16 research outputs found

    Precisión diagnóstica del test rápido SARS-CoV-2 y período óptimo para la seropositividad según la aparición de síntomas

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    Point-of-care serological tests for SARS-CoV-2 have been used for COVID-19 diagnosis. However, their accuracy over time regarding the onset of symptoms is not fully understood. We aimed to assess the accuracy of a point-of-care lateral flow immunoassay (LFI). Subjects, aged over 18 years, presenting clinical symptoms suggestive of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were tested once by both nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal RT-PCR and LFI. The accuracy of LFI was assessed in periodic intervals of three days in relation to the onset of symptoms. The optimal cut-off point was defined as the number of days required to achieve the best sensitivity and specificity. This cut-off point was also used to compare LFI accuracy according to participants’ status: outpatient or hospitalized. In total, 959 patients were included, 379 (39.52%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 with RT-PCR, and 272 (28.36%) tested positive with LFI. LFI best performance was achieved after 10 days of the onset of symptoms, with sensitivity and specificity of 84.9% (95%CI: 79.8-89.1) and 94.4% (95%CI: 91.0-96.8), respectively. Although the specificity was similar (94.6% vs. 88.9%, p = 0.051), the sensitivity was higher in hospitalized patients than in outpatients (91.7% vs. 82.1%, p = 0.032) after 10 days of the onset of symptoms. Best sensitivity of point-of-care LFI was found 10 days after the onset of symptoms which may limit its use in acute care. Specificity remained high regardless of the number of days since the onset of symptoms.Os testes sorológicos no local de atendimento (point -of-care) para a infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 têm sidos utilizados para o diagnóstico da COVID-19. Entretanto, não está plenamente elucidada a acurácia dos testes ao longo do tempo em relação ao início dos sintomas. Nosso objetivo foi de avaliar a acurácia, no local de atendimento, do imunoensaio de fluxo lateral (LFI). Pacientes com ≥ 18 anos de idade que apresentavam sintomas clínicos sugestivos de infecção aguda pelo SARS-CoV-2 foram testados uma vez com RT-PCR da nasofaringe e orofaringe, além do LFI. A acurácia do LFI foi avaliada com intervalos periódicos de 3 dias a partir do início dos sintomas. O ponto de corte ótimo foi definido como o número necessário de dias para atingir a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade. Esse ponto foi utilizado também para comparar a acurácia do LFI de acordo com a situação do paciente (ambulatorial ou hospitalizado). Foram incluídos 959 pacientes, dos quais 379 (39,52%) testaram positivos para SARS-CoV-2 pelo RT-PCR e 272 (28,36%) pelo LFI. Foi atingido o melhor desempenho para o LFI com 10 dias a partir do início dos sintomas, com sensibilidade e especificidade de 84,9% (IC95%: 79,8-89,1) e 94,4% (IC95%: 91,0-96,8), respectivamente. Embora a especificidade não tenha sido diferente entre os grupos de pacientes (94,6% vs. 88,9%, p = 0,051), a sensibilidade foi mais alta nos pacientes hospitalizados que nos ambulatoriais (91,7% vs. 82,1%, p = 0,032) no dia 10 depois do início dos sintomas. A melhor sensibilidade do LFI no local de atendimento ocorre 10 dias depois do início dos sintomas, o que pode limitar seu uso no atendimento agudo. A especificidade permanece alta, independentemente do número de dias desde o início dos sintomas.Los puestos de atención para pruebas serológicas del SARS-CoV-2 han sido usado para la diagnosis de la COVID-19. No obstante, su precisión a lo largo del tiempo, en lo que respecta a la aparición de los síntomas, no se ha comprendido completamente. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la precisión de un puesto de atención de inmunoanálisis de flujo lateral (LFI). Se hizo pruebas a individuos ≥ 18 años, presentando síntomas clínicos compatibles con una infección aguda de SARS-CoV-2, tanto vía nasofaríngea y orofaríngea RT-PCR, como LFI. La precisión de LFI fue evaluada en intervalos periódicos de 3 días con respecto a la aparición de los síntomas. El punto óptimo de corte se definió como el número de días requerido para alcanzar la mejor sensibilidad y especificidad. Este punto también se usó para comparar la precisión del LFI, según el estatus de los participantes: ambulatorios u hospitalizados. Se incluyeron a 959 pacientes, 379 (39,52%) dieron positivo en las pruebas de SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, y 272 (28,36%) fueron positivos en los LFI. Se alcanzó el mejor rendimiento de los LFI tras 10 días de la aparición de los síntomas, con una sensibilidad y especificidad de un 84,9% (IC95%: 79,8-89,1) y 94,4% (IC95%: 91,0- 96,8), respectivamente. A pesar de que la especificidad no fue diferente (94,6% vs. 88,9%, p = 0,051), la sensibilidad fue mayor en pacientes hospitalizados que en los ambulatorios (91,7% vs. 82,1%, p = 0,032) tras 10 días desde la aparición de los síntomas. La mejor sensibilidad LFI del puesto de cuidado se produce tras 10 días de la aparición de los síntomas, lo que quizás limite su uso en el cuidado de urgencias. La especificidad permanece alta independientemente del número de días desde la aparición de los síntomas

