156 research outputs found

    On Quantifying Local Geometric Structures of Fiber Tracts

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    International audienceIn diffusion MRI, fiber tracts, represented by densely distributed 3D curves, can be estimated from diffusion weighted images using tractography. The spatial geometric structure of white matter fiber tracts is known to be complex in human brain, but it carries intrinsic information of human brain. In this paper, inspired by studies of liquid crystals, we propose tract-based director field analysis (tDFA) with total six rotationally invariant scalar indices to quantify local geometric structures of fiber tracts. The contributions of tDFA include: 1) We propose orientational order (OO) and orientational dispersion (OD) indices to quantify the degree of alignment and dispersion of fiber tracts; 2) We define the local orthogonal frame for a set of unoriented curves, which is proved to be a generalization of the Frenet frame defined for a single oriented curve; 3) With the local orthogonal frame, we propose splay, bend, and twist indices to quantify three types of orientational distortion of local fiber tracts, and a total distortion index to describe distortions of all three types. The proposed tDFA for fiber tracts is a generalization of the voxel-based DFA (vDFA) which was recently proposed for a spherical function field (i.e., an ODF field). To our knowledge, this is the first work to quantify orientational distortion (splay, bend, twist, and total distortion) of fiber tracts. Experiments show that the proposed scalar indices are useful descriptors of local geometric structures to visualize and analyze fiber tracts

    Antiepileptic drugs prescribed in pregnancy and prevalence of major congenital malformations: comparative prevalence studies.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of major congenital malformations associated with antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment in pregnancy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using data from The Health Improvement Network, we identified women who have given live birth and their offspring. Four subgroups were selected based on the AED treatment in early pregnancy, valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine and women not receiving AED treatment. We compared the prevalence of major congenital malformations within children of these four groups and estimated prevalence ratios (PRs) using Poisson regression adjusted for maternal age, sex of child, quintiles of Townsend deprivation score and indication for treatment. RESULTS: In total, 240,071 women were included in the study. A total of 229 women were prescribed valproate in pregnancy, 357 were prescribed lamotrigine and 334 were prescribed carbamazepine and 239,151 women were not prescribed AEDs. Fifteen out of 229 (6.6%) women prescribed valproate gave birth to a child with a major congenital malformation. The figures for lamotrigine, carbamazepine and women not prescribed AEDs were 2.7%, 3.3% and 2.2%, respectively. The prevalence of major congenital malformation was similar for women prescribed lamotrigine or carbamazepine compared to women with no AED treatment in pregnancy. For women prescribed valproate in polytherapy, the prevalence was fourfold higher. After adjustments, the effect of estimates attenuated, but the prevalence remained two- to threefold higher in women prescribed valproate. CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggest that lamotrigine and carbamazepine are safer treatment options than valproate in pregnancy and should be considered as alternative treatment options for women of childbearing potential and in pregnancy

    Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Fatness in a Biethnic Sample of Young Children.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate associations of objectively-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) with adiposity in a predominantly bi-ethnic (South Asian and White British) sample of young children. METHODS: The sample included 333 children aged 11 months to 5 years who provided 526 cross-sectional observations for PA and body composition. Total PA volume (vector magnitude counts per minute (cpm)), daily time at multiple intensity levels (the cumulative time in activity >500 cpm, >1000 cpm, >1500 cpm and so on up to >6000 cpm), and time spent sedentary (6000 cpm: -1.57 (-3.01 to -0.12) mm per 20 min/d). Substitution of 20 min/d of ST with MVPA was associated with a lower sum of skinfolds (-0.77 (-1.46 to -0.084) mm). CONCLUSIONS: High light-intensity PA appears to be beneficial for body composition in young South Asian and White British children, but higher-intensity PA is more advantageous.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal

    Liquid crystal blue phases: stability, field effects and alignment

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    The blue phases are fascinating structures in liquid crystals, fluids that exhibit cubic structures that have true crystalline order. The blue phases were discovered in the 1970s and were the subject of extensive research in the 1980s, when a deep understanding of many of their properties was established. The discovery that the blue phases could be stabilised to exist over wide temperature ranges meant that they became more than scientific curiosities and led to a recent resurgence in research into them as they offer some promise in applications. This paper considers some important aspects of the blue phases that are recurrent topics in their research. It describes factors affecting blue phase stability, demonstrating on the role of the bend elastic constant; field effects, including the Kerr effect, electrostriction and relaxation phenomena; and alignment, in particular production and control of blue phase monodomains. The dependence of these phenomena on the physical properties of the liquid crystalline system, including the twist and bend elastic constants and the dielectric anisotropy, is emphasised wherever possible. The paper links work carried out in the 1980s with contemporary research, using a few key examples to show how there is still much to understand in this beautiful topic

    Objectively measured physical activity and longitudinal changes in adolescent body fatness: an observational cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The data regarding prospective associations between physical activity (PA) and adiposity in youth are inconsistent. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate associations between baseline levels of objectively measured PA and changes in adiposity over 2.5 years from mid-to-late adolescence. METHODS: This was an observational cohort study in 728 school students (43% boys) from Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. Fat mass index (FMI, kg m(-2) ) was estimated at baseline (mean ± standard deviation age: 15 ± 0.3 years) and follow-up (17.5 ± 0.3 years) by anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance. Habitual PA was assessed at baseline by ≄3 d combined heart rate and movement sensing. Average daily PA energy expenditure (PAEE) and the time (min d(-1) ) spent in light, moderate and vigorous intensity PA (LPA, MPA and VPA, respectively) was estimated. Multilevel models were used to investigate associations between baseline PA and change in FMI (ΔFMI). Adjustment for baseline age, sex, follow-up duration, area-level socioeconomic status, season of PA assessment, sedentary time, energy intake and sleep duration was made; baseline FMI was also added in a second model. RESULTS: FMI increased significantly over follow-up (0.6 ± 1.2 kg m(-2) , P < 0.001). Baseline PAEE and LPA positively predicted ΔFMI in overfat participants (P ≀ 0.030), as did VPA in initially normal fat participants (P ≀ 0.044). There were further positive associations between PAEE and ΔFMI in normal fat participants, and between MPA and ΔFMI in both fat groups, when adjusted for baseline FMI (P ≀ 0.024). CONCLUSIONS: Baseline PAEE and its subcomponents were positively associated with small and unlikely clinically relevant increases in ΔFMI. These counter-intuitive findings may be explained by behavioural changes during the course of study follow-up.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (Unit Programme number MC_UU_12015/3), the Wellcome Trust (grant 074296/Z/04/Z) and the British Heart Foundation (grant FS/12/58/29709 to KW).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijpo.1203

    Circumstellar discs: What will be next?

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    This prospective chapter gives our view on the evolution of the study of circumstellar discs within the next 20 years from both observational and theoretical sides. We first present the expected improvements in our knowledge of protoplanetary discs as for their masses, sizes, chemistry, the presence of planets as well as the evolutionary processes shaping these discs. We then explore the older debris disc stage and explain what will be learnt concerning their birth, the intrinsic links between these discs and planets, the hot dust and the gas detected around main sequence stars as well as discs around white dwarfs.Comment: invited review; comments welcome (32 pages

    Cross-Sectional Associations of Reallocating Time Between Sedentary and Active Behaviours on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young People: An International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION: Sedentary time and time spent in various intensity-specific physical activity are co-dependent, and increasing time spent in one behaviour requires decreased time in another. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to examine the theoretical associations with reallocating time between categories of intensities and cardiometabolic risk factors in a large and heterogeneous sample of children and adolescents. METHODS: We analysed pooled data from 13 studies comprising 18,200 children and adolescents aged 4-18 years from the International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD). Waist-mounted accelerometers measured sedentary time, light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Cardiometabolic risk factors included waist circumference (WC), systolic blood pressure (SBP), fasting high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C and LDL-C), triglycerides, insulin, and glucose. Associations of reallocating time between the various intensity categories with cardiometabolic risk factors were explored using isotemporal substitution modelling. RESULTS: Replacing 10 min of sedentary time with 10 min of MVPA showed favourable associations with WC, SBP, LDL-C, insulin, triglycerides, and glucose; the greatest magnitude was observed for insulin (reduction of 2-4%), WC (reduction of 0.5-1%), and triglycerides (1-2%). In addition, replacing 10 min of sedentary time with an equal amount of LPA showed beneficial associations with WC, although only in adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: Replacing sedentary time and/or LPA with MVPA in children and adolescents is favourably associated with most markers of cardiometabolic risk. Efforts aimed at replacing sedentary time with active behaviours, particularly those of at least moderate intensity, appear to be an effective strategy to reduce cardiometabolic risk in young people
