53 research outputs found

    Additional value of patient-reported symptom monitoring in cancer care: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: To describe the benefit of patient-reported symptom monitoring on clinical, other patient-reported, and economic outcomes. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review using Medline/PubMed, limited to original articles published between 2011 and 2021 in English and Spanish, and focused on the benefit of patient-reported symptom monitoring on cancer patients. Results: We identified 16 reports that deal with the benefit of patient-reported symptom monitoring (collected mostly electronically) on different outcomes. Five studies showed that patient-reported symptom surveillance led to significantly improved survival compared with usual care—mainly through better symptom control, early detection of tumor recurrence, and extended chemotherapy use. Additionally, three evaluations demonstrated an improvement in Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) associated with this monitoring strategy, specifically by reducing symptom severity. Additionally, six studies observed that this monitoring approach prevented unplanned emergency room visits and hospital readmissions, leading to a substantial decrease in healthcare usage. Conclusions: There is consistent evidence across the studies that patient-reported symptom monitoring might entail a substantial survival benefit for cancer patients, better HRQoL, and a considerable decrease in healthcare usage. Nonetheless, more studies should be conducted to demonstrate their effectiveness in addition to their cost-effectiveness in clinical practice

    Estudio de la interacción entre naranjo amargo y el virus de la tristeza de los cítricos

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    La tristeza de los cítricos es una de las enfermedades de mayor importancia en el cultivo de los cítricos. Dada la imposibilidad práctica de contener su dispersión y evitar su evolución hacia formas más virulentas, el control de los daños mediante protección cruzada o mediante resistencia mediada por genes del patógeno utilizando plantas transgénicas requiere un conocimiento detallado de las interacciones CTV-cítricos. Para este estudio se inocularon cuatro aislados con distintas características patogénicas en lima Mexicana (LM), Citrus macrophylla (CM), naranjo dulce (ND) y naranjo amargo (NA). La estimación de la carga viral mediante ELISA y RT-PCR cuantitativa a tiempo real en la primera brotación y al cabo de 9 meses, mostró que NA ofrece una resistencia inicial a la invasión por CTV. Asimismo, sugirió que la intensidad de los síntomas inducidos por CTV no era una consecuencia directa de la acumulación viral. El análisis de la actividad replicativa de las distintas combinaciones aislado/huésped reveló una cinética de acumulación viral paralela a la actividad replicativa. Por otro lado, mientras en los huéspedes susceptibles se detectaron siRNAs de CTV en la primera brotación, la activación del silenciamiento en NA fue mucho más tardía indicando que la resistencia inicial a la acumulación viral en este huésped no era consecuencia del silenciamiento. Posteriormente, se analizó en más detalle el tipo de limitaciones que ofrecía NA a la invasión sistémica de CTV observándose que éste presentaba una limitación al movimiento viral. El virus se detectó inicialmente en la raíz y el nivel de acumulación del mismo afectaba la posterior carga viral en la copa, de forma variable según los aislados, así para el aislado T385 la raíz actuaría como reservorio viral. Finalmente, el empleo de la tecnología de las micromatrices de cDNA permitió analizar a nivel transcriptómico la respuesta del NA al inicio de la infección por CTV y confirmar las hipótesis formuladas anteriormente.Comellas Serra, M. (2009). Estudio de la interacción entre naranjo amargo y el virus de la tristeza de los cítricos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7323Palanci

    Adherence, satisfaction and preferences for treatment in patients with psoriasis in the European Union: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background and objective: Adherence to treatment in patients with psoriasis is often poor. An investigation of patient preferences and satisfaction with treatment may be important, based on the expected correlation with therapy compliance. This paper aims to examine and describe the current literature on patient preferences, satisfaction and adherence to treatment for psoriasis in the European Union (EU). Methods: Electronic searches were conducted using PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, Spanish databases and Google Scholar. European studies published in English or Spanish between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2014 regarding patient-reported outcomes in psoriatic patients were included. Studies conducted in non-EU countries, letters to the editor, editorials, experts’ opinions, case studies, congress proceedings, publications that did not differentiate between patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis or studies related to specific treatment were excluded. Results: A total of 1,769 titles were identified, of which 1,636 were excluded as they were duplicates or did not provide any relevant information. After a full-text reading and application of the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 46 publications were included. This paper will describe publications on adherence (n=4), preferences (n=5) and satisfaction with treatment (n=7). Results related to health-related quality of life articles (n=30) have been published elsewhere. Adherence rates are generally low in psoriasis patients regardless of the type of treatment, severity of disease or methods used to measure adherence. Biologic therapy is associated with greater clinical improvement. There is a direct association between physician recommendations, patient preferences and several domains of treatment satisfaction. Conclusion: The results of this review support the conclusion that adherence rates in patients with psoriasis are suboptimal and highlight the need to improve patient compliance and satisfaction with treatment. Patients’ preferences should be taken into account in the treatment decision-making process in order to improve patients’ clinical outcomes by ensuring satisfaction and adherence

