103 research outputs found

    Semi-analytical solution to the second-order wave loads on a vertical cylinder in bi-chromatic bi-directional waves

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    A complete solution is presented for the second-order wave loads experienced by a 15 uniform vertical cylinder in bi-chromatic bi-directional waves. The solution is obtained 16 based on the introduction of an assisting radiation potential without explicitly 17 evaluating the second-order diffraction potential. The semi-analytical formulation for 18 calculating the wave loads is provided and an efficient numerical technique is 19 developed to treat the oscillatory free-surface integral that appears in the force 20 formulation. After validating the present solution by comparing with the predictions 21 based on other methods, numerical studies are conducted for different combinations of 22 incident wave frequencies and wave headings, and the influence of frequencies and 23 headings of dual waves on the second-order wave loads is investigated. In addition, by 24 expressing the second-order wave loads in a power expansion with respect to the wave 25 frequency difference and wave heading difference which are both assumed to be small, 26 approximations on the calculation of wave loads are developed. The accuracy of 27 different approximations is assessed by comparing the approximate results with those 28 based on the complete solution

    Numerical investigation of wave forces on two side-by-side non-identical boxes in close proximity under wave actions

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    Wave forces on two side-by-side non-identical boxes in close proximity under wave actions are investigated by employing a numerical wave flume based on the OpenFOAM® package. The similarity and discrepancy of hydrodynamic behavior between the wave response in the narrow gap and the wave forces on the boxes are the focus of the present study. Around resonant frequencies, the large-amplitude piston-type free surface oscillation in the narrow gap can lead to the peak values in the horizontal and vertical wave forces on the downstream box, and the horizontal wave forces on the upstream box. However, only a rapid decrease with the incident wave frequencies can be observed for the vertical wave forces on the upstream box. The resonant frequencies of the wave forces on two boxes are also different with those of wave response in the narrow gap. With the increase of incident wave amplitude, the resonant frequencies and normalized amplitudes of wave forces on downstream box tend to be smaller, which is similar with that of wave response in the narrow gap. However, the normalized wave forces on the upstream box around resonant frequencies do not always decrease with the increase of incident wave amplitude. On the whole, the hydrodynamic behavior of wave forces has some similar characteristics with that of wave response in the narrow gap. However, evident discrepancy between them can also be observed because the other factors, such as the wave response upstream and downstream the two-box systems, also has the non-negligible contribution to wave forces

    A mutant O-GlcNAcase enriches Drosophila developmental regulators

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    YesProtein O-GlcNAcylation is a reversible post-translational modification of serines/threonines on nucleocytoplasmic proteins. It is cycled by the enzymes O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAc hydrolase (O-GlcNAcase or OGA). Genetic approaches in model organisms have revealed that protein O-GlcNAcylation is essential for early embryogenesis. Drosophila melanogaster OGT/supersex combs (sxc) is a polycomb gene, null mutants of which display homeotic transformations and die at the pharate adult stage. However, the identities of the O-GlcNAcylated proteins involved, and the underlying mechanisms linking these phenotypes to embryonic development, are poorly understood. Identification of O-GlcNAcylated proteins from biological samples is hampered by the low stoichiometry of this modification and limited enrichment tools. Using a catalytically inactive bacterial O-GlcNAcase mutant as a substrate trap, we have enriched the O-GlcNAc proteome of the developing Drosophila embryo, identifying, amongst others, known regulators of Hox genes as candidate conveyors of OGT function during embryonic development.Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (110061); MRC grant (MC_UU_12016/5); and Royal Society Research Grant

    Structure and Novel Functional Mechanism of Drosophila SNF in Sex-Lethal Splicing

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    Sans-fille (SNF) is the Drosophila homologue of mammalian general splicing factors U1A and U2B″, and it is essential in Drosophila sex determination. We found that, besides its ability to bind U1 snRNA, SNF can also bind polyuridine RNA tracts flanking the male-specific exon of the master switch gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) pre-mRNA specifically, similar to Sex-lethal protein (SXL). The polyuridine RNA binding enables SNF directly inhibit Sxl exon 3 splicing, as the dominant negative mutant SNF1621 binds U1 snRNA but not polyuridine RNA. Unlike U1A, both RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) of SNF can recognize polyuridine RNA tracts independently, even though SNF and U1A share very high sequence identity and overall structure similarity. As SNF RRM1 tends to self-associate on the opposite side of the RNA binding surface, it is possible for SNF to bridge the formation of super-complexes between two introns flanking Sxl exon 3 or between a intron and U1 snRNP, which serves the molecular basis for SNF to directly regulate Sxl splicing. Taken together, a new functional model for SNF in Drosophila sex determination is proposed. The key of the new model is that SXL and SNF function similarly in promoting Sxl male-specific exon skipping with SNF being an auxiliary or backup to SXL, and it is the combined dose of SXL and SNF governs Drosophila sex determination

    A Biphasic and Brain-Region Selective Down-Regulation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Concentrations Supports Object Recognition in the Rat

