268 research outputs found

    Genome scan to assess the respective role of host-plant and environmental constraints on the adaptation of a widespread insect

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The evolutionary success of phytophagous insects could result from their adaptation to different host-plants. Alternatively, the diversification of widespread species might be driven by adaptation along environmental gradients. To disentangle the respective roles of host-plant versus abiotic environmental variables acting on the genome of an oligophagous insect, we performed a genome scan using 83 unlinked AFLP markers on larvae of the large pine weevil collected on two host-plants (pine and spruce) in four forestry regions across Europe.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At this large geographic scale, the global genetic differentiation was low and there was no isolation by distance pattern, suggesting that migration is overwhelming genetic drift in this species. In this context, the widely used frequentist methods to detect outliers (e.g. Dfdist), which assume migration - drift equilibrium are not the most appropriate approach. The implementation of a recently developed Bayesian approach, conceived to detect outliers even in non-equilibrium situations, consistently detected 9 out of 83 loci as outliers. Eight of these were validated as outliers by multiple logistic regressions: six correlated with environmental variables, one with host-plant and one with the interaction between environmental variables and host-plant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest a relatively greater importance of abiotic environmental variables, as opposed to factors linked with the host-plant, in shaping genetic differentiation across the genome in this species. Logistic regression allows the nature of factors involved in locus-specific selection to be precisely identified and represents another step forward in the process of identifying adaptive loci.</p

    Tensions entre socialisme et communisme en Bourbonnais (1945-2002)

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    RésuméDepuis 1945, la gauche est prépondérante dans le conseil général et la circonscription la plus rurale de l’Allier. Les rapports entre socialistes et communistes sont étroitement dépendants des forces respectives des deux partis et oscillent entre concurrence et partenariat. Pour parvenir à une position de suprématie, élus et militants font appel à l’Histoire comme légitimation. Ils usent aussi de méthodes plus pratiques, tel l’investissement dans le syndicalisme agricole, modalité d’implantation privilégiée dans l’Allier. Cet article présente les références, la sociologie et les relais des deux mouvements. Il envisage l’évolution de la gauche par rapport aux mutations économiques et sociales, et face à une droite renouvelée durant les dernières décennies du xxe siècle.AbstractSince 1945, the left has held a preponderant position on the board of supervisors in Allier department, France, and in its most rural district. Wavering between competition and partnership, the relations between Socialists and Communists closely depend on the strength of their respective parties. To outdistance each other, elected officials and activists appeal to History for legitimacy. They also use more practical methods, such as involvement in farmers, unions, which have given them roots in the department. This sociological study of these two movements also presents their points of references and support. The evolution of the left is seen in relation to economic and social changes, and with respect to a right-wing revival during the last decades of the 20th century

    « On va t’apprendre à faire des affaires… »

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    La photographie, considérée à la fois comme pratique, usage, objet d’échange matériel et symbolique, don et contre-don, moyen de valorisation personnelle, occupe ici une place centrale et déterminante dans les rapports que l’anthropologue entretient avec son terrain. Du fait de ses pratiques photographiques, celle-ci se trouve investie par des femmes juives d’origine tunisienne (clientes régulières de cafés bellevillois, à Paris) de rôles divers et variés qui lui permettent de mieux comprendre certains aspects des relations sociales propres à cette population : l’auto-mise-en-scène, le « mauvais oeil », les rivalités, la fonction de l’argent, les cérémonies religieuses, etc. L’enseignement des « clés d’une bonne affaire » – dans laquelle l’objet photo devient valeur marchande – vient confirmer la fonction médiatrice de la photographie sur ce terrain.Photography, considered at the same time a practice, a custom, a material and symbolic exchange article, a means of personal enhancement, occupies here a central and determining place in the relations that the anthropologist maintains with her field. On account of her photographic practices, the photographer finds herself invested, by Jewish women of Tunisian origine (regular customers of Bellevillois cafés in Paris), with diverse and varied roles which allow her to understand better certain aspects of the social relations characteristic of this population: self mise en scène, the « evil eye », the rivalries, the function of money, the religious ceremonies etc. The teaching of the « keys to a good deal » – in which the photograph as an object becomes a market value – confirms the mediatory function of photography in this field

    Charles de Freycinet entre la République et l’armée

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    En 1923, lorsque meurt Charles de Freycinet, âgé de 95 ans, la presse française rend hommage à cet homme orchestre de la iiie République, qui fut président du Conseil à plusieurs reprises. Les journalistes évoquent assez peu l’ingénieur et le scientifique (auteur d’une dizaine d’ouvrages concernant l’assainissement, la mécanique et jusqu’aux planètes) et insistent essentiellement sur deux points : le ministre et chef du gouvernement républicain et le patriote qui exerça des fonctions de comma..

    Les dernières indépendances des colonies françaises: les Comores et Djibouti (1962-1980)

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    After the independence of Algeria in 1962, separatist movements in French colonies emerged, especially in the Comoros and Djibouti. The countries respectively achieved independence in 1975 and 1977. During the 1960s and 1970s, the French government abandoned its repressive policy and sought to help the territories attain independence. However, the whole process never came to an end in the Comoros islands, since Mayotte forwent independence, despite the various condemnations from international authorities. Mayotte retained its link with France thanks to the enthusiasm of the former supporters of French Algeria. In Djibouti, violence brought about violence. The executive power strongly repressed demonstrations, but it also had to face the violence of some separatists, who took hostages to make their voice heard. France finally left the territory but maintained an important military base in the country. This paper aims at examining these events. It also questions the divided reactions of the French political forces. The left parties quite unanimously denounced electoral fraud and supported independence, whereas Gaullists and liberals wavered over the attitude -intransigence or flexibility- to adopt

    “A função mediadora da imagem fotográfica!”

