8,999 research outputs found

    Partial reflections of radio waves from the lower ionosphere

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    The addition of phase difference measurements to partial reflection experiments is discussed, and some advantages of measuring electron density this way are pointed out. The additional information obtained reduces the requirement for an accurate predetermination of collision frequency. Calculations are also made to estimate the errors expected in partial-reflection experiments due to the assumption of Fresnel reflection and to the neglect of coupling between modes. In both cases, the errors are found to be of the same order as known errors in the measurements due to current instrumental limitations

    Maximum Mobility Survey Team

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    Although Ireland has a long seafaring tradition and has produced many famous sailors such as Commodore John Barry, “Father of the U.S. Navy”, many of the charts of Irish coastal waters are out of date and there is a constant need for their revision and updating. The Office of Public Works is a government body which carries out a wide variety of engineering work and for some of this a certain amount of inshore hydrographic surveying is required. For various reasons, the team that carries out most of this surveying is very small but is also highly mobile. This mobility is essential as the surveys are spread around the entire coast as well as on some rivers. To aid rapid deployment, the equipment has been kept to a minimum and all mounting hardware has been so designed that it can easily be transported to difficult sites, such as small islands, and mounted on whatever boats are available locally. Position fixing is usually carried out by the fixed transit and cut-off angle method, although electronic or resection methods are used when conditions require them. A considerable amount of post-dredging surveying is carried out and for this a Raytheon Channel Sweep System is used. The mounting equipment for this has also been designed for ease of transport and flexibility of attachment to local boats

    Employers\u27 Rights Relative to Sympathy Strikes

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    The extraordinary mid-infrared spectral properties of FeLoBAL Quasars

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    We present mid-infrared spectra of six FeLoBAL QSOs at 1<z<1.8, taken with the Spitzer space telescope. The spectra span a range of shapes, from hot dust dominated AGN with silicate emission at 9.7 microns, to moderately obscured starbursts with strong Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission. The spectrum of one object, SDSS 1214-0001, shows the most prominent PAHs yet seen in any QSO at any redshift, implying that the starburst dominates the mid-IR emission with an associated star formation rate of order 2700 solar masses per year. With the caveats that our sample is small and not robustly selected, we combine our mid-IR spectral diagnostics with previous observations to propose that FeLoBAL QSOs are at least largely comprised of systems in which (a) a merger driven starburst is ending, (b) a luminous AGN is in the last stages of burning through its surrounding dust, and (c) which we may be viewing over a restricted line of sight range.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Linear laser diode arrays for improvement in optical disk recording for space stations

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    The design and fabrication of individually addressable laser diode arrays for high performance magneto-optic recording systems are presented. Ten diode arrays with 30 mW cW light output, linear light vs. current characteristics and single longitudinal mode spectrum were fabricated using channel substrate planar (CSP) structures. Preliminary results on the inverse CSP structure, whose fabrication is less critically dependent on device parameters than the CSP, are also presented. The impact of systems parameters and requirements, in particular, the effect of feedback on laser design is assessed, and techniques to reduce feedback or minimize its effect on systems performance, including mode-stabilized structures, are evaluated

    Investigations into the Sarcomeric Protein and Ca2+-Regulation Abnormalities Underlying Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Cats (Felix catus).

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common single gene inherited cardiomyopathy. In cats (Felix catus) HCM is even more prevalent and affects 16% of the outbred population and up to 26% in pedigree breeds such as Maine Coon and Ragdoll. Homozygous MYBPC3 mutations have been identified in these breeds but the mutations in other cats are unknown. At the clinical and physiological level feline HCM is closely analogous to human HCM but little is known about the primary causative mechanism. Most identified HCM causing mutations are in the genes coding for proteins of the sarcomere. We therefore investigated contractile and regulatory proteins in left ventricular tissue from 25 cats, 18 diagnosed with HCM, including a Ragdoll cat with a homozygous MYBPC3 R820W, and 7 non-HCM cats in comparison with human HCM (from septal myectomy) and donor heart tissue. Myofibrillar protein expression was normal except that we observed 20–44% MyBP-C haploinsufficiency in 5 of the HCM cats. Troponin extracted from 8 HCM and 5 non-HCM cat hearts was incorporated into thin filaments and studied by in vitro motility assay. All HCM cat hearts had a higher (2.06 ± 0.13 fold) Ca2+-sensitivity than non-HCM cats and, in all the HCM cats, Ca2+-sensitivity was not modulated by troponin I phosphorylation. We were able to restore modulation of Ca2+-sensitivity by replacing troponin T with wild-type protein or by adding 100 μM Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG). These fundamental regulatory characteristics closely mimic those seen in human HCM indicating a common molecular mechanism that is independent of the causative mutation. Thus, the HCM cat is a potentially useful large animal model