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    Background: We aimed to further understand the relationship between cAMP concentration and mnesic performance. Methods and Findings: Rats were injected with milrinone (PDE3 inhibitor, 0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), rolipram (PDE4 inhibitor, 0.3 mg/ kg, i.p.) and/or the selective 5-HT4R agonist RS 67333 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) before testing in the object recognition paradigm. Cyclic AMP concentrations were measured in brain structures linked to episodic-like memory (i.e. hippocampus, prefrontal and perirhinal cortices) before or after either the sample or the testing phase. Except in the hippocampus of rolipram treated-rats, all treatment increased cAMP levels in each brain sub-region studied before the sample phase. After the sample phase, cAMP levels were significantly increased in hippocampus (1.8 fold), prefrontal (1.3 fold) and perirhinal (1.3 fold) cortices from controls rat while decreased in prefrontal cortex (,0.83 to 0.62 fold) from drug-treated rats (except for milrinone+RS 67333 treatment). After the testing phase, cAMP concentrations were still increased in both the hippocampus (2.76 fold) and the perirhinal cortex (2.1 fold) from controls animals. Minor increase were reported in hippocampus and perirhinal cortex from both rolipram (respectively, 1.44 fold and 1.70 fold) and milrinone (respectively 1.46 fold and 1.56 fold)-treated rat. Following the paradigm, cAMP levels were significantly lower in the hippocampus, prefrontal and perirhinal cortices from drug-treated rat when compared to controls animals, however, only drug-treated rats spent longer time exploring the novel object during the testing phase (inter-phase interval of 4 h)

    Molecular pathways leading to loss of skeletal muscle mass in cancer cachexia can findings from animal models be translated to humans?

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    Background: Cachexia is a multi-factorial, systemic syndrome that especially affects patients with cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, and leads to reduced treatment response, survival and quality of life. The most important clinical feature of cachexia is the excessive wasting of skeletal muscle mass. Currently, an effective treatment is still lacking and the search for therapeutic targets continues. Even though a substantial number of animal studies have contributed to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the loss of skeletal muscle mass, subsequent clinical trials of potential new drugs have not yet yielded any effective treatment for cancer cachexia. Therefore, we questioned to which degree findings from animal studies can be translated to humans in clinical practice and research. Discussion: A substantial amount of animal studies on the molecular mechanisms of muscle wasting in cancer cachexia has been conducted in recent years. This extensive review of the literature showed that most of their observations could not be consistently reproduced in studies on human skeletal muscle samples. However, studies on human material are scarce and limited in patient numbers and homogeneity. Therefore, their results have to be interpreted critically. Summary: More research is needed on human tissue samples to clarify the signaling pathways that lead to skeletal muscle loss, and to confirm pre-selected drug targets from animal models in clinical trials. In addition, improved diagnostic tools and standardized clinical criteria for cancer cachexia are needed to conduct standardized, randomized controlled trials of potential drug candidates in the future

    From Cleanroom to Desktop: Emerging Micro-Nanofabrication Technology for Biomedical Applications

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    This review is motivated by the growing demand for low-cost, easy-to-use, compact-size yet powerful micro-nanofabrication technology to address emerging challenges of fundamental biology and translational medicine in regular laboratory settings. Recent advancements in the field benefit considerably from rapidly expanding material selections, ranging from inorganics to organics and from nanoparticles to self-assembled molecules. Meanwhile a great number of novel methodologies, employing off-the-shelf consumer electronics, intriguing interfacial phenomena, bottom-up self-assembly principles, etc., have been implemented to transit micro-nanofabrication from a cleanroom environment to a desktop setup. Furthermore, the latest application of micro-nanofabrication to emerging biomedical research will be presented in detail, which includes point-of-care diagnostics, on-chip cell culture as well as bio-manipulation. While significant progresses have been made in the rapidly growing field, both apparent and unrevealed roadblocks will need to be addressed in the future. We conclude this review by offering our perspectives on the current technical challenges and future research opportunities

    Nutritional psychiatry research: an emerging discipline and its intersection with global urbanization, environmental challenges and the evolutionary mismatch

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    Increased Cycling Cell Numbers and Stem Cell Associated Proteins as Potential Biomarkers for High Grade Human Papillomavirus+ve Pre-Neoplastic Cervical Disease

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    High risk (oncogenic) human papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes cervical cancer. Infections are common but most clear naturally. Persistent infection can progress to cancer. Pre-neoplastic disease (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia/CIN) is classified by histology (CIN1-3) according to severity. Cervical abnormalities are screened for by cytology and/or detection of high risk HPV but both methods are imperfect for prediction of which women need treatment. There is a need to understand the host virus interactions that lead to different disease outcomes and to develop biomarker tests for accurate triage of infected women. As cancer is increasingly presumed to develop from proliferative, tumour initiating, cancer stem cells (CSCs), and as other oncogenic viruses induce stem cell associated gene expression, we evaluated whether presence of mRNA (detected by qRT-PCR) or proteins (detected by flow cytometry and antibody based proteomic microarray) from stem cell associated genes and/or increased cell proliferation (detected by flow cytometry) could be detected in well-characterised, routinely collected cervical samples from high risk HPV+ve women. Both cytology and histology results were available for most samples with moderate to high grade abnormality. We found that stem cell associated proteins including human chorionic gonadotropin, the oncogene TP63 and the transcription factor SOX2 were upregulated in samples from women with CIN3 and that the stem cell related, cell surface, protein podocalyxin was detectable on cells in samples from a subset of women with CIN3. SOX2, TP63 and human gonadotrophin mRNAs were upregulated in high grade disease. Immunohistochemistry showed that SOX2 and TP63 proteins clearly delineated tumour cells in invasive squamous cervical cancer. Samples from women with CIN3 showed increased proliferating cells. We believe that these markers may be of use to develop triage tests for women with high grade cervical abnormality to distinguish those who may progress to cancer from those who may be treated more conservatively