    Patient-reported outcomes in European spondyloarthritis patients: a systematic review of the literature

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    Objective: This review aims to summarize the current literature on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in spondyloarthritis (SpA). Patients and methods: We performed a systematic literature review to identify studies (original articles and narrative and systematic reviews) regarding PROs (health-related quality of life [HRQoL], satisfaction, preferences, adherence/compliance, and persistence) in SpA patients published in the European Union through December 2016. International databases (Medline/ PubMed, Cochrane Library, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus) were searched using keywords in English. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteria. Results: A total of 26 publications met the inclusion criteria. Generally, studies indicated that SpA has a negative impact on patients’ HRQoL. In patients with ankylosing spondylitis, physical domains were more affected than emotional ones, whereas for psoriatic arthritis, both physical and psychological factors were strongly affected by the disease. Data indicated that biological agents (BAs) greatly contributed to improvement in HRQoL in both ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis patients. Findings on compliance with BAs were heterogeneous. However, persistence rates exceeded 50% irrespective of the BA administered. Results on preferences indicated that most SpA patients prefer being involved in decisions regarding their treatment and that besides efficacy and safety, frequency and route of administration may influence patients’ preferences for BAs. Conclusion: Implementing management programs for SpA patients focuses on the physical, emotional, and social consequences of the disease, in addition to assessing and including patient preferences in the treatment decision-making process, could be crucial to improve patients’ HRQoL and ensure their satisfaction and compliance with treatment

    Treatment adherence and other patient-reported outcomes as cost determinants in multiple sclerosis: a review of the literature

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    Background: Treatment adherence is one of the key factors for achieving optimal clinical outcomes. In order to assess costs related to adherence to, and persistence and compliance with, disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a narrative review of the literature was performed. Satisfaction with and preference for DMTs and their delivery devices were also assessed, as both can have an influence on patients’ adherence and persistence. Methods: Electronic databases (MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Scholar, congress proceedings) were searched to identify publications analyzing MS costs related to adherence, persistence, satisfaction, and preferences for MS treatments. Bibliographic references were hand searched. English or Spanish studies published between January 2007 and January 2013 were selected. Results: A total of 398 titles were identified, of which 12 met the inclusion criteria. Six studies evaluated the impact of adherence, persistence, and compliance on treatment costs; four publications analyzed satisfaction with DMTs; and two assessed treatment preferences based on attributes of the delivery device. Increased adherence and persistence were associated with better clinical outcomes, leading to lower relapse risk (odds ratio [OR]: 0.71; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.59–0.85) and a decrease in health care resource use, such as MS-related hospitalizations (OR: 0.63; 95% CI: 0.47–0.83) and emergency department visits (OR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.60–1.07). This reduction in resource use led to a patient/year total cost reduction (excluding DMT costs) of up to 22%. Conclusion: This review highlights the importance of ensuring adequate adherence in MS patients through treatments and devices better tailored to patients’ needs that could enhance clinical outcomes and reduce MS costs. Understanding the factors underlying satisfaction and compliance with treatment and patients’ preference for certain therapies could help in the development of strategies that can improve adherence

    The impact of patient support programs in Europe: a systematic literature review

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    Background and Objective : Patient support programs aim to provide solutions beyond the medication itself, by enhancing treatment adherence, improving clinical outcomes, elevating patient experience, and/or increasing quality of life. As patient support programs increasingly play an important role in assisting patients, numerous observational studies and pragmatic trials designed to evaluate their impact on healthcare have been conducted in recent years. This review aims to characterize these studies. Methods : A systematic literature review, supplemented by a broad search of gray literature, was conducted following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) and Cochrane recommendations. Observational studies and pragmatic trials conducted in Europe to evaluate the impact of patient support programs, published in English or Spanish between 17/03/2010 and 17/03/2020, were reviewed. Two patient support program definitions were applied starting with Ganguli et al.’s broad approach, followed by the European Medicines Agency definition, narrowed to Marketing Authorization Holders organized systems and their medicines. The quality of publications was assessed using the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) statement 22-item checklist. Results : Of the 49 identified studies following the Ganguli et al. definition, 20 studies met the European Medicines Agency definition and were reviewed. Patient support program impact was evaluated based on a wide range of methodologies: 70% assessed patient support program-related patient-reported outcomes, 55% reported clinical outcomes, and 25% reported economic impacts on health resources. Only 45% conducted a comparative analysis. Overall, 75% of the studies achieved their proposed objectives. Conclusions : The heterogeneity of the observational studies reviewed reflects the complexity of patient support programs that are built ad hoc for specific diseases, treatments, and patients. Results suggest that patient support programs play a key role in promoting treatment effectiveness, clinical outcomes, and satisfaction. However, there is a need for standardizing the definition of patient support programs and the methods to evaluate their impact

