4,456 research outputs found

    Inner fluctuations of the spectral action

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    We prove in the general framework of noncommutative geometry that the inner fluctuations of the spectral action can be computed as residues and give exactly the counterterms for the Feynman graphs with fermionic internal lines. We show that for geometries of dimension less or equal to four the obtained terms add up to a sum of a Yang-Mills action with a Chern-Simons action.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures Equation 1.6 correcte

    The Standard Model a la Connes-Lott

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    The relations among coupling constants and masses in the standard model \`a la Connes-Lott with general scalar product are computed in detail. We find a relation between the top and the Higgs masses. For mt=174±22 GeVm_t=174\pm22\ GeV it yields mH=277±40 GeVm_H=277\pm40\ GeV. The Connes-Lott theory privileges the masses mt=160.4 GeVm_t=160.4\ GeV and mH=251.8 GeVm_H=251.8\ GeV.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    On the Topological Interpretation of Gravitational Anomalies

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    We consider the mixed gravitational-Yang-Mills anomaly as the coupling between the KK-theory and KK-homology of a CC^*-algebra crossed product. The index theorem of Connes-Moscovici allows to compute the Chern character of the KK-cycle by local formulae involving connections and curvatures. It gives a topological interpretation to the anomaly, in the sense of noncommutative algebras.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Hopf Algebra Primitives in Perturbation Quantum Field Theory

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    The analysis of the combinatorics resulting from the perturbative expansion of the transition amplitude in quantum field theories, and the relation of this expansion to the Hausdorff series leads naturally to consider an infinite dimensional Lie subalgebra and the corresponding enveloping Hopf algebra, to which the elements of this series are associated. We show that in the context of these structures the power sum symmetric functionals of the perturbative expansion are Hopf primitives and that they are given by linear combinations of Hall polynomials, or diagrammatically by Hall trees. We show that each Hall tree corresponds to sums of Feynman diagrams each with the same number of vertices, external legs and loops. In addition, since the Lie subalgebra admits a derivation endomorphism, we also show that with respect to it these primitives are cyclic vectors generated by the free propagator, and thus provide a recursion relation by means of which the (n+1)-vertex connected Green functions can be derived systematically from the n-vertex ones.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in J.Geom.and Phy

    Noncommutative Geometry as a Framework for Unification of all Fundamental Interactions including Gravity. Part I

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    We examine the hypothesis that space-time is a product of a continuous four-dimensional manifold times a finite space. A new tensorial notation is developed to present the various constructs of noncommutative geometry. In particular, this notation is used to determine the spectral data of the standard model. The particle spectrum with all of its symmetries is derived, almost uniquely, under the assumption of irreducibility and of dimension 6 modulo 8 for the finite space. The reduction from the natural symmetry group SU(2)xSU(2)xSU(4) to U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) is a consequence of the hypothesis that the two layers of space-time are finite distance apart but is non-dynamical. The square of the Dirac operator, and all geometrical invariants that appear in the calculation of the heat kernel expansion are evaluated. We re-derive the leading order terms in the spectral action. The geometrical action yields unification of all fundamental interactions including gravity at very high energies. We make the following predictions: (i) The number of fermions per family is 16. (ii) The symmetry group is U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3). (iii) There are quarks and leptons in the correct representations. (iv) There is a doublet Higgs that breaks the electroweak symmetry to U(1). (v) Top quark mass of 170-175 Gev. (v) There is a right-handed neutrino with a see-saw mechanism. Moreover, the zeroth order spectral action obtained with a cut-off function is consistent with experimental data up to few percent. We discuss a number of open issues. We prepare the ground for computing higher order corrections since the predicted mass of the Higgs field is quite sensitive to the higher order corrections. We speculate on the nature of the noncommutative space at Planckian energies and the possible role of the fundamental group for the problem of generations.Comment: 56 page

    Unique factorization in perturbative QFT

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    We discuss factorization of the Dyson--Schwinger equations using the Lie- and Hopf algebra of graphs. The structure of those equations allows to introduce a commutative associative product on 1PI graphs. In scalar field theories, this product vanishes if and only if one of the factors vanishes. Gauge theories are more subtle: integrality relates to gauge symmetries.Comment: 5pages, Talk given at "RadCor 2002 - Loops and Legs 2002", Kloster Banz, Germany, Sep 8-13, 200

    Curved noncommutative torus and Gauss--Bonnet

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    We study perturbations of the flat geometry of the noncommutative two-dimensional torus T^2_\theta (with irrational \theta). They are described by spectral triples (A_\theta, \H, D), with the Dirac operator D, which is a differential operator with coefficients in the commutant of the (smooth) algebra A_\theta of T_\theta. We show, up to the second order in perturbation, that the zeta-function at 0 vanishes and so the Gauss-Bonnet theorem holds. We also calculate first two terms of the perturbative expansion of the corresponding local scalar curvature.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    BPS states on noncommutative tori and duality

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    We study gauge theories on noncommutative tori. It was proved in [5] that Morita equivalence of noncommutative tori leads to a physical equivalence (SO(d,d| Z)-duality) of the corresponding gauge theories. We calculate the energy spectrum of maximally supersymmetric BPS states in these theories and show that this spectrum agrees with the SO(d,d| Z)-duality. The relation of our results with those of recent calculations is discussed.Comment: Misprints corrected, appendices added, minor changes in the main body of the paper; Latex, 32 page

    Geometry of Quantum Spheres

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    Spectral triples on the q-deformed spheres of dimension two and three are reviewed.Comment: 23 pages, revie

    Poisson geometrical symmetries associated to non-commutative formal diffeomorphisms

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    Let G be the group of all formal power series starting with x with coefficients in a field k of zero characteristic (with the composition product), and let F[G] be its function algebra. C. Brouder and A. Frabetti introduced a non-commutative, non-cocommutative graded Hopf algebra H, via a direct process of ``disabelianisation'' of F[G], i.e. taking the like presentation of the latter as an algebra but dropping the commutativity constraint. In this paper we apply a general method to provide four one-parameters deformations of H, which are quantum groups whose semiclassical limits are Poisson geometrical symmetries such as Poisson groups or Lie bialgebras, namely two quantum function algebras and two quantum universal enveloping algebras. In particular the two Poisson groups are extensions of G, isomorphic as proalgebraic Poisson varieties but not as proalgebraic groups. This analysis easily extends to a hudge family of Hopf algebras of similar nature, thus yielding a method to associate to such "generalized symmetries" some classical geometrical symmetries (such as Poisson groups and Lie bialgebras) in a natural way: the present case then stands as a simplest, toy model for the general situation.Comment: AMS-TeX file, 34 pages. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics. Minor corrections have been fixed here and ther