234 research outputs found

    James B. Collins, La Bretagne dans l’État royal, Classes sociales, États provinciaux et Ordre public de l’édit d’union à la révolte des Bonnets rouges

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    James. B. Colins est un amoureux de la Bretagne, ce qui ne l’empêche pas d’avoir un regard objectif et riche de nouveauté sur l’histoire politique et sociale de la province aux xvieet xviiesiècles. Professeur à l’université de Georgetown (Washington) il a publié ce livre en anglais, en 1994, chez Cambridge University Press. Il faut saluer cette excellente initiative des universitaires bretons d’avoir voulu donner une version française à un livre de cette importance sur le plan scientifique, d..

    Hilltop settlement dynamics in Provence between the 5th - 9th c.: results and research prospects

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    Frends in the Education Activities of the Trade-Union in Japan.

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    Relation entre composition corporelle et valeurs spirométriques dans la population adulte de Kinshasa de 20 à 70 ans: Body composition and spirometric values in an adult population of Kinshasa, aged 20-70 years

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    Context. Impact of individual anthropometric measures on spirometric values has been previously established. The relevance of body mass indices (BMI) is increasingly being considered, especially in the establishment of reference spirometric equations. Objective. To assess the influence of body composition on spirometric values in healthy adults. Methods. In a cross-sectional survey, spirometric and body composition data of participants were analyzed. Spirometry was performed using a SPIROBANK A23-OU and body indices measured with an OMRON brand impedance meter, type BF 511. Multivariate linear regression helped to determine association between studied parameters, stratified by sex and age groups. Results. A total of 7443 subjects (males, 56.9 %), median age of 37 years for men and 39 years for women were included. A negative correlation regardless of gender, was observed between spirometric values (FEV1, FVC, PEF° and body mass indices including: fat mass (Men vs Women: r= 0.009, P < 0.001 vs r= 0.003, P=0.148), visceral fat, waist size and BMI. Differences were significantely linked to the proportion of fat mass and/or a BMI ≥ 30 Kg/m². Lean mass, on the other hand, appeared to positively influence respiratory function in both genders (r= 0.003; P=0.218 vs r=0.018, P< 0.0001). Conclusion. The study emphasizes the relevance of integrating anthropometric and body composition data in the determination of spirometric reference values. Larger community based surveys are needed to validate the reference equations for futher use. Contexte. Les données anthropométriques influencent les valeurs spirométriques d’un individu. La contribution des indices de masse corporelle est de plus en plus considérée, surtout dans l’établissement des équations de référence pour une population donnée. Objectif. Evaluer l’impact de la composition corporelle sur les valeurs spirométriques dans une population des sujets sains. Méthodes. L’enquête transversale a analysé les données spirométriques et les indices de la composition corporelle (IMC) de participants. Les valeurs spirométriques ont été mesurées à l’aide d’un spiromètre de marque SPIROBANK A23-0U, et les indices de masse corporelle, à l’aide d’un impédancimètre de marque OMRON, type BF 511. Les associations ont été recherchées entre paramètres étudiés stratifiés par sexe et en groupes d’âge, à l’aide d’une analyse multivariée par régression linéaire. Résultats. Au total, 7443 sujets (sexe masculin, 56,9%), d’âge médian de 37 ans chez les hommes et 39 ans chez les femmes ont été inclus. Une corrélation négative, indépendamment du sexe, a été observée entre les valeurs spirométriques (VEMS, CVF, DEP) et les indices de masse corporelle dont : la masse grasse (Hommes vs Femmes : r =0,009, P<0,0001 vs r=0,003, P=0,148), la graisse viscérale, le tour de taille et l’IMC. Cette dernière était plus marquée chez les sujets avec proportion plus importante de masse grasse et/ou un IMC ≥ 30 Kg par m². La masse maigre quant à elle, semblait positivement influencer la fonction respiratoire et ce, indépendamment du sexe (r= 0,003 ; P= 0,218 vs r=0,018, P < 0,0001). Conclusion : Cette étude renforce la pertinence d’intégrer les données anthropométriques et de la composition corporelle dans la détermination des valeurs spirométriques de référence. Des enquêtes multicentriques s’imposent, en vue de la validation des équations de référence. &nbsp

