48 research outputs found

    Estudi demogràfic del present i passat de la població d’Andorra

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Estadística UB-UPC, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (UB) i Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Curs: 2019-2020. Tutor: Teresa Costa Cor[cat] Andorra és un país petit amb una població estimada de 77052 habitants, segons les últimes dades publicades pel Departament d’Estadística a l’agost de 2019. En aquest treball s’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’evolució i les característiques de la població andorrana en els últims anys a partir del comportament dels principals fenòmens demogràfics: mortalitat, fecunditat, nupcialitat i migracions. S’ha construït una taula de mortalitat de moment per descriure el comportament recent d’aquest fenomen i obtenir l’esperança de vida al naixement. Les immigracions han jugat un paper decisiu en la dinàmica de la població d’Andorra, intervenint en el seu creixement i afectant a l’estructura per edat i sexes. Per contextualitzar aquest estudi demogràfic s’han anat comparant els diferents indicadors obtinguts amb els d’altres poblacions del seu voltant.[eng] Andorra is a small country with an estimated population of 77052, according to the latest data published for the “Departament d’Estadística d’Andorra” in August 2019, calculated from the population registered in the towns censuses and crossing this information with other administrative sources. This work has analyzed the evolution and characteristics of the Andorran population in recent years based on the behavior of the main demographic phenomena: mortality, fertility, nuptiality and migrations. Different topics have been addressed such as the structure and change of the Andorran population, performing calculations such as the absolute growth; the cumulative annual growth rate; the sex ratio; the different proportions of populations (young, adult and old); aging and dependence ratios, longevity index and the mean age. Population pyramids have been used as a graphical instrument to study the changes in age/sex distribution in this population in recent years. A period mortality study has been performed in terms of indicators such as the crude death rate; infant mortality rate and age-specific death rates. An abridged mortality table has been built so far to describe the recent behavior of this phenomenon and obtain life expectancy at birth. In the analysis of the fertility, a study of the intensity and timing of this phenomenon has been made, as well as of the reproductivity for women in Andorra. Calculations such as the crude birth rate; the general fertility rate; age-specific fertility rates; the total fertility rate; the gross reproduction rate; the net reproduction rate and the mean age at childbearing have been performed. In the nuptiality analysis, the calculated period indicators have been the crude marriage rate; the mean age at marriage; weddings by sex; legal and religious ceremonies and marriages by nationality of the spouses. Immigrations have played a decisive role in the dynamics of the population of Andorra, affecting their growth and the age and sex structure. In analyzing the migratory phenomenon, the evolution of the net migration in Andorra has been studied; foreign population and their composition. To contextualize this demographic study, the different indicators obtained of Andorra have been compared with those of other closer populations Spain, Catalonia and Lleida

    Save water supplies for human consumption: support of the Barcelona Provincial Council to local authorities

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    Local authorities are responsible for ensuring that water supplied through any distribution network, or mobile water tank in their township is suitable for consumption at the point of delivery to the consumer. Since 1997, the Public Health Service of the Barcelona Provincial Council offers support to all municipalities under 1,001 inhabitants and municipalities between 1001 and 5000 people with direct management of their water supply service to develop these responsibilities. This support includes: - Self-analytical controls, according to current regulations - Advice on the results of self-analytical controls - Elaboration and updating of protocols for control and management of the water supply - Financial aid to improve infrastructures from water supply network - Data management for municipal delegation to Sistema de Information Nacional de Agua de Consumo (SINAC) - Training of municipal technical staff Currently, 110 municipalities (72,601 inhabitants) receive some support. The protocol for control and management of the water supply has been developed in 66 municipalities. Over 1546 water samples were analysed in 2016. In 47 municipalities there is analytical monitoring of parameters that at any time have exceeded the values specified in the regulations. In 2016, 648676 € were invested for infrastructure improvements related to the sanitary quality of drinking water in 17 municipalities. 41 municipalities have authorized the Barcelona Provincial Council to manage the data communication to SINAC

    La realidad de la maternidad subrogada : ¿Es necesaria su admisión en España?

