223 research outputs found

    Enhancing knowledge management in online collaborative learning

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    This study aims to explore two crucial aspects of collaborative work and learning: on the one hand, the importance of enabling collaborative learning applications to capture and structure the information generated by group activity and, on the other hand, to extract the relevant knowledge in order to provide learners and tutors with efficient awareness, feedback and support as regards group performance and collaboration. To this end, in this paper we first propose a conceptual model for data analysis and management that identifies and classifies the many kinds of indicators that describe collaboration and learning into high-level aspects of collaboration. Then, we provide a computational platform that, at a first step, collects and classifies both the event information generated asynchronously from the users' actions and the labeled dialogues from the synchronous collaboration according to these indicators. This information is then analyzed in next steps to eventually extract and present to participants the relevant knowledge about the collaboration. The ultimate aim of this platform is to efficiently embed information and knowledge into collaborative learning applications. We eventually suggest a generalization of our approach to be used in diverse collaborative learning situations and domains

    Assessing the value of travel time reductions in (sub)urban freight transportation

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    Growing urbanization in the last years have caused concentration of people and economical activities in urban areas all around developed countries, causing high levels of traffic congestion in roads. Freight transportation is one of the most affected sectors by the congestion, as it generates uncertainty in time travels. However, a high percentage of on time deliveries is crucial for companies to have an efficient and optimized supply chain. High cost is associated with unreliable time deliveries, but the value of this cost, the value of reliability, has never been calculated before in Sweden. Considering this value in the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of transportation and infrastructure projects will lead to have more accurate information about the economic impact, thus achieving better decision making. Through the theoretical study of the concept of reliability, its causes and its consequences, and through surveying and interviewing freight transportation and logistics companies, it has been found out how much the companies are willing to pay to get more reliability, and also for less travel time, in their transport journeys. These new empirical values of travel time and reliability have been obtained using random utility maximization approach with discrete choice modelling, defined by the analysis of the preferences of carriers and suppliers through a stated preference survey. These preferences have been analysed according to many variables, of which the sector of the company and the capacity of vehicles have proved to be significant. The ÅSEK report, which is a summary of CBA principles and values to be used in Swedish transport sector, recommends to use the value of reliability as twice the value of travel time savings, but the output of this thesis revealed that the value of reliability is 3,23 times higher than the value of travel time savings. This thesis is part of the global project called "Ringroad logistics - efficient use of infrastructure” which seek to dynamically prioritize socially valuable freight and increase the capacity of existing infrastructure by streamlining transport in roads in urban areas.Outgoin

    Dependency Management in Web Services Composition

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    Uso de analítica para dar soporte a la toma de decisiones docentes

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    Las organizaciones competitivas implantan sistemas de información empresariales para proporcionar a sus empleados herramientas que les ayuden en la toma de decisiones para alcanzar sus objetivos. Esta estrategia trasladada a la universidad significa proporcionar al profesorado herramientas que den soporte a la toma de decisiones de su actividad docente. Cada vez más, las universidades proporcionan campus virtuales donde se realiza una parte del proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Del campus virtual se pueden extraer los datos creados durante la interacción de todos los agentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que pueden ser una magnífica base a partir de la cual tomar decisiones basadas en evidencias. Nuestra propuesta es adoptar las estrategias de inteligencia de negocio exitosas en las organizaciones en la universidad, con finalidades diferentes, para obtener conocimiento sobre los datos existentes. Sobre el gran volumen de datos almacenados en el campus virtual, utilizando técnicas de bussiness analytics, planteamos construir cuadros de mando para el equipo docente y la dirección de programas (másteres i grados), como soporte a la toma de decisiones a corto, medio y largo plazo.SUMMARY -- Las organizaciones competitivas implantan sistemas de información empresariales para proporcionar a sus empleados herramientas que les ayuden en la toma de decisiones para alcanzar sus objetivos. Esta estrategia trasladada a la universidad significa proporcionar al profesorado herramientas que den soporte a la toma de decisiones de su actividad docente. Cada vez más, las universidades proporcionan campus virtuales donde se realiza una parte del proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Del campus virtual se pueden extraer los datos creados durante la interacción de todos los agentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que pueden ser una magnífica base a partir de la cual tomar decisiones basadas en evidencias. Nuestra propuesta es adoptar las estrategias de inteligencia de negocio exitosas en las organizaciones en la universidad, con finalidades diferentes, para obtener conocimiento sobre los datos existentes. Sobre el gran volumen de datos almacenados en el campus virtual, utilizando técnicas de bussiness analytics, planteamos construir cuadros de mando para el equipo docente y la dirección de programas (másteres i grados), como soporte a la toma de decisiones a corto, medio y largo plazo

