2,574 research outputs found


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    Although the nature of haemophilia has been understood for thousands of years, knowledge of its molecular genetics is recent. These X-linked bleeding disorders have diverse underlying DNA defects and, in 1992, DNA inversion within the X chromosome was found to explain half of the most serious cases of haemophilia A. The life-span and quality of-life for patients with haemophilia had improved steadily throughout the early 1980s but the principal cause of death remained intracranial haemorrhage until the epidemic of HIV infection due to contaminated factor concentrates. Infection with hepatitis C virus is almost universal for patients treated with clotting factors before 1985. No curative treatment is available for hepatitis C at present. Knowledge of the transmission of viruses in concentrates has led to important developments in processing techniques to eliminate them. Recombinant technology has produced factor VIII and, more recently, factor IX concentrate which is likely to be very safe. Development of inhibitors to factor concentrates (especially factor VIII) remains one of the most serious complications of haemophilia. The variety of treatments available testifies to the lack of a single universally efficacious one. The use of prophylactic treatment has been conclusively demonstrated to result in a preservation of joint function in severely affected patients who might otherwise develop significant joint problems. The many facets of the care of patients with severe haemophilia, ranging from dental care to genetic counselling, can be advantageously co-ordinated in a haemophilia comprehensive care centre

    Synergies, tensions and challenges in HIV prevention, treatment and cure research: exploratory conversations with HIV experts in South Africa

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    Background: The ethical concerns associated with HIV prevention and treatment research have been widely explored in South Africa over the past 3 decades. However, HIV cure research is relatively new to the region and significant ethical and social challenges are anticipated. There has been no published empirical enquiry in Africa into key informant perspectives on HIV cure research. Consequently, this study was conducted to gain preliminary data from South African HIV clinicians, researchers and activists. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted on a purposive sample of fourteen key informants in South Africa. Audiotaped interviews were transcribed verbatim with concurrent thematic analysis. The perspectives of HIV clinicians, researchers and activists were captured. Analyst triangulation occurred as the data were analysed by three authors independently. Results: The rapid evolution of HIV cure research agendas was prominent with participants expressing some concern that the global North was driving the cure agenda. Participants described a symbiotic relationship between cure, treatment and prevention research necessitating collaboration. Assessing and managing knowledge and expectations around HIV cure research emerged as a central theme related to challenges to constructing ‘cure’ - how patients understand the idea of cure is important in explaining the complexity of cure research especially in the South African context where understanding of science is often challenging. Managing expectations and avoiding curative misconception will have implications for consent processes. Unique strategies in cure research could include treatment interruption, which has the potential to create therapeutic and ethical conflict and will be perceived as a significant risk. Ethical challenges in cure research will impact on informed consent and community engagement. Conclusions: It was encouraging to note the desire for synergy amongst researchers and clinicians working in the fields of prevention, treatment and cure. Translation of complex HIV cure science into lay language is critical. Moving forward, RECs must be adequately constituted with scientific expertise and community representation when reviewing cure protocols. It is hoped that knowledge and resource sharing in the context of collaboration between research scientists working in cure and those working in treatment and prevention will accelerate progress towards cur

    The spin vector of Venus determined from Magellan data

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    A control network of the north polar region of Venus has been established by selecting and measuring control points on full-resolution radar strips. The measurements were incorporated into a least-squares adjustment program that improved initial estimates of the coordinates of the control points, pole direction, and rotation rate of Venus. The current dataset contains 4206 measurements of 606 points on 619 radar strips. The accuracy of the determination is driven by spacecraft ephemeris errors. An accurate estimate of the rotation period of Venus was obtained by applying an ephemeris improvement technique. The second cycle closure orbits improved ephemeris solutions for 40 orbits (376-384, 520-528, 588-592, 658-668, 1002-1010, 1408-1412, 1746-1764, and 2166-2170) are included and fixed in the geodetic control computations, thus trying the network to the J2000 coordinate system

    On the equation of state of a dense columnar liquid crystal

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    An accurate description of a columnar liquid crystal of hard disks at high packing fractions is presented using an improved free-volume theory. It is shown that the orientational entropy of the disks in the one-dimensional fluid direction leads to a different high-density scaling pressure compared to the prediction from traditional cell theory. Excellent quantitative agreement is found with recent Monte-Carlo simulation results for various thermodynamic and structural properties of the columnar state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Energy Efficiency Ratios of Surface Mining Systems for a Small Iowa Coal Mine

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    The normal criterion used to determine if a mining venture should be started or continued is its financial profitability. Energy efficiency is another criterion for dealing with public energy decisions. The energy efficiency ratios (output/input) of a large bulldozer, a scraper ripper, a small dragline, and a large dragline system were calculated for the Iowa Coal Project Demonstration Mine #1 (ICPDM #1) located between Oskaloosa and Bussey, Iowa. Even though the large dragline had the lowest cost and highest energy efficiency, it would not be used on this site without having other nearby sites available to allow long-term use

    Water Table Level as Influenced by Tiling Method

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    Sections of the research farm were tiled in the fall of 1979. The primary reason for the tiling was to provide a good soil environment for large tillage trial plots that had been previously established. This was also used as an opportunity to install a comparison of tile installation with a conventional (at that time) trenching machine and a relatively new system of installing the tile with a trenchless “tile plow” machine. The tile plow inserted plastic tile using a mole approach, which opened the soil and inserted the tile without leaving an open trench, that would later require backfilling. The heaving of the soil by the tile plow did require packing and some soil manipulation to allow cropping. The primary reason for using this type of installation was cost. At the time of this installation, the cost of tiling could be reduced substantially (in some cases by over 50%) by using the plow method rather than the trench

    Tillage Index Based on Created Soil Conditions

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    The ambiguity of current tillage nomenclature has led to much confusion. This report explains a uniform, comprehensive tillage index that was developed to avoid that ambiguity. It is based on row topography, residue cover, roughness, and tillage depth that result from passage of the tillage tool rather than on the tillage tool used. Examples of the use of this tillage index are presented. This index, because of its percentage crop residue cover and potential surface water storage components, will be useful when the Universal Soil Loss Equation is to be used for estimating erosion potential on a given field

    Impact of Manure and N-Management Systems on Water Quality

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    Nitrate from fertilizers and manure application have been detected in the surface and ground water in many agricultural regions of the country including Iowa. The current practices of fertilizer application methods and rates are believed to be contributing significantly in the contamination of groundwater. Therefore, it is imperative that tillage and planting systems, regarded as best management practices for agricultural sustainability, minimize the potential for chemical runoff and leaching losses to groundwater with alternative chemical management systems. If the potential for contamination is not reduced by developing and successfully demonstrating the innovative nitrogen and pesticide management practices, the potential for contamination will remain and could result in additional regulations. Because of these concerns, researchers must develop alternative farming practices with the goals of reducing the input costs, and preserving the resource base for the sustainability of our agriculture and protecting the environment