185 research outputs found

    The Social and Ethical Acceptability of NBICs for Purposes of Human Enhancement: Why Does the Debate Remain Mired in Impasse?

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    The emergence and development of convergent technologies for the purpose of improving human performance, including nanotechnology, biotechnology, information sciences, and cognitive science (NBICs), open up new horizons in the debates and moral arguments that must be engaged by philosophers who hope to take seriously the question of the ethical and social acceptability of these technologies. This article advances an analysis of the factors that contribute to confusion and discord on the topic, in order to help in understanding why arguments that form a part of the debate between transhumanism and humanism result in a philosophical and ethical impasse: 1. The lack of clarity that emerges from the fact that any given argument deployed (arguments based on nature and human nature, dignity, the good life) can serve as the basis for both the positive and the negative evaluation of NBICs. 2. The impossibility of providing these arguments with foundations that will enable others to deem them acceptable. 3. The difficulty of applying these same arguments to a specific situation. 4. The ineffectiveness of moral argument in a democratic society. The present effort at communication about the difficulties of the argumentation process is intended as a necessary first step towards developing an interdisciplinary response to those difficulties

    MĂ­stica y Ă©tica: desafĂ­os para nuestro tiempo. De la experiencia mĂ­stica a la acciĂłn moral

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    After the secularisation process of modernity, we can suspect that, perhaps, we are witnessing an era of post-secularisation due to the growing interest for spirituality and mysticism. In this context, the present study on mystic and its entailment with ethics aims to know which contributions to the scope of moral action may arise from the study of mystical experience. Therefore, we will fathom in the knowledge of the human being from a point of view that consider its transcendent and spiritual aspect, in order to assess the contribution that may suppose the mysticism study in the scope of the values education, in pursuit of a new social cultural anthropological paradigm that responds to the eternal inquisitiveness of the human being.<br><br>Después del proceso de secularización propio de la modernidad, podemos sospechar que, quizås, estemos asistiendo a una época de post-secularización debido al creciente interés por la espiritualidad y por la mística. En este contexto, el presente estudio sobre lo místico y su vinculación con la ética tiene por objetivo fundamental conocer qué aportaciones al åmbito de la acción moral pueden surgir del estudio de la experiencia mística. Para ello, profundizaremos en el conocimiento del propio ser humano desde una perspectiva que contemple su dimensión trascendente y espiritual, a fin de valorar la contribución que puede suponer el estudio de la mística al åmbito de la educación en valores, en pos de un nuevo paradigma antropológico, social y cultural que responda a las eternas inquietudes del ser humano