    Interoperability Issues Between Learning Object Repositories and Metadata Harvesters

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    In this paper we describe an open learning object repository on Statistics based on DSpace which contains true learning objects, that is, exercises, equations, data sets, etc. This repository is part of a large project intended to promote the use of learning object repositories as part of the learning process in virtual learning environments. This involves the creation of a new user interface that provides users with additional services such as resource rating, commenting and so. Both aspects make traditional metadata schemes such as Dublin Core to be inadequate, as there are resources with no title or author, for instance, as those fields are not used by learners to browse and search for learning resources in the repository. Therefore, exporting OAI-PMH compliant records using OAI-DC is not possible, thus limiting the visibility of the learning objects in the repository outside the institution. We propose an architecture based on ontologies and the use of extended metadata records for both storing and refactoring such descriptions

    Interoperability Issues Between Learning Object Repositories and Metadata Harvesters

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    In this paper we describe an open learning object repository on Statistics based on DSpace which contains true learning objects, that is, exercises, equations, data sets, etc. This repository is part of a large project intended to promote the use of learning object repositories as part of the learning process in virtual learning environments. This involves the creation of a new user interface that provides users with additional services such as resource rating, commenting and so. Both aspects make traditional metadata schemes such as Dublin Core to be inadequate, as there are resources with no title or author, for instance, as those fields are not used by learners to browse and search for learning resources in the repository. Therefore, exporting OAI-PMH compliant records using OAI-DC is not possible, thus limiting the visibility of the learning objects in the repository outside the institution. We propose an architecture based on ontologies and the use of extended metadata records for both storing and refactoring such descriptions

    Traits of the exotic weeds present in crops of Catalonia (Spain)

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    La flora arvense al•lòctona present en els cultius de Catalunya consta de 79 espècies, de les quals gairebé un 76% provenen del continent americà i un 34% de diferents regions tropicals del món. Una gran majoria (77%) han estat introduïdes al llarg del segle XX. Els atributs més ben representats en aquestes espècies son: el seu cicle anual –preferentment d’estiu–, una dispersió no especialitzada i lligada a l’acció antròpica, una alta proporció d’espècies C4 i, finalment, l’autogàmia i la poliploïdia. Els cultius que es veuen més afectats són aquells d’estiu i sotmesos a irrigació, en concret, panís, arròs i fruiters de regadiu. Algunes espècies han arribat a manifestar una gran nocivitat poc després d’haver estat introduïdes, mentre que d’altres es comporten, o s’han comportat, com a simples efemeròfits.79 species of alien weeds have been registered in the crops of Catalonia. The majority (76%) come from the American continent and 34% come from different tropical regions of the Earth. A great percentage (77%) has been introduced during the XXth century. The traits which are best represented in these species are: annual cycle, summer phenology, not specialised dissemination strategies but related with anthropic activities, a high rate of C4 species, self-pollination and polyploidy. The crops mainly affected are maize, rice and orchards. Several species have shown high infestation levels just after being introduced, while others only play a role as ephemerophytes

