708 research outputs found

    Real-time monitoring of PtaHMGB activity in poplar transactivation assays

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    Precise control of gene expression is essential to synchronize plant development with the environment. In perennial plants, transcriptional regulation remains poorly understood, mainly due to the long time required to perform functional studies. Transcriptional reporters based on luciferase have been useful to study circadian and diurnal regulation of gene expression, both by transcription factors and chromatin remodelers. The high mobility group proteins are considered transcriptional chaperones that also modify the chromatin architecture. They have been found in several species, presenting in some cases a circadian expression of their mRNA or protein. Results: Transactivation experiments have been shown as a powerful and fast method to obtain information about the potential role of transcription factors upon a certain reporter. We designed and validated a luciferase transcriptional reporter using the 5? sequence upstream ATG of Populus tremula × alba LHY2 gene. We showed the robustness of this reporter line under long day and continuous light conditions. Moreover, we confirmed that pPtaLHY2::LUC activity reproduces the accumulation of PtaLHY2 mRNA. We performed transactivation studies by transient expression, using the reporter line as a genetic background, unraveling a new function of a high mobility group protein in poplar, which can activate the PtaLHY2 promoter in a gate-dependent manner. We also showed PtaHMGB2/3 needs darkness to produce that activation and exhibits an active degradation after dawn, mediated by the 26S proteasome. Conclusions: We generated a stable luciferase reporter poplar line based on the circadian clock gene PtaLHY2, which can be used to investigate transcriptional regulation and signal transduction pathway. Using this reporter line as a genetic background, we established a methodology to rapidly assess potential regulators of diurnal and circadian rhythms. This tool allowed us to demonstrate that PtaHMGB2/3 promotes the transcriptional activation of our reporter in a gate-dependent manner. Moreover, we added new information about the PtaHMGB2/3 protein regulation along the day. This methodology can be easily adapted to other transcription factors and reporters

    Stress Effects on the Mechanisms Regulating Appetite in Teleost Fish

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    The homeostatic regulation of food intake relies on a complex network involving peripheral and central signals that are integrated in the hypothalamus which in turn responds with the release of orexigenic or anorexigenic neuropeptides that eventually promote or inhibit appetite. Under stress conditions, the mechanisms that control food intake in fish are deregulated and the appetite signals in the brain do not operate as in control conditions resulting in changes in the expression of the appetite-related neuropeptides and usually a decreased food intake. The effect of stress on the mechanisms that regulate food intake in fish seems to be mediated in part by the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), an anorexigenic neuropeptide involved in the activation of the HPI axis during the physiological stress response. Furthermore, the melanocortin system is also involved in the connection between the HPI axis and the central control of appetite. The dopaminergic and serotonergic systems are activated during the stress response and they have also been related to the control of food intake. In addition, the central and peripheral mechanisms that mediate nutrient sensing capacity and hence implicated in the metabolic control of appetite are inhibited in fish under stress conditions. Finally, stress also affects peripheral endocrine signals such as leptin. In the present minireview, we summarize the knowledge achieved in recent years regarding the interaction of stress with the different mechanisms that regulate food intake in fish

    An instrumental puzzle: the modular integration of AOLI

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    The Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager, AOLI, is an instrument developed to deliver the highest spatial resolution ever obtained in the visible, 20 mas, from ground-based telescopes. In AOLI a new philosophy of instrumental prototyping has been applied, based on the modularization of the subsystems. This modular concept offers maximum flexibility regarding the instrument, telescope or the addition of future developments.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Proc. SPIE 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99082Z (August 9, 2016

    Trawl Anglerfish Discard Estimates and Patterns in the Spanish Northeast Atlantic Fisheries.

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    Discards estimates from Spanish bottom otter trawl of anglerfish, Lophius budegassa (black anglerfish) and L. piscatorius (white anglerfish), in Northeast Atlantic Ocean (ICES Sub-areas VI, VII and Divisions VIIIabd) are presented in this paper. Information was obtained by observers on board in different discard programs carried out by Spanish Research Institutes. Total discards obtained by the different raising procedures were very similar and total discard raised by effort (number of trips) as a simple estimator was assumed as the adequate value. Values in weight range from 4 t to 590 t, and from 4 t to 320 t for white and black anglerfish respectively in Sub-areas VI and VII. Length distributions of discarded anglerfish (Sub-areas VI and VII) show that most of the specimens are juvenile individuals. Discards estimations show a high variability in weight and number along the period studied. Yearly abundance of juveniles in the area is a factor to understand the variability of discard quantities. This trend in Sub-areas VI and VII is reflected by similar pattern between juveniles (length < 31cm) discards estimations and recruitment indices (age 0) obtained by French (FR-EVHOES) for black anglerfish, and Irish (IR-IGFS) for white anglerfish. Inter-annual variation may also be explained by legal restriction on minimum weights (DCR) laid down in 2000 due to change in onboard sorting procedures

