3,005 research outputs found

    Initial Survey of Engineering Technology Capstone Courses and TeamworkBuilding Using CATME

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    This paper represents a first step in what is to become a multi –institutional initiative focused on identifying best practices for developing and improving teamwork skills within the Capstone experiences of engineering, technology and computing programs. Teamwork in this paper is defined and measured as the dimensions measured by the CATME Peer Review [1], which is currently used by thousands of technology and engineering instructors and institutions worldwide. The CATME Peer Review measurement tool is used to collect self and peer evaluations of team members’ contributions on five different teamwork dimensions [2]. These teamwork dimensions are 1) pose the knowledge, skills, and abilities to help the team; 2) expect quality work from the team; 3) keep the team on schedule; 4) positive interactions between teammates to help the team; and 5) all team members contribute to the team\u27s work and success. Pung and Farris[3] used CATME in a one semester junior level design class and reported a “significant improvement” in student behavior when compared to the old system of peer review. A workshop was developed to assemble all the participants, and develop a systematic method of evaluating teamwork building using CATME. All the participating schools and faculty will be testing changes in their Capstone courses and sharing the results of this analysis, in teamwork skills, with their colleagues

    Holocene sea level and climate interactions on wet dune slack evolution in SW Portugal: a model for future scenarios?

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    We examine the Holocene environmental changes in a wet dune slack of the Portuguese coast, Poco do Barbarroxa de Baixo. Lithology, organic matter, biological proxies and high-resolution chronology provide estimations of sediment accumulation rates and changes in environmental conditions in relation to sea-level change and climate variability during the Holocene. Results show that the wet dune slack was formed 7.5 cal. ka BP, contemporaneous with the last stages of the rapid sea-level rise. This depositional environment formed under frequent freshwater flooding and water ponding that allowed the development and post-mortem accumulation of abundant plant remains. The wetland evolved into mostly palustrine conditions over the next 2000 years, until a phase of stabilization in relative sea-level rise, when sedimentation rates slowed down to 0.04 mm yr(-1), between 5.3 and 2.5 cal. ka BP. Later, about 0.8 cal. ka BP, high-energy events, likely due to enhanced storminess and more frequent onshore winds, caused the collapse of the foredune above the wetlands' seaward margin. The delicate balance between hydrology (controlled by sea-level rise and climate change), sediment supply and storminess modulates the habitat's resilience and ecological stability. This underpins the relevance of integrating past records in coastal wet dune slacks management in a scenario of constant adaptation processes.Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa [FCT UID/GEO/50019/2013

    Male aggression varies with consortship rate and habitat in a dolphin social network

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    Coalitions and alliances exemplify the core elements of conflict and cooperation in animal societies. Ecological influences on alliance formation are more readily attributed to within-species variation where phylogenetic signals are muted. Remarkably, male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Western Australia, exhibit systematic spatial variation in alliance behavior, not simply within a species or population, but within a single social network. Moving SE-NW along Peron Peninsula in Shark Bay, males ally more often in trios than pairs, consort females more often, and exhibit greater seasonal movements. Ecological models predict more male-male conflict in the north, but sufficient observations of aggression are lacking. However, dolphins often incur marks, in the form of tooth rakes, during conflicts. Here we report that the incidence of new tooth rake marks varies systematically in the predicted pattern, with greater marking in the north, where males form more trios and consort females at a higher rate. While our previous work demonstrated that alliance complexity has an ecological component, we can now infer that ecological variation impacts the level of alliance-related conflict in Shark Bay

    Inter-group alliance dynamics in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)

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    The social intelligence hypothesis holds that complex social relationships are the major selective force underlying the evolution of large brain size and intelligence. Complex social relationships are exemplified by coalitions and alliances that are mediated by affiliative behavior, resulting in differentiated but shifting relationships. Male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia, form three alliance levels or ‘orders’, primarily among non-relatives. Strategic alliance formation has been documented within both first- and second-order alliances and between second-order alliances (‘third-order alliances’), revealing that the formation of strategic inter-group alliances is not limited to humans. Here we conducted a fine-scale study on 22 adult males over a 6-year period to determine if third-order alliance relationships are differentiated, and mediated by affiliative interactions. We found third-order alliance relationships were strongly differentiated, with key individuals playing a disproportionate role in maintaining alliances. Nonetheless, affiliative interactions occurred broadly between third-order allies, indicating males maintain bonds with third-order allies of varying strength. We also documented a shift in relationships and formation of a new third-order alliance. These findings further our understanding of dolphin alliance dynamics and provide evidence that strategic alliance formation is found in all three alliance levels, a phenomenon with no peer among non-human animals

    Clinical Features, Survival and Prognostic Factors of Glycogen-Rich Clear Cell Carcinoma (GRCC) of the Breast in the U.S. Population