    Clinical characteristics and predictors of mechanical ventilation in patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in Southern Brazil

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    Objetivo: Descrever as características clínicas e os preditores de ventilação mecânica em pacientes adultos internados com COVID-19. Métodos: Conduziu-se um estudo de coorte retrospectiva com inclusão de pacientes hospitalizados entre 17 de março e 3 de maio de 2020, que tiveram o diagnóstico de infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2. As características clínicas e demográficas foram extraídas de registros em prontuário eletrônico. Resultados: Incluíram-se no estudo 88 pacientes consecutivos. A mediana da idade dos pacientes foi de 63 anos (IQR: 49 - 71); 59 (67%) pacientes eram do sexo masculino, 65 (86%) tinham educação universitária e 67 (76%) tinham, no mínimo, uma comorbidade. Dentre eles, 29 (33%) pacientes foram admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva, 18 (20%) necessitaram de ventilação mecânica e nove (10,2%) morreram durante a hospitalização. O tempo mediano de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e o tempo mediano de ventilação mecânica foram, respectivamente, de 23 e 29,5 dias. Idade acima ou igual a 65 anos foi fator de risco independente para ventilação mecânica (RC: 8,4; IC95% de 1,3 - 55,6; valor de p = 0,02). Conclusão: Nossos achados descrevem a primeira onda de pacientes brasileiros hospitalizados por COVID-19. Em nossa população, idade foi o maior preditor de insuficiência respiratória e necessidade de ventilação mecânica.OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe the clinical characteristics and predictors of mechanical ventilation of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in a single center. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed and included adult inpatients hospitalized from March 17th to May 3rd, 2020, who were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clinical and demographic characteristics were extracted from electronic medical records. RESULTS: Overall, 88 consecutive patients were included in this study. The median age of the patients was 63 years (IQR 49 - 71); 59 (67%) were male, 65 (86%) had a college degree and 67 (76%) had at least one comorbidity. Twenty-nine (33%) patients were admitted to the intensive care unit, 18 (20%) patients needed mechanical ventilation, and 9 (10.2%) died during hospitalization. The median length of stay in the intensive care unit and the median duration of mechanical ventilation was 23 and 29.5 days, respectively. An age ≥ 65 years was an independent risk factor for mechanical ventilation (OR 8.4 95%CI 1.3 - 55.6 p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: Our findings describe the first wave of Brazilian patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Age was the strongest predictor of respiratory insufficiency and the need for mechanical ventilation in our population

    Identifying the research, advocacy, policy and implementation needs for the prevention and management of respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection in low- and middle-income countries

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    Introduction: The high burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in young children disproportionately occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The PROUD (Preventing RespiratOry syncytial virUs in unDerdeveloped countries) Taskforce of 24 RSV worldwide experts assessed key needs for RSV prevention in LMICs, including vaccine and newer preventive measures. Methods: A global, survey-based study was undertaken in 2021. An online questionnaire was developed following three meetings of the Taskforce panellists wherein factors related to RSV infection, its prevention and management were identified using iterative questioning. Each factor was scored, by non-panellists interested in RSV, on a scale of zero (very-low-relevance) to 100 (very-high-relevance) within two scenarios: (1) Current and (2) Future expectations for RSV management. Results: Ninety questionnaires were completed: 70 by respondents (71.4% physicians; 27.1% researchers/scientists) from 16 LMICs and 20 from nine high-income (HI) countries (90.0% physicians; 5.0% researchers/scientists), as a reference group. Within LMICs, RSV awareness was perceived to be low, and management was not prioritised. Of the 100 factors scored, those related to improved diagnosis particularly access to affordable point-of-care diagnostics, disease burden data generation, clinical and general education, prompt access to new interventions, and engagement with policymakers/payers were identified of paramount importance. There was a strong need for clinical education and local data generation in the lowest economies, whereas upper-middle income countries were more closely aligned with HI countries in terms of current RSV service provision. Conclusion: Seven key actions for improving RSV prevention and management in LMICs are proposed

