605 research outputs found

    Use of sediment source fingerprinting to assess the role of subsurface erosion in the supply of fine sediment in a degraded catchment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Sediment source fingerprinting has been successfully deployed to provide information on the surface and subsurface sources of sediment in many catchments around the world. However, there is still scope to reexamine some of the major assumptions of the technique with reference to the number of fingerprint properties used in the model, the number of model iterations and the potential uncertainties of using more than one sediment core collected from the same floodplain sink. We investigated the role of subsurface erosion in the supply of fine sediment to two sediment cores collected from a floodplain in a small degraded catchment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The results showed that increasing the number of individual fingerprint properties in the composite signature did not improve the model goodness-of-fit. This is still a much debated issue in sediment source fingerprinting. To test the goodness-of-fit further, the number of model repeat iterations was increased from 5000 to 30,000. However, this did not reduce uncertainty ranges in modelled source proportions nor improve the model goodness-of-fit. The estimated sediment source contributions were not consistent with the available published data on erosion processes in the study catchment. The temporal pattern of sediment source contributions predicted for the two sediment cores was very different despite the cores being collected in close proximity from the same floodplain. This highlights some of the potential limitations associated with using floodplain cores to reconstruct catchment erosion processes and associated sediment source contributions. For the source tracing approach in general, the findings here suggest the need for further investigations into uncertainties related to the number of fingerprint properties included in un-mixing models. The findings support the current widespread use of <5000 model repeat iterations for estimating the key sources of sediment samples

    The oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate in river water and its potential sources in the Upper River Taw catchment, UK

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    The need to reduce both point and diffuse phosphorus pollution to aquatic ecosystems is widely recognised and in order to achieve this, identification of the different pollutant sources is essential. Recently, a stable isotope approach using oxygen isotopes within phosphate (δ18OPO4) has been used in phosphorus source tracing studies. This approach was applied in a one-off survey in September 2013 to the River Taw catchment in south-west England where elevated levels of phosphate have been reported. River water δ18OPO4 along the main channel varied little, ranging from + 17.1 to + 18.8‰. This was no > 0.3‰ different to that of the isotopic equilibrium with water (Eδ18OPO4). The δ18OPO4 in the tributaries was more variable (+ 17.1 to + 18.8‰), but only deviated from Eδ18OPO4 by between 0.4 and 0.9‰. Several potential phosphate sources within the catchment were sampled and most had a narrow range of δ18OPO4 values similar to that of river Eδ18OPO4. Discharge from two waste water treatment plants had different and distinct δ18OPO4 from one another ranging between + 16.4 and + 19.6‰ and similar values to that of a dairy factory final effluent (+ 16.5 to + 17.8‰), mains tap water (+ 17.8 to + 18.4‰), and that of the phosphate extracted from river channel bed sediment (+ 16.7 to + 17.6‰). Inorganic fertilizers had a wide range of values (+ 13.3 to + 25.9‰) while stored animal wastes were consistently lower (+ 12.0 to + 15.0‰) than most other sources and Eδ18OPO4. The distinct signals from the waste water treatment plants were lost within the river over a short distance suggesting that rapid microbial cycling of phosphate was occurring, because microbial cycling shifts the isotopic signal towards Eδ18OPO4. This study has added to the global inventory of phosphate source δ18OPO4 values, but also demonstrated the limitations of this approach to identifying phosphate sources, especially at times when microbial cycling is high

    The International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE): a brief overview of its scientific focus and example outputs

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    Erosion and sediment-related problems are well documented globally and continue to warrant further scientific investigation, as well as improved policies and management strategies to protect soil and water resources. The International Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) has long been a very active commission of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) focussing on progressing scientific understanding of erosion and sediment systems. This paper provides a brief overview of its main scientific foci, examples of previous contributions to scientific conferences and finally, concludes by paying tribute to two key former members of the international scientific community engaged with its remit.</p

    Analysis of fundamental physical factors influencing channel bank erosion:results for contrasting catchments in England and Wales