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar en profundidad la maternidad subrogada, así como sus consecuencias y realidad, a los efectos de demostrar la necesidad de una urgente regulación que dé una respuesta actualizada y útil. Para ello, ha sido necesario estudiar la situación legal a nivel internacional y nacional de esta compleja figura; analizar la Resolución, de 18 de febrero de 2009, y la Instrucción, de 5 de octubre de 2010, ambas adoptadas por la DGRN; y, finalmente, comprobar cómo repercute su prohibición legal en España, en base a los derechos humanos que entran en juego.The object of the present essay is the deep study of the actual legal problems that involve resorting to surrogate motherhood, along with its consequences and reality. All of that used to prove that the new realities require an urgent regulation, giving an actual and useful answer.For this, it has been necessary to study the International legal situation as well as the national about this complex figure; analyse the Resolution of 18 February 2009, and the Instruction of 5 October 2010, both of them adopted by the DGRN; and, finally, study how impacts this legal prohibition in Spain according to the human rights

    El impacto de género del teletrabajo confinado en los usos del tiempo

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    El artículo analiza el impacto de género del teletrabajo sobre los usos y la distribución del tiempo en una situación de confinamiento que acentúa el carácter simultáneo de la cotidianeidad. El contexto de la pandemia supone un aumento considerable de dicha modalidad entre una parte de la población empleada. El hecho de trabajar a distancia desde casa introduce cambios con relación al tiempo dedicado al trabajo remunerado, doméstico y de cuidados. Para profundizar sobre esta cuestión, se presenta una aproximación cualitativa basada en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a 24 perfiles sociológicos definidos según las variables: género, ciclo de vida, categoría laboral y modalidad de teletrabajo. Los resultados permiten captar y explicar distintas rutinas de confinamiento, así como las lógicas temporales que las presiden. Como conclusión, se subraya la persistencia de las relaciones de género anteriores a la pandemia en los usos y la distribución del tiempo, si bien el ciclo de vida y la categoría laboral introducen matices en el análisis de los cambios y las continuidades.The article analyses the gender impact of telework on the time use patterns in a home lockdown situation. In the pandemic context, telework increases among a part of the employed population. This remote work introduces simultaneous dimension in daily life and changes in the time devoted to paid, domestic and care work. In order to analyse this situation, a qualitative approach is presented based on in-depth interviews to 24 sociological profiles defined according: gender, life cycle, job category and telework model. The results evidence a set of home lockdown routines with different temporal logics. The conclusions argue the persistence of unequal gender relations in the time use patterns, although the life cycle and the job category nuance the analysis of changes and continuitie

    Caso clinicopatológico: varón joven con disminución del nivel de conciencia y consumo reciente de cocaína

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    Varón de 43 años, consumidor habitual de cocaína, que habiendo sido encontrado en su domicilio con bajo nivel de conciencia es remitido a nuestro hospital. Se le practica TAC craneal que muestra hematomas lobar izquierdo y subdural interhemisférico, así como infarto isquémico frontoparietal izquierdo, siendo intervenido a continuación para evacuación del hematoma. La evolución inicial es tórpida en UCI, con diversas infecciones pulmonares bacterianas. Pasa a planta convencional de forma estable al 21 día del ingreso. El día 30 del ingreso presenta muerte súbita.This is the case of a 43 years old male, cocaine user, found at home with low level of consciousness and admitted to our hospital. A brain CT was performed, founding parenchymal and subdural hematoma and ischemic left stroke, undergoing brain surgery. He had a torpid evolution at the ICU, with several bacterial lung infections, and went to the neurosurgical unit after 21 days. He died suddenly, with no previous sympthoms, at the 30th day of admission

    Baricitinib Liposomes as a New Approach for the Treatment of Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease affecting from 0.2 to 3% of the general population. The current treatment for Sjögren's syndrome is aimed at controlling symptoms such as dry eyes and xerostomia. Systemic therapy with glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants is also used. Baricitinib is an immunosuppressant drug, specifically a Janus kinases 1 and 2 selective inhibitor. We propose ocular liposomal formulations loaded with baricitinib for the management of Sjögren's syndrome. The novelty of the work relies on the fact that, for the first time, baricitinib is intended to be used for topical delivery. Two liposomal formulations were prepared with different lipids: (i) L-α-phosphatidylcholine (Lα-PC) and (ii) a combination of lipids 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine: s1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoglycerol (3:1, mol/mol) (POPE:POPG), and they were physicochemically characterized. The in vitro drug release and the ex vivo permeation through corneal and scleral tissues were also assessed. Finally, the tolerance of the formulations on the ocular tissues was evaluated by the HET-CAM technique, as well as through the histological analysis of the cornea and sclera and the cornea transparency. Both liposomes resulted in small, spherical shapes, with suitable physicochemical properties for the ocular administration. Lα-PC led to higher flux, permeation, and retention in the sclera, whereas POPE:POPG led to higher flux and permeation in the cornea. The formulations showed no irritant effects on the chorioallantoic membrane. Additionally, the liposomes did not affect the cornea transparency when they were applied, and the histological analysis did not reveal any structural alteratio

