6,161 research outputs found

    Frequentist Analysis of the Parameter Space of Minimal Supergravity

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    We make a frequentist analysis of the parameter space of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), in which, as well as the gaugino and scalar soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters being universal, there is a specific relation between the trilinear, bilinear and scalar supersymmetry-breaking parameters, A_0 = B_0 + m_0, and the gravitino mass is fixed by m_{3/2} = m_0. We also consider a more general model, in which the gravitino mass constraint is relaxed (the VCMSSM). We combine in the global likelihood function the experimental constraints from low-energy electroweak precision data, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the lightest Higgs boson mass M_h, B physics and the astrophysical cold dark matter density, assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a neutralino. In the VCMSSM, we find a preference for values of m_{1/2} and m_0 similar to those found previously in frequentist analyses of the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) and a model with common non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM1). On the other hand, in mSUGRA we find two preferred regions: one with larger values of both m_{1/2} and m_0 than in the VCMSSM, and one with large m_0 but small m_{1/2}. We compare the probabilities of the frequentist fits in mSUGRA, the VCMSSM, the CMSSM and the NUHM1: the probability that mSUGRA is consistent with the present data is significantly less than in the other models. We also discuss the mSUGRA and VCMSSM predictions for sparticle masses and other observables, identifying potential signatures at the LHC and elsewhere.Comment: 18 pages 27 figure

    sNASP and ASF1A function through both competitive and compatible modes of histone binding

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    Histone chaperones are proteins that interact with histones to regulate the thermodynamic process of nucleosome assembly. sNASP and ASF1 are conserved histone chaperones that interact with histones H3 and H4 and are found in a multi-chaperoning complex in vivo. Previously we identified a short peptide motif within H3 that binds to the TPR domain of sNASP with nanomolar affinity. Interestingly, this peptide motif is sequestered within the known ASF1–H3–H4 interface, raising the question of how these two proteins are found in complex together with histones when they share the same binding site. Here, we show that sNASP contains at least two additional histone interaction sites that, unlike the TPR–H3 peptide interaction, are compatible with ASF1A binding. These surfaces allow ASF1A to form a quaternary complex with both sNASP and H3–H4. Furthermore, we demonstrate that sNASP makes a specific complex with H3 on its own in vitro, but not with H4, suggesting that it could work upstream of ASF1A. Further, we show that sNASP and ASF1A are capable of folding an H3–H4 dimer in vitro under native conditions. These findings reveal a network of binding events that may promote the entry of histones H3 and H4 into the nucleosome assembly pathway

    HEP Applications Evaluation of the EDG Testbed and Middleware

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    Workpackage 8 of the European Datagrid project was formed in January 2001 with representatives from the four LHC experiments, and with experiment independent people from five of the six main EDG partners. In September 2002 WP8 was strengthened by the addition of effort from BaBar and D0. The original mandate of WP8 was, following the definition of short- and long-term requirements, to port experiment software to the EDG middleware and testbed environment. A major additional activity has been testing the basic functionality and performance of this environment. This paper reviews experiences and evaluations in the areas of job submission, data management, mass storage handling, information systems and monitoring. It also comments on the problems of remote debugging, the portability of code, and scaling problems with increasing numbers of jobs, sites and nodes. Reference is made to the pioneeering work of Atlas and CMS in integrating the use of the EDG Testbed into their data challenges. A forward look is made to essential software developments within EDG and to the necessary cooperation between EDG and LCG for the LCG prototype due in mid 2003.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Conference (CHEP03), La Jolla, CA, USA, March 2003, 7 pages. PSN THCT00

    Intervenção fisioterapêutica em crianças com pneumonia

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    Jürgen Döbereiner : uma vida dedicada à ciência