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    Channel bank erosion processes are controlled by numerous factors and as such are both temporally and spatially variable. The significance of channel bank erosion to the sediment budget is difficult to quantify without extensive fieldwork/data analysis. In this study, the importance of key physical factors controlling channel bank erosion, including channel slope, upstream catchment area, channel confinement, and sinuosity were explored using regression analysis. The resulting analysis can be used in practical studies to provide a first approximation of bank erosion rates (in catchments similar to those investigated). A dataset of channel bank erosion rates covering eight contrasting river catchments across England and Wales, over a time period of up to 150 years was created using a modified GIS methodology. The best predictors were found to upstream area, channel confinement and sinuosity with respect to dimensionless width averaged retreat rates (m m-1yr-1). Notwithstanding these relationships, the results highlight the variability of the magnitude of sediment production by channel bank erosion both within and between catchments

    The impact of catchment source group classification on the accuracy of sediment fingerprinting outputs

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    The objective classification of sediment source groups is at present an under-investigated aspect of source tracing studies, which has the potential to statistically improve discrimination between sediment sources and reduce uncertainty. This paper investigates this potential using three different source group classification schemes. The first classification scheme was simple surface and subsurface groupings (Scheme 1). The tracer signatures were then used in a two-step cluster analysis to identify the sediment source groupings naturally defined by the tracer signatures (Scheme 2). The cluster source groups were then modified by splitting each one into a surface and subsurface component to suit catchment management goals (Scheme 3). The schemes were tested using artificial mixtures of sediment source samples. Controlled corruptions were made to some of the mixtures to mimic the potential causes of tracer non-conservatism present when using tracers in natural fluvial environments. It was determined how accurately the known proportions of sediment sources in the mixtures were identified after unmixing modelling using the three classification schemes. The cluster analysis derived source groups (2) significantly increased tracer variability ratios (inter-/ intra-source group variability) (up to 2122%, median 194%) compared to the surface and subsurface groupings (1). As a result, the composition of the artificial mixtures was identified an average of 9.8% more accurately on the 0e100% contribution scale. It was found that the cluster groups could be reclassified into a surface and subsurface component (3) with no significant increase in composite uncertainty(a 0.1% increase over Scheme 2). The far smaller effects of simulated tracer non-conservatism for the cluster analysis based schemes (2 and 3) was primarily attributed to the increased inter-group variability producing a far larger sediment source signal that the non-conservatism noise (1). Modified cluster analysis based classification methods have the potential to reduce composite uncertainty significantly in future source tracing studies

    Convergent extension movements and ciliary function are mediated by ofd1, a zebrafish orthologue of the human oral-facial-digital type 1 syndrome gene

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    In humans, OFD1 is mutated in oral-facial-digital type I syndrome leading to prenatal death in hemizygous males and dysmorphic faces and brain malformations, with polycystic kidneys presenting later in life in heterozygous females. To elucidate the function of Ofd1, we have studied its function during zebrafish embryonic development. In wild-type embryos, ofd1 mRNA is widely expressed and Ofd1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion localizes to the centrosome/basal body. Disrupting Ofd1 using antisense morpholinos (MOs) led to bent body axes, hydrocephalus and oedema. Laterality was randomized in the brain, heart and viscera, likely a consequence of shorter cilia with disrupted axonemes and perturbed intravesicular fluid flow in Kupffer's vesicle. Embryos injected with ofd1 MOs also displayed convergent extension (CE) defects, which were enhanced by loss of Slb/Wnt11 or Tri/Vangl2, two proteins functioning in a non-canonical Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway. Pronephric glomerular midline fusion was compromised in vangl2 and ofd1 loss of function embryos and we suggest this anomaly may be a novel CE defect. Thus, Ofd1 is required for ciliary motility and function in zebrafish, supporting data showing that Ofd1 is essential for primary cilia function in mice. In addition, our data show that Ofd1 is important for CE during gastrulation, consistent with data linking primary cilia and non-canonical Wnt/PCP signalling

    The stable oxygen isotope ratio of resin extractable phosphate derived from fresh cattle faeces