    Identifying the research, advocacy, policy and implementation needs for the prevention and management of respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection in low- and middle-income countries

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    Introduction: The high burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in young children disproportionately occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The PROUD (Preventing RespiratOry syncytial virUs in unDerdeveloped countries) Taskforce of 24 RSV worldwide experts assessed key needs for RSV prevention in LMICs, including vaccine and newer preventive measures. Methods: A global, survey-based study was undertaken in 2021. An online questionnaire was developed following three meetings of the Taskforce panellists wherein factors related to RSV infection, its prevention and management were identified using iterative questioning. Each factor was scored, by non-panellists interested in RSV, on a scale of zero (very-low-relevance) to 100 (very-high-relevance) within two scenarios: (1) Current and (2) Future expectations for RSV management. Results: Ninety questionnaires were completed: 70 by respondents (71.4% physicians; 27.1% researchers/scientists) from 16 LMICs and 20 from nine high-income (HI) countries (90.0% physicians; 5.0% researchers/scientists), as a reference group. Within LMICs, RSV awareness was perceived to be low, and management was not prioritised. Of the 100 factors scored, those related to improved diagnosis particularly access to affordable point-of-care diagnostics, disease burden data generation, clinical and general education, prompt access to new interventions, and engagement with policymakers/payers were identified of paramount importance. There was a strong need for clinical education and local data generation in the lowest economies, whereas upper-middle income countries were more closely aligned with HI countries in terms of current RSV service provision. Conclusion: Seven key actions for improving RSV prevention and management in LMICs are proposed

    Fatores associados à gravidade da infecção por influenza A pandêmico (H1N1) 2009 em pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados

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    Introdução: A pandemia causada pelo vírus Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 teve seu ápice entre julho e agosto de 2009 no sul do Brasil com maior incidência em crianças e adultos jovens. No período pós-pandêmico, houve um novo aumento na incidência de casos nos meses de inverno em 2011 e 2012 no Brasil, com padrão semelhante ao vírus Influenza sazonal. Como este agente persiste em circulação em nosso meio, objetivamos investigar os fatores de risco para evolução clínica desfavorável em pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal através de revisão de prontuários de internação de pacientes com idade inferior a 14 anos e infecção por Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 confirmada por RT-PCR durante a primeira onda pandêmica em seis hospitais terciários em Porto Alegre, Brasil. A necessidade de ventilação mecânica foi definida como desfecho e idade, doenças crônicas, codetecções de vírus ou bactérias, achados na radiografia de tórax e uso de Oseltamivir foram definidos como possíveis preditores. Resultados: Foram incluídos 120 pacientes. Na análise multivariável, a presença de doenças crônicas (Razão de prevalências: 2.613, 95% Intervalo de confiança: 1.267-5.386) e codetecção viral (Razão de prevalências: 2.43, 95% Intervalo de confiança: 1.203-4.905) foram estatisticamente associados a um pior desfecho (p<0,05). Conclusões: A presença de doenças crônicas como preditor reforça evidências prévias. Além disso, encontramos codetecção viral como um fator de risco. Estudos adicionais são necessários para confirmar esta associação.Introduction: The pandemic caused by Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus peaked between July and August 2009 in southern Brazil with the highest incidence in children and young adults. In the post-pandemic period, there was an increase in the incidence of cases in the winter months in 2011 and 2012 in Brazil, similar to seasonal Influenza virus. Since infections due to pandemic Influenza are still occurring, we aim to investigate risk factors for worse outcome in children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed reviewing charts of hospitalized patients younger than 14 years with RT-PCR positive for Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 during the first pandemic wave in six tertiary centers in Porto Alegre, Brazil. We defined need of mechanical ventilation as severity outcome and age, chronic medical conditions, bacterial and viral co-detection, chest radiograph findings and use of Oseltamivir as possible predictors. Results: We included 120 patients. In a multivariable analysis, chronic medical conditions (PR: 2.613, 95% CI: 1.267-5.386) and viral co-detection (PR: 2.43, 95% CI: 1.203-4.905) were statistically associated with worse outcome (p<0,05). Conclusions: The presence of chronic medical conditions as predictor reinforces previous evidences. Furthermore, we found viral co-detection as a risk factor. Further studies are necessary to confirm this association

    Associa??o dos n?veis de interferon com a gravidade da infec??o por influenza em pacientes pedi?tricos

