196 research outputs found

    The Curculionoidea of the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean) (Coleoptera)

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    The Curculionoidea of the families Anthribidae, Rhynchitidae, Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Brachyceridae, Curculionidae, Erirhinidae, Raymondionymidae, Dryophthoridae and Scolytidae from the Maltese islands are reviewed. A total of 182 species are included, of which 51 species represent new records for this archipelago.peer-reviewe

    New holarctic species of Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

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    Die folgenden neuen Ceutorhynchinen-Arten werden beschrieben: Ceutorhynchus excelsus sp. n. aus China (Sichuan); C. francisci sp. n. aus der TĂŒrkei; C. magnisinus sp. n. aus Texas; C. montanus sp. n. aus Bulgarien; C. zonatus sp. n. aus Mexico; Coeliodes caucasius sp. n. aus Armenien; C. jelineki sp. n. aus dem SĂŒdwest-Iran; Glocianus superstes sp. n. aus Griechenland; Pericartius flavisquamis sp. n. aus Algerien; Thamiocolus comptus sp. n. aus der TĂŒrkei; T. phaleratus sp. n. aus Turkmenien; und T. roessleri sp. n. aus Norditalien. Folgende neue Synonymien werden festgestellt: Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920 (= Orientohypurus Korotyaev, 1981; syn. n., = Hemilioxyonyx Colonnelli, 1984; syn. n.); Hypohypurus testaceirostris Hustache, 1930 (= Lioxyonyx sibitiensis Hoffmann, 1968; syn. n.); Hypurus bertrandi (Perris, 1852) (= Ceutorhynchus oleraceae Marshall, 1935; syn. n.). Neukombinationen sind: Hypohypurus medvedevi (Korotyaev, 1981), H. minor (Korotyaev, 1981), H. ponomarenkoi (Korotyaev, 1981), H. simplicipes (Korotyaev, 1981) (alle comb. n. aus Orientohypurus); Hypurus hovanus (Dalla Torre & Hustache, 1930), H. litoralis (Colonnelli, 1979), H. madagascariensis (Hustache, 1920), H. madecassus (Hustache, 1920) (alle comb. n. aus Hypohypurus), Hypurus portulacae (Marshall, 1916) (comb. n. aus Ceutorhynchus); Pericartius abyssinicus (Hustache, 1934), P. aequatorialis (Hustache, 1934), P. amaranthi (Voss, 1963) (alle comb. n. aus Hypohypurus). Hypohypurus perrieri Hustache, 1920 wird als Typus-Art fĂŒr die Gattung Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920 designiert. FĂŒr den in den Artrang erhobenen Thamiocolus hexatomus (Penecke, 1922), stat. n. wird ein Lectotypus designiert. Der Name der Tribus Lioxyonychini Colonnelli, 1984 wird berichtigt. FĂŒr die Gattungen der Hypurini wird ein BestimmungschlĂŒssel vorgelegt.Nomenklatorische Handlungenexcelsus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.francisci Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.magnisinus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.montanus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.oleraceae Marrshall, 1935 (Ceutorhynchus), syn. n. of Hypurus bertrandi (Perris, 1852)zonatus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.caucasius Colonnelli, 1997 (Coeliodes), spec. n.jelineki Colonnelli, 1997 (Coeliodes), spec. n.Hemilioxyonyx Colonelli, 1984 (Curculionidae), syn. n. of Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920Orientohypurus Korotyaev, 1981 (Curculionidae), syn. n. of Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920superstes Colonnelli, 1997 (Glocianus), spec. n.litoralis (Colonnelli, 1979) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus litoralismadagascariensis (Hustache, 1920) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus madagascariensismadecassus (Hustache, 1920) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus madecassusmedvedevi (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus medvedeviminor (Kortyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus minorponomarenkoi (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus ponomarenkoisimplicipes (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus simplicipeshovanus (Dalla Torre & Hustache, 1930) (Hypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus hovanusportulacae (Marshall, 1916) (Hypurus), comb. n. hitherto Ceutorhynchus portulacaesibitiensis Hoffmann, 1968 (Lioxyonyx), syn. n. of Hypohypurus testaceirostris Hustache, 1930abyssinicus (Hustache, 1934) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus abyssinicusaequatorialis (Hustache, 1934) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus aequatorialisamaranthi (Voss, 1963) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus amaranthiflavisquamis Colonnelli, 1997 (Pericartius), spec. n.comptus Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n.phaleratus Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n.roessleri Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n.The following new species of Ceutorhynchinae are described: Ceutorhynchus excelsus sp. n. from China (Sichuan); C. francisci sp. n. from Turkey; C. magnisinus sp. n. from Texas; C. montanus sp. n. from Bulgaria; C. zonatus sp. n. from Mexico; Coeliodes caucasius sp. n. from Armenia and Gruziya; C. jelineki sp. n. from southwestern Iran; Glocianus superstes sp. n. from Greece; Pericartius flavisquamis sp. n. from Algeria; Thamiocolus comptus sp. n. from Turkey; T. phaleratus sp. n. from Turkmenia; and T. roessleri sp. n. from northern Italy. The following new synonymies are proposed: Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920 (= Orientohypurus Korotyaev, 1981; syn. n., = Hemilioxyonyx Colonnelli, 1984; syn. n.); Hypohypurus testaceirostris Hustache, 1930 (= Lioxyonyx sibitiensis Hoffmann, 1968; syn. n.); Hypurus bertrandi (Perris, 1852) (= Ceutorhynchus oleraceae Marshall, 1935; syn. n.). New combination are: Hypohypurus medvedevi (Korotyaev, 1981), H. minor (Korotyaev, 1981), H. ponomarenkoi (Korotyaev, 1981) and H. simplicipes (Korotyaev, 1981) (all comb. n. from Orientohypurus); Hypurus hovanus (Dalla Torre & Hustache, 1930), H. litoralis (Colonnelli, 1979), H. madagascariensis (Hustache, 1920), H. madecassus (Hustache, 1920) (all comb. n. from Hypohypurus), Hypurus portulacae (Marshall, 1916) (comb. n. from Ceutorhynchus); Pericartius abyssinicus (Hustache, 1934), P. aequatorialis (Hustache, 1934), P. amaranthi (Voss, 1963) (all comb. n. from Hypohypurus). Hypohypurus perrieri Hustache, 1920 is selected as the type species of Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920. A Lectotype is designated for Thamiocolus hexatomus (Penecke, 1922), stat. n., which is raised to species rank. The name of the tribe Lioxyonychini Colonnelli, 1984 is emended. A key to the genera of Hypurini is included. Nomenclatural Actsexcelsus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.francisci Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.magnisinus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.montanus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.oleraceae Marrshall, 1935 (Ceutorhynchus), syn. n. of Hypurus bertrandi (Perris, 1852)zonatus Colonnelli, 1997 (Ceutorhynchus), spec. n.caucasius Colonnelli, 1997 (Coeliodes), spec. n.jelineki Colonnelli, 1997 (Coeliodes), spec. n.Hemilioxyonyx Colonelli, 1984 (Curculionidae), syn. n. of Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920Orientohypurus Korotyaev, 1981 (Curculionidae), syn. n. of Hypohypurus Hustache, 1920superstes Colonnelli, 1997 (Glocianus), spec. n.litoralis (Colonnelli, 1979) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus litoralismadagascariensis (Hustache, 1920) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus madagascariensismadecassus (Hustache, 1920) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus madecassusmedvedevi (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus medvedeviminor (Kortyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus minorponomarenkoi (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus ponomarenkoisimplicipes (Korotyaev, 1981) (Hypohypurus), comb. n. hitherto Orientohypurus simplicipeshovanus (Dalla Torre & Hustache, 1930) (Hypurus), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus hovanusportulacae (Marshall, 1916) (Hypurus), comb. n. hitherto Ceutorhynchus portulacaesibitiensis Hoffmann, 1968 (Lioxyonyx), syn. n. of Hypohypurus testaceirostris Hustache, 1930abyssinicus (Hustache, 1934) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus abyssinicusaequatorialis (Hustache, 1934) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus aequatorialisamaranthi (Voss, 1963) (Pericartius), comb. n. hitherto Hypohypurus amaranthiflavisquamis Colonnelli, 1997 (Pericartius), spec. n.comptus Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n.phaleratus Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n.roessleri Colonnelli, 1997 (Thamiocolus), spec. n

    Two new records of weevils from Malta, with a new synonymy (Coleoptera : Curculionoidea)

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    The weevils Hemitrichapion andalusiacum and Pachyrhinus lethierryi are for the first time reported from the island of Malta, the latter being an invasive species. The new synonymy: Pachyrhinus lethierryi (Desbrochers des Loges, 1875) [= P. lostiae (Desbrochers des Loges, 1903), syn. nov.] is also established.peer-reviewe

    Chiloneus hoffmanni (Gonzalez, 1970) (Coleoptera Curculionidae) new to Italy, with a checklist of the species of the genus and ecological notes

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    Chiloneus hoffmanni (GonzĂĄlez, 1970) (Coleoptera Curculionidae) thus far considered a Maltese endemic, is here recorded for the first time from Lampedusa island (Italy). Several adults of this species and of C. solarii Pesarini, 1970 were found feeding on leaves of Charybdis pancration (Asparagaceae). These observations constitute the first data on the ecology of these species. An updated checklist of Chiloneus Schoenherr, 1842 is also provided.peer-reviewe

    First Record of Anthonomus eugenii (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Italy

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    Summary Anthonomus eugenii Cano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was observed for the first time in Italy and the Mediterranean Region attacking sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.; Solanaceae) in greenhouses and in fields in the coastal area of the Lazio Region of Italy. The incursion, detected in Oct 2013, was a heavy infestation of sweet pepper buds and not fully developed fruits, and causing their premature abscission. The outbreak area was delineated by the coast on the west, and hills on the south and east

    Endemic Curculionoidea to the islands within the Strait of Sicily

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    Twenty-one species of endemic weevils are found on the islands of the Strait of Sicily, including the Egadi Islands. These weevils are classified under the Superfamily Curculionoidea, 18 of which fall under the Family Curculionidae whereas the remaining species belong to the Family Raymondiomymidae. Of these, two species namely Echinodera sp. n. (?) near capbonensis and Amaurorhinus sp. near paganettii both from Malta are still undescribed. All 21 species are flightless and most likely polyphagous.peer-reviewe


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    Parascythopus saltinii n. sp. from Syria is described and illustrated. The new species cannot be confused with any other by its apical part of rostrum reddish and its lack of pronotal keel in combination with the elongate funicular and tarsal segments. A key to species of Parascythopus Desbrochers is included. New combination is: Parascythopus intrusus (KĂŽno, 1948), comb. nov. from Phyllobius to Parascythopus

    Nesotocerus rectus Colonnelli 2014, sp. nov.

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    Nesotocerus rectus sp. nov. (Figs 65, 66, 70, 72) Type material. HOLOTYPE: J (NMPC), ‘ Yemen, Socotra Isl., Noged, // GPS 12.318N, 53.678E, 250 m; // 12-12. xi.2000, // V. Bejček & K. Ć ťastnĂœâ€™. PARATYPES: 4 JJ 4 ♀♀, same label data as holotype (6 NMPC, 2 ECRI); 1 Systates J 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Socotra Isl., // Noged, Mokhar, // 31.iii.2001, // leg. V. Bejček & K. Ć ťastnĂœâ€™ (NMPC); 1 J 1 ♀, ‘ Yemen, Soqotra Isl., 2003 // 5-6/xii, Noged plain// Qaareh (waterfall), 57 m // N12°27â€Č10″, E53°37â€Č56″ // [GPS], David KrĂĄl lgt.’ (NMPC). Description. Male holotype. Body length 7.9 mm. Piceous, shining, apical tarsomere dark brown, apical comb of setae of tibiae dark ferruginous, mucro of metatibiae honey-red. Dorsal surface of rostrum, head, pronotum and elytra sparsely covered by recumbent light grey to pale yellowish elongate scales intermingled with some comma-like scales. Sides of rostrum and of prothorax with dense partly embricate and slightly erect larger nacreous scales forming kind of lateral pale stripe. At beginning of elytral declivity there is faint U-shaped pale band, and on elytral intervals row of elongate clavate scales which are recumbent, dark and barely visible on disc, whereas on lateral intervals and on apical third they become whitish, erect, long and seta-like. Some long curved erect setae are at base of intervals VI and specially VII. Ventral surface with rather sparse somewhat erect whitish hair-like scales (Figs 65–66). Head. Rostrum 0.97 times as long as wide, sides moderately converging from base to apical two thirds of rostral length, then fairly widening towards apex; pterygia not very prominent. Epifrons slightly convex, subtly and sparsely punctured, at base with low carina ending at level of its narrowest point which is 0.59 times as wide as rostrum, sides weakly keeled. Epistome V-shaped and separated from epifrons by shallow depression. Scrobes short, entirely visible in dorsal view. Head separated from rostrum by rather shallow V-shaped sulcus, interocular distance about same as that between antennal insertion, space between eyes faintly depressed and with a longitudinal sulcus ending on vertex far beyond eyes, vertex weakly convex, basally finely strigose and apically sparsely punctured, temples about 1.5 times shorter than greater diameter of an eye and subparallel sided. Eyes large, somewhat elliptical and moderately convex.Antennae thin; scape almost straight and moderately clubbed; funicular antennomere I 1.80 times longer and barely wider than II, antennomeres II to VII progressively diminishing in length, all distinctly longer than wide; club fusiform elongate, about as long as three preceding antennomeres. Pronotum 1.28 times wider than long, widest about at middle, quite flat dorsally in lateral view; anterior margin hardly narrower than somewhat flanged basal one; sides quite rounded; disc with large irregularly round smooth flattened granules becoming little smaller on sides and with faint median low carina on apical half. Scutellum broadly triangular, barely visible. Elytra elongate-oval, 1.45 times longer than wide, about twice as wide as pronotum, disc almost flat, apical declivity abrupt and almost perpendicular; striae formed by rather regular rows of irregularly subquadrate large punctures; intervals not wider than striae, surface quite uneven and little convex. Legs rather short; femora clubbed, edentate, sparsely clothed by recumbent hair-like scales and by slightly erect whitish setae at base; tibiae fairly curved on apical half, and here with their inner margin bearing some erect setae, internal margin of metatibiae granulate, with acute long apical mucro surmounted by tuft of compact golden setae basad of which there are some not dense very long curved silver setae in addition to shorter ones which are also to be found on pro- and mesotibiae; tarsi robust with stiff semirerect long setae, tarsomere I longer than II which is about as long as wide, tarsomere III bilobed and slightly transverse, tarsomere IV projecting from third 1.25 times length of III, claws fused in basal half. Ventral side. Prosternum with tubercle immediately basad of coxae; metaventrite and abdominal ventrite I with large shallow common depression. Variability. Other males, apart from the vestiture more or less abraded, are very similar to the holotype. Elytra of females are more oval and more convex on disc, their abdomen is flat, the metatibiae lacking long setae basad of the golden tuft and their mucro on inner apical margin is shorter than that of males. Male genitalia. Aedeagus as depicted in Fig. 70. Spermatheca as depicted in Fig. 72. Body length 6.7–8.9 mm. Differential diagnosis. See the key below to separate this species from its relatives. Etymology. The species name, Latin adjective rectus (- a, - um), meaning ‘straight’, was chosen in reference to the abrupt elytral declivity of the new species. Distribution. Endemic to Socotra Island.Published as part of Colonnelli, Enzo, 2014, Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Brachyceridae and Curculionidae except Scolytinae (Coleoptera) from Socotra Island, pp. 295-422 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54 on pages 358-359, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.531312
