7,291 research outputs found

    The extraordinary mid-infrared spectral properties of FeLoBAL Quasars

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    We present mid-infrared spectra of six FeLoBAL QSOs at 1<z<1.8, taken with the Spitzer space telescope. The spectra span a range of shapes, from hot dust dominated AGN with silicate emission at 9.7 microns, to moderately obscured starbursts with strong Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission. The spectrum of one object, SDSS 1214-0001, shows the most prominent PAHs yet seen in any QSO at any redshift, implying that the starburst dominates the mid-IR emission with an associated star formation rate of order 2700 solar masses per year. With the caveats that our sample is small and not robustly selected, we combine our mid-IR spectral diagnostics with previous observations to propose that FeLoBAL QSOs are at least largely comprised of systems in which (a) a merger driven starburst is ending, (b) a luminous AGN is in the last stages of burning through its surrounding dust, and (c) which we may be viewing over a restricted line of sight range.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Rights of passage: law and the biopolitics of dying

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    Deleuze and Law: Forensic Futures explores the relation between law and life and the advent of a politics of 'life'. How have recent events focused social, political and cultural attention on the living body and its maintenance and management? The central concept, through which the embodiment of the subject will be examined will be that of 'bio-power'. Articulated by Michel Foucault, but brought to attention more recently in the work of Giorgio Agamben, this concept recognises that the relation between life and law is both historical and necessary: the law must operate on bodies but can only do so by establishing a border between the body of the polity, and the mere life excepted from political concern. The contemporary advent of bio-politics occurs when the polity increasingly and invasively operates on this 'mere' life, and the body or organism – rather than the self – becomes the object of political management. The manner in which the body becomes the focus of contemporary power has led legal theory to explore new questions of the threshold between life and death and has led social theory to question the new extensions of the law and the polity into embodied life. The contributors explore the forensic shift in contemporary social theory and cultural sensibility from a number of perspectives. Description of book from publisher website at: http://www.palgrave.com

    The impact of introducing patient co-payments in Germany on the use of IVF and ICSI:a price-elasticity of demand assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Authorities concerned by rising healthcare costs have a tendency to target reproductive treatments because of the perception that infertility is a low priority. In 2004 German health authorities introduced a 50% co-payment for patients, in an effort to save cost. We explored the impact of this pricing policy on the utilization of reproductive treatments in Germany. METHODS: Using aggregated annual in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycle data in Germany, we evaluated the relationship between changes in the number of cycles in relation to changes in costs faced by consumers following the introduction of a patient co-payment from 'no fees' to (sic)1500-2000 by estimating the short-run price-elasticity of demand. The impact of introducing patient co-payments for IVF/ICSI on the likelihood of switching to other low-cost fertility treatments was evaluated using the cross-price elasticity methodology. RESULTS: The reduction in demand for IVF and ICSI cycles in the year following the introduction of patient co-payments resulted in elasticities of -0.41 and -0.34, respectively. The price-elasticity for the combined reduction of IVF/ICSI in relation to the co-payment was estimated to be -0.36. The cross-price elasticity for clomifene was close to zero (-0.01) suggesting that demand for these interventions are independent of each other and no substitution occurred. CONCLUSIONS: We report price elasticities for IVF and ICSI of -0.41 and -0.34 after introducing a (sic)1500-2000 co-payment. These findings likely represent short-run elasticities that are likely to vary over time as factors that influence the supply and demand for fertility treatments change

    Significance of HbA1c levels in diabetic retinopathy extremes in South Africa

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    Background. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness in sub-Saharan Africa and globally, placing a huge disease burden on patients and the public health system. DR varies in severity from non-proliferative to proliferative DR (PDR).Objectives. Using a monitor of medium- to long-term blood glucose control, to determine the association between glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels in patients with PDR and those with no DR.Methods. A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at McCord Provincial Eye Hospital in Durban, South Africa. We studied only patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) for &gt;1 year who had either PDR or no DR, and compared their HbA1c levels. Patients with non-proliferative DR were not included.Results. Patients with PDR had significantly higher HbA1c levels than those with no DR. Patients with type 1 DM had higher HbA1c levels than patients with type 2 DM in both the PDR and no-DR groups. Older patients (&gt;70 years) had lower HbA1c levels than younger patients. Gender, race and duration of diabetes had no influence on HbA1c levels.Conclusions. PDR was associated with higher HbA1c in type 2 DM in all races and age groups and was independent of duration of disease. The trend was the same for type 1 DM, but significance could not be reached, probably because of small numbers in this subset of patients

    Significance of HbA1c levels in diabetic retinopathy extremes in South Africa

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    Background. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness in sub-Saharan Africa and globally, placing a huge disease burden on patients and the public health system. DR varies in severity from non-proliferative to proliferative DR (PDR). Objectives. Using a monitor of medium-to long-term blood glucose control, to determine the association between glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels in patients with PDR and those with no DR. Methods. A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at McCord Provincial Eye Hospital in Durban, South Africa. We studied only patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) for &gt;1 year who had either PDR or no DR, and compared their HbA1c levels. Patients with non-proliferative DR were not included. Results. Patients with PDR had significantly higher HbA1c levels than those with no DR. Patients with type 1 DM had higher HbA1c levels than patients with type 2 DM in both the PDR and no-DR groups. Older patients (&gt;70 years) had lower HbA1c levels than younger patients. Gender, race and duration of diabetes had no influence on HbA1c levels. Conclusions. PDR was associated with higher HbA1c in type 2 DM in all races and age groups and was independent of duration of disease. The trend was the same for type 1 DM, but significance could not be reached, probably because of small numbers in this subset of patients

    Structural and phase properties of tetracosane (C24H50) monolayers adsorbed on graphite. Explicit Hydrogen Molecular Dynamics study

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    http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0805/0805.1435.pdfWe discuss Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations of a tetracosane (C24H50) monolayer physisorbed onto the basal plane of graphite. The adlayer molecules are simulated with explicit hydrogens, and the graphite substrate is represented as an all-atom structure having six graphene layers. The tetracosane dynamics modeled in the fully atomistic manner agree well with experiment. The low-temperature ordered solid organizes in rectangular centered structure, incommensurate with underlying graphite. Above T = 200 K, as the molecules start to lose their translational and orientational order via gauche defect formation, a weak smectic mesophase (observed experimentally but never reproduced in United Atom (UA) simulations) appears. The phase behavior of the adsorbed layer is critically sensitive to the way the electrostatic interactions are included in the model. If the electrostatic charges are set to zero (as it is in UA force field), the melting temperature increases by ~70 K with respect to the experimental value. When the non-bonded 1-4 interaction is not scaled, the melting temperature decreases by ~90 K. If the scaling factor is set to 0.5, the melting occurs at T = 350 K, in very good agreement with experimental data.Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of The American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (PRF43277 - B5), and the University of Missouri Research Board, for the support of this research. This material is based upon work supported in part by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-FG02-07ER46411

    Hybrid expansions for local structural relaxations

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    A model is constructed in which pair potentials are combined with the cluster expansion method in order to better describe the energetics of structurally relaxed substitutional alloys. The effect of structural relaxations away from the ideal crystal positions, and the effect of ordering is described by interatomic-distance dependent pair potentials, while more subtle configurational aspects associated with correlations of three- and more sites are described purely within the cluster expansion formalism. Implementation of such a hybrid expansion in the context of the cluster variation method or Monte Carlo method gives improved ability to model phase stability in alloys from first-principles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
