26 research outputs found

    Animal Geography. A very short introduction

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    This article provides a brief overview of animal geography. Animal geography represents a sub-discipline of human geography, which in the last twenty- five years has been contributing to the development of a wider field of knowledge known as human-animal studies (see the reports in Progress in Hu- man Geography by Buller 2014, 2015 and 2016; Hovorka 2017, 2018 and 2019; Gibbs 2020a and 2020b). This is a field with a strong interdisciplinary character, which has emerged in Anglo-American academic debates to ‘give voice’ to those non-human animals that the social sciences and humanities have long confined to the margins of their research

    Verso una geografia meno antropocentrica. Animal Geographies: temi e metodi di ricerca

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    L’animal geography rappresenta una sotto-disciplina della geografia umana che, da circa quindici anni o poco più, sta contribuendo allo sviluppo di un più ampio campo del sapere noto come human-animal studies . Si tratta di un campo dal forte carattere intra-disciplinare, emerso nei dibattiti accademici anglo-americani, che si pone come obiettivo, tra gli altri, il “dare voce” a quei soggetti animali non-umani che le scienze sociali e umane hanno a lungo confinato ai margini e/o del tutto ignorato. Eppure gli animali sono costantemente presenti quotidianamente nella nostra vita in diverse forme e con diversi ruoli. In questo articolo ripercorro l'emergere e i temi principali dell'animal geography

    Revisiting Transhumance from Stilfs, South Tyrol, Italy. The Everyday Diverse Economy of a Forgotten Alternative Food Network

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    This chapter discusses the pastoral practice of transhumance through the lens of the idea of an alternative food network.The literature on alternative food networks in geography and agro-food studies is abundant. However, it has neglected to explore how transhumance is a lively agricultural practice that engenders and partakes in food networks that may be radical in their alternativeness.The chapter then draws on ethnographic data to offer an account of the everyday practices and routines of humans and animals working on the summer right above the village of Stilfs/Stelvio in South Tyrol, northeast Italy. It concludes with a short discussion that points to how alpine transhumance may be seen as engendering radically alternative food networks which enrich what Gibson-Graham have notably called the “diverse economy

    Mehr als Menschen essen – mehr als menschliches Essen. Perspektiven nicht-anthropozentrischer Nahrungsgeographien

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    Dass ‚Essen‘ (als Tätigkeit) nicht nur eine soziale, sondern eine materielle Praxis ist, lässt sich aufgrund der unmittelbaren Beziehung zum menschlichen Körper (Einverleibung) nicht übersehen. Auch die Beziehung zur Natur, insbesondere zu Tieren und Pflanzen, sowie zu Technologien, ist beim ‚Essen‘ (als Nahrungsmittel) unübersehbar, wenn sich die Frage nach der Herkunft des Essens stellt. Sind daher geographies of food in besonderer Weise für Forschungsperspektiven prädestiniert, die nicht den Menschen allein in den Mittelpunkt stellen? In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, dass bei der geographischen Thematisierung des Essens Aspekte des ‚Mehr-als-Menschlichen‘ schon lange eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Wir gehen näher auf den „Follow the thing“-Ansatz ein, der nach unserem Verständnis ein großes Potential für eine nicht-anthropozentrische Erforschung des Essens bietet. Zudem führen wir aus, wie sich jüngst more-than-human geographies of food etabliert haben. Der Blickwinkel verschiebt sich dabei weg von Fragen, was ein Essen ist und wer es isst, hin zu Fragen, wie etwas zum Essen wird und was das Essen macht: mit uns und mit der Welt

    Life, time, and the organism:Temporal registers in the construction of life forms

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    In this paper, we articulate how time and temporalities are involved in the making of living things. For these purposes, we draw on an instructive episode concerning Norfolk Horn sheep. We attend to historical debates over the nature of the breed, whether it is extinct or not, and whether presently living exemplars are faithful copies of those that came before. We argue that there are features to these debates that are important to understanding contemporary configurations of life, time and the organism, especially as these are articulated within the field of synthetic biology. In particular, we highlight how organisms are configured within different material and semiotic assemblages that are always structured temporally. While we identify three distinct structures, namely the historical, phyletic and molecular registers, we do not regard the list as exhaustive. We also highlight how these structures are related to the care and value invested in the organisms at issue. Finally, because we are interested ultimately in ways of producing time, our subject matter requires us to think about historiographical practice reflexively. This draws us into dialogue with other scholars interested in time, not just historians, but also philosophers and sociologists, and into conversations with them about time as always multiple and never an inert background

    Hiroshima, una città-impresa alla ricerca di una nuova identità

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    Il capitolo tratta della ri-definizione dell'immagine di Hiroshima alla fine degli anni Novanta, inizi 200