    SARS-Cov-2 incubation period according to vaccination status during the fifth COVID-19 wave in a tertiary-care center in Spain: a cohort study

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    Background: The incubation period of an infectious disease is defined as the elapsed time between the exposure to the pathogen and the onset of symptoms. Although both the mRNA-based and the adenoviral vector-based vaccines have shown to be effective, there have been raising concerns regarding possible decreases in vaccine effectiveness for new variants and variations in the incubation period. Methods: We conducted a unicentric observational study at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Barcelona, using a structured telephone survey performed by trained interviewers to estimate the incubation period of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a cohort of Spanish hospitalized patients. The distribution of the incubation period was estimated using the generalized odds-rate class of regression models. Results: From 406 surveyed patients, 242 provided adequate information to be included in the analysis. The median incubation period was 2.8 days (95%CI: 2.5–3.1) and no differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients were found. Sex and age are neither shown not to be significantly related to the COVID-19 incubation time. Conclusions: Knowing the incubation period is crucial for controlling the spread of an infectious disease: decisions on the duration of the quarantine or on the periods of active monitoring of people who have been at high risk of exposure depend on the length of the incubation period. Furthermore, its probability distribution is a key element for predicting the prevalence and the incidence of the disease.This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) [PID2019-104830RB-I00/ DOI (AEI): https://doi.org/10.13039/5011000110 33], by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2020PANDE00148), by grant [2017SGR622] (GRBIO) administrated by the Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Gener‑ alitat de Catalunya (Spain), and by the National Research Foundation of Korea (2021R1G1A1009269).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Baricitinib Lipid-Based Nanosystems as a Topical Alternative for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory skin disorder which causes a significant clinical problem due to its prevalence. The ongoing treatment for AD is aimed at improving the patient's quality of life. Additionally, glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants are being used in systemic therapy. Baricitinib (BNB) is a reversible Janus-associated kinase (JAK)-inhibitor; JAK is an important kinase involved in different immune responses. We aimed at developing and evaluating new topical liposomal formulations loaded with BNB for the treatment of flare ups. Three liposomal formulations were elaborated using POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine), CHOL (Cholesterol) and CER (Ceramide) in different proportions: (i) POPC, (ii) POPC:CHOL (8:2, mol/mol) and (iii) POPC:CHOL:CER (3.6:2.4:4.0 mol/mol/mol). They were physiochemically characterized over time. In addition, an in vitro release study, ex vivo permeation and retention studies in altered human skin (AHS) were also performed. Histological analysis was used to study the tolerance of the formulations on the skin. Lastly, the HET-CAM test was also performed to evaluate the irritancy capacity of the formulations, and the modified Draize test was performed to evaluate the erythema and edema capacity of the formulations on the altered skin. All liposomes showed good physicochemical properties and were stable for at least one month. POPC:CHOL:CER had the highest flux and permeation, and the retention in the skin was equal to that of POPC:CHOL. The formulations exhibited no harmful or irritating effects, and the histological examination revealed no changes in structure. The three liposomes have shown promising results for the aim of the study

    Alginate Hydrogel Formulation with Ketorolac for the Treatment of Pain Related Sialolithiasis

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    Abstract: Sialolithiasis mainly affects the oral salivary glands due to the presence of small stones that obstruct the secretion of saliva. The treatment and control of pain and inflammation during the course of this pathology is essential to guarantee the patient's comfort. For this reason, a ketorolac calcium cross-linked alginate hydrogel was developed, and it was then applied in the area of the buccal cavity. The formulation was characterized (swelling and degradation profile, extrusion, extensibility, surface morphology, viscosity, and drug release). The drug release was studied ex vivo in static Franz cells and with a dynamic ex vivo method under artificial saliva continuous flow. The product exhibits adequate physicochemical properties considering the intended purpose, and the drug concentrations retained in the mucosa were high enough to deliver a therapeutic local concentration able to reduce the pain associated with the patient's conditions. The results confirmed the suitability of the formulation for application in the mouth