22 research outputs found

    Influência da expansão rápida da maxila na respiração revisão sistemática da literatura

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi avaliar os efeitos a longo prazo da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) na respiração. Com o intuito de identificar os estudos relevantes dos últimos 5 anos, sem restrição de idioma, foi realizada uma busca sistemática da literatura na base de dados do PubMed. Os critérios de inclusão e exclusão dos artigos foram: estudos clínicos controlados, apenas em seres humanos, indivíduos em fase de crescimento, acompanhamento por no mínimo 6 meses, após ERM, método de avaliação rinomanometria , rinometria acústica , tomografia computadorizada de cone beam, ou radiografias póstero-anterior e lateral, ausência de procedimento cirúrgico, não apresentar síndromes ou fissuras, ausência de comprometimento sistêmico. O número final de artigos incluídos foi de 13. A partir da avaliação de todos os artigos selecionados foi possível concluir que o volume da cavidade nasal aumenta, a resistência diminui e o fluxo de ar nasal aumenta após a ERM. A melhora na respiração de pacientes submetidos a ERM durante o período de crescimento pode ser observada até 5 anos após a terapia.The goal of this systematic review was to evaluate the long-term effects of the rapid maxillary expansion on breathing. Aiming to identify the relevant studies of the last 5 years, without language restriction, a systematic research of the literature in the PubMed database was realized. The inclusion and exclusion criteria to the articles selection were: controlled clinical studies, only in humans, individuals during growth period, minimum of 6 month follow-up, after RME, rinomanometry, acoustic rinometry, cone beam computed tomography, or póstero-anterior and lateral cephalometric radiograph as evaluation method, no surgery procedure, no syndromes or fissures patient, no systemic commintment. The final number of included articles was 13. From the evaluation of all the selected articles was possible to conclude that the nasal cavity volume increases, the resistance decreases and the nasal air flow increases after RME. The nasal breathing improvement in the patients undergoing RME during growth period can be observed within 5 years after the therapy

    Postoperative pain after endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth submitted to large apical preparation using oscillatory kinematics

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    Regardless of the technique applied for chemomechanical preparation, postoperative pain is a very relevant matter in endodontics. Objective: To evaluate postoperative pain after endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth submitted to large apical preparatio

    The Impact of Apical Patency in the Success of Endodontic Treatment of Necrotic Teeth with Apical Periodontitis: A Brief Review

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    Accumulation of soft tissue or dentinal remnants in the apical region is a common event that can cause blockage of root canals. This event can be avoided if apical patency is performed during the root canal shaping procedures. However, there is no consensus on the role of apical patency in relation to the success of endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to conduct a brief review on the role of apical patency in guaranteeing the success of endodontic treatments of necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis considering two other key points; the root canal anatomy and microbiology.Keywords: Apical Patency; Endodontic Success; Periradicular Disease; Root Canal Therap

    Scalable spin squeezing in a dipolar Rydberg atom array

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    The standard quantum limit bounds the precision of measurements that can be achieved by ensembles of uncorrelated particles. Fundamentally, this limit arises from the non-commuting nature of quantum mechanics, leading to the presence of fluctuations often referred to as quantum projection noise. Quantum metrology relies on the use of non-classical states of many-body systems in order to enhance the precision of measurements beyond the standard quantum limit. To do so, one can reshape the quantum projection noise -- a strategy known as squeezing. In the context of many-body spin systems, one typically utilizes all-to-all interactions (e.g. the one-axis twisting model) between the constituents to generate the structured entanglement characteristic of spin squeezing. Motivated by recent theoretical work, here we explore the prediction that short-range interactions -- and in particular, the two-dimensional dipolar XY model -- can also enable the realization of scalable spin squeezing. Working with a dipolar Rydberg quantum simulator of up to 100 atoms, we demonstrate that quench dynamics from a polarized initial state lead to spin squeezing that improves with increasing system size up to a maximum of -3.5 dB (prior to correcting for detection errors, or approximately -5 dB after correction). Finally, we present two independent refinements: first, using a multistep spin-squeezing protocol allows us to further enhance the squeezing by approximately 1 dB, and second, leveraging Floquet engineering to realize Heisenberg interactions, we demonstrate the ability to extend the lifetime of the squeezed state by freezing its dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure


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    The microbial increase is pointed out as one of the main causes that influence the appearance of the disease in the apical periodontium and the reduction of the microbial load is one of the most important points of endodontics. Despite the constant evolution of endodontic treatment, there are still cases in which success is not achieved. In the present work, the case of a patient who needed to undergo endodontic retreatment associated with paraendodontic surgery is reported. The treatment is described in detail, covering the materials used, the methods employed and the images of the procedure. In addition, positive and negative points were also exposed. Finally, it was concluded that, after data collection, paraendodontic surgery has high levels of success when well used, and may be more effective than conventional treatment.O aumento microbiano é apontado como uma das principais causas que influenciam o surgimento da doença no periodonto-apical e a redução da carga microbiana é um dos pontos mais importantes da endodontia. Apesar da constante evolução do tratamento endodôntico, ainda há casos em que não se obtém sucesso. No presente trabalho, é relatado o caso de uma paciente que precisou ser submetida ao retratamento endodôntico associado a uma cirurgia paraendodôntica. O tratamento é descrito detalhadamente, abrangendo os materiais utilizados, os métodos empregados e as imagens do procedimento. Ademais, também foi exposto pontos positivos e negativos da mesma. Por fim, chegou- se a conclusão que, após levantamento de dados, a cirurgia paraendodôntica apresenta altos níveis de sucesso quando bem empregada, podendo ser mais eficaz que o tratamento convencional


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    Dental resorptions are classified according to their etiology and location. Knowledge of the different types of resorptions is essential for a good diagnosis and successful treatment. They develop from a triggering factor and in the presence of a maintenance factor. Once these factors are removed, there is a great chance that the resorptive process will stop. However, it is important that it be diagnosed early in order to obtain the correct planning of the case, adequate treatment and the most favorable prognosis possible. Recent works demonstrate that computed tomography is superior in efficiency for an accurate diagnosis of these resorptions, when compared to periapical radiographs. The present work aims to discuss, through a literature review, the types of existing external resorptions, these being transitory.As reabsorções dentárias são classificadas de acordo com a sua etiologia e localização. O conhecimento dos diferentes tipos de reabsorções é fundamental para um bom diagnóstico e um sucesso no tratamento. Elas se desenvolvem a partir de um fator desencadeante e na presença de um fator de manutenção. Uma vez removidos estes fatores, temos grandes chances de uma paralização do processo reabsortivo. Porém é importante que seja diagnosticada precocemente para obtermos o correto planejamento do caso, o tratamento adequado e um prognóstico mais favorável possível. Recentes trabalhos demonstram que, a tomografia computadorizada se mostra superior em eficiência para um preciso diagnostico dessas reabsorções, quando comparadas as radiografias periapicais. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir através de uma revisão de literatura, os tipos de reabsorções externas existentes, sendo essas transitória, substitutiva, cervical e inflamatória, discutindo suas causas e seus tratamentos