437 research outputs found

    Kerr/CFT Correspondence in the Low Energy Limit of Heterotic String Theory

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    We investigate the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence in the context of heterotic string theory. The Kerr/CFT correspondence states that the near-horizon states of an extremal four (or higher) dimensional black hole could be identified with a certain chiral conformal field theory under the conjecture that the central charges from the non-gravitational fields vanish. The corresponding Virasoro algebra is generated by a class of diffeomorphisms which preserves the appropriate boundary conditions on the near-horizon geometry. To understand the chiral conformal field theory, we consider the class of extremal Kerr-Sen black hole (that contains three non-gravitational fields) as a class of solutions in the low energy limit (effective field theory) of heterotic string theory. We derive the expression of the conserved charges for the extremal Kerr-Sen solutions that contain dilaton, abelian gauge filed and antisymmetric tensor filed. We confirm and extend the validity of the conjecture (that the central charges from the non-gravitational fields vanish) for theories including antisymmetric tensor fields. We combine the calculated central charges with the expected form of the temperature using the Cardy formula to obtain the entropy of the extremal black hole microscopically; in agreement with the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the extremal black hole.Comment: 14 pages, a few sentences added to the introduction, version to appear in JHE

    Yet Another Realization of Kerr/CFT Correspondence

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    The correspondence between the Kerr black hole and a boundary CFT has been conjectured recently. The conjecture has been proposed first only for the half of the CFT, namely for left movers. For right movers, the correspondence has been also found out through the suitable asymptotic boundary condition. However, the boundary conditions for these two studies are exclusive to each other. The boundary condition for left movers does not allow the symmetry of right movers, and vice versa. We propose new boundary condition which allows both of left and right movers.Comment: 6 pages, references adde

    SNAP-8 corrosion program Quarterly progress report, period ending 31 May 1965

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    Differences in corrosion and mass transfer rates in corrosion loops for SNAP-8 system and effectiveness of cold trapping in reducing hydrogen concentratio

    Snap-8 corrosion program quarterly progress report, period ending 28 feb. 1965

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    SNAP-8 corrosion program - hydrogen solubility in sodium-potassium, permeability of hydrogen and deuterum through stainless steel, and phase equilibri

    CFT Duals for Extreme Black Holes

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    It is argued that the general four-dimensional extremal Kerr-Newman-AdS-dS black hole is holographically dual to a (chiral half of a) two-dimensional CFT, generalizing an argument given recently for the special case of extremal Kerr. Specifically, the asymptotic symmetries of the near-horizon region of the general extremal black hole are shown to be generated by a Virasoro algebra. Semiclassical formulae are derived for the central charge and temperature of the dual CFT as functions of the cosmological constant, Newton's constant and the black hole charges and spin. We then show, assuming the Cardy formula, that the microscopic entropy of the dual CFT precisely reproduces the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking area law. This CFT description becomes singular in the extreme Reissner-Nordstrom limit where the black hole has no spin. At this point a second dual CFT description is proposed in which the global part of the U(1) gauge symmetry is promoted to a Virasoro algebra. This second description is also found to reproduce the area law. Various further generalizations including higher dimensions are discussed.Comment: 18 pages; v2 minor change

    The Central Charge of the Warped AdS^3 Black Hole

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    The AdS/CFT conjecture offers the possibility of a quantum description for a black hole in terms of a CFT. This has led to the study of general AdS^3 type black holes with a view to constructing an explicit toy quantum black hole model. Such a CFT description would be characterized by its central charge and the dimensions of its primary fields. Recently the expression for the central charges (C_L, C_R) of the CFT dual to the warped AdS^3 have been determined using asymptotic symmetry arguments. The central charges depend, as expected, on the warping factor. We show that topological arguments, used by Witten to constrain central charges for the BTZ black hole, can be generalized to deal with the warped AdS^3 case. Topology constrains the warped factor to be rational numbers while quasinormal modes are conjectured to give the dimensions of primary fields. We find that in the limit when warping is large or when it takes special rational values the system tends to Witten's conjectured unique CFT's with central charges that are multiples of 24.Comment: 6 pages, Latex fil

    Constructing near-horizon geometries in supergravities with hidden symmetry

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    We consider the classification of near-horizon geometries in a general two-derivative theory of gravity coupled to abelian gauge fields and uncharged scalars in four and five dimensions, with one and two commuting rotational symmetries respectively. Assuming that the theory of gravity reduces to a 3d non-linear sigma model (as is typically the case for ungauged supergravities), we show that the functional form of any such near-horizon geometry may be determined. As an example we apply this to five dimensional minimal supergravity. We also construct an example of a five parameter near-horizon geometry solution to this theory with S^1 X S^2 horizon topology. We discuss its relation to the near-horizon geometries of the yet to be constructed extremal black rings with both electric and dipole charges.Comment: Latex, 30 pages. v2: discussion in section 5 modified and improved, other minor changes, references adde

    String Theory on Warped AdS_3 and Virasoro Resonances

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    We investigate aspects of holographic duals to time-like warped AdS_3 space-times--which include G\"odel's universe--in string theory. Using worldsheet techniques similar to those that have been applied to AdS_3 backgrounds, we are able to identify space-time symmetry algebras that act on the dual boundary theory. In particular, we always find at least one Virasoro algebra with computable central charge. Interestingly, there exists a dense set of points in the moduli space of these models in which there is actually a second commuting Virasoro algebra, typically with different central charge than the first. We analyze the supersymmetry of the backgrounds, finding related enhancements, and comment on possible interpretations of these results. We also perform an asymptotic symmetry analysis at the level of supergravity, providing additional support for the worldsheet analysis.Comment: 24 pages + appendice

    Low-cost Sensors on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: an Advancement in Air Quality Measurement

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    With the rapid industrialization and the current status of climate change, air pollution has become a global concern. However, detecting atmospheric pollutants is costly, time-consuming, and cumbersome. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) utilizes filter-based techniques in their federal reference and federal equivalent methods (FRM and FEM, respectively) to measure ground-based particulate matter (PM) levels in the atmosphere. Recently, the development of low-cost sensors has helped in combatting the high cost associated with acquiring these measurements. These sensors allow for PM concentrations to be measured at high resolutions. Due to their surface mounted nature, the EPA’s methods are limited in measuring the concentrations of PM at the ground-level. Hence, they lack the ability of determining the concentrations at various altitudes, which is important in characterizing the origin and the formation pathway of such pollutants. To address these shortcomings, we propose placing multiple low-cost sensors on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to measure the concentrations of PM in Daytona Beach, FL. Sampling will be conducted seasonally, and the PM concentrations will be compared to their counterpart observations obtained using the EPA’s methods. The findings of this study should aid in the development of low-cost air pollution sensors that can be hosted on UAVs. This work promises to be advantageous in detecting air pollutants in both congested and remote areas