    Perceptions of Oncologists, Healthcare Policy Makers, Patients and the General Population on the Value of Pharmaceutical Treatments in Oncology

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    Introduction The purpose of this study was to explore the main factors explaining the relative weight of the different attributes that determine the value of oncologic treatments from the different perspectives of healthcare policy makers (HCPM), oncologists, patients and the general population in Spain. Methods Structured interviews were conducted to assess: (1) the importance of the attributes on treatment choice when comparing a new cancer drug with a standard cancer treatment; (2) the importance of survival, quality of life (QoL), costs and innovation in cancer; and (3) the most worrying side effects related to cancer drugs. Results A total of 188 individuals participated in the study. For all participants, when choosing treatments, the best rated characteristics were greater efficacy, greater safety, treatment adaptation to patients’ individual requirements and the rapid reincorporation of patients to their daily activities. There were important differences among participants in their opinion about survival, QoL and cost. In general, oncologists, patients, and the general population gave greater value to gains in QoL than healthcare policy makers. Compared to other participants healthcare policy makers gave greater importance to the economic impact related to oncology treatments. Conclusions Gains in QoL, survival, safety, cost and innovation are perceived differently by different groups of stakeholders. It is recommended to consider the perspective of different stakeholders in the assessment of a new cancer drugs to obtain more informed decisions when deciding on the most appropriate treatment to useThe authors are extremely grateful to all study participants who contributed with their time to participate in this research. Sponsorship, publication charges, and the open access charge for this study were funded by Eli Lilly & Co, Madrid (Spain). All named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors criteria for authorship for this manuscript, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given final approval to the version to be published

    Analysis of the evolution of competences in the clinical practice of the nursing degree

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    Objective: to analyze the student's progression in the acquisition of specific and transversal competences in relation to the competence dimensions. Method: the cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the clinical practice subjects included in the Nursing Degree. We included 323 students and we contemplated the development of competences through an ad-hoc questionnaire with 4 dimensions: delivery and care management, therapeutic communication, professional development and care management. Results: the academic results between the practice of the second and third year showed an improvement in care provision and therapeutic communication skills (Clinical Placements I: 12%-29%; Clinical Placements II: 32%-47%) and worsened in professional development and care management (Clinical Placements I: 44%-38%; Clinical Placements II: 44%-26%). Conclusion: the correlations between these two years were high in all the dimensions analyzed. The evaluation of competence progression in the context of clinical practice in nursing university studies allows us to optimize these practices to the maximum and establish professional profiles with a greater degree of adaptation to the professional future

    La dinàmica dels preus hotelers : un estudi sobre les variables amb major incidència

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    Es realitza un estudi per esbrinar quines variables fan que els preus tinguin una tendència o una altre, i quines d'elles provoquen canvis en aquest. Per fer-ho s'extreuen dades de dues ciutats europees en fase de creixement en el sector del turisme: Londres i Amsterdam. En la primera part del projecte s'exposen les diferents teories del Revenue Management, un model de preus dinàmics que té com a objectiu maximitzar els ingressos. Aquesta teoria servirà per definir quines eines s'utilitzen en l'actualitat per a l'estudi dels preus i la definició d'aquestes. A més, també s'inclou un apartat sobre el context turístic en el qual es troben les dues ciutats estudiades. Durant la segona part del projecte, es recullen totes les dades obtingudes i es realitzen els estudis dels estadístics principals i els models de regressió, els quals mitjançant l'anàlisi dels seus coeficients, s'obtindrà la informació necessària per a poder definir quines són les variables que tenen un major impacte en el preu. S'han analitzat les variables mitjançant un model general, incloent totes les observacions estudiades, i després desglossant les dades per a cada una de les ciutats i tipologies, per tal de poder trobar quina norma general segueixen, i quines característiques especifiques té cada una. Finalment s'obtenen els resultats i conclusions d'aquests models, els quals majoritàriament tindran una correlació amb la teoria estudiada