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    Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ([email protected]) on 2016-10-10T17:44:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARCELO_COMERLATO_SCOTTA_PARCIAL.pdf: 764551 bytes, checksum: c0c80d3ce62b46010267cea06e3e262c (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T17:44:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARCELO_COMERLATO_SCOTTA_PARCIAL.pdf: 764551 bytes, checksum: c0c80d3ce62b46010267cea06e3e262c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-29Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGSBackground/Aim: According to experimental data, interferon type I has a key role in innate immune response against influenza infection. Studies on humans are still scarce and the characterization of interferon response in children may help to identify patients at risk. Our aim is to compare respiratory levels of interferon-? and influenza disease severity in pediatric patients. Methods: Children aged less than five years of age with influenza-like illness seeking pediatric care within the first 72 hours of disease onset were prospectively included. Clinical and demographic data and respiratory secretions through nasal wash were obtained. Influenza infection was confirmed with Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction and respiratory levels of interferon-? were measured by ELISA. Enrolled individuals were followed until the end of disease. Patients whose influenza infection was excluded were used as control group. Results: Twenty four patients with confirmed influenza infection were included, five of them requiring hospitalization. Subtypes A(H3N2) and B were confirmed in ten and fourteen patients, respectively. Seventy-six patients without influenza, 39 of them hospitalized, were included as controls. Age younger than 6 months was significantly more frequent in individuals from both hospitalized groups compared to outpatients (59% vs 23.2%, p<0.01). All other clinical and demographical data were similar among groups. Median levels of interferon-? were significantly higher in outpatients with influenza than both inpatients with influenza and patient without influenza, hospitalized or not (p<0.001). Median in pg/ml (interquartile amplitude) were 263.2 (58.3-634), 0 (0-49), 0 (0-2.6) and 0 (0-19.4) in four groups above, respectively. Conclusion: Lower levels of interferon-? in patients with more severe influenza reinforce experimental evidence about its protective role in influenza infection severity.Introdu??o/objetivo: Interferon tipo I exerce um papel central na resposta imune inata contra a infec??o por influenza de acordo com dados experimentais. Evid?ncias em humanos ainda s?o incipientes e a caracteriza??o da resposta do interferon pode auxiliar na estratifica??o de risco. Nosso objetivo ? comparar os n?veis de interferon-? em secre??es respirat?rias entre pacientes hospitalizados e ambulatoriais com infec??o por influenza confirmada laboratorialmente. M?todos: Foram inclu?dos prospectivamente pacientes com idade inferior a cinco anos com s?ndrome gripal atendidos no hospital com menos de 72 horas do in?cio do quadro cl?nico. Dados cl?nicos e demogr?ficos, al?m de secre??es respirat?rias atrav?s de lavado nasal foram coletados. A infec??o por influenza foi confirmada por Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction. N?veis respirat?rios de interferon-? foram aferidos por ELISA. Os pacientes inclu?dos, inclusive os n?o hospitalizados, foram seguidos at? o final do quadro cl?nico. Pacientes com infec??o por influenza descartada foram utilizados como grupo controle. Resultados: Vinte e quatro pacientes com infec??o por influenza confirmada foram inclu?dos, cinco destes hospitalizados. Os subtipos A(H3N2) e B foram confirmados em dez e quatorze pacientes, respectivamente. Setenta e seis pacientes sem influenza, 39 desses hospitalizados, foram utilizados como controles. A idade inferior a seis meses foi significativamente mais frequente nos pacientes hospitalizados, com ou sem influenza (59% vs 23.2%, p<0.01). Todas as outras vari?veis cl?nicas e demogr?ficas foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Os n?veis de interferon-? foram significativamente maiores em crian?as com influenza n?o hospitalizadas em compara??o com crian?as hospitalizadas com influenza e com os controles hospitalizados e n?o hospitalizados (p<0.001). A mediana em pg/ml (amplitude interquartil) foi 263.2 (58.3-634), 0 (0-49), 0 (0-2.6) e 0 (0-19.4) nos quatro grupos acima, respectivamente. Conclus?o: Os n?veis mais baixos de interferon-? nos pacientes com quadros mais graves de influenza refor?am evid?ncias experimentais sobre o papel protetor do interferon na infec??o por esse v?rus

    Fatores associados à gravidade da infecção por influenza A pandêmico (H1N1) 2009 em pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados

