32 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico sobre la producción de Algarrobina para el mercado de la Unión Europea: “Caserío de Sáncor Distrito de Chulucanas – Morropón 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título “ Diagnóstico sobre la Producción de Algarrobina para el mercado de la Unión Europea:” Caserío de Sáncor Distrito de Chulucanas- Morropón 2017”. El informe se ha realizado debido a la creciente demanda de consumo de productos orgánicos que se identifica en los países de la Unión Europea; a la par que el mercado de la algarrobina está creciendo a nivel nacional e internacional y que progresivamente se está uniformizando su calidad productiva en la región Piura, presenta una excelente oportunidad de exportarse como un reconstituyente natural al mercado mencionado. En esta tesis se deben de considerar algunos principios fundamentales como la inocuidad, la estandarización de los procesos productivos, el equipamiento en planta de alta tecnología, las tendencias del consumidor, un sistema compuesto por una serie de indicadores claves de desempeño para cada etapa de la producción así como la adecuación de la Norma Técnica Peruana de la algarrobina a los indicadores de seguridad alimentaria de la Conformidad Europea; para efectos que el arrope se constituya como un producto de calidad exportable. La metodología que se utilizó en el presente trabajo es la técnica de la observación; analizar el proceso productivo de diez productores de Sáncor y contrastar con una ficha de análisis documental, la demanda de consumo de los diez principales países de la Unión Europea que consumen la algarrobina. Los resultados del estudio han permitido detectar que el proceso productivo de la algarrobina en el mencionado caserío sigue siendo artesanal, de baja eficiencia, con tecnología obsoleta, en condiciones insalubres, presentando un número significativo de contingencias que le impiden constituirse como un producto inocuo para las disposiciones reglamentarias de la Conformidad Europea. Por ende la conclusión es que no se puede considerar un producto de calidad exportable

    Aplicación en Android para control remoto de un ordenador con Windows

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    [ES] En este TFG se pretende abordar la programación de una aplicación en Android Studio para dispositivos Android que se conectará por vía Bluetooth al ordenador en cuestión, o bien se creará un servidor en el ordenador y se accederá a dicho servidor a través de la red, propiciándole los comandos necesarios al ordenador. Entre las funcionalidades que se pretenden abarcar están el control de volumen, el control del mouse, click derecho e izquierdo del ratón, el scroll down, la visualización de la pantalla del ordenador en el propio dispositivo Android, además de otras funcionalidades como la transferencia de archivos, acceso al teclado, etc.[EN] In this Final Degree Project I want to code an Android app by using Android Studio environment to connect to a Windows computer. The connection will be established using Bluetooth technology or through the network, sending the right commands to the computer. The main features we would like to add to the project are volume control, mouse control, left and right mouse click, scroll down, remote screen visualization in the Android device, and other features like file transfer, access to the keyboard, and some more.Brito Colomer, A. (2020). Aplicación en Android para control remoto de un ordenador con Windows. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/156890TFG

    Extension of the Segatella copri complex to 13 species with distinct large extrachromosomal elements and associations with host conditions

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    The Segatella copri (formerly Prevotella copri) complex (ScC) comprises taxa that are key members of the human gut microbiome. It was previously described to contain four distinct phylogenetic clades. Combining targeted isolation with large-scale metagenomic analysis, we defined 13 distinct Segatella copri-related species, expanding the ScC complex beyond four clades. Complete genome reconstruction of thirteen strains from seven species unveiled the presence of genetically diverse large circular extrachromosomal elements. These elements are consistently present in most ScC species, contributing to intra- and inter-species diversities. The nine species-level clades present in humans display striking differences in prevalence and intraspecies genetic makeup across human populations. Based on a meta-analysis, we found reproducible associations between members of ScC and the male sex and positive correlations with lower visceral fat and favorable markers of cardiometabolic health. Our work uncovers genomic diversity within ScC, facilitating a better characterization of the human microbiome

    Improved classification of leukemic B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders using a transcriptional and genetic classifier

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    B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (B-CLPD) encompass a group of hematologic tumors that often present with leukemic involvement.1 Their heterogeneity and the lack of relatively specific diagnostic markers for most of these diseases make their diagnosis challenging, especially in cases that only have blood involvement or when histology is not available. With the currently used immunophenotypic and molecular markers, around 10% of B-CLPD cases remain unclassifiable and are categorized as B-CLPD, not otherwise specified (B-CLPD, NOS)

    Diagnóstico sobre la producción de Algarrobina para el mercado de la Unión Europea: “Caserío de Sáncor Distrito de Chulucanas – Morropón 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título “ Diagnóstico sobre la Producción de Algarrobina para el mercado de la Unión Europea:” Caserío de Sáncor Distrito de Chulucanas- Morropón 2017”. El informe se ha realizado debido a la creciente demanda de consumo de productos orgánicos que se identifica en los países de la Unión Europea; a la par que el mercado de la algarrobina está creciendo a nivel nacional e internacional y que progresivamente se está uniformizando su calidad productiva en la región Piura, presenta una excelente oportunidad de exportarse como un reconstituyente natural al mercado mencionado. En esta tesis se deben de considerar algunos principios fundamentales como la inocuidad, la estandarización de los procesos productivos, el equipamiento en planta de alta tecnología, las tendencias del consumidor, un sistema compuesto por una serie de indicadores claves de desempeño para cada etapa de la producción así como la adecuación de la Norma Técnica Peruana de la algarrobina a los indicadores de seguridad alimentaria de la Conformidad Europea; para efectos que el arrope se constituya como un producto de calidad exportable. La metodología que se utilizó en el presente trabajo es la técnica de la observación; analizar el proceso productivo de diez productores de Sáncor y contrastar con una ficha de análisis documental, la demanda de consumo de los diez principales países de la Unión Europea que consumen la algarrobina. Los resultados del estudio han permitido detectar que el proceso productivo de la algarrobina en el mencionado caserío sigue siendo artesanal, de baja eficiencia, con tecnología obsoleta, en condiciones insalubres, presentando un número significativo de contingencias que le impiden constituirse como un producto inocuo para las disposiciones reglamentarias de la Conformidad Europea. Por ende la conclusión es que no se puede considerar un producto de calidad exportable

    Video-Based System for Automatic Measurement of Barbell Velocity in Back Squat

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    Velocity-based training is a contemporary method used by sports coaches to prescribe the optimal loading based on the velocity of movement of a load lifted. The most employed and accurate instruments to monitor velocity are linear position transducers. Alternatively, smartphone apps compute mean velocity after each execution by manual on-screen digitizing, introducing human error. In this paper, a video-based instrument delivering unattended, real-time measures of barbell velocity with a smartphone high-speed camera has been developed. A custom image-processing algorithm allows for the detection of reference points of a multipower machine to autocalibrate and automatically track barbell markers to give real-time kinematic-derived parameters. Validity and reliability were studied by comparing the simultaneous measurement of 160 repetitions of back squat lifts executed by 20 athletes with the proposed instrument and a validated linear position transducer, used as a criterion. The video system produced practically identical range, velocity, force, and power outcomes to the criterion with low and proportional systematic bias and random errors. Our results suggest that the developed video system is a valid, reliable, and trustworthy instrument for measuring velocity and derived variables accurately with practical implications for use by coaches and practitioners.This work was supported by the Vice-rectorate program of Research and Knowledge transfer for the Promotion of R&D at the University of Alicante (Ref. GRE18-09)

    Extending and improving metagenomic taxonomic profiling with uncharacterized species using MetaPhlAn 4

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    Metagenomic assembly enables new organism discovery from microbial communities, but it can only capture few abundant organisms from most metagenomes. Here we present MetaPhlAn 4, which integrates information from metagenome assemblies and microbial isolate genomes for more comprehensive metagenomic taxonomic profiling. From a curated collection of 1.01 M prokaryotic reference and metagenome-assembled genomes, we define unique marker genes for 26,970 species-level genome bins, 4,992 of them taxonomically unidentified at the species level. MetaPhlAn 4 explains ~20% more reads in most international human gut microbiomes and >40% in less-characterized environments such as the rumen microbiome and proves more accurate than available alternatives on synthetic evaluations while also reliably quantifying organisms with no cultured isolates. Application of the method to >24,500 metagenomes highlights previously undetected species to be strong biomarkers for host conditions and lifestyles in human and mouse microbiomes and shows that even previously uncharacterized species can be genetically profiled at the resolution of single microbial strains

    Efficacy of Videoconference Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression (BATD) for Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) Plus Comorbid Depressive Symptoms : A Randomized Controlled Trial (IMPACT Study)

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    This study examined the efficacy of adding a remote, synchronous, group, videoconferencebased form of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) or behavioral activation therapy for depression (BATD) to treatment-as-usual (TAU) in 234 patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) plus comorbid depressive symptoms. Participants were randomly assigned to ACT, BATD, or TAU. Compared to TAU, ACT produced a significant reduction in pain interference at posttreatment (d = .64) and at follow-up (d = .73). BATD was only superior to TAU at follow-up (d = .66). A significant reduction in pain catastrophizing was reported by patients assigned to ACT and BATD at posttreatment (d = .45 and d = .59, respectively) and at follow-up (d = .59, in both) compared to TAU. Stress was significantly reduced at posttreatment by ACT in comparison to TAU (d = .69). No significant between-group differences were found in depressive or anxiety symptoms. Clinically relevant number needed to treat (NNT) values for reduction in pain interference were obtained at posttreatment (ACT vs TAU = 4) and at follow-up (ACT vs TAU = 3; BATD vs TAU = 5). In both active therapies, improvements in pain interference at follow-up were significantly related to improvements at posttreatment in psychological flexibility. These findings suggest that new forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy are clinically useful in improving pain interference and pain catastrophizing. Further research on evidence-based change processes is required to understand the therapeutic needs of patients with chronic pain and comorbid conditions.Trial number: NCT04140838.Perspective: Group videoconference-based ACT and BATD showed greater efficacy than TAU for reducing pain interference and pain catastrophizing in patients with CLBP plus clinically relevant depression. Psychological flexibility appeared to be the main contributor to treatment effects for both ACT and BAT