    Desarrollo y aplicación de un escape room sobre la tabla periódica

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    En este trabajo, se describe la implementación y puesta en marcha de un juego de escape (escape room), diseñado para conmemorar el Año Internacional de la Tabla Periódica de los Elementos Químicos y destinado a estudiantes de primeros cursos universitarios en carreras técnicas, así como a estudiantes de cursos inferiores. Se pretende que, a través del juego, los participantes adquieran competencias específicas básicas de Química y competencias transversales como trabajo en grupo y creatividad y, al mismo tiempo, comprendan la dificultad que conlleva un descubrimiento científico de la magnitud de la Tabla Periódica de Mendeléyev. El escape room se ha probado con varios grupos de alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid con éxito, aunque se espera su implementación más masiva durante los primeros meses del curso 2019-20. También se describen de forma cualitativa los resultados de la implementación preliminar realizada

    Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Atlantic as measured during the FICARAM cruises

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    A total of fourteen hydrographic cruises spanning from 2000 to 2008 were conducted during the spring and autumn seasons between Spain and the Southern Ocean, under the framework of the Spanish research project FICARAM. The performed underway measurements are processed and analysed to describe the meridional air-sea CO2 fluxes (F CO2) along the Atlantic Ocean. The data was organised into different biogeochemical oceanographic provinces, according mainly to the thermohaline characteristics. The obtained spatial and temporal distributions of F CO2 follow the generally expected patterns and annual trends. The Subtropical regions in both hemispheres alternated the CO2 source and sink nature from autumn to spring, respectively. On the other hand, Tropical waters and the Patagonian Sea clearly behaved as sinks of atmospheric CO2 like the waters of the Drake Passage during autumn. The obtained results during the cruises also revealed significant long-term trends, such as the warming of equatorial waters (0.11±0.03 Cyr−1) and the decrease of surface salinity (−0.16±0.01 yr−1) in tropical waters caused by the influence of the Amazon River plume. This reduction in surface salinity appears to have a direct influence over the CO2 storage rates, fostering the uptake capacity of atmospheric CO2 (−0.09±0.03 molm−2 yr−1). An analysis of the biogeochemical forcing on the CO2 fugacity (fCO2) variability performed from an empirical algorithm highlighted the major role of the Amazon River input in the tropical North Atlantic fluxes. In addition, it has provided a quantitative measure of the importance of the thermodynamic control of F CO2 at temperate latitudes

    Genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to lead and influence of polymorphisms in genes involved in lead toxicokinetics and in DNA repair

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    This work was partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PSI2010-15115) and Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (grants PDCT/SAU-OBS/59821/2004, PTDC/QUI/ 67522/2006 and PTDC/SAU-OSM/105572/2008, and fellowship SFRH/ BD/22612/2005 to M. Pingarilho).publishersversionpublishe

    Focal adhesion genes refine the intermediate-risk cytogenetic classification of acute myeloid leukemia

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    © 2018 by the authors.In recent years, several attempts have been made to identify novel prognostic markers in patients with intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia (IR-AML), to implement risk-adapted strategies. The non-receptor tyrosine kinases are proteins involved in regulation of cell growth, adhesion, migration and apoptosis. They associate with metastatic dissemination in solid tumors and poor prognosis. However, their role in haematological malignancies has been scarcely studied. We hypothesized that PTK2/FAK, PTK2B/PYK2, LYN or SRC could be new prognostic markers in IR-AML. We assessed PTK2, PTK2B, LYN and SRC gene expression in a cohort of 324 patients, adults up to the age of 70, classified in the IR-AML cytogenetic group. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that PTK2B, LYN and PTK2 gene expression are independent prognostic factors in IR-AML patients. PTK2B and LYN identify a patient subgroup with good prognosis within the cohort with non-favorable FLT3/NPM1 combined mutations. In contrast, PTK2 identifies a patient subgroup with poor prognosis within the worst prognosis cohort who display non-favorable FLT3/NPM1 combined mutations and underexpression of PTK2B or LYN. The combined use of these markers can refine the highly heterogeneous intermediate-risk subgroup of AML patients, and allow the development of risk-adapted post-remission chemotherapy protocols to improve their response to treatment.Pallarès, VictorThis work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Co-funding from FEDER) [CD13/00074 to V.P., PI15/00378 and PIE15/00028 to R.M., FIS PI17/01246, RD12/0036/0071 and FIS PI14/00450 to J.S., RD12/0036/0069 to M.G.., ISCIII-PS13/1640 and PI16/0665 to E.B., and RD12/0036/0014 and PIE13/00046 to M.A.S.] CIBERONC [CB16/12/00284 to M.A.S.]; CIBER-BBN [CBV6/01/1031 and Nanomets3 to R.M.]; AGAUR [2017 FI_B 00680 to A.F.; 2017-SGR-865 and 2014PROD0005 to R.M. and 2014-SGR-1281 to J.S.]; Fundació La Marató TV3 [416/C/2013-2030 to R.M., 100830/31/32 to J.S., M.G.. and M.A.S.]; Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute [P/AG 2017 to R.M.]; Spanish Health Research Program [PI12/02321 to M.G..]; Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) [to M.C.C.]; a grant from the Cellex Foundation, Barcelona [to J.S.]; a grant from La Generalitat de Catalunya (PERIS) [SLT002/16/00433 to J.S.]; and a grant from Fundación Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia (FEHH) [to V.P.]