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines glycogen-rich clear cell carcinoma (GRCC) of the breast as a carcinoma with glycogen accumulation in more than 90% of its tumor cells. Due to the rarity of this disease, its reported survival and clinical associations have been inconsistent due to reliance on case reports and limited case series. As a result, the prognostic implication of this cancer subtype remains unclear. Using the U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program database, we compared the incidence, demographics and prognostic factors of 155 cases of GRCC of the breast to 1,251,584 cases of other (non-GRCC) breast carcinomas. We demonstrate that GRCC is more likely to be identified as high grade, advanced stage, and more likely to have triple negative receptor status. GRCC cases display a poorer prognosis than non-GRCC carcinomas of the breast irrespective of age, AJCC staging, tumor grade, joint hormone receptor/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status, and treatment. Similar to non-GRCC carcinomas, older age and higher American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC)/TNM staging were associated with poorer prognosis for GRCC, while treatment with surgery and radiation were associated with improved survival. Radiation, specifically in the setting of breast-conserving surgery, further improved survival compared to surgery alone. Our study highlights the poorer prognosis associated with glycogen accumulation in breast cancers and hence stresses the importance of identifying this more aggressive tumor type

    Absorbing boundary conditions for the Westervelt equation

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    The focus of this work is on the construction of a family of nonlinear absorbing boundary conditions for the Westervelt equation in one and two space dimensions. The principal ingredient used in the design of such conditions is pseudo-differential calculus. This approach enables to develop high order boundary conditions in a consistent way which are typically more accurate than their low order analogs. Under the hypothesis of small initial data, we establish local well-posedness for the Westervelt equation with the absorbing boundary conditions. The performed numerical experiments illustrate the efficiency of the proposed boundary conditions for different regimes of wave propagation

    Release from sheep-grazing appears to put some heart back into upland vegetation:A comparison of nutritional properties of plant species in long-term grazing experiments

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    Rewilding or wilding is a popularised means for enhancing the conservation value of marginal land. In the British uplands, it will involve a reduction, or complete removal, of livestock grazing (sheep), based on the belief that grazing has reduced plant species diversity, the ‘Wet Desert’ hypothesis. The hope is that if livestock is removed, diversity will recover. If true, we hypothesise that the species extirpated/reduced by grazing and then recover on its removal would more nutritious compared to those that persisted. We test this hypothesis at Moor House National Nature Reserve (North‐Pennines), where seven sets of paired plots were established between 1953 and 1967 to compare ungrazed/sheep‐grazed vegetation. Within these plot‐pairs, we compared leaf properties of seven focal species that occurred only, or were present in much greater abundance, in the absence of grazing to those of 10 common species that were common in both grazed and ungrazed vegetation. Each sample was analysed for macro‐nutrients, micro‐nutrients, digestibility, palatability and decomposability. We ranked the species with respect to 22 variables based on effect size derived from Generalised Linear Modelling (GLM) and compared species using a Principal Components Analysis. We also assessed changes in abundance of the focal species through time using GLMs. Our results support the ‘Wet Desert’ hypothesis, that is, that long‐term sheep grazing has selectively removed/reduced species like our focal ones and on recovery, they were more nutritious (macro‐nutrients, some micro‐nutrients) palatable, digestible and decomposable than common species. Measured changes in abundance of the focal species suggest that their recovery will take 10–20 years in blanket bog and 60 years in high‐altitude grasslands. Collectively, these results suggest that sheep grazing has brought about biotic homogenization, and its removal in (re)wilding schemes will reverse this process eventually! The ‘white woolly maggots’ have eaten at least part of the heart out of the highlands/uplands, and it will take some time for recovery

    The Impact of Infectious Disease-Related Public Health Emergencies on Suicide, Suicidal Behavior, and Suicidal Thoughts:A Systematic Review

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    Background: Infectious disease-related public health emergencies (epidemics) may increase suicide risk, and high-quality evidence is needed to guide an international response. Aims: We investigated the potential impacts of epidemics on suicide-related outcomes. Method: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycInfo, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, PsyArXiv, medRxiv, and bioRxiv from inception to May 13–16, 2020. Inclusion criteria: primary studies, reviews, and meta-analyses; reporting the impact of epidemics; with a primary outcome of suicide, suicidal behavior, suicidal ideation, and/or self-harm. Exclusion criteria: not concerned with suicide-related outcomes; not suitable for data extraction. PROSPERO registration: #CRD42020187013. Results: Eight primary papers were included, examining the effects of five epidemics on suicide-related outcomes. There was evidence of increased suicide rates among older adults during SARS and in the year following the epidemic (possibly motivated by social disconnectedness, fears of virus infection, and concern about burdening others) and associations between SARS/Ebola exposure and increased suicide attempts. A preprint study reported associations between COVID-19 distress and past-month suicidal ideation. Limitations: Few studies have investigated the topic; these are of relatively low methodological quality. Conclusion: Findings support an association between previous epidemics and increased risk of suicide-related outcomes. Research is needed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on suicide outcomes