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    Introdução: A pandemia causada pelo vírus Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 teve seu ápice entre julho e agosto de 2009 no sul do Brasil com maior incidência em crianças e adultos jovens. No período pós-pandêmico, houve um novo aumento na incidência de casos nos meses de inverno em 2011 e 2012 no Brasil, com padrão semelhante ao vírus Influenza sazonal. Como este agente persiste em circulação em nosso meio, objetivamos investigar os fatores de risco para evolução clínica desfavorável em pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal através de revisão de prontuários de internação de pacientes com idade inferior a 14 anos e infecção por Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 confirmada por RT-PCR durante a primeira onda pandêmica em seis hospitais terciários em Porto Alegre, Brasil. A necessidade de ventilação mecânica foi definida como desfecho e idade, doenças crônicas, codetecções de vírus ou bactérias, achados na radiografia de tórax e uso de Oseltamivir foram definidos como possíveis preditores. Resultados: Foram incluídos 120 pacientes. Na análise multivariável, a presença de doenças crônicas (Razão de prevalências: 2.613, 95% Intervalo de confiança: 1.267-5.386) e codetecção viral (Razão de prevalências: 2.43, 95% Intervalo de confiança: 1.203-4.905) foram estatisticamente associados a um pior desfecho (p<0,05). Conclusões: A presença de doenças crônicas como preditor reforça evidências prévias. Além disso, encontramos codetecção viral como um fator de risco. Estudos adicionais são necessários para confirmar esta associação.Introduction: The pandemic caused by Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus peaked between July and August 2009 in southern Brazil with the highest incidence in children and young adults. In the post-pandemic period, there was an increase in the incidence of cases in the winter months in 2011 and 2012 in Brazil, similar to seasonal Influenza virus. Since infections due to pandemic Influenza are still occurring, we aim to investigate risk factors for worse outcome in children. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed reviewing charts of hospitalized patients younger than 14 years with RT-PCR positive for Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 during the first pandemic wave in six tertiary centers in Porto Alegre, Brazil. We defined need of mechanical ventilation as severity outcome and age, chronic medical conditions, bacterial and viral co-detection, chest radiograph findings and use of Oseltamivir as possible predictors. Results: We included 120 patients. In a multivariable analysis, chronic medical conditions (PR: 2.613, 95% CI: 1.267-5.386) and viral co-detection (PR: 2.43, 95% CI: 1.203-4.905) were statistically associated with worse outcome (p<0,05). Conclusions: The presence of chronic medical conditions as predictor reinforces previous evidences. Furthermore, we found viral co-detection as a risk factor. Further studies are necessary to confirm this association

    Global impact of varicella vaccination programs

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    Although varicella is usually a mild and self-limited disease, complications can occur. In 1998, the World Health Organization recommended varicella vaccination for countries where the disease has a significant public health burden. Nonetheless, concerns about a shift in the disease to older groups, an increase in herpes zoster in the elderly and cost-effectiveness led many countries to postpone universal varicella vaccine introduction. In this review, we summarize the accumulating evidence, available mostly from high and middle-income countries supporting a high impact of universal vaccination in reductions of the incidence of the disease and hospitalizations and its cost-effectiveness. We have also observed the effect of herd immunity and noted that there is no definitive and consistent association between vaccination and the increase in herpes zoster incidence in the elderly

    Evaluation of the direct and indirect impact on pneumonia hospitalization after almost a decade of the 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine in Brazil: Evaluation of 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine on pneumonia hospitalization in Brazil

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    Introduction: Pneumococcal pneumonia is a leading cause of severe disease, leading to approximately 2.2 million hospital admissions in 2019 in Brazil. Since 2010, the 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine was introduced in Brazil as part of the National Immunization Program (NIP) with free-for-all access, approaching coverage of 91.4% in 2019. Although studies from many countries are available, there is still a need to understand the effect of the vaccine introduction on the incidence of pneumonia hospitalizations in Brazil. Methodology: We accessed data on hospitalization associated with the diagnosis of pneumonia in the population assisted by the Brazilian Public Health system to fit a time series analysis testing the main hypothesis of the influence of vaccination on the trends for the incidence of pneumonia hospitalizations . Results: The post-vaccination period showed a negative trend, reducing 1.75, 0.16, and 0.11 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per month for the groups &lt;1 year, 1-4 year, and 5-9 year, respectively. In age groups larger than 20 years, the post-vaccination period has a positive trend, but not as great as compared trends before the vaccination period. These results point to a protective herd effect in the elderly population nine years after introducing the pneumococcal vaccine in the NIP. Conclusions: The universal vaccination has been shown to reduce hospitalizations associated with pneumonia diagnosis both in the vaccinated and non-vaccinated population in a sustained and progressive manner