258 research outputs found
Prospectus, September 2, 1981
PARKLAND EXPANDS WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM; Parkland opens new art gallery; Quartet performed at art gallery; Parkland enrollment increases; 8 Senate seats open; Selecting child care; Fashion this fall is romantic look; Garage sales turn junk into cash; Getting married? Let us know; Keep Vet benefits coming; Making it work: Going back to school; Food industry prompts new PC program; Join PC\u27s livestock judging team; Protect your bike against theft; Clay and stoneware cookers make meat more tender; Learn to properly stretch muscles; Electric car proves it can go distance; How to cope with divorce; Help your hyper child; Polyester is a poor attempt at humor; Youth grants are now available; Should wilderness be unaltered by man?; Recycling center needs help; View the stars at U of I Open House; Police support stricter drunk driving laws; Plant sale to be held Labor Day weekend; Intramurals offered at Parkland; Parkland forms new musical-interest groupshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1981/1014/thumbnail.jp
Huskers Helping Huskers: A Corporate-Level Analysis of the Nebraska Alumni Association
The Nebraska Alumni Association appears to have become distracted from serving the alumni and has instead focused its energy into advancing University interests. To graduating Huskers, it has become unclear what value the Nebraska Alumni Association provides to them and whose interests they are promoting. This has resulted in a declining alumni membership base and an unstable revenue source. Because of this, we recommend that the Nebraska Alumni Association refocus their resources into serving alumni first
Prospectus, March 26, 1981
PC GRADUATE TRANSFORMS A HOBBY INTO A FLOURISHING BUSINESS THAT HAS BECOME VERY SUCCESSFUL; Woman\u27s Place is always there; Letter to the Editor: Conley doesn\u27t see point; Handicapped Awareness Week next week; Profile Bingo begins April 5 at 3 p.m.; Classifieds; Attention; PATH Presents: The Other Side of the Mountain; WPCD airs \u27Community Health Interests\u27; The old relics: still nice to see; Conley catches up on music during break; Motorcycles are becoming popular \u27second cars\u27; Office careers contest April 25; Arobics may be the perfect thing for you; \u27X-Rays and You\u27 featured; Here come the tornadoes!; Campus Question: Do you think marijuana should be legalized?; \u27Don\u27t ruin your feet,\u27 says Reaoe: Get good running shoes; Learn what you meed to: go to the PC Career Center; Parents learn how to make games; Television Production offered next semester; Cobras look impressive already; Baseball team returns seven lettermen; Technology is everywhere: Even in the cameras; Women\u27s Softball Schedule And Roster; Women\u27s Roster; Park district has volleyball registration; Soccer! Soccer meeting todayhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1981/1023/thumbnail.jp
Community Co-Design: From Magic Squares to Magic Dresses
This project joined elementary, secondary, and postsecondary students with a textile museum, community cultural centre, and provincial science centre to collaborate on textile design and printing, as well as garment design, creation, and exhibition. While the design process centered on the concept of the magic square, each contribution was independent and progressive, and handed off to the next group like a baton in a relay race
Gender and Perceptions of Romantic Partners’ Sexual Risk
Research shows that in most situations, women perceive themselves to be at greater risk of harm than do men. Gustafson's gender role perspective on risk perception suggests that this is because women are socialized to feel that they need protection, especially from men.Based on Gustafson's gender role perspective on sex differences in risk perception, we predicted that in at least one context, perception of romantic partners’ sexual risk, this gender difference would be reversed. Specifically, women should rate boyfriends as having lower risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than boyfriends rate themselves having.In two studies, we examined heterosexual couples and compared women's perceptions of their boyfriends’ sexual risk level with the boyfriend's self-perception of sexual risk.Self-reported measures of risk for STIs, perception of romantic partners’ risk for STIs.On multiple measures, women rated their boyfriends as having a lower risk for STIs than the men rated themselves. Men did not show this pattern and, in some cases, showed the reverse pattern of perceiving their girlfriends to have a greater level of risk than girlfriends themselves believed they had.Consistent with Gustafson's gender role perspective on risk perception, heterosexual women perceived their romantic partners as relatively less risky in terms of STI risk than men perceived themselves. One potential implication of this finding is that women may be less likely to protect themselves against disease in close romantic relationships because they believe that their partners are low risk, regardless of the partners’ actual risk levels. Conley TD, and Peplau LA. Gender and perceptions of romantic partners’ sexual risk. J Sex Med 2010;7:794–802.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78632/1/j.1743-6109.2009.01598.x.pd
Prospectus, September 30, 1981
SENATORS ELECTED; News In Brief; PC enrollment sets records; Join new Com Club; Parkland extends to area; Choirs sing; Computer linked to aid Chanute growth; Women, meet your auto; Ski Club picks new officers; New art exhibit is reviewed; Best news is no news; ISO elects new officers; Use coupons and \u27garbage\u27 to save on shopping; Mark gives us his various thoughts and views; Be aware and be safe; Go Grape at Grape Expectations; Newhart does better on sit-com; Classifieds; Shelter reaches capacity; Neil Simon has another hit; Butts sets record; Cross country team improving more each meet; DuPage Invitational Summary; Belushi stars in new movie; Volleyball team evens up their record; Sign up for offered seminars; Clinton steps back in timehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1981/1011/thumbnail.jp
Prospectus, September 23, 1981
CANDIDATES VOICE THEIR VIEWS; News In Brief; Parkland P adds to landscape; Editors voice opinions; Homeowners can save; WPCD to broadcast football; Football plan goes into effect; New club formed at Parkland; U of I to study special lottery; Scholarships offered to women; Free seminar offered; Vietnam vets made more; Students may still sign up for insurance; Neil Simon\u27s hit musical showing soon; PC offers 3-hour telecourse; Create your own decorations; Classifieds; Beware of Matt\u27s addiction ; McNichol, Hamill star in Georgia ; Two top bands to perform at ISU; C-U Symphony kicks off season Saturday; Assembly Hall offers ticket deals; LRC helps students and faculty; Area\u27s next cash crop?: Some farmers try sunflowers; Mark predicts election results; Drug from sea may hold new hope for cancer and herpes; Newhart to visit C-U area; Speech team needs help; Record shops may become obsolete; VB team loses opener; ...but wins 2nd game; Parkland College Basketball Schedule -- Women 1981-82; Golf team wins against Danville; Sports Notes; Cross Country team off to running start; Airsho offers good timehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1981/1012/thumbnail.jp
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