and imagined communities: A narrative analysis of the identity construction by student-teachers of English

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    The objective of this article is to discuss an exploratory study about the identity construction of eight student-teachers of English as learners of English as an additional language in the region of Vale do Açu, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil using some of the concepts developed by Bonny Norton, that is, investigating the types of investments made and the imagined communities aspired to by those student-teachers. For the exploratory study, a narrative perspective was adopted as identities are socio-cultural narratives constructed in time. The analyses showed that construction of the identities of the student-teachers investigated revolves around two types of investment: those which lead to learn and use the language, and those which lead to learn the English language to teach it. The results have shown that in the analyzed group of studentteachers, the learner-as-user and learner-as-teacher identities seem to confl ate and, in most cases, the learner-as-teacher identity seems to override the learner-as-user identity. Also, since many of the studies carried out on learner identity using Bonny Norton’s theoretical approach had immigrants in contexts where English is used by the community they are living in, this work is expected to contribute to Norton’s approach as the participants of this study are learning English as an additional language in contexts where the community members do not use English and English is mainly learnt in formal environments.Keywords: learners of English, identity, investments, imagined communities.</p

    Investimento e comunidades imaginadas: uma análise narrativa da construção da identidade de alunos-professores de inglês

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    The objective of this article is to discuss an exploratory study about the identity construction of eight student-teachers of English as learners of English as an additional language in the region of Vale do Açu, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil using some of the concepts developed by Bonny Norton, that is, investigating the types of investments made and the imagined communities aspired to by those student-teachers. For the exploratory study, a narrative perspective was adopted as identities are socio-cultural narratives constructed in time. The analyses showed that construction of the identities of the student-teachers investigated revolves around two types of investment: those which lead to learn and use the language, and those which lead to learn the English language to teach it. The results have shown that in the analyzed group of studentteachers, the learner-as-user and learner-as-teacher identities seem to confl ate and, in most cases, the learner-as-teacher identity seems to override the learner-as-user identity. Also, since many of the studies carried out on learner identity using Bonny Norton’s theoretical approach had immigrants in contexts where English is used by the community they are living in, this work is expected to contribute to Norton’s approach as the participants of this study are learning English as an additional language in contexts where the community members do not use English and English is mainly learnt in formal environments.Keywords: learners of English, identity, investments, imagined communities.O objetivo deste artigo é discutir um estudo exploratório sobre a construção identitária de oito alunos-professores como aprendizes de Inglês como língua adicional da região do Vale do Açu, Rio Grande do Norte, utilizando os conceitos desenvolvidos por Bonny Norton, isto é, os tipos de investimentos realizados e as comunidades imaginadas pelos participantes do estudo. Também, uma abordagem narrativa de pesquisa foi adotada, já que as identidades são narrativas socioculturais progressivamente construídas. A análise mostrou que a construção da identidade dos alunos-professores investigados gira em torno a dois tipos de investimentos: aqueles que os levam a aprender a língua para usá-la e aqueles que os levam a aprender a língua para ensiná-la. Os resultados mostram que no grupo de alunos analisados, a identidade do aprendiz como usuário da língua e a identidade do aprendiz de professor parecem se misturar, e em muitos casos, a segunda se sobrepõe a primeira. Também, como a grande maioria dos estudos realizados acerca da identidade de aprendizes na perspectiva desenvolvida por Norton foram realizadas com imigrantes em contexto de segunda língua, este trabalho pode contribuir com a área, já que seus participantes são alunos, aprendendo inglês como língua adicional no Brasil.Palavras-chave: aprendizes de inglês, identidade, investimentos, comunidades imaginadas

    Manitou MLT 840-137 PS, una telescópica para especialistas en carga.

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    El pasado 10 de octubre nos encontramos en Aldeanueva de Figueroa (Salamanca) con Ángel y Carlos Sierra, padre e hijo, responsables de la empresa Alfacetrans Transportes Sierra, en la que la Manitou MLT 840-137 PS es el cuarto modelo de la casa francesa que se utiliza. El objetivo era ensayar la cargadora telescópica en su entorno de trabajo habitual

    Synthesis of 1-indanones through the intramolecular Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction using NbCl5 as Lewis acid

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    The intramolecular Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction of 3-arylpropanoic acids to give 1-indanones can be effected in good yields under mild conditions (room temperature) by using niobium pentachloride. Our results indicate that NbCl5 acts both as reagent (to transform carboxylic acids into acyl chlorides) and as catalyst in the Friedel-Crafts cyclization.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Nível Superior (CAPES