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    Phosphorus losses from agriculture pose an environmental threat to watercourses. A new approach using the stable oxygen isotope ratio of oxygen in phosphate (δ18OPO4 value) may help elucidate some phosphorus sources and cycling. Accurately determined and isotopically distinct source values are essential for this process. The δ18OPO4 values of animal wastes have, up to now, received little attention. Methods Phosphate (PO4) was extracted from cattle faeces using anion resins and the contribution of microbial PO4 was assessed. The δ18OPO4 value of the extracted PO4 was measured by precipitating silver phosphate and subsequent analysis on a thermal conversion elemental analyser at 1400°C, with the resultant carbon monoxide being mixed with a helium carrier gas passed through a GC column into a mass spectrometer. Faecal water oxygen isotope ratios (δ18OH2O values) were determined on a dual-inlet mass spectrometer through a process of headspace carbon dioxide equilibration with water samples. Results Microbiological results indicated that much of extracted PO4 was not derived directly from the gut fauna lysed during the extraction of PO4 from the faeces. Assuming that the faecal δ18OH2O values represented cattle body water, the predicted pyrophosphatase equilibrium δ18OPO4 (Eδ18OPO4) values ranged between +17.9 and +19.9‰, while using groundwater δ18OH2O values gave a range of +13.1 to +14.0‰. The faecal δ18OPO4 values ranged between +13.2 and +15.3‰. Conclusions The fresh faecal δ18OPO4 values were equivalent to those reported elsewhere for agricultural animal slurry. However, they were different from the Eδ18OPO4 value calculated from the faecal δ18OH2O value. Our results indicate that slurry PO4 is, in the main, derived from animal faeces although an explanation for the observed value range could not be determined

    High-resolution monitoring of catchment nutrient response to the end of the 2011-2012 drought in England, captured by the demonstration test catchments.

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    The Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) project is a UK Government funded initiative to test the effectiveness of on-farm mitigation measures designed to reduce agricultural pollution without compromising farm productivity. Three distinct catchments in England have been chosen to test the efficacy of mitigation measures on working farms in small tributary sub-catchments equipped with continuous water quality monitoring stations. The Hampshire Avon in the south is a mixed livestock and arable farming catchment, the River Wensum in the east is a lowland catchment with predominantly arable farming and land use in the River Eden catchment in the north-west is predominantly livestock farming. One of the many strengths of the DTC as a national research platform is that it provides the ability to investigate catchment hydrology and biogeochemical response across different landscapes and geoclimatic characteristics, with a range of differing flow behaviours, geochemistries and nutrient chemistries. Although numerous authors present studies of individual catchment responses to storms, no studies exist of multiple catchment responses to the same rainfall event captured with in situ high-resolution nutrient monitoring at a national scale. This paper brings together findings from all three DTC research groups to compare the response of the catchments to a major storm event in April 2012. This was one of the first weather fronts to track across the country following a prolonged drought period affecting much of the UK through 2011–2012, marking an unusual meteorological transition when a rapid shift from drought to flood risk occurred. The effects of the weather front on discharge and water chemistry parameters, including nitrogen species (NO3-N and NH4-N) and phosphorus fractions (total P (TP) and total reactive P (TRP)), measured at a half-hourly time step are examined. When considered in the context of one hydrological year, flow and concentration duration curves reveal that the weather fronts resulted in extreme flow, nitrate and TP concentrations in all three catchments but with distinct differences in both hydrographs and chemographs. Hysteresis loops constructed from high resolution data are used to highlight an array of potential pollutant sources and delivery pathways. In the Hampshire Avon DTC, transport was dominated by sub-surface processes, where phosphorus, largely in the soluble form, was found to be transport-limited. In the Wensum DTC, transport was largely dominated by rapid sub-surface movement due to the presence of under-drainage, which mobilised large quantities of nitrate during the storm. In the Eden DTC, transport was found to be initially dominated by surface runoff, which switched to subsurface delivery on the falling limb of the hydrograph, with the surface delivery transporting large amounts of particulate phosphorus to the river, with a transport-limited response. The lack of exhaustion of nutrient delivery in response to such extreme flow generation indicates the size of the nutrient pools stored in these catchments, and highlights the scale of the challenges faced by environmental managers when designing mitigation measures to reduce the flux of nutrients to UK river systems from diffuse agricultural sources