258 research outputs found

    First measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance in NOvA

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    This paper reports the first measurement using the NOvA detectors of nu(mu) disappearance in a nu(mu) beam. The analysis uses a 14 kton-equivalent exposure of 2.74 x 10(20) protons-on-target from the Fermilab NuMI beam. Assuming the normal neutrino mass hierarchy, we measure Delta m(32)(2) = (2.52(-0.18)(+0.20)) x 10(-3) eV(2) and sin(2) theta(23) in the range 0.38-0.65, both at the 68% confidence level, with two statistically degenerate best-fit points at sin(2) theta(23) = 0.43 and 0.60. Results for the inverted mass hierarchy are also presented

    Effects of finite width of excited states on heavy-ion sub-barrier fusion reactions

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    We discuss the effects of coupling of the relative motion to nuclear collective excitations which have a finite lifetime on heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. Both spreading and escape widths are explicitly taken into account in the exit doorway model. The coupled-channels equations are numerically solved to show that the finite resonance width always hinders fusion cross sections at subbarrier energies irrespective of the relative importance between the spreading and the escape widths. We also show that the structure of fusion barrier distribution is smeared due to the spreading of the strength of the doorway state.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Physical Review

    The Effect of the Pairing Interaction on the Energies of Isobar Analog Resonances in 112124^{112-124}Sb and Isospin Admixture in 100124^{100-124}Sn Isotopes

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    In the present study, the effect of the pairing interaction and the isovector correlation between nucleons on the properties of the isobar analog resonances (IAR) in 112124^{112-124}Sb isotopes and the isospin admixture in 100124^{100-124}Sn isotopes is investigated within the framework of the quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA). The form of the interaction strength parameter is related to the shell model potential by restoring the isotopic invariance of the nuclear part of the total Hamiltonian. In this respect, the isospin admixtures in the 100124^{100-124}Sn isotopes are calculated, and the dependence of the differential cross section and the volume integral JFJ_{F} for the Sn(3^{3}He,t)Sb reactions at E(3^{3}He)=200=200 MeV occurring by the excitation of IAR on mass number A is examined. Our results show that the calculated value for the isospin mixing in the 100^{100}Sn isotope is in good agreement with Colo et al.'s estimates (45(4-5%), and the obtained values for the volume integral change within the error range of the value reported by Fujiwara et al. (53±\pm5 MeV fm3^{3}). Moreover, it is concluded that although the differential cross section of the isobar analog resonance for the (3^{3}He,t) reactions is not sensitive to pairing correlations between nucleons, a considerable effect on the isospin admixtures in NZN\approx Z isotopes can be seen with the presence of these correlations.Comment: 16 pages, 5 EPS figures and 2 tables, Late


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    Introducción: La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC), de acuerdo a datos de la organización mundial de la salud (OMS), reportó en el año 2016 una carga en la morbilidad de 251 millones de casos y 3,17 millones de muertes a causa de esta alteración, lo que representa el 5% de todas las muertes registradas a nivel mundial; se estima que 65 millones de personas padecen Epoc moderado a severo, la cual es una patología frecuente, prevenible y tratable.Objetivo: Determinar el grado de depresión en pacientes con Epoc y su relación con la calidad de vida.Materiales y Métodos: El tipo de este estudio es descriptivo correlacional. Los instrumentos utilizados en la recolección de datos son el cuestionario de Cat, por medio del cual se evalúa la calidad de vida, y el inventario de Depresión de Beck, que nos arroja el nivel de depresión en los adultos mayores con diagnóstico de Epoc que asisten a un camino en barranquilla.Resultados: Participaron en este estudio 14 pacientes diagnosticados con EPOC. La edad promedio de los pacientes 66,5+12,3 y el 58,2% pertenecían al sexo masculino; en cuanto al estrato socioeconómico el 100% pertenecía al estrato 2, el 11,8% todavía fuma, el 35,6% convive con un fumador y el 5,9% fuma de 1-10 cigarros al día. En cuanto a la asociación de los síntomas respiratorios y depresión el 35,7% de los sujetos sintomáticos presentaron depresión de moderada a grave

