507 research outputs found

    Estudio comparado de la genitalia de dos poblaciones españolas de Cataglyphis (Hym., Formicidae), grupo albicans de color negro

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    El estudio de la genitalia masculina de dos poblaciones de Cataglyphis grupo albicans de color negro, de Tarifa (Cádiz) y Bellaterra (Barcelona), inicialmente consideradas por diferencias de coloración como C. albicans y C. ibericus, respectivamente, pone de manifiesto diferencias importantes entre ellas, coincidentes con el estudio enzimático (De Haro y otros, 1995). Este estudio enzimático motivó la consideración provisional de las poblaciones orientales ibéricas como pertenecientes a C. albicans, dados 10s problemas que planteaba su identidad con la población marroquí C . albicans ruber. La población de Tarifa se consideró un taxón nuevo, no quedando aclarada la situación taxómica de C. ibericus. Estudios geográficamente mis extensos aclararán si estas poblaciones ibéricas forman parte de una clina morfológica y qué taxón o taxones constituyen.The study of male genitalia of two populations of Cataglyphis group albicans, black colour, from Tarifa (Cádiz) and Bellaterra (Barcelona), previously considered by differences in colour as C. albicans and C . ibericus, respectively, show important differences, in coincidence with enzymatic study (De Haro et al., 1995). In these enzymatic studies, the eastern iberian populations were provisionally considered as C. albicans, due to the problems showed by their identity with the morocco population C . albicans ruber. The Tarifa population was considered a new taxon, with no explanation about the taxonomic situation of C . ibericus. Further studies with greater geographical extension will clear up the existence of a possible morphological cline in the iberian populations and which taxon or taxons they constitute

    On all possible static spherically symmetric EYM solitons and black holes

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    We prove local existence and uniqueness of static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations for any action of the rotation group (or SU(2)) by automorphisms of a principal bundle over space-time whose structure group is a compact semisimple Lie group G. These actions are characterized by a vector in the Cartan subalgebra of g and are called regular if the vector lies in the interior of a Weyl chamber. In the irregular cases (the majority for larger gauge groups) the boundary value problem that results for possible asymptotically flat soliton or black hole solutions is more complicated than in the previously discussed regular cases. In particular, there is no longer a gauge choice possible in general so that the Yang-Mills potential can be given by just real-valued functions. We prove the local existence of regular solutions near the singularities of the system at the center, the black hole horizon, and at infinity, establish the parameters that characterize these local solutions, and discuss the set of possible actions and the numerical methods necessary to search for global solutions. That some special global solutions exist is easily derived from the fact that su(2) is a subalgebra of any compact semisimple Lie algebra. But the set of less trivial global solutions remains to be explored.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, misprints corrected, 1 reference adde

    Mapping epilepsy-specific patient-reported outcome measures for children to a proposed core outcome set for childhood epilepsy

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordObjective: The objectives of the study were to (1) map questions in epilepsy-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) of children's health-related quality of life (HRQoL) to a proposed core outcome set (COS) for childhood epilepsy research and (2) gain insight into the acceptability of two leading candidate PROMs. Method: We identified 11 epilepsy-specific PROMs of children's HRQoL (17 questionnaire versions) in a previous systematic review. Each item from the PROMs was mapped to 38 discrete outcomes across 10 domains of the COS: seizures, sleep, social functioning, mental health, cognition, physical functioning, behavior, adverse events, family life, and global quality of life. We consulted with three children with epilepsy and six parents of children with epilepsy in Patient Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) work to gain an understanding of the acceptability of the two leading PROMs from our review of measurement properties: Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy (QOLCE-55) and Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL). Results: Social Functioning is covered by all PROMs except DISABKIDS and G-QOLCE and Mental Health is covered by all PROMs except G-QOLCE and Hague Restrictions in Childhood Epilepsy Scale (HARCES). Only two PROMs (Epilepsy and Learning Disability Quality of Life (ELDQOL) and Glasgow Epilepsy Outcome Scale (GEOS-YP)) have items that cover the Seizure domain. The QOLCE-55 includes items that cover the domains of Physical Functioning, Social Functioning, Behavior, Mental Health, and Cognition. The CHEQOL parent and child versions cover the same domains as QOLCE-55 except for Physical Functioning and Behavior, and the child version has one item that covers the discrete outcome of Overall Quality of Life and one item that covers the discrete outcome of Relationship with parents and siblings. The QOLCE-55 parent version was acceptable to the parents we consulted with, and CHEQOL parent and child versions were described as acceptable to our child and parent advisory panel members. Significance: Mapping items from existing epilepsy-specific PROMs for children is an important step in operationalizing our COS for childhood epilepsy research, alongside evaluation of their measurement properties. Two leading PROMS, QOLCE-55 and CHEQOL, cover a wide range of domains from our COS and would likely be used in conjunction with assessment tools selected for specific study objectives. The PPIE work provided practical insights into the administration and acceptability of candidate PROMs in appropriate context. We promote our COS as a framework for selecting outcomes and PROMs for future childhood epilepsy evaluative research.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchWaterloo FoundationCharles Sykes Epilepsy Research Trus

    Resolution of null fiber and conormal bundles on the Lagrangian Grassmannian

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    We study the null fiber of a moment map related to dual pairs. We construct an equivariant resolution of singularities of the null fiber, and get conormal bundles of closed KC K_C -orbits in the Lagrangian Grassmannian as the categorical quotient. The conormal bundles thus obtained turn out to be a resolution of singularities of the closure of nilpotent KC K_C -orbits, which is a "quotient" of the resolution of the null fiber.Comment: 17 pages; completely revised and add reference

    Nilpotent orbits and codimension-two defects of 6d N=(2,0) theories

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    We study the local properties of a class of codimension-2 defects of the 6d N=(2,0) theories of type J=A,D,E labeled by nilpotent orbits of a Lie algebra \mathfrak{g}, where \mathfrak{g} is determined by J and the outer-automorphism twist around the defect. This class is a natural generalisation of the defects of the 6d theory of type SU(N) labeled by a Young diagram with N boxes. For any of these defects, we determine its contribution to the dimension of the Higgs branch, to the Coulomb branch operators and their scaling dimensions, to the 4d central charges a and c, and to the flavour central charge k.Comment: 57 pages, LaTeX2

    On classical finite and affine W-algebras

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    This paper is meant to be a short review and summary of recent results on the structure of finite and affine classical W-algebras, and the application of the latter to the theory of generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies.Comment: 12 page

    Brain iron accumulation affects myelin-related molecular systems implicated in a rare neurogenetic disease family with neuropsychiatric features

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    The ‘neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation’ (NBIA) disease family entails movement or cognitive impairment, often with psychiatric features. To understand how iron loading affects the brain, we studied mice with disruption of two iron regulatory genes, hemochromatosis (Hfe) and transferrin receptor 2 (Tfr2). Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy demonstrated increased iron in the Hfe-/- × Tfr2mut brain (P=0.002, n =5/group), primarily localized by Perls’ staining to myelinated structures. Western immunoblotting showed increases of the iron storage protein ferritin light polypeptide and microarray and real-time reverse transcription-PCR revealed decreased transcript levels (P<0.04, n =5/group) for five other NBIA genes, phospholipase A2 group VI, fatty acid 2-hydroxylase, ceruloplasmin, chromosome 19 open reading frame 12 and ATPase type 13A2. Apart from the ferroxidase ceruloplasmin, all are involved in myelin homeostasis; 16 other myelin-related genes also showed reduced expression (P<0.05), although gross myelin structure and integrity appear unaffected (P>0.05). Overlap (P<0.0001) of differentially expressed genes in Hfe-/- × Tfr2mut brain with human gene co-expression networks suggests iron loading influences expression of NBIA-related and myelin-related genes co-expressed in normal human basal ganglia. There was overlap (P<0.0001) of genes differentially expressed in Hfe-/- × Tfr2mut brain and post-mortem NBIA basal ganglia. Hfe-/- × Tfr2mut mice were hyperactive (P<0.0112) without apparent cognitive impairment by IntelliCage testing (P>0.05). These results implicate myelin-related systems involved in NBIA neuropathogenesis in early responses to iron loading. This may contribute to behavioral symptoms in NBIA and hemochromatosis and is relevant to patients with abnormal iron status and psychiatric disorders involving myelin abnormalities or resistant to conventional treatments

    Autobiography as unconventional history: Constructing the author

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    The experience of historians as autobiographers has led them to reconsider the nature of historical knowledge and the function of the historian as an intermediary between the past and present. In the new theoretical context of the social sciences and historiography, we can take this proposal further and consider autobiography as a valid form of history—or, at least, as ‘unconventional history’, understood as negotiations with history that transcend or subvert traditional chronological monographs, posit the ‘subjective’ as a useful form of knowledge, and engage the constructed nature of the text. Taking this hypothesis as a starting point, this article reads historians' autobiographical texts to explore if we can/should continue to defend the classic distinction between subject and object, historian scientist and historian author. In this article I compare the work of several historian autobiographers that permit us to identify different methodologies in approaching the story of the self that also reflects different theoretical conceptions of history. I argue that historians that may be considered ‘constructionist’, such as Fernand Braudel, Annie Kriegel, George Duby, and Eric Hobsbawm, design their autobiographies in the same way they articulate their historical texts: by foregrounding objectivity and establishing critical distance between the subject—the historian who narrates the story—and the object—one's own life. Unconventional or experimental approaches, such as those espoused by Robert Rosenstone, Dominick LaCapra, or Clifford Geertz, result in more self-conscious autobiographies, which are, paradoxically, often more realistic and more revealing of the epistemological nature of life writing. ----------------- La experiencia de los historiadores como autobiógrafos les ha llevado a reconsiderar la naturaleza del conocimiento histórico y la función del historiador como un intermediario entre el pasado y el presente. En el nuevo contexto teórico de las ciencias sociales y la historiografía podemos tomar esta propuesta más allá y considerar la autobiografía como una forma válida de historia-o, al menos, de historia ‘poco convencional’-, entendida como negociaciones con la historia que trascienden o subvierten las tradicionales monografías cronológicas, plantean lo "subjetivo" como una forma útil de conocimiento y participan de la naturaleza construida del texto. Tomando esta hipótesis como punto de partida, este artículo lee los textos autobiográficos de los historiadores para explorar si se puede / debe seguir defendiendo la clásica distinción entre sujeto y objeto, historiador científico e historiador escritor. En este artículo comparo el trabajo de varios historiadores autobiógrafos que nos permiten identificar las diferentes metodologías para acercarse a la historia del yo y que también reflejan las diferentes concepciones teóricas de la historia. Sostengo que los historiadores que pueden considerarse "constructivistas", como Fernand Braudel, Annie Kriegel, George Duby y Eric Hobsbawm, diseñan sus autobiografías de la misma forma que articulan sus textos históricos: poniendo en primer plano la objetividad y estableciendo una distancia crítica entre el sujeto -el historiador que narra la historia-y el objeto- la vida de cada uno. Enfoques no convencionales o experimentales, como los expuestos por Robert Rosenstone, Dominick LaCapra, o Clifford Geertz, resultan autobiografías más autoconscientes, que son, paradójicamente, a menudo más realistas y más reveladoras de la naturaleza epistemológica de la escritura de la vida

    Changing Agendas on Sleep, Treatment and Learning in Epilepsy (CASTLE) Sleep-E: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing an online behavioural sleep intervention with standard care in children with Rolandic epilepsy

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    This is the final version. Available from BMJ Publishing Group via the DOI in this record. INTRODUCTION: Sleep and epilepsy have an established bidirectional relationship yet only one randomised controlled clinical trial has assessed the effectiveness of behavioural sleep interventions for children with epilepsy. The intervention was successful, but was delivered via face-to-face educational sessions with parents, which are costly and non-scalable to population level. The Changing Agendas on Sleep, Treatment and Learning in Epilepsy (CASTLE) Sleep-E trial addresses this problem by comparing clinical and cost-effectiveness in children with Rolandic epilepsy between standard care (SC) and SC augmented with a novel, tailored parent-led CASTLE Online Sleep Intervention (COSI) that incorporates evidence-based behavioural components. METHODS AND ANALYSES: CASTLE Sleep-E is a UK-based, multicentre, open-label, active concurrent control, randomised, parallel-group, pragmatic superiority trial. A total of 110 children with Rolandic epilepsy will be recruited in outpatient clinics and allocated 1:1 to SC or SC augmented with COSI (SC+COSI). Primary clinical outcome is parent-reported sleep problem score (Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire). Primary health economic outcome is the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (National Health Service and Personal Social Services perspective, Child Health Utility 9D Instrument). Parents and children (≥7 years) can opt into qualitative interviews and activities to share their experiences and perceptions of trial participation and managing sleep with Rolandic epilepsy. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The CASTLE Sleep-E protocol was approved by the Health Research Authority East Midlands (HRA)-Nottingham 1 Research Ethics Committee (reference: 21/EM/0205). Trial results will be disseminated to scientific audiences, families, professional groups, managers, commissioners and policymakers. Pseudo-anonymised individual patient data will be made available after dissemination on reasonable request. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN13202325.National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC, Australia)Victorian Government’s Operational Infrastructure Support Progra