    An Original ELISA-Based Multiplex Method for the Simultaneous Detection of 5 SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies Directed against Different Antigens

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    Strategies to detect SARS-CoV-2 are increasingly being developed. Among them, serological methods have been developed. Nevertheless, although these may present an interesting clinical performance, they are often directed against only one antigen. This study aims at evaluating the clinical performance of an innovative multiplex immunoassay (i.e. CoViDiag assay) detecting simultaneously the presence of antibodies directed against N, S1, S2, RBD and NTD antigens. Sensitivity was evaluated in 135 samples obtained from 94 rRT-PCR confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Non-SARS-CoV-2 sera (n = 132) collected before the COVID-19 pandemic with potential cross-reactions to the SARS-CoV-2 immunoassay were included in the specificity analysis. The antibody signature was also studied in hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients. The specificity of the CoViDiag assay was excellent for all antibodies (99.2 to 100%) using adapted cut-offs. None of the false positive samples were positive for more than one antibody. The sensitivity obtained from samples collected 14 days since symptom onset varied from 92.0 to 100.0% depending on the antibody considered. Among samples collected more than 14 days after symptom onset, 12.8, 66.3, 3.5, 9.3, 5.8 and 2.3% were positive for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 antibodies, respectively. A trend toward higher antibody titers was observed in hospitalized patient in the early days since symptom onset. However, no significant difference was observed compared to non-hospitalized patients after 14 days since symptom onset. The clinical performance of the CoViDiag 5 IgG assay is sufficient to recommend its use for the detection and the characterization of the antibody signature following SARS-CoV-2 infection. The combination of several antigens in the same test improves the overall specificity and sensitivity of the test. Further research is needed to investigate whether this strategy may be of interest to identify severe disease outcome in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Colorful Niches of Phytoplankton Shaped by the Spatial Connectivity in a Large River Ecosystem: A Riverscape Perspective

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    Large rivers represent a significant component of inland waters and are considered sentinels and integrators of terrestrial and atmospheric processes. They represent hotspots for the transport and processing of organic and inorganic material from the surrounding landscape, which ultimately impacts the bio-optical properties and food webs of the rivers. In large rivers, hydraulic connectivity operates as a major forcing variable to structure the functioning of the riverscape, and–despite increasing interest in large-river studies–riverscape structural properties, such as the underwater spectral regime, and their impact on autotrophic ecological processes remain poorly studied. Here we used the St. Lawrence River to identify the mechanisms structuring the underwater spectral environment and their consequences on pico- and nanophytoplankton communities, which are good biological tracers of environmental changes. Our results, obtained from a 450 km sampling transect, demonstrate that tributaries exert a profound impact on the receiving river’s photosynthetic potential. This occurs mainly through injection of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and non-algal material (tripton). CDOM and tripton in the water column selectively absorbed wavelengths in a gradient from blue to red, and the resulting underwater light climate was in turn a strong driver of the phytoplankton community structure (prokaryote/eukaryote relative and absolute abundances) at scales of many kilometers from the tributary confluence. Our results conclusively demonstrate the proximal impact of watershed properties on underwater spectral composition in a highly dynamic river environment characterized by unique structuring properties such as high directional connectivity, numerous sources and forms of carbon, and a rapidly varying hydrodynamic regime. We surmise that the underwater spectral composition represents a key integrating and structural property of large, heterogeneous river ecosystems and a promising tool to study autotrophic functional properties. It confirms the usefulness of using the riverscape approach to study large-river ecosystems and initiate comparison along latitudinal gradients
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