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    Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner was born in Germany, on the 1st of November 1923, and lived in Brazil for 68 years during which time he developed a range of scientific projects in veterinary pathology and related disciplines. His main interests were the identification of new poisonous plants and mineral deficiencies and the causes of “cara inchada” (“swollen face” a periodontal disease) and botulism in livestock. This research has resulted in the improved health and saving of hundreds of thousands of animals, mainly cattle, annually, and is consequently of enormous economic value to the country. This contribution remains largely under appreciated. He was also involved in organizing diagnostic methods for identifying infectious diseases such as African swine fever and glanders in horses. One of his other major achievements has been the foundation and editing of specialized scientific journals for the documentation of veterinary science research results. At the beginning of his career in the 1950s, he and colleagues from the Institute for Animal Biology (IBA) were struggling to find a national scientific journal where research results from veterinary medicine could be published with practical application to the Brazilian reality. In consequence, the team founded “Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Animal” and published three volumes (1959-1961). He then founded and edited “Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira” (The Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Research”) that included a veterinary section. A series of veterinary volumes were published (1966-1976). Finally, in 1978 he helped create the Brazilian College of Veterinary Pathology (CBPA) that published “Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira” (The Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research) from 1981. The main goal was to communicate the most relevant disease problems of Brazilian livestock, in particular pathology and related subjects such as epidemiology, clinical study series and laboratory diagnosis to field veterinarians and academics. Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner was president of CBPA (1978-2018) and chief editor of “Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira” (1981-2018). He passed away on the 16th of October, 2018, at the age of 94 at his home in Seropédica/RJ, Brazil.Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner nasceu na Alemanha em 1 de novembro de 1923, durante 68 anos viveu no Brasil e desenvolveu trabalhos científicos no campo da patologia veterinária latu sensu. Sua contribuição científica de destaque foi em temas como plantas tóxicas de interesse pecuário, deficiências minerais em animais de produção, cara inchada (doença periodontal) dos ruminantes, botulismo e diagnóstico de doenças infecciosas. Estas pesquisas resultaram na melhoria da saúde e de centenas de milhares de animais, principalmente bovinos e, consequentemente, foram de enorme valor econômico para o país. Esta contribuição ainda permanece em grande parte subestimada. De grande destaque para a ciência brasileira foi ainda a sua atuação profissional na documentação científica de resultados de pesquisa. No início de sua carreira na década de 1950, Dr. Döbereiner e outros pesquisadores do Instituto de Biologia Animal (IBA) detectaram a necessidade de um periódico científico nacional para publicar resultados de pesquisas com aplicação pratica à realidade brasileira. Dessa iniciativa surgiram os Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Animal, que publicou três fascículos (1959-1961), em seguida o Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner participou na fundação da revista Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira que publicou a Série Veterinária (1966-1976) e finalmente em 1978, houve a fundação do Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal (CBPA) que publica desde 1981 a revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira. Este periódico científico foi criado para apresentar à comunidade, principalmente veterinários de campo e professores, os principais problemas de saúde em animais de produção no Brasil, ou seja, patologia em seu sentido amplo, envolvendo as áreas de epidemiologia, clínica e diagnóstico laboratorial. Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner, que foi presidente do CBPA (1978-2018) e Editor-Chefe da revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (1981-2018), faleceu em casa, em 16 de outubro de 2018, aos 94 anos, no município de Seropédica/RJ

    Preliminary results on the performance of a TeO2 thermal detector in a search for direct interactions of WIMPS

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    Abstract During a Double Beta Decay experiment performed at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, a 1548 hours background spectrum was collected with a 340 g TeO2 thermal detector. An analysis of this spectrum has been carried out to search for possible WIMP signals. The values for parameters which are essential in the search for WIMPs, like energy resolution (2 keV), energy threshold (13 keV) and nuclear recoil quenching factor (≥ 0.93) have been experimentally determined and are discussed in detail. The spectrum of recoils induced by α decays has been directly observed for the first time in coincidence with the α particle pulse. Preliminary limits on the spin-independent cross sections of WIMPs on Te and O nuclei have been obtained

    The bolometers as nuclear recoil detectors

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    Our group is involved in experiments using bolometric detectors since ten years for rare event searches like double beta decay or Dark Matter interactions. During last year, to check the quenching factor of TeO 2 bolometers, we have measured the nuclear recoils at energy as low as 15 keV in our experimental apparatus at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. Two 72g TeO 2 detectors were exposed under vacuum to a 228Ra a source that implanted on them 224Ra nuclei. The nuclei emitted by the implanted source were detected in one bolometer in coincidence with the corresponding a particles in the other. The energy spectrum of the 103.4 keV 224Ra nuclei has been obtained with an energy resolution of about 12 keV. Furthermore an a measurement of Roman lead has exploited also the sensitivity of this technique to check for ultralow activity in matter, taking advantage of the source,detector approach. A limit on the 210Pb contamination in roman lead as low as 4 mBq/Kg has been obtained. ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved