211 research outputs found

    A través del objeto : Le Corbusier y las claves de las maquetas Olivetti

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    El Centro de Cáculo Electrónico Olivetti en Rho (Milán), proyecto llevado a cabo entre 1962 y 1964, ha sido poco estudiado en relación con otros proyectos del arquitecto, a pesar de su envergadura. Sinembargo, existe una gran cantidad de material elaborado para el mismo,compuesto por numerosas maquetas cuyas técnicas de ejecución,materialidad y textura, entre otras características, desvelan el misterio del proyecto Olivetti: una estrategia modular que marca el inicio del proyecto y lo acompaña hasta el final. Gracias a una mirada analíticadel objeto, es posible establecer un diálogo entre el pasado y el presente del proyecto, es decir, entre el proceso proyectual y las claves del mismo, que se encuentran en las maquetas Olivetti.Además, estas maquetas, reflejan, además las intenciones artísticas del arquitecto, que trata al edificio como si se tratara de uno de sus tapices.Lo cual nos permite entender dichas maquetas como parte dela obra plástica de Le Corbusier.The Olivetti Electronic Center (Rho, Milan), that is a project elaborated between 1962 and 1964, has been very little studied in the Le Corbusier’s whole architectural framework. However, during this period, a great deal of materials were created in order to develop this project. Among these materials, we can find several models whose execution techniques, materiality, texture and other features reveal the Olivetti’s project mystery: a modular strategy marks the beginning of the project and remains until the end of it. If we have an analitic glance to the objet itself, it is possible to stablish a conversation between the porject’s past and present, it means, a conversation between the proyectual process and its own keys, that are found in the Olivetti’s models. These models also represent the architect’s artistic intentions by treating the building as one of his tapestries. This fact lets us see these models as a par of Le Corbusier’s plastic framework.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectur

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde dos Usuários Hipertensos e/ou Diabéticos na UBS Castelo Branco, Caicó/RN

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    A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e a Diabetes Mellitus (DM), doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, são importantes fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares, tendo como características o difícil controle, caráter permanente e, muitas vezes, causam incapacidades, são causadas por alteração patológica não reversível, apresentam fatores de risco em comum e demandam um longo período de acompanhamento e cuidado. Os fatores de risco para estas doenças estão relacionados com o estilo de vida, principalmente o sedentarismo, tabagismo, obesidade e alcoolismo. A intervenção sobre estes fatores de risco pode resultar na redução da morbidade e mortalidade por estas causas. Por conta disso, o objetivo de nossa intervenção foi melhorar a atenção à saúde dos usuários hipertensos e/ou diabéticos na UBS Castelo Branco. Participaram usuários hipertensos e diabéticos da área de abrangência da UBS que foram cadastrados no programa de Atenção à Hipertensão Arterial e à Diabetes Mellitus. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho utilizamos o protocolo do Ministério da Saúde de 2013 – Cadernos de Atenção Básica nº 36 - Estratégias para o cuidado da pessoa com doença crônica - Diabetes Mellitus e Cadernos de Atenção Básica nº 37 - Estratégias para o cuidado da pessoa com doença crônica - Hipertensão arterial sistêmica.A UBS na qual atuo tem uma população atual de 3014 habitantes e, de acordo com os dados do SIAB, 285 pessoas de 20 anos ou mais com hipertensão arterial e 79 com diabetes mellitus. Ao iniciar a intervenção, tínhamos registrados com acompanhamento pela UBS apenas 158(55%)usuários hipertensos e 40(50%) usuários diabéticos. Por doze semanas trabalhamos monitorando indicadores de cobertura e qualidade, realizamos ações conforme o cronograma do projeto procurando atingir as metas propostas. Ao finalizar a intervenção contamos com a participação de 243(85%) hipertensos e 63(81%) diabéticos, alcançando assim a meta de cobertura pactuada no projeto de intervenção. A ampliação da cobertura para usuários hipertensos e diabéticos foi uma das principais conquistas alcançadas com a nossa intervenção.Também tivemos melhoria na qualificação dos atendimentos, com a realização de exames clínicos completasse a estratificação do risco para todos os usuários cadastrados, na organização dos registros do serviço, definimos os responsáveis por cada ação,o que viabilizou a otimização da agenda para demanda espontânea, gerando maiores satisfações da população e resolutividade. Considero esta intervenção mais um passo, uma conquista alcançada que, além de ter atingido os resultados esperados, servirá de base para a intervenção em outros grupos prioritários o que fortalecerá cada dia mais a rede de atenção básica

    Inversión medioambiental y resultado financiero en las empresas familiares españolas

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    Ante la falta de consenso sobre la relación entre los resultados medioambientales y los resultados económicos de las empresas, y las aportaciones de diferentes autores que explican esta controversia por la existencia de ciertos condicionantes, el presente trabajo pretende analizar el posible efecto moderador de la forma de gobierno de la empresa en esta relación. Los resultados del análisis de regresión de una muestra de 1916 empresas del sector manufacturero español indican que, en efecto, la situación win-win en la que inversión medioambiental implica una mejora de los resultados medioambientales y económicos no puede darse por garantizada y, además, el impacto de la inversión medioambiental en los resultados financieros es mayor en el caso de las empresas pequeñas de tipo familiar.

    Inhibiting aspects of environmental proactivity in industrial firms: an empirical analysis

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    In this work we made an analysis of papers on environmental accounting published in the main Spanish management journals, during period 1993-2003. We analyzed the present situation and the evolution of the investigation in this line during the indicated period, as well as the role played by the different journals in the knowledge development. The last goal of this work is that the researchers in this topic have a compilation of existing literature, to thus be able to initiate its research work and to contribute new knowledge to the field of the environmental accounting. In addition, this work will identify the main journals that the researchers of this topic can use at the time of disclosing the results of their investigationsEnvironmental strategy, inhibiting aspects.

    Does it pay more to be green in family firms than in non-family firms?

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    The contradictory empirical evidence about whether the effect of companies' environmental investments on financial results is positive, negative or not significant has been explained by the different conditions and contexts that facilitate or hinder the ability to generate a win–win situation. This explanation has gradually led the academic debate to consider the factors and conditions that moderate such a relationship. In this document, we analyse the relevant but scarcely studied moderating effect of the condition of being a family firm, by integrating the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective into the natural-resource-based view (NRBV). Based on the analysis of panel data from 2936 Spanish manufacturing firms, covering the period 2009–2016, we offer empirical evidence showing that the financial benefits derived from environmental investment are positive and significant in family firms, while this is not so in non-family firms. Furthermore, our results show that intrinsic characteristics such as the sector, size or age of the company also condition the financial results of environmental investments

    Facilitadores de la innovación 2.0: impulsando la innovación financiera en la era fintech

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    This paper analyses the main characteristics of European innovation facilitators, in particular, sandboxes and innovation hubs. The facilitators involve direct contact with innovative companies and even experimentation with certain projects. They are used by the authorities to gain detailed knowledge of technology-based innovations, their benefits and risks, and their impact on the financial sphere. This knowledge facilitates the adaptation of financial regulation to the application of new technologies. In addition, this paper explores the evolution of innovation facilitators: in some cases, the changes have been so profound or the functionalities so novel, that some of these facilitators can be considered second generation or “Facilitators 2.0”. Moreover, since financial innovation is a phenomenon that knows no borders, the main initiatives at European level to promote cooperation and homogenisation among the national innovation facilitators are reviewed as well. Finally, the paper describes the main characteristics and evolution of the facilitators in Spain, and the work of the Banco de España to improve transparency and knowledge of the Spanish regulatory sandbox through the organisation of meetings with the private sector. The Spanish sandbox shares many features with the sandboxes of other European countries but has some peculiarities that make it unique, and, as in other countries, improvements have been made to how it works in recent years.En este artículo se analizan las principales características de los facilitadores de la innovación europeos y, en concreto, los sandboxes y los hubs de innovación. Estos mecanismos implican un contacto directo con las empresas innovadoras e incluso la experimentación de determinados proyectos, y son empleados por las autoridades para conocer en detalle las innovaciones de base tecnológica, sus beneficios y sus riesgos y su impacto en el ámbito financiero. Este conocimiento facilita la adaptación de la regulación financiera a la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías. Además, en este artículo se explora la evolución del funcionamiento de estos facilitadores: en algunos casos los cambios han sido tan profundos o las funcionalidades tan novedosas, que se les puede considerar a algunos de estos facilitadores como de segunda generación o «Facilitadores 2.0». Adicionalmente, debido a que la innovación financiera es un fenómeno que no conoce fronteras, se revisan las principales iniciativas a escala europea para fomentar la cooperación y la homogeneización de los facilitadores de la innovación en los estados miembros. Finalmente, se describen las principales características y la evolución de los facilitadores en el ámbito nacional, así como la labor del Banco de España para mejorar la transparencia y el conocimiento del sandbox regulatorio español por medio de la organización de encuentros con el sector privado. El sandbox español comparte muchas características con los sandboxes de su entorno, pero cuenta con algunas peculiaridades que le hacen único, y al igual que ha sucedido en otros países, se han incluido mejoras en su funcionamiento en los últimos años

    Ultrasound-assisted multicomponent synthesis of 4H-pyrans in water and DNA binding studies

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    A simple approach to synthesize new highly substituted 4H-pyran derivatives is described. Efficient Et3N acts as a readily accessible catalyst of this process performed in pure water and with only a 20 mol% of catalyst loading. The extremely simple operational methodology, short reaction times, clean procedure and excellent product yields render this new approach extremely appealing for the synthesis of 4H-pyrans, as potentially biological scaffolds. Additionally, DNA interaction analysis reveals that 4H-pyran derivatives behave preferably as minor groove binders over major groove or intercalators. Therefore, this is one of the scarce examples where pyrans have resulted to be interesting DNA binders with high binding constants (Kb ranges from 1.53 × 104 M-1 to 2.05 × 106 M-1)

    Toxicity of Asciminib in Real Clinical Practice: Analysis of Side Effects and Cross-Toxicity with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

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    Asciminib; Chronic myeloid leukemia; Drug intoleranceAsciminib; Leucèmia mieloide crònica; Intolerància als medicamentsAsciminib; Leucemia mieloide crónica; Intolerancia a los medicamentosBackground: Despite the prognostic improvements achieved with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a minority of patients still fail TKIs. The recent introduction of asciminib may be a promising option in intolerant patients, as it is a first-in-class inhibitor with a more selective mechanism of action different from the ATP-competitive inhibition that occurs with TKIs. Therefore, our goal was to analyze toxicities shown with asciminib as well as to study cross-toxicity with previous TKIs. (2) Methods: An observational, multicenter, retrospective study was performed with data from 77 patients with CML with therapeutic failure to second-generation TKIs who received asciminib through a managed-access program (MAP) (3) Results: With a median follow-up of 13.7 months, 22 patients (28.5%) discontinued treatment: 32% (7/22) due to intolerance and 45% (10/22) due to resistance. Fifty-five percent of the patients reported adverse effects (AEs) with asciminib and eighteen percent grade 3-4. Most frequent AEs were: fatigue (18%), thrombocytopenia (17%), anemia (12%), and arthralgias (12%). None of the patients experienced cardiovascular events or occlusive arterial disease. Further, 26%, 25%, and 9% of patients required dose adjustment, temporary suspension, or definitive discontinuation of treatment, respectively. Toxicities under asciminib seemed lower than with prior TKIs for anemia, cardiovascular events, pleural/pericardial effusion, diarrhea, and edema. Cross-toxicity risk was statistically significant for thrombocytopenia, anemia, neutropenia, fatigue, vomiting, and pancreatitis. (4) Conclusion: Asciminib is a molecule with a good safety profile and with a low rate of AEs. However, despite its new mechanism of action, asciminib presents a risk of cross-toxicity with classical TKIs for some AEs

    La Caridad/Solidaridad desde los medios radiofónicos

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    Está dedicado a la Radio y a quienes, a través de distintos programas de contenido semanasantero, cofrade o cofradiero, atienden el tema que se trata en torno al orbe caritativo o solidario de las Hermandades

    Real‑life analysis on safety and efcacy of asciminib for ponatinib pretreated patients with chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Asciminib; Inhibitors; LeukemiaAsciminib; Inhibidors; LeucèmiaAsciminib; Inhibidores; LeucemiaFailure of second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2GTKI) is a challenging situation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Asciminib, recently approved by the US Federal Drug Administration, has demonstrated in clinical trials a good efficacy and safety profile after failure of 2GTKI. However, no study has specifically addressed response rates to asciminib in ponatinib pretreated patients (PPT). Here, we present data on responses to asciminib from 52 patients in clinical practice, 20 of them (38%) with prior ponatinib exposure. We analyzed retrospectively responses and toxicities under asciminib and compared results between PPT and non-PPT patients.After a median follow-up of 30 months, 34 patients (65%) switched to asciminib due to intolerance and 18 (35%) due to resistance to prior TKIs. Forty-six patients (88%) had received at least 3 prior TKIs. Regarding responses, complete cytogenetic response was achieved or maintained in 74% and 53% for non-PPT and PPT patients, respectively. Deeper responses such as major molecular response and molecular response 4.5 were achieved in 65% and 19% in non-PPT versus 32% and 11% in PPT, respectively. Two patients (4%) harbored the T315I mutation, both PPT.In terms of toxicities, non-PPT displayed 22% grade 3-4 TEAE versus 20% in PPT. Four patients (20% of PPT) suffered from cross-intolerance with asciminib as they did under ponatinib.Our data supports asciminib as a promising alternative in resistant and intolerant non-PPT patients, as well as in intolerant PPT patients; the resistant PPT subset remains as a challenging group in need of further therapeutic options