    Contribució al coneixement de la flora catalana occidental, III

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    En aquest treball s'aporten dades sobre la presència de nous tàxons a la plana occidental catalana, i que impliquen, en la majoria dels casos, ampliar de manera notable l'àrea de distribució de l'espècie. Són de destacar Cheirolophus intybaceus (Lam.) Dostál, Iris spuria L., Lathyrus annuus L., Phagnalon rupestre (L.) DC., Succisa pratensis Moench, Trigonella gladiata Steven ex Bieb. i Orchis laxiflora Lam. subsp. palustris (Jacq.) Bonnier & Layens.Data about the presence of new taxa in the Western Catalan plain are furnished in this article. These data mostly widen the distribution of the species. The following species are noteworthy: Cheirolophus intybaceus (Lam.) Dostál, Iris spuria L., Lathyrus annuus L., Phagnalon Rupestre (L.) DC., Succisa pratensis Moench, Trigonella gladiata Steven ex Bieb. and Orchis Laxiflora Lam. subsp. palustris (Jacq.) Bonnier & Layens

    Uso de analítica para dar soporte a la toma de decisiones docentes

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    Las organizaciones competitivas implantan sistemas de información empresariales para proporcionar a sus empleados herramientas que les ayuden en la toma de decisiones para alcanzar sus objetivos. Esta estrategia trasladada a la universidad significa proporcionar al profesorado herramientas que den soporte a la toma de decisiones de su actividad docente. Cada vez más, las universidades proporcionan campus virtuales donde se realiza una parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Del campus virtual se pueden extraer los datos creados durante la interacción de todos los agentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que pueden ser una magnífica base a partir de la cual tomar decisiones basadas en evidencias. Nuestra propuesta es adoptar las estrategias de inteligencia de negocio exitosas en las organizaciones en la universidad, con finalidades diferentes, para obtener conocimiento sobre los datos existentes. Sobre el gran volumen de datos almacenados en el campus virtual, utilizando técnicas de bussiness analytics, planteamos construir cuadros de mando para el equipo docente y la dirección de programas (másteres i grados), como soporte a la toma de decisiones a corto, medio y largo plazo.Competitive organizations have implemented systems of business information that help employees in the process of making decisions based on data. This philosophy applied at the university means to provide tools that help teachers to better understand students and make decisions to improve the learning processes based on evidences. Increasingly, universities provide virtual learning environments where students perform part of the teaching-learning process. These environments store all the data about the interaction of the members of the virtual campus during the teaching-learning process. Our proposal is to adopt the strategies of business intelligence in organizations at the university. By applying business analytics techniques on the large volume of data stored in the virtual learning environments, we propose to build dashboards for teachers and program managers in order to help them to make decisions in the short, medium and long term

    Magnetic Field as a Characterization of Wide and Narrow Spaces in a Real Challenging Scenario Using Dynamic Time Warping

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    Ponencia presentada en 2018 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 24-27 Sept. 2018This paper presents a study of indoor positioning in public zones of the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell. It is a challenging scenario because: (1) it combines wide spaces with middle sized and narrow spaces; (2) it is a shielded zone where no signals are available, and therefore, no WiFi signal can be used for positioning; and (3) it is not possible to deploy beacons for positioning. The goal of this work is to test whether it is possible to get indoor positioning in a real and challenging scenario by using only the magnetic field. The positioning precision requires to locate the part of the hospital where the user is. The proposed solution defines “virtual corridors” to improve positioning in wide areas. To validate the work, magnetic field data have been recorded from the scenario, using different smartphones and by different persons. The obtained magnetic data curves have been compared by using dynamic time warping distance. Results show that it is possible to characterize every path with the magnetic field. The main contributions of the present paper are: (1) defining “virtual corridors” as a way to position using magnetic field in 2D spaces; and (2) showing that even in wide spaces, like the hall of a hospital, it is possible to find magnetic anomalies linked to positions