82 research outputs found

    The Need for Incorporation of the Principles of Fiscal Sociology in Social Policy in Ukraine

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    У статті запропоновано використати новий принцип фінансування соціальних видатків у країні з недо-статнім рівнем демократії в умовах економічної кризи, який пропонують назвати анти-оптимум Парето.В статье предлагается использовать новый принцип финансирования социальных расходов в стране с недостаточным уровнем демократии в условиях экономического кризиса, который предлагается назвать анти-оптимум Парето.In the article it is suggested to use new principle of financing social charges in a country with the insufficient level of democracy in the conditions of economic crisis, which it is suggested to name аnti-optimum of Pareto

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line, CSSi004-A (2962), from a patient diagnosed with Huntington's disease at the presymptomatic stage

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an incurable, autosomal dominant, hereditary neurodegenerative disorder that typically manifests itself in midlife. This pathology is linked to the deregulation of multiple, as yet unknown, cellular processes starting before HD onset. A human iPS cell line was generated from skin fibroblasts of a subject at the presymptomatic life stage, carrying a polyglutamine expansion in HTT gene codifying Huntingtin protein. The iPSC line contained the expected CAG expansion, expressed the expected pluripotency markers, displayed in vivo differentiation potential to the three germ layers and had a normal karyotype

    Use and effectiveness of dapagliflozin in routine clinical practice. An Italian multicenter retrospective study

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    In randomized controlled trials (RCTs), SGLT-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) showed glycaemic and extra-glycaemic benefits. The DARWIN-T2D (DApagliflozin Real World evIdeNce in Type 2 Diabetes) was a multicenter retrospective study designed to evaluate baseline characteristics of patients receiving dapagliflozin versus selected comparators (DPP-4 inhibitors, gliclazide, or GLP-1 receptor agonists), and drug effectiveness in routine clinical practice. From a population of 281,217 patients, the analysis included 17,285 initiating dapagliflozin or comparator glucose lowering medications (GLM), 6751 of whom had a follow-up examination. At baseline, patients starting dapagliflozin were younger, had a longer disease duration, higher HbA1c, and a more complex history of previous GLM use, but the clinical profile of patients receiving dapagliflozin was changing during the study period. Dapagliflozin reduced HbA1c by 0.7%, body weight by 2.7 kg, and systolic blood pressure by 3.0 mm Hg. Effects of comparator GLM were also within the expected range based on RCTs. This real-world study demonstrates an initial channelling of dapagliflozin to difficult-to-treat patients. Nonetheless, dapagliflozin provided significant benefits on glucose control, body weight, and blood pressure that were in line with findings from RCTs

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line, CSSi002-A (2851), from a patient with juvenile Huntington Disease

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    Abstract Huntington Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by motor, cognitive and behavioral features caused by a CAG expansion in the HTT gene beyond 35 repeats. The juvenile form (JHD) may begin before the age of 20 years and is associated with expanded alleles as long as 60 or more CAG repeats. In this study, induced pluripotent stem cells were generated from skin fibroblasts of a 8-year-old child carrying a large size mutation of 84 CAG repeats in the HTT gene. HD appeared at age 3 with mixed psychiatric (i.e. autistic spectrum disorder) and motor (i.e. dystonia) manifestations

    Generation of the induced pluripotent stem cell line CSSi006-A (3681) from a patient affected by advanced-stage Juvenile Onset Huntington's Disease

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    Abstract Juvenile Onset Huntington's Disease (JOHD) is a rare variant of HD withage of onset ≤20 years, accounting for 3–10% of all HD patients. The rarity occurrence of JOHD cases, who severely progress towards mental and physical disability with atypical clinical manifestations compared to classical HD, are responsible of general lack of knowledge about this variant. We obtained a fully reprogrammed iPS cell line from fibroblasts of a JOHD patient carrying 65 CAG repeats and age at onset at age 15. At the biopsy time, the patient showed an advanced stage after 10 years of disease

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line CSSi008-A (4698) from a patient affected by advanced stage of Dentato-Rubral-Pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA)

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    Abstract Dentato-Rubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is a rare autosomal, dominant, progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes involuntary movements, mental and emotional problems. DRPLA is caused by a mutation in the ATN1 gene that encodes for an abnormal polyglutamine stretch in the atrophin-1 protein. DRPLA is most common in the Japanese population, where it has an estimated incidence of 2 to 7 per million people. This condition has also been seen in families from North America and Europe. We obtained a reprogrammed iPSC line from a Caucasian patient with a juvenile onset of the disease, carrying 64 CAG repeat expansion in the ATN1 gene

    Study of shock waves generation, hot electron production and role of parametric instabilities in an intensity regime relevant for the shock ignition

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    We present experimental results at intensities relevant to Shock Ignition obtained at the sub-ns Prague Asterix Laser System in 2012 . We studied shock waves produced by laser-matter interaction in presence of a pre-plasma. We used a first beam at 1ω (1315 nm) at 7 × 10 13 W/cm 2 to create a pre-plasma on the front side of the target and a second at 3ω (438 nm) at ∼ 10 16 W/cm 2 to create the shock wave. Multilayer targets composed of 25 (or 40 μm) of plastic (doped with Cl), 5 μm of Cu (for Kα diagnostics) and 20 μm of Al for shock measurement were used. We used X-ray spectroscopy of Cl to evaluate the plasma temperature, Kα imaging and spectroscopy to evaluate spatial and spectral properties of the fast electrons and a streak camera for shock breakout measurements. Parametric instabilities (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay) were studied by collecting the back scattered light and analysing its spectrum. Back scattered energy was measured with calorimeters. To evaluate the maximum pressure reached in our experiment we performed hydro simulations with CHIC and DUED codes. The maximum shock pressure generated in our experiment at the front side of the target during laser-interaction is 90 Mbar. The conversion efficiency into hot electrons was estimated to be of the order of ∼ 0.1% and their mean energy in the order ∼50 keV. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distributio