397 research outputs found

    On software architecture concepts for a unified, generic and extensible trajectory determination system

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    In this paper, we will describe the architecture of an innovative generic trajectory determination system. The architecture describes a software (SW) platform for the optimal determination of trajectories or paths of stochastic dynamical systems driven by observations –or measurements– and their associated dynamic or static models. The proposed architecture has been already implemented in the NAVEGA SW. NAVEGA has evolved from an INS/GPS trajectory determination programme into the above more general concept to accommodate the various instrument and sensor configurations of modern navigation and orientation systems. Thus, NAVEGA can be “configured” for any sensor navigation combination, as, for example, navigation systems based only in GNSS, classical hybrid INS/GNSS systems, INS/GNSS systems augmented with other ancillary navigation sensors, INS/GNSS/visual aiding systems with multiple IMU or multiple GNSS receivers, to mention a few examples

    Transfusión según cifras de hemoglobina o de acuerdo con objetivos terapéuticos

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    La transfusión de sangre alogénica y la anemia se han relacionado con peores resultados clínicos en diferentes poblaciones de pacientes quirúrgicos. En la actualidad, esta afirmación sigue siendo un tema de debate porque está por afirmar si la anemia es un factor de riesgo independiente de peor pronóstico..

    Sub-camera calibration of a Penta-camera

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    Penta cameras consisting of a nadir and four inclined cameras are becoming more and more popular, having the advantage of imaging also facades in built up areas from four directions. Such system cameras require a boresight calibration of the geometric relation of the cameras to each other, but also a calibration of the sub-cameras. Based on data sets of the ISPRS/EuroSDR benchmark for multi platform photogrammetry the inner orientation of the used IGI Penta DigiCAM has been analyzed. The required image coordinates of the blocks Dortmund and Zeche Zollern have been determined by Pix4Dmapper and have been independently adjusted and analyzed by program system BLUH. With 4.1 million image points in 314 images respectively 3.9 million image points in 248 images a dense matching was provided by Pix4Dmapper. With up to 19 respectively 29 images per object point the images are well connected, nevertheless the high number of images per object point are concentrated to the block centres while the inclined images outside the block centre are satisfying but not very strongly connected. This leads to very high values for the Student test (T-test) of the finally used additional parameters or in other words, additional parameters are highly significant. The estimated radial symmetric distortion of the nadir sub-camera corresponds to the laboratory calibration of IGI, but there are still radial symmetric distortions also for the inclined cameras with a size exceeding 5μm even if mentioned as negligible based on the laboratory calibration. Radial and tangential effects of the image corners are limited but still available. Remarkable angular affine systematic image errors can be seen especially in the block Zeche Zollern. Such deformations are unusual for digital matrix cameras, but it can be caused by the correlation between inner and exterior orientation if only parallel flight lines are used. With exception of the angular affinity the systematic image errors for corresponding cameras of both blocks have the same trend, but as usual for block adjustments with self calibration, they still show significant differences. Based on the very high number of image points the remaining image residuals can be safely determined by overlaying and averaging the image residuals corresponding to their image coordinates. The size of the systematic image errors, not covered by the used additional parameters, is in the range of a square mean of 0.1 pixels corresponding to 0.6μm. They are not the same for both blocks, but show some similarities for corresponding cameras. In general the bundle block adjustment with a satisfying set of additional parameters, checked by remaining systematic errors, is required for use of the whole geometric potential of the penta camera. Especially for object points on facades, often only in two images and taken with a limited base length, the correct handling of systematic image errors is important. At least in the analyzed data sets the self calibration of sub-cameras by bundle block adjustment suffers from the correlation of the inner to the exterior calibration due to missing crossing flight directions. As usual, the systematic image errors differ from block to block even without the influence of the correlation to the exterior orientation

    Online Questionnaires Use with Automatic Feedback for e-Innovation in University Students

