117 research outputs found

    Multidimensional scaling

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    Liderazgo entre iguales en equipos deportivos : elaboración de un instrumento de medida

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    El presente estudio se ha realizado con el doble objetivo de ampliar el modelo de medida del liderazgo deportivo entre iguales (EELD-30) elaborado por Arce, Torrado, Andrade y Alzate (2011) y a la vez reducir el número de indicadores para mejorar su aplicabilidad. Como resultado, se ha obtenido una versión, denominada EELD-24, con más factores (6 en lugar de 5) y con menor número de ítems (24 en lugar de 30). El ajuste individual de los parámetros (cargas factoriales de los ítems, correlaciones entre factores, y varianzas de los errores de medida) ha sido satisfactorio y los índices de ajuste global del modelo razonables: χ2(242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0,90; TLI = 0,92; CFI = 0,93; SRMR = 0,058; RMSEA = 0,058 ( I.C. 90%; 0,052; 0,064). También se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios de consistencia interna de los factores, con valores de alpha de Cronbach que oscilan entre 0,76 y 0,86, de validez convergente y discriminante, y de invarianza del modelo de medida. La escala resultante puede ser utilizada con fines profesionales y de investigación con las suficientes garantías psicométricas.The present study was developed with the aim of increasing the assessment model of peer leadership (EELD-30) elaborated by Arce, Torrado, Andrade and Alzate (2011) and, at the same time, shortening the number of indicators in order to improve its applicability. As a result, a new version was obtained, called EELD-24, with one more factor (six instead of five) and fewer items (24 instead of 30). Fit indexes (item loads, factor correlations and error variance) were satisfactory and global fit indexes of the model were reasonable: χ2(242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.92; CFI = 0.93; SRMR = 0.058; RMSEA = 0.058 (C.I. 90%; 0.052; 0.064). Apart from this, satisfactory indexes of internal consistence were obtained, with values of Cronbach's Alpha between 0.76 and 0.86, and also convergent and discriminant validity and invariance of the model offer satisfactory results. The final scale can be used both for an applied context and for research with enough psychometric guarantees.O presente estudo foi realizado com um objectivo duplo de ampliar o modelo de medida de liderança desportiva entre pares (EELD-30) elaborado por Arce, Torrado, Andrade e Alzate (2011) e de reduzir o número de indicadores de forma a melhorar a sua aplicabilidade. Como resultado, foi obtida uma versão, denominada EELD-24, com mais factores (seis em vez de cinco) e com menor número de itens (24 em vez de 30). O ajustamento individual dos parâmetros (cargas factoriais dos itens, correlações entre factores e variâncias dos erros de medida) foi satisfatório e os índices de ajustamento global do modelo razoáveis: χ2 (242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.92; CFI = 0.93; SRMR = 0.058; RMSEA = 0.058 (I.C. 90%; 0.052; 0.064). De igual modo foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios de consistência interna dos factores, com valores de alfa de Cronbach que oscilam entre os .76 e .86, de validade convergente e discriminante, e de invariância do modelo de medida. A escala resultante pode ser utilizada em contexto aplicado e de investigação com suficientes garantias psicométricas

    Aportaciones del POMS a la medida del estado de ánimo de los deportistas : estado de la cuestión

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    Diseñado por McNair, Lorr y Droppleman (1971) para el ámbito clínico, el Perfil de los Estados de Ánimo (POMS) se ha convertido en un instrumento importante para la investigación en Psicología del Deporte. El presente trabajo sintetiza las principales aportaciones del cuestionario a la evaluación psicológica de los deportistas. El interés inicial por su efectividad en la predicción del rendimiento deportivo ha derivado, fruto del número creciente de estudios, en una serie de aplicaciones. Se ha empleado para analizar el efecto de la participación en programas de ejercicio, así como en el seguimiento psicológico del sobreentrenamiento y la fatiga. Ha sido adaptado a diferentes segmentos de la población y a distintos idiomas. A pesar de que existen ciertas dificultades de tipo metodológico que afectan al desarrollo de la escala, los resultados obtenidos con el POMS son muy prometedores y parece que su viabilidad y popularidad se mantendrán en el futuro.Created by McNair, Lorr and Droppleman (1971) for clinical settings, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) has become one of the most important instruments for research in Sport Psychology. This work is a synthesis of POMS contributions to the psychological assessment of athletes. Due to the increasing number of research studies, the initial interest in its accuracy in predicting sports performance has led to a series of applications. It has been used to examine the effects of exercise participation on mood, as well as for monitoring of overtraining and staleness. It has been adapted to different population

    Dimensiones de identidad social en jóvenes sordos

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    En este articulo, desde una metodologia basada fundamentalmente en el escalamiento multidimensional, se analizan los procesos de identidad social en los jóvenes sordos severos y profundos prelocutivos. Para ello, se adopta la Teoria de la Categorización-Identidad-Comparación social (CIC) propuesta por Tajfel y Turner. Esto es así, porque se estima que la pertenencia a un grupo diferenciado como el de los sordos configurará de manera relevante su Identidad Social. Igualmente se trata de comprobar si, al objeto de obtener una identidad social positiva, también se producen sesgos endogrupales dentro de una población asociada a una minusvalíaThe article analyzes processes of social identity in young deaf peopleffom a multidimensional perspective, using Tajfel and Turner's Social Categorization-Identity-Comparison Theory. Our hypothesis is that the fact of belonging to a differentiated social group, such as the deafpopulation, has a marked effect on social identity. In addition, the authors examine whether intragroup bias emerges insid a disabledpopulation as a result of attempts to obtain a positive social identityS

    Preliminary validation of a Spanish version of the Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ)

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    The Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) has showed evidence of its validity and reliability for measuring engagement in athletes. Engagement in athletes is a positive and persistent experience characterized by emotions and cognitions of confidence, vigor, dedication and enthusiasm. The purpose of this study was to adapt the AEQ into Spanish. AEQ-Spanish was administered to a sample of 509 Spanish athletes and data were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis. The original model comprising four factors (confidence, vigor, dedication and enthusiasm) was replicated. All estimated parameters were statistically significant and overall fit of the model was reasonable (indexes of goodness of fit reached the minimum values). The values of Cronbach's alpha were also satisfactory for each factor with values above .70 cutoff. In conclusion, the Spanish version of AEQ offers similar psychometric properties to the findings in original version and it will allow researchers to carry out research in the Spanish context to identify personal and situational factors that contribute to engagement.El Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) es un instrumento que ha mostrado evidencias de su validez y fiabilidad para la medida del engagement en deportistas. Este se define como una experiencia positiva y mantenida en el tiempo caracterizada por emociones y pensamientos de confianza, vigor, dedicación y entusiasmo. El propósito de este estudio fue adaptar el AEQ al español con una muestra de 509 deportistas españoles. Los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis factorial confirmatorio, replicándose el modelo original de cuatro factores (confianza, vigor, dedicación y entusiasmo). Todos los parámetros estimados fueron estadísticamente significativos y el ajuste general del modelo fue aceptable, alcanzando los índices de bondad de ajuste los valores mínimos requeridos. Los valores de alfa de Cronbach de cada factor también fueron satisfactorios con valores por encima de .70. Con estos datos, se puede concluir que la versión española de AEQ ofrece propiedades psicométricas similares a la versión original. Por ello, al disponer de una herramienta de medida adecuada, esto permitirá a los investigadores realizar estudios en el contexto español para identificar factores personales y situacionales que contribuyen al engagement

    Adaptación al español de la subescala de Competición del Test of Performance Strategies

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    Background: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the conceptualisation and assessment of athletes’ psychological skills and the study of their impact on sports performance. The aim of this study was to adapt the Test of Performance Strategies 3 competition subscale to the Spanish context. Method: The items included in the original test in English were translated using a double-back method, and the test was completed by a sample of 1,003 Spanish athletes of both sexes. Analyses of the factorial validity, reliability and invariance of the measurement model were carried out. Results: Favourable evidence was obtained for a measurement model comprising 36 items grouped in 9 factors, similar to the original model. Model fi t was reasonable for both individual parameters and overall. Reliability rates were satisfactory for the overall test and for each factor. Evidence was also favourable for sex-based measurement model invariance. Conclusions: The adaptation is satisfactory and fi t for use by sports psychology researchers and professionals in assessing the psychological skills employed by athletes in competitionAntecedentes: en los últimos años ha crecido el interés por la conceptualización y la evaluación de las habilidades psicológicas de los deportistas y por el estudio de su relación con el rendimiento deportivo. El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de adaptar al español la subescala de competición del Test of Performance Strategies 3. Método: se siguió un proceso de doble traducción de los ítems del test original en inglés, y se aplicó a una muestra de 1.003 deportistas españoles de ambos sexos. Se realizaron análisis de validez factorial, de fi abilidad y de invarianza del modelo de medida. Resultados: se obtuvo evidencia favorable a un modelo de medida con 36 ítems agrupados en 9 factores, semejante al modelo original. El ajuste del modelo fue razonable a nivel individual de cada parámetro y a nivel global. Los índices de fi abilidad fueron satisfactorios para el total del test y para cada uno de sus factores. También se obtuvieron evidencias favorables a la invarianza del modelo de medida en función del sexo. Conclusiones: la adaptación realizada es satisfactoria y puede ser utilizada por investigadores y profesionales de la psicología del deporte para evaluar las habilidades psicológicas que los deportistas emplean en la competiciónThis research has been carried out with fi nancial support from Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (ED431B 2016/017)S

    Validación preliminar de una versión española del Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ)

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    The Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) has showed evidence of its validity and reliability for measuring engagement in athletes. Engagement in athletes is a positive and persistent experience characterized by emotions and cognitions of confidence, vigor, dedication and enthusiasm. The purpose of this study was to adapt the AEQ into Spanish. AEQ-Spanish was administered to a sample of 509 Spanish athletes and data were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis. The original model comprising four factors (confidence, vigor, dedication and enthusiasm) was replicated. All estimated parameters were statistically significant and overall fit of the model was reasonable (indexes of goodness of fit reached the minimum values). The values of Cronbach´s alpha were also satisfactory for each factor with values above .70 cutoff. In conclusion, the Spanish version of AEQ offers similar psychometric properties to the findings in original version and it will allow researchers to carry out research in the Spanish context to identify personal and situational factors that contribute to engagementThis research has been carried out thanks to the economic support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project PSI2014-56935-P)S

    The Relationship between Motivation and Burnout in Athletes and the Mediating Role of Engagement

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    The purpose of our research was to analyze the relationship among motivation, burnout, and engagement in sports. Five hundred athletes of both sexes from multiple sports modalities took part, with a mean age of 17.39 years (SD = 4.60). The instruments applied were as follows: Spanish versions of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), the Athlete Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ) and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Pearson correlations showed that motivation is negatively related to burnout and positively to engagement, while burnout and engagement are inversely related to each other. Through structural equation modeling, it was shown that engagement has a mediating role between motivation and burnout. Furthermore, there are no gender differences in this relationship, although there are differences between athletes who practice individual sports and those who practice collective sports. Encouraging high levels of self-determined motivation can help to increase athletes’ degree of engagement and protect them against burnout and sport withdrawalThis work was supported by the following research project: Consolidación 2019 GPC GI-1456 Comportamiento Social y Psicometría Aplicada—COSOYPA, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (grant number: ED431B 2019/0)S

    Multidimensional scaling: concept and applications

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    A través del presente artículo se ofrece una visión conceptual, a la vez que operativa, del concepto de escalamiento multidimensional. En la forma de presentación se busca, en primer lugar, que los psicólogos interesados comprendan lo que es el modelo de escalamiento multidimensional a través de varios ejemplos muy sencillos e intuitivos y, en segundo lugar, adquieran competencias que le permitan resolver distintos problemas de escalamiento multidimensional con el uso de software específico. Se pretende igualmente descargar la presentación de fórmulas y métodos matemáticos sin renunciar por ello al rigor metodológico que el tema requiereThe present article offers a conceptual, and at the same time operative, vision of the concept of multidimensional scaling. In the manner it is presented, the aim is, firstly, to help interested psychologists understand what the multidimensional scaling model is, using a number of simple, intuitive examples; and, secondly, for them to acquire the competence required to resolved different problems in multidimensional scaling through the use of specific software. The aim is also to download the presentation of mathematical formulae and method, without renouncing the methodological rigour that the subject demandsEsta investigación ha sido realizada con la ayuda de la Dirección Xeral de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación de la Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT06PXIB211187PR)S

    An Analysis of Schmidt and Stein’s Sport Commitment Model and Athlete Profiles

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    [Abstract] The sport commitment model proposed by Schmidt and Stein is one of the most complete paradigms on the etiology of burnout syndrome. According to this model, the degree of burnout of athletes is related to the nature of their commitment to sporting activity. Based on the Benefits, Costs, Satisfaction, Alternatives, and Investments, three types of athletes are defined: (1) athletes who are fully committed because they enjoy the activity; (2) athletes who are committed because they feel trapped; (3) athletes who are not committed and are at risk of abandonment. Analysis of cluster and analysis of variance were performed using data collected from a sample of 357 athletes. The results were aligned with the Schmidt and Stein model predictions in terms of athlete type and partial scores for each component of the model, although with slight variations. The percentage of athletes correctly classified is 99.35% for the cluster of committed athletes; 97.35% for the cluster of entrapped athletes; 96.63% for the cluster of non-committed athletes at risk of abandonment. In conclusion, the sport commitment model provides a useful approach to explain the etiology of burnout in athletes, helping to understand the psychological keys to the syndrome.This research was funded by Xunta de Galicia (Consolidación 2019 GPC GI-1456 Comportamiento Social y Psicometría Aplicada—COSOYPA, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional), grant number ED431B 2019/0Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2019/