    Improving the Reliability and Modal Stability of High Power 870 nm AlGaAs CSP Laser Diodes for Applications to Free Space Communication Systems

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    The operating characteristics (power-current, beam divergence, etc.) and reliability assessment of high-power CSP lasers is discussed. The emission wavelength of these lasers was optimized at 860 to 880 nm. The operational characteristics of a new laser, the inverse channel substrate planar (ICSP) laser, grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), is discussed and the reliability assessment of this laser is reported. The highlights of this study include a reduction in the threshold current value for the laser to 15 mA and a degradation rate of less than 2 kW/hr for the lasers operating at 60 mW of peak output power

    Optical techniques to feed and control GaAs MMIC modules for phased array antenna applications

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    A complex signal distribution system is required to feed and control GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) for phased array antenna applications above 20 GHz. Each MMIC module will require one or more RF lines, one or more bias voltage lines, and digital lines to provide a minimum of 10 bits of combined phase and gain control information. In a closely spaced array, the routing of these multiple lines presents difficult topology problems as well as a high probability of signal interference. To overcome GaAs MMIC phased array signal distribution problems optical fibers interconnected to monolithically integrated optical components with GaAs MMIC array elements are proposed as a solution. System architecture considerations using optical fibers are described. The analog and digital optical links to respectively feed and control MMIC elements are analyzed. It is concluded that a fiber optic network will reduce weight and complexity, and increase reliability and performance, but higher power will be required

    High-power AlGaAs channeled substrate planar diode lasers for spaceborne communications

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    A high power channeled substrate planar AlGaAs diode laser with an emission wavelength of 8600 to 8800 A was developed. The optoelectronic behavior (power current, single spatial and spectral behavior, far field characteristics, modulation, and astigmatism properties) and results of computer modeling studies on the performance of the laser are discussed. Lifetest data on these devices at high output power levels is also included. In addition, a new type of channeled substrate planar laser utilizing a Bragg grating to stabilize the longitudinal mode was demonstrated. The fabrication procedures and optoelectronic properties of this new diode laser are described

    The Statistical Approach to Quantifying Galaxy Evolution

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    Studies of the distribution and evolution of galaxies are of fundamental importance to modern cosmology; these studies, however, are hampered by the complexity of the competing effects of spectral and density evolution. Constructing a spectroscopic sample that is able to unambiguously disentangle these processes is currently excessively prohibitive due to the observational requirements. This paper extends and applies an alternative approach that relies on statistical estimates for both distance (z) and spectral type to a deep multi-band dataset that was obtained for this exact purpose. These statistical estimates are extracted directly from the photometric data by capitalizing on the inherent relationships between flux, redshift, and spectral type. These relationships are encapsulated in the empirical photometric redshift relation which we extend to z ~ 1.2, with an intrinsic dispersion of dz = 0.06. We also develop realistic estimates for the photometric redshift error for individual objects, and introduce the utilization of the galaxy ensemble as a tool for quantifying both a cosmological parameter and its measured error. We present deep, multi-band, optical number counts as a demonstration of the integrity of our sample. Using the photometric redshift and the corresponding redshift error, we can divide our data into different redshift intervals and spectral types. As an example application, we present the number redshift distribution as a function of spectral type.Comment: 40 pages (LaTex), 21 Figures, requires aasms4.sty; Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa