452 research outputs found

    Novel Contact Materials For Improved Performance CdTe Solar Cells

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    This program has explored a number of novel materials for contacts to CdTe solar cells in order to reduce the back contact Schottky barrier to zero and produce an ohmic contact. The project tested a wide range of potential contact materials including TiN, ZrN, CuInSe2:N, a-Si:H and alloys with C, and FeS2. Improved contacts were achieved with FeS2. As part of understanding the operation of the devices and controlling the deposition processes, a number of other important results were obtained. In the process of this project and following its conclusion it led to research that resulted in seven journal articles, nine conference publications, 13 talks presented at conferences, and training of eight graduate students. The seven journal articles were published in 2015, 2016, and 2017 and have been cited, as of March 2018, 52 times (one cited 19 times and two cited 11 times). We demonstrated high levels of doping of CIS with N but electrical activity of the resulting N was not high and the results were difficult to reproduce. Furthermore, even with high doping the contacts were not good. Annealing did not improve the contacts. A-Si:H was found to produce acceptable but unstable contacts, degrading even over a day or two, apparently due to H incorporation into the CdTe. Alloying with C did not improve the contacts or stability. The transition metal nitrides produced Schottky type contacts for all materials tested. While these contacts were found to be unsatisfactory, we investigated FeS2 and found this material to be effective and comparable to the best contacts currently available. The contacts were found to be chemically stable under heat treatment and preferable to Cu doped contacts. Thus, we demonstrated an improved contact material in the course of this project. In addition, we developed new ways of controlling the deposition of CdTe and other materials, demonstrated the nature of defects in CdTe, and studied the distribution of conductivity and carrier type in CdTe devices. We demonstrated the conduction mechanism by which CdTe polycrystals improve the performance of the devices relative to single crystal devices. The mechanism shows that grain boundaries are conduction pathways for photogenerated electrons and that the corresponding holes are confined to the grains and therefore do not contribute to recombination

    Maine’s Gubernatorial Candidates Present Their Positions on Health Care Reform

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    Few issues have dominated the public policy agenda in the last decade as health care reform has in 1994. Although health care reform is stalled in Congress at this writing, it is not an issue that will exit the public stage quickly or quietly. Mainefaces many of the problems that have spurred the national health care debate. The state has made some attempts to address these through public policy. But larger health care issues remain unresolved and the next governor will most certainly play a major role in addressing those issues. Maine Policy Review invited the four major candidates seeking to become the state’s next chief executive to present their views on health care reform for publication in this issue. Three of the four candidates, Jonathan Carter, Susan Collins and Angus King, responded to that invitation. Their statements on health care reform are presented in this articl

    Maine’s Congressional Delegation Reflections on Our Shared Ocean

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    Maine Policy Review submitted a series of questions to Maine’s Congressional Delegation to get their take on issues confronting “Our Shared Ocean” and the public policies they are engaged in to ensure Maine’s coast and ocean and their associated livelihoods remain protected for future generations

    Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Climate Feedbacks Investigated Using Temperature and Moisture Trends

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    ArticleOpen access articleTropical climate feedback mechanisms are assessed using satellite-observed and model-simulated trends in tropical tropospheric temperature from the MSU/AMSU instruments and upper-tropospheric humidity from the HIRS instruments. Despite discrepancies in the rates of tropospheric warming between observations and models, both are consistent with constant relative humidity over the period 1979--2008. Because uncertainties in satellite-observed tropical-mean trends preclude a constraint on tropical-mean trends in models we also explore regional features of the feedbacks. The regional pattern of the lapse rate feedback is primarily determined by the regional pattern of surface temperature changes, as tropical atmospheric warming is relatively horizontally uniform. The regional pattern of the water vapor feedback is influenced by the regional pattern of precipitation changes, with variations of 1--2 W m-2 K-1 across the Tropics (compared to a tropical-mean feedback magnitude of 3.3--4 W m-2 K-1). Thus the geographical patterns of water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks are not correlated, but when the feedbacks are calculated in precipitation percentiles rather than in geographical space they are anti-correlated, with strong positive water vapor feedback associated with strong negative lapse rate feedback. The regional structure of the feedbacks is not related to the strength of the tropical-mean feedback in a subset of the climate models from the CMIP5 archive. Nevertheless the approach constitutes a useful process-based test of climate models and has the potential to be extended to constrain regional climate projections.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Design of a Patient Specific, 3D printed Arm Cast

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    3D printing is a manufacturing technique by which the material is added layer by layer to create a physical three-dimensional object. This manufacturing technique had primarily found uses in academic and commercial sectors for prototyping and product realization purposes. However, more recently the home consumer market has seen a surge in low cost printers bringing this capability to the masses. More recently 3D printing has seen considerable interest from the clinical sector, where alongside the synergistic use with medical imaging data, a whole generation of patient specific implantable technologies, splints/casts and resection guides can be created. Predominantly, clinical applications have focused on the use of 3D printing for bone replacement, however with the advent of more sophisticated multi-material printers, interest has now begun to move to applications in orthotics and orthopedic casting.This study is to review and evaluate the feasibility of designing and realizing a more patient specific orthopedic cast to surpass current limitation with traditional fiberglass/plaster casts, through the use of advanced 3D modelling and printing techniques. To directly compare the efficacy of the traditional and 3D printed casts, we shall investigate critical parameters such as the time for manufacture, the overall weight of the final product, the accuracy off the cast relative to the patient’s unique anatomy and additional user-centric metrics (comfort, aesthetics, etc.). The design examined made use of advanced mesh structures throughout the bulk of the cast, such that the device would require less material (by weight) during fabrication, could allow for tunable weight and mechanical properties and allow for air penetration to the person skin, thereby reducing discomfort due to prolonged moisture exposure (chaffing, bad smells, etc.). As the primary focus of this study is the design and product realization phases and we shall not assess metrics relating to patient recover time or experience.Overall it was found that the 3D printed cast was significantly lighter, with improved water repellent and air circulation properties, as compared to a traditional cast. Through the use of high precision design/manufacturing techniques, the final device could be accurately reproduced to match the test patient’s unique anatomy, thereby optimizing the orientation of the patient’s bones during post fracture recovery. It was however found that the manufacturing time for the 3D printed cast was slower than traditional casting methods owing to the additional time during the design phase. In future work we aim to address this limitation and to devise a streamlined methodology such that a generic cast design can be adapted to patient specific anatomical data through parametric design algorithms.Ultimately, it was found that through the use of advanced design techniques, patient specific data and 3D printing, a custom orthopedic cast could be realized and with significant potential to augment current use of this technology for surgical intervention and improve patient outcomes. The use of advanced manufacturing in the medical field will likely enable more patient specific/user-centric treatment in the near future

    Design optimisation of a thermoplastic splint

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    Following partial hand amputation, a post-surgery orthosis is required to hold the remaining ligaments and appendages of the patient in a fixed position to aid recovery. This type of orthosis is traditionally handmade and fabricated using laborious and qualitative techniques, which would benefit from the enhancements offered by modern 3D technologies. This study investigated the use of optical laser scanning, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Material Extrusion (ME) additive manufacturing to manufacture a polymeric splint for use in post-surgical hand amputation. To examine the efficacy of our techniques, we take an existing splint from a patient and use this as the template data for production. We found this approach to be a highly effective means of rapidly reproducing the major surface contours of the orthosis while allowing for the introduction of advanced design features for improved aesthetics, alongside reduced material consumption. Our demonstrated techniques resulted in a more lightweight and lower cost device, while the design and manufacturing elements afford greater flexibility for orthosis customisation. Ultimately, this approach provides an optimized and complete methodology for orthosis production

    Applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods and Simulation Libraries to Analysis of Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction Datasets

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    Multivariate statistical methods are widely used throughout the sciences, including microscopy, however, their utilisation for analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data has not been adequately explored. The basic aim of most EBSD analysis is to segment the spatial domain to reveal and quantify the microstructure, and links this to knowledge of the crystallography (eg crystal phase, orientation) within each segmented region. Two analysis strategies have been explored; principal component analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering. The intensity at individual (binned) pixels on the detector were used as the variables defining the multidimensional space in which each pattern in the map generates a single discrete point. PCA analysis alone did not work well but rotating factors to the VARIMAX solution did. K-means clustering also successfully segmented the data but was computational more expensive. The characteristic patterns produced by either VARIMAX or k-means clustering enhance weak patterns, remove pattern overlap, and allow subtle effects from polarity to be distinguished. Combining multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) approaches with template matching to simulation libraries can significantly reduce computational demand as the number of patterns to be matched is drastically reduced. Both template matching and MSA approaches may augment existing analysis methods but will not replace them in the majority of applications.Comment: manuscript submitted after review at Ultramicroscop