    (n,γ) reactions on rare Ca isotopes: Valence-hole - Coreexcitation couplings in47Ca

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    Recent results on the structure of 47Ca will be presented. The nucleus of interest was populated via the cold-neutron capture 46Ca(n,\u3b3) reaction, on a rare 46Ca target, during the EXILL experimental campaign at the nuclear reactor of Institut Laue- Langevin in Grenoble. High-resolution \u3b3-ray spectroscopy, performed with a composite array of HPGe detectors, enabled the identification of new transitions deexciting states between the neutron-capture level and the ground state. Experimental data will be compared with a novel microscopic theoretical model, currently under development, specifically designed to describe the low-lying structure of odd-mass nuclei with one valence particle/hole outside a spherical doubly-magic core, using the Skyrme effective interaction self-consistently

    Dizajniranje i vrednovanje okularnih umetaka moksifloksacin hidroklorida

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    The objective of the present investigation was to prepare and evaluate ocular inserts of moxifloxacin. An ocular insert was made from an aqueous dispersion of moxifloxacin, sodium alginate, polyvinyl alcohol, and dibutyl phthalate by the film casting method. The ocular insert (5.5 mm diameter) was cross-linked by CaCl2 and was coated with Eudragit S-100, RL-100, RS-100, E-100 or Eudragit L-100. The in vitro drug drainage/permeation studies were carried out using an all-glass modified Franz diffusion cell. The drug concentration and mucoadhesion time of the ocular insert were found satisfactory. Cross-linking and coating with polymers extended the drainage from inserts. The cross-linked ocular insert coated with Eudragit RL-100 showed maximum drug permeation compared to other formulations.Cilj rada bio je priprava i evaluacija okularnih umetaka moksifloksacina. Okularni umetak izrađen je od vodene suspenzije moksifloksacina, natrijevog alginata, polivinilnog alkohola i dibutil-ftalata metodom odlijevanja filma. Okularni umetak (promjera 5,5 mm) umrežen je pomoću CaCl2 i obložen Eudragitom S-100, RL-100, RS-100, E-100 ili Eudragit L-100. In vitro drenaža/permeacija lijeka proučavana je koristeći staklenu modificiranu Franzovu difuzijsku ćeliju. Koncentracija lijeka i vrijeme mukoadhezije okularnih umetaka bili su zadovoljavajući. Umrežavanje i oblaganje polimerima produljilo je drenažu iz umetaka. Umreženi okularni umetci obloženi s Eudragit RL-100 pokazali su veću permeaciju lijeka u odnosu na ostale pripravke

    Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle theta(23) in NOvA

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    This Letter reports new results on muon neutrino disappearance from NOvA, using a 14 kton detector equivalent exposure of 6.05 x 10(20) protons on target from the NuMI beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The measurement probes the muon-tau symmetry hypothesis that requires maximal theta(23) mixing (theta(23) = pi/4). Assuming the normal mass hierarchy, we find Delta m(32)(2) = (2.67 +/- 0.11) x 10(-3) eV(2) and sin(2) theta(23)at the two statistically degenerate values 0.404(-0.022)(+0.030) and 0.624(-0.030)(+0.022), both at the 68% confidence level. Our data disfavor the maximal mixing scenario with 2.6 sigma significance

    Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from nu(e) Appearance and nu(mu) Disappearance in NOvA

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    Results are reported from an improved measurement of nu(mu) -\u3e nu(e) transitions by the NOvA experiment. Using an exposure equivalent to 6.05 x 10(20) protons on target, 33 nu(e) candidates are observed with a background of 8.2 +/- 0.8 (syst.). Combined with the latest NOvA nu(mu) disappearance data and external constraints from reactor experiments on sin(2) 2 theta(13), the hypothesis of inverted mass hierarchy with theta(23) in the lower octant is disfavored at greater than 93% C.L. for all values of delta(CP)