25 research outputs found

    Measurement of residual nucleus cross sections and recoil energies in p + Fe collisions at 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 MeV

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    The production of residual nuclei in p + Fe collisions has been measured at GSI on the FRS facility by means of the reverse kinematic techniques at 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 MeV/A. The cross-sections larger than 0.01 mb of all isotopes with Z larger than 8 have been obtained. Velocity distributions were also measured. Comparisons to models describing spallation reactions and some empirical formulae often used in astrophysics are presented. These data are directly used to calculate impurety production and DPAs in a thin window as foreseen in spallation sources or accelerator-driven systems

    Diversity of Meiofauna from the 9°50â€ČN East Pacific Rise across a Gradient of Hydrothermal Fluid Emissions

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    Background: We studied the meiofauna community at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along a gradient of vent fluid emissions in the axial summit trought (AST) of the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 50'N region. The gradient ranged from extreme high temperatures, high sulfide concentrations, and low pH at sulfide chimneys to ambient deep-sea water conditions on bare basalt. We explore meiofauna diversity and abundance, and discuss its possible underlying ecological and evolutionary processes. Methodology/Principal Findings: After sampling in five physico-chemically different habitats, the meiofauna was sorted, counted and classified. Abundances were low at all sites. A total of 52 species were identified at vent habitats. The vent community was dominated by hard substrate generalists that also lived on bare basalt at ambient deep-sea temperature in the axial summit trough (AST generalists). Some vent species were restricted to a specific vent habitat (vent specialists), but others occurred over a wide range of physico-chemical conditions (vent generalists). Additionally, 35 species were only found on cold bare basalt (basalt specialists). At vent sites, species richness and diversity clearly increased with decreasing influence of vent fluid emissions from extreme flow sulfide chimney (no fauna), high flow pompei worm (S: 4-7, H-loge': 0.11-0.45), vigorous flow tubeworm (S: 8-23; H-loge': 0.44-2.00) to low flow mussel habitats (S: 28-31; H-loge': 2.34-2.60). Conclusions/Significance: Our data suggest that with increasing temperature and toxic hydrogen sulfide concentrations and increasing amplitude of variation of these factors, fewer species are able to cope with these extreme conditions. This results in less diverse communities in more extreme habitats. The finding of many species being present at sites with and without vent fluid emissions points to a non endemic deep-sea hydrothermal vent meiofaunal community. This is in contrast to a mostly endemic macrofauna but similar to what is known for meiofauna from shallow-water vents

    A História da Alimentação: balizas historiogråficas

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    Os M. pretenderam traçar um quadro da HistĂłria da Alimentação, nĂŁo como um novo ramo epistemolĂłgico da disciplina, mas como um campo em desenvolvimento de prĂĄticas e atividades especializadas, incluindo pesquisa, formação, publicaçÔes, associaçÔes, encontros acadĂȘmicos, etc. Um breve relato das condiçÔes em que tal campo se assentou faz-se preceder de um panorama dos estudos de alimentação e temas correia tos, em geral, segundo cinco abardagens Ia biolĂłgica, a econĂŽmica, a social, a cultural e a filosĂłfica!, assim como da identificação das contribuiçÔes mais relevantes da Antropologia, Arqueologia, Sociologia e Geografia. A fim de comentar a multiforme e volumosa bibliografia histĂłrica, foi ela organizada segundo critĂ©rios morfolĂłgicos. A seguir, alguns tĂłpicos importantes mereceram tratamento Ă  parte: a fome, o alimento e o domĂ­nio religioso, as descobertas europĂ©ias e a difusĂŁo mundial de alimentos, gosto e gastronomia. O artigo se encerra com um rĂĄpido balanço crĂ­tico da historiografia brasileira sobre o tema

    Índice de qualidade ambiental suinícola (IQAS): Aspectos conceituais e metodológicos e aplicação Swine environmental quality index (SEQI): Conceptual and methodological aspects and case studies

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    O IQAS Ă© uma ferramenta que avalia as condiçÔes nos sistemas de produção de suĂ­nos em relação ao meio ambiente, atravĂ©s de indicadores com pesos para identificação, exame e avaliação das caracterĂ­sticas do local, da infra-estrutura e das formas de manejo. Os sistemas de produção avaliados se encontram na bacia hidrogrĂĄfica do rio Toledo, estado do ParanĂĄ. A coleta de dados atravĂ©s de visitas tĂ©cnicas atendeu ao conjunto de indicadores do IQAS. Com as informaçÔes realizaram-se simulaçÔes, classificando-se as unidades na faixa regular, irregular e crĂ­tica. Para as propriedades de pequeno porte, as que sofreram reformas nos bebedouros, cochos basculantes, esterqueiras e na rede coletora, se classificaram na faixa regular, na qual se enquadraram, tambĂ©m, as que possuem equipamentos para aplicação nas culturas, responsĂĄvel pelas atividades e ĂĄrea disponĂ­vel, representando 16,13%. Na faixa crĂ­tica, estas se encontram prĂłximas aos recursos hĂ­dricos e residĂȘncias, com esterqueiras em solo e baixa capacidade de armazenamento, com taxas de aplicação acima de 60 mÂł ha-1, alĂ©m de resĂ­duos na ĂĄrea, com 32,26%. As demais unidades, 51,61%, se enquadraram como irregular o que implica em risco de poluição das ĂĄguas.<br>SEQI is a tool that evaluates the conditions in swine production systems in relation to environment, by using indicators with weights for identification, examination and evaluation of the characteristics of location, infrastructure and farm management procedures. The production systems evaluated in this study are located in the Toledo River basin, ParanĂĄ state, Brazil. The collection of data through technical visits met the set of SEQI indicators. With the information, simulations were performed and the units were classified in three groups: regular, irregular and critical. For small farms, the ones that reformed their water nipples, storage tanks, feeding devices and pipe installations, were classified as regular, as well as the ones that have their own equipments for applying manure, a worker responsible for the activities and available area, representing 16.13%. In the critical level, 32.26% of the farms are located near water resources and housings, with manure in the ground and low storage capacity, with application rates above 60 mÂł ha-1, besides presenting residues in the area. The other units (51.61%) were classified as irregular, which implies a risk of water pollution