664 research outputs found

    Altered Auditory BOLD Response to Conspecific Birdsong in Zebra Finches with Stuttered Syllables

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    How well a songbird learns a song appears to depend on the formation of a robust auditory template of its tutor's song. Using functional magnetic resonance neuroimaging we examine auditory responses in two groups of zebra finches that differ in the type of song they sing after being tutored by birds producing stuttering-like syllable repetitions in their songs. We find that birds that learn to produce the stuttered syntax show attenuated blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses to tutor's song, and more pronounced responses to conspecific song primarily in the auditory area field L of the avian forebrain, when compared to birds that produce normal song. These findings are consistent with the presence of a sensory song template critical for song learning in auditory areas of the zebra finch forebrain. In addition, they suggest a relationship between an altered response related to familiarity and/or saliency of song stimuli and the production of variant songs with stuttered syllables

    Experience with burdens of diabetes device use that affect uptake and optimal use in people with type 1 diabetes

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    Diabetes technology continues to advance, with more individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) adopting insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and automated insulin delivery (AID) systems that integrate real-time glucose data with an algorithm to assist with insulin dosing decisions. These technologies are linked with benefits to glycemic outcomes (e.g. increased time in target range), diabetes management behaviors, and quality of life. However, current devices and systems are not without barriers and hassles for the user. The intent of this review is to describe the personal challenges and reactions that users experience when interacting with current diabetes technologies, which can affect their acceptance and motivation to engage with their devices. This review will discuss user experiences and strategies to address three main areas: (i) the emotional burden of utilizing a wearable device; (ii) the perceived and experienced negative social consequences of device use; and (iii) the practical challenges of wearing devices

    France dans l\u27économie du savoir : pour une dynamique collective : rapport du groupe présidé par Pascal Viginier (La)

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    Ce rapport fournit un diagnostic sur la relative fragilité du positionnement de la France dans l\u27économie du savoir et propose des recommandations pour le consolider. Il montre qu\u27au-delà des secteurs de haute technologie, tous les acteurs économiques et sociaux sont concernés par la création de savoirs et la construction de compétences, dans les entreprises de toutes tailles comme dans le secteur public. Une dynamique collective suppose la multiplication des interactions et des relations de coopération entre les acteurs, ainsi qu\u27une politique ambitieuse et innovante d\u27investissement dans la connaissance. Disponible sur la Documentation française : http://www.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/rapports-publics/024000577/index.shtm

    La France dans l'économie du savoir : pour une dynamique collective : rapport du groupe présidé par Pascal Viginier.

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    Ce rapport fournit un diagnostic sur la relative fragilité du positionnement de la France dans l'économie du savoir et propose des recommandations pour le consolider. Il montre qu'au-delà des secteurs de haute technologie, tous les acteurs économiques et sociaux sont concernés par la création de savoirs et la construction de compétences, dans les entreprises de toutes tailles comme dans le secteur public. Une dynamique collective suppose la multiplication des interactions et des relations de coopération entre les acteurs, ainsi qu'une politique ambitieuse et innovante d'investissement dans la connaissance.Stratégie de l'Etat; Agenda de Lisbonne; Economie du savoir; Gestion des connaissances; France;

    Synthèse des contributions - consultation publique sur l\u27action "Soutien aux usages, services et contenus numériques innovants" (du 7 juin au 7 juillet 2010)

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    Synthèse des résultats de la consultation publique sur le volet usages, services et contenus des investissements d\u27avenir. Les quatre cents contributeurs de cette consultation étaient interrogés sur les cinq items suivants : 1. Complémentarité avec les infrastructures à très haut débit 2. Développement du cloud computing 3. Numérisation des contenus 4. Développement des technologies de base du numérique 5. Développement des nouveaux usage

    A developmental arrest? Interruption and identity in adolescent chronic pain

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    Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Introduction: Although the pediatric pain literature has explored the role of developmental factors in young children’s acute pain, relatively less is known about specific developmental challenges in adolescents with chronic pain. Objectives: To meet this knowledge gap, this study sought to adopt an idiographic phenomenological approach to examine how adolescents make sense of their own development in the context of living with chronic pain. Methods: Semistructured interviews were conducted with ten adolescents (12–17 years; 7 females) recruited from a tertiary care pain treatment programme. Interview data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: Study findings identified 2 themes: “An externally imposed lens on identity” and “Paradoxes of developmental progress.” The first theme highlighted an understanding of how adolescent identity is perceived. Some adolescents perceived identity as distinct from pain, whereas others perceived identity as part of their chronic pain condition. This theme also detailed how identity was negotiated by adolescents and others through engagement with valued activities. The second theme represented an understanding of how chronic pain disrupts and alters adolescent developmental trajectories at an individual level, suggesting possibilities of enhanced and delayed trajectories. Enhanced trajectories were associated with increased management of emotionally difficult situations and resulted in mastery of complex interpersonal skills. Conclusion: Findings provided a nuanced understanding of developmental progress in the context of adolescent chronic pain and suggested challenges with drawing normative comparisons. Future research could extend findings by adopting a longitudinal approach to studying adolescent development and eliciting accounts from broader social groups

    Values of travel time in Europe: Review and meta-analysis

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    This paper reports the most extensive meta-analysis of values of time yet conducted, covering 3109 monetary valuations assembled from 389 European studies conducted between 1963 and 2011. It aims to explain how valuations vary across studies, including over time and between countries. In addition to the customary coverage of in-vehicle time in review studies, this paper covers valuations of walk time, wait time, service headway, parking space search time, departure time switching, time in congested traffic, schedule delay early and late, mean lateness and the standard deviation of travel time. Valuations are found to vary with type of time, GDP, distance, journey purpose, mode, the monetary numeraire and a number of factors related to estimation. Model output values of time compare favourably with earnings data, replicate well official recommended values obtained from major national studies, and are transferable across countries. These implied monetary values serve as very useful benchmarks against which new evidence can be assessed and the meta-model provides parameters and values for countries and contexts where there is no other such evidence
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