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    Este artigo trata de pesquisa de antropologia visual desenvolvida entre imigrantes tunisianas em Paris e também em Marrocos. As fotografias tomadas sâo negociadas com as interlocutoras e revelam sobre seus hábitos culturais, sociabilidades cotidianas. Reflito sobre o a fotografia como instrumento metodológico para o exercicio etnográfico. Palavras chave: Fotografia.Antropologia visual. Etnografia. França. Marrocos.   The mediating role of the photographic image   Abstract  This article deals with research of visual anthropology developed between Tunisian immigrants in Paris and also in Morocco. The photos taken are negotiated with the interlocutors and reveal about their cultural habits, everyday sociability. I reflect on the the picture as a methodological tool for ethnographic exercise. Keywords: Photography. Visual anthropology. Ethnography. France. Morocco

    Principes antithétiques et adversaires communs: partis paysans et partis socialistes en Europe des années 1920 aux années 1960

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    The rural parties and socialist parties are animated by contradictory ideologies: projects commune versus class struggle. However the observation of their relations between the years 1920 to 1960 shows a strong similarity. The two political currents criticize the liberal economy and the rural parties are often partisan of an agricultural reform to which the socialists aspire, even if the final result is different. Last but not least, the parties which group together between the two wars in an agriculture International belong in majority to the camp of political democracy. Many of them are to become victims, as well as those of the left wing parties, of the authoritarian regimes which took over at that time in Europe. These similarities facilitated the constitution of alliances between rural parties and left wing parties in Scandinavia (where they tempted to put an end to the 1930's crisis by conjugating a policy of protectionism and a rise in taxes) as well as in Czechoslovakia. With the exception of Scandinavia, the Nazi expansion put an end to these experiences. After the Second World War, the establishment of communism in central Europe either reduced the rural parties to the role of satellites or forced them into to exile. In Scandinavia, the alliances between the parties promoting agrarianism and the social democrats came to an end in the 1960's and the rural parties became the right wing (centre)

    Sur la signification sociale et culturelle d'un sport aussi latin

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    Cette introduction vise à donner un aperçu général sur le rugby, son évolution (voire révolution) depuis une vingtaine d’année et ses enjeux actuels, car ce sport est un objet peu connu de la recherche en langue allemande. En contrepoint de l’idée que le rugby serait un sport à tradition presqu’exclusivement britannique, nous nous y intéressons donc avec un point de vue centré sur les pays de langues latines. En partant de l’exemple français et de sa culture rugbystique très forte, nous nous interrogeons sur une éventuelle culture ou identité propre au rugby latin. En effet, le rugby est également plus ou moins ancré dans un certain nombre de ces pays et, historiquement, la plus grande partie des nations qui ont pu représenter une concurrence (plus ou moins forte) aux nations britanniques ou du Pacifique ont toutes le même point commun&nbsp;: d’être justement de culture latine

    Ăśber die soziale und kulturelle Bedeutung eines auch romanischen Sports

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    Ziel dieser Einleitung ist, einen allgemeinen Forschungsüberblick über Rugby anzubieten, um ein bis dato wenig bearbeitetes Forschungsfeld in der (deutschen) romanistischen Kulturwissenschaft darzustellen. Der Fokus soll dabei auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Rugby in der Romania, dessen Professionalisierungsprozess, kulturelle Bedeutung und die dadurch entstehenden Herausforderungen gelenkt werden. Entgegen der Auffassung, dass Rugby fast ausschließlich britischer Prägung ist, widmet sich die Ausgabe jenem Rugby, der in den Ländern romanischer Sprache und Kultur gespielt wird. Ausgehend von der lebendigen Rugbykultur Frankreichs wird der Überblick von der Frage nach einer spezifischen Kultur oder gar Identität des romanischen Rugby geleitet sein. Denn über die starke und sehr lebendige französische Rugbykultur hinaus hat der Sport auch eine gewisse kulturelle Bedeutung in anderen Ländern der Romania angenommen. Zumal aus historischer Perspektive in der Tat die Nationalmannschaften, die für die britischen und die Südsee-Mannschaften eine (mehr oder weniger starke) Konkurrenz darstell(t)en, einen gemeinsamen Nenner haben: Diese Mannschaften stammen alle aus der Romania.This introduction aims at giving a general research overview about rugby, a field of research that has hitherto been neglected in (German-speaking) Romance cultural studies. A focus will be set on recent developments, professionalization and sociocultural significance of rugby in Romance language-based countries and cultures. Contrary to the opinion that rugby is a sport that is solely and only influenced by British culture, this issue will be consecrated to the practice of rugby in Romance language-based countries and cultures. Taking the vivid French rugby culture as a starting point the introduction will raise the question of a specifically Romance rugby culture or even identity. Particularly as from a historical perspective those teams that have represented opponents to the British and Pacific rugby world leaders were teams originating from Romance language-based countries and cultures
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