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    Las herramientas tecnológicas han impregnado plenamente la Educación Superior. No obstante, el mero añadido no garantiza per se su calidad. Este artículo expone los resultados de un proyecto de innovación para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo en los Grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria. Durante un semestre todos los alumnos de primer curso pudieron usar un sistema de aprendizaje autónomo en la plataforma online institucional (Moodle), apoyado con feedback formativo automático. El sistema se insertaba en un programa complejo de evaluación formativa. Se presentan resultados atendiendo a dos aspectos: uso real de los estudiantes y valoración final del sistema por parte de estos. El análisis cuantitativo descriptivo se centra en la perspectiva del estudiante para evaluar la adecuación de las decisiones pedagógicas tomadas. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes necesitan ciertos límites para poder organizar mejor su propio aprendizaje si queremos potenciar la calidad de la innovación planteada. Estos límites se concretan en variables tales como el tiempo de disponibilidad y la limitación de intentos de práctica. En el primer caso se debe atender a la duración adecuada de la oferta del sistema: tanto el exceso como el defecto de tiempo afectan a la cantidad y uso que realizan los estudiantes. En el segundo caso, la restricción de intentos es preferible a la práctica libreTechnological tools have permeated higher education programs. However, their mere introduction does not guarantee instructional quality. This article presents the results of an innovation project aimed at fostering autonomous learning among students at a Pre-School and Primary Teacher Degree. For one semester all freshmen students used a system for autonomous learning embedded in the institutional online platform (Moodle), which included automatic formative feedback. The system was part of a complex formative assessment program. We present results of the experience concerning two aspects: the students’ actual use of the system, and their final appraisal of it. The quantitative descriptive analysis focuses on the students’ perspective to evaluate the adequacy of the instructional decisions. Results indicate that students need certain limits to be able to manage their learning better if we pursue the quality of innovation. These limits refer mainly to the time of accessibility and the limitation of attempts of practice. With respect to time, an appropriate span of time (neither too long nor too short) must be chosen; with respect to the number of attempts, it is expedient to limit rather than promote free endless acces


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    Various types of technology are used for Terrestrial Mobile Mapping (TMM) such as IMU, cameras, odometers, laser scanner etc., which are integrated in order to determine the attitude and the position of the vehicle in use, especially in the absence of GNSS signal i.e. in an urban canyon. The aim of this study is to use only photogrammetric measurements obtained with a low cost camera (with a reduced focal length and small frames) located on the vehicle, in order to improve the quality of TMM solution in the absence of a GNSS signal. It is essential to have good quality frames in order to solve this problem. In fact it is generally quite easy to extract a large number of common points between the frames (the so-called 'tie points'), but this does not necessarily imply the goodness of the matching quality, which might be uncorrected due to the presence of obstacles that may occlude the camera sight. The Authors used two different methods for solving the problem of the presence of outliers: RANSAC and the Forward Search. In this article the Authors show the results obtainable with good quality frames (frames without occlusions) and under difficult conditions that simulate better reality

    L'ús del coneixement compartit per a ensenyar i aprendre

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    En aquest treball es descriuen i analitzen els usos del marc social de referència i del marc específic de referència com a mecanismes semiòtics que apareixen en el discurs dels participants en la interacció. Aquests mecanismes acompleixen funcions relacionades amb l’establiment inicial d’un corpus de significats compartits, la seva ampliació, i la resolució d’incomprensions i malentesos. En concret, l’estudi d’aquests mecanismes implica la comprensió de com l’ús d’experiències que suposadament són compartides entre els participants en la interacció intervé en el servei de la construcció d’esferes cada cop més amples d’intersubjectivitat. Els conceptes proposats per a referir-nos al corpus de coneixements suposadament compartits, recurs en el marc social de referència i recurs al marc específic de referència, provenen de diferents estudis (Pla, 1989; Coll et al. 1992, 1995, 1996) dirigits a la seva delimitació conceptual i empírica. En aquest treball s’il·lustren aquests mecanismes semiòtics mitjançant els resultats d’una investigació sobre influència educativa en la interacció entre mare i fill. Aquests resultats s’inscriuen en un projecte d’investigació més ampli dirigit a l’estudi dels mecanismes d’influència educativa en diferents situacions educatives (escolars i no escolars) que, prenent la concepció constructivista com a marc teòric de referència, ha permès l’elaboració d’un model d’anàlisi de la interactivitat (Coll et alt. 1992, 1995).This paper describes and analyzes the uses of the social reference framework and of the specific reference framework as semiotic mechanisms that appear in the interaction participants’ discourse. The mechanisms have different functions related to the initial establishment of a shared meaning corpus, its widening and the solving of misunderstandings. Especially, the study of these mechanisms implies understanding how the use of experiences that supposedly are shared by interaction participants takes part in the construction of ever wider spheres of intersubjectivity. The proposed concepts to refer to the supposedly shared knowledge corpus, resource in the social reference framework and resource in the specific reference framework are taken from different studies (Pla, 1989; Coll et al. 1992, 1995, 1996) targeted at its conceptual and empirical delimitation. This study shows these semiotic mechanisms by the use of the results of an investigation on the educational influence in the interaction between mother and son. These results are part of an wider investigation project aimed at the study of the educational influence mechanisms in different educational situations (in and out of the school) which, considering the constructivist conception as the theoretical reference framework, has enabled the creation of an interactivity analysis model (Coll et al. 1992, 1995).En este trabajo se describen y analizan los usos del marco social de referencia y del marco específico de referencia como mecanismos semióticos que aparecen en el discurso de los participantes en la interacción. Estos mecanismos cumplen funciones relacionadas con el establecimiento inicial de un corpus de significados compartidos, su ampliación, y la resolución de incomprensiones y malentendidos. En concreto, el estudio de estos mecanismos implica la comprensión de como el uso de experiencias que supuestamente son compartidas entre los participantes en la interacción interviene en el servicio de la construcción de esferas cada vez más amplias de intersubjetividad. Los conceptos propuestos para referirnos al corpus de conocimientos supuestamente compartidos, recurso en el marco social de referencia y recurso al marco específico de referencia, provienen de diferentes estudios (Pla, 1989; Coll et al. 1992, 1995, 1996) dirigidos a su delimitación conceptual y empírica. En este trabajo se ilustran estos mecanismos semióticos mediante los resultados de una investigación sobre influencia educativa en la interacción entre madre e hijo. Estos resultados se inscriben en un proyecto de investigación más amplio dirigido al estudio de los mecanismos de influencia educativa en diferentes situaciones educativas (escolares y no escolares) que, tomando la concepción constructivista como marco teórico de referencia, ha permitido la elaboración de un modelo de análisis de la interactividad (Coll et alt. 1992, 1995)

    La distintividad en la sintaxis. El caso de la combinación de clíticos en la lenguas iberorrománicas

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    Treballs Finals del Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Dr. José M. Brucart Marraco y Dr. Ángel J. Gallego BartoloméEn el presente trabajo, nos centraremos en un caso de combinación de elementos idénticos: la combinación de clíticos (ingl. clitic cluster). Los análisis que se ofrecen de estas construcciones presentan enfoques diversos: desde una perspectiva morfológica esta restricción se ha relacionado con la combinación de determinados rasgos. Desde una perspectiva sintáctica, esta incompatibilidad se explica por la imposibilidad de que ambos clíticos ocupen una misma posición. En el presente trabajo consideramos oportuno explorar esta restricción dentro del marco general de la distintividad, puesto que permite relacionar las combinaciones anteriores con otro tipo de combinaciones

    Peri-operative treatment of anaemia in major orthopaedic surgery: a practical approach from Spain

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    In patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery, pre-operative anaemia, peri-operative bleeding and a liberal transfusion policy are the main risk factors for requiring red blood cell transfusion (RBCT). The clinical and economic disadvantages of RBCT have led to the development and implementation of multidisciplinary, multimodal, individualised strategies, collectively termed patient blood management, which aim to reduce RBCT and improve patients' clinical outcome and safety. Within a patient blood management programme, low pre-operative haemoglobin is one of the few modifiable risk factors for RBCT. However, a survey among Anaesthesia Departments in Spain revealed that, although pre-operative assessment was performed in the vast majority of hospitals, optimisation of haemoglobin concentration was attempted in <40% of patients who may have benefitted from it, despite there being enough time prior to surgery. This indicates that haemoglobin optimisation takes planning and forethought to be implemented in an effective manner. This review, based on available clinical evidence and our experience, is intended to provide clinicians with a practical tool to optimise pre-operative haemoglobin levels, in order to minimise the risk of patients requiring RBCT. To this purpose, after reviewing the diagnostic value and limitations of available laboratory parameters, we developed an algorithm for the detection, classification and treatment of pre-operative anaemia, with a patient-tailored approach that facilitates decision-making in the pre-operative assessment. We also reviewed the efficacy of the different pharmacological options for pre-operative and post-operative management of anaemia. We consider that such an institutional pathway for anaemia management could be a viable, cost-effective strategy that is beneficial to both patients and healthcare systems

    Transcranial Doppler monitoring during laparoscopic anterior lumbar interbody fusion

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    We studied the consequences on cerebral hemodynamics of lengthy laparoscopic procedures requiring pneumoperitoneum and head-down positioning. From October 1995 to April 1999, 17 ASA status I or II patients (16 women and 1 man; mean age, 38 yr) were treated with laparoscopic anterior lumbar fusion. Besides standard perioperative monitoring for laparoscopic surgery, the mean blood-flow velocity of both middle cerebral arteries and the pulsatility index were determined by transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Adequate acoustic windows were encountered in 11 of the 17 patients, and the remaining 6 were excluded from the analysis. PaCO(2) and end-tidal CO(2) were maintained within normal limits (<40 mm Hg); ventilation was optimized in all cases. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in heart rate and central venous pressure with the change from supine to head-down position in all patients. Transcranial Doppler results for mean middle cerebral artery blood-flow velocity and pulsatility index showed no significant variations at any of the four time points studied during the procedure. There were no technique-related complications, except for moderate postoperative headache in eight patients that resolved with rest and oxygen therapy. We conclude that lengthy laparoscopic procedures in the head-down position performed in otherwise healthy patients